The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
abolitionist movement
Abraham (biblical)
Acheson, Dean
Act of Supremacy
Adams, Abigail
Adams, Henry
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, Samuel
Addams, Jane
Addison, Joseph
Affordable Care Act
African Americans. see also slavery; federal employment; inequality, colonial era; Progressivism and; voting; voting rights; in World War I; in World War II
Agee, James
Age of Discovery
Age of the Common Man
agrarian protest movement
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
Aguinaldo, Emilio
Aid for Families with Dependent Children
Albany Congress
Alcott, Bronson
Alice Adams (Tarkington)
Alien and Sedition Acts
Allen, Frederick
Alliance for Progress
America. see also United States exploration of; ideology of; settlement, origins of
American Communist Party
American Creed
American Crisis, The (Paine)
American Dilemma, An (Myrdal)
American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
American Federation of Labor
American Liberty League
American Philosophical Society
American Protective League
American Railway Union
American Revolution
conflicts; defeats; economic effects; end of the; leadership; philosophy of the; precedents; purpose; supporters; triumphs; troop support
“American Scholar, The” (Emerson)
American System
Americas, exploration of the
“America the Beautiful,”
“And All We Call American” (Frost)
Anderson, Robert
Anglo-Spanish War
Antiquities Act
antitrust acts
Aquinas, Thomas
Architects’ Small House Service Bureau
aristocratic class
arms-limitation treaties
arms race
Armstrong, Louis
Articles of Confederation
Asbury, Francis
Aswan Dam
atomic bomb
Austin, Stephen F.
automobile industry
baby boom
Bacon, Francis
Bacon’s Rebellion
Balboa, Vasco Núñez de
Banking Act
banking industry
condemnation of; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Federal Reserve Act; Federal Reserve Board; Great Depression; homeownership growth
Bank of the United States
Baruch, Bernard
Batista, Fulgencio
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Britain
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Midway
Battle of Mobile Bay
Battle of the Chesapeake
Battle of the San Jacinto River
Battle of the Somme
Battle of the Wilderness
Bay of Pigs
Beard, Charles A.
Beaumont, Gustave de
Becker, Carl
Beilin, Israel
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bellamy, Edward
Ben-Gurion, David
Berlin, Irving
Berlin Wall
Bessemer process
Better Houses in America movement
Beveridge, Albert
Bicentennial celebration
Big Three summit
Bill of Rights
Billy Budd (Melville)
Black, Conrad
black power movement
Black Thursday
Blithedale Romance (Hawthorne)
Blitzkrieg tactic
Boleyn, Anne
Bolshevik Revolution
Bonus Expeditionary Force
Boorstin, Daniel
Booth, John Wilkes
Boston Tea Party
Boxer Rebellion
Braddock, Edward
Bradford, William
Bradley, Omar
Brandenburg Gate
Braynard, Frank
Breckenridge, John
Bill of Rights; civil war; colonization; constitutional governance; divine right of kings; emergence of; foreign policy; government; monarchy; Protestant Reformation; self-rule tradition; World War II
British–French relations
Brook Farm
Brooks, Preston
Brown, Charles Brockden
Brown, John
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
Bryan, William Jennings
Buchanan, James
Bunyan, John
Burgoyne, John “Gentleman Johnny,”
Burke, Edmund
Burned-Over District
Burns, James MacGregor
Burnside, Ambrose
Burr, Aaron
Bush, George Herbert Walker
Bush, George W.
Butler, Andrew
Butterfield, Herbert
Calhoun, John C.
Calvin, John
Camp David Accords
Capitulations of Santa Fe
Capone, “Scarface” Al
Caribbean Islands
Carlyle, Thomas
Carnegie, Andrew
Caro, Robert
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Rosalynn
Cartwright, Peter
Cass, Lewis
Castro, Fidel
Catherine of Aragon
Catholic Church
Catholic clergy
discrimination against; freedom of worship; immigrants; Mexican; missionaries; political affiliation; Southern; in Vietnam; voters
Cato, a Tragedy (Addison)
Catton, Bruce
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Challenge to Liberty, The (Hoover)
Chamberlain, Joshua L.
Chamberlain, Mellen
Chamber of Commerce
Chaplin, Charlie
Charles I
Charles II
Charles V
Chase, Samuel
Cherokee tribe
Chesterton, G.K.
Chiang Kai-shek
child labor
Child Nutrition Act
Aid for Families with Dependent Children; Child Nutrition Act; labor protections
Choctaw tribe
Churchill, Winston
Church of England
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
city-manager system of governance
Civic Biology, A (Hunter)
civic virtue
Civilian Conservation Corps
civilizations, early
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Civil Rights Act of 1964
civil rights movement
Civil War
advantages, North vs. South; casualties; causes underlying; economic effects, North vs. South; end of the; major campaigns; prelude to the; presidential election; purpose; reunification post-, facing; slavery and the; strategy for victory
Compromise of 1850; Dred Scott v. Sandford; Fort Sumter; Harpers Ferry raid; Kansas–Nebraska Act; Lincoln’s election; Mexican War of 1846; Missouri Compromise; secession
Civil Works Administration
Clark, George Rogers
Clark, Mark
Clark, William
“Clash of Civilizations?, The” (Huntington)
Clay, Henry
Clean Air Act
Clemenceau, Georges
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, De Witt
Clinton, Hillary
Coercive Acts
Coffin, Catherine
Coffin, Levi
Cohan, George M.
Cohens v. Virginia
Cold War
beginnings; Chinese Communist Party and; counterculture era; Eisenhower on; end of the; executive power in the; JFK administration; Korean War era; NSC strategy; nuclear weapons; presidential power; Reagan administration; reasons underlying; space race; world order post-
colonies, North American
English influence; independence, move toward; national form of consciousness; oversight of the; religion and settlement of; self-rule; tax protests
Columbian Exchange
Columbus, Christopher
Committee on Public Information
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies
common law
Common Sense (Paine)
communications revolution
Communism. see also Soviet Union
containment policy; failure of; fear of; growth of in United States; in Korea; rise of, in Russia
Compromise of 1850
Compromise of 1877
concentration camps
Concord circle
“Concord Hymn” (Emerson)
Confederate States of America
Congregational Churches
Congress, formation of the
Congressional Government (Wilson)
conservative movement
conservative Protestantism
Constitutional Convention (Philadelphia Convention)
Constitutional Union Party
Constitution Day
Constitution of the United States. see also specific amendments
achievements; Article VII; checks and balances; Congressional representation; electoral votes; framers; framing of the; imperilment of; interpreting the; Lincoln and the; martial powers under the; presidential transitions; Progressive position on; purpose; ratification; shortcomings; on slavery; states rights; sufficiency of the; supremacy clause; TR’s interpretation of; uniqueness
construction industry
consumer economy
consumer protections
Continental Army
Continental Congress
Contract with America
Coolidge, Calvin
Coolidge, Grace Goodhue
Cooper, James Fenimore
Copperhead Democrats
Coral Sea naval battle
Cornwallis, Charles
Corruption in government
FDR administration; Harding administration; Nixon administration; Teapot Dome scandal; World War II
Cortés, Hernando
Corwin Amendment
cotton economy
Coughlin, Charles
Crawford, William
credit, consumer
Creel, George
Creel Committee
Crockett, Davy
Cromwell, Oliver
Cuban Missile Crisis
Currency Act
Daniels, Jonathan
Darrow, Clarence
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Darwin, Charles
Daugherty, Harry M.
Davis, Jefferson
Davis, John W.
Dawes Severalty Act
Daylight Saving Time
D-Day invasion
Dean, John
Debs, Eugene V.
Declaration of American Rights
Declaration of Independence
actions underlying; adoption of; aspirations of; endurance of; fulfilling the spirit of; “Gettysburg Address” and the; goal of; influence of; natural-rights philosophy; opposition to; popular sovereignty doctrine vs.; Progressive position on; questions raised
Declaration of Neutrality
Declaratory Act
deficit spending. see national debt
Democracy in America (Tocqueville)
Democratic Party
African American vote; beginnings; Civil War position; Compromise of 1877; FDR election and administration; Kansas–Nebraska Act effect; Nixon administration; political machine; weakening of the; Wilson administration
Dempsey, Jack
Department of Commerce and Labor
Department of Homeland Security
Dewey, George
Dewey, John
Dewey, Thomas E.
Dias, Bartolomeu
Dickinson, John
Diem, Ngo Dinh
in education; immigrant; racial; disease; disinterestedness ethic
“Divine and Supernatural Light, A”
divine right of kings
Dix, Dorothea
Dole, Bob
Dominican Republic
Donald, David
Dos Passos, John
Douglass, Frederick
draft, military
draft dodgers
Drake, Francis
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Du Bois, W.E.B.
Dukakis, Michael
Dull, Paul
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
Dunning, William A.
Dwight, Timothy
East Germany
East India Company
economic mobility
Economic Recovery Tax Act
economics, trickle down
economy. see also Great Depression; national debt; New Deal American System for fostering growth; automobile; Bush administration; Carter administration; Economic Recovery Tax Act; financial panic of 1873; Ford administration; Great Recession of; Harding administration; Hoover administration; Jefferson administration; JFK administration; Madison administration; mail-order retail businesses; Nixon administration; Obama administration; post–Civil War; post-Revolution; Reagan administration; recession of 1920–21; recession of 1937; recession of 1982; stagflation; Washington administration; World War I; World War I, era, post-; World War II; World War II, era, post-
Ederle, Gertrude
Edwards, Jonathan
Eighteenth Amendment
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight
Electoral College
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Elizabeth I
Ellington, Duke
Ellsworth, Oliver
el-Sadat, Anwar
Elysian Fields
“Emancipation Proclamation” (Lincoln)
Embargo Act
Emergency Relief Act
Emerson, Ellen
Emerson, John
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Endangered Species Act
Enforcement Acts
England. see Britain
Era of Good Feelings
Erie Canal
Eriksson, Leif
Erik the Red
Espionage Act
Essex Junto
Ethic of responsibility in politics
Euromissile crisis
absolutism in; American history relation; Crusades, impact on; religious unity, undoing of; trade routes opening, effect on; evangelical Protestantism
Evans, Charles
Evans, Oliver
Everett, Edward
British Empire; Communist Party; Germany; pre–World War II; through Manifest Destiny; United States
early; Lewis and Clark; oceangoing; Portugal and; technology and
factory system
Fairbanks, Douglas
Fall, Albert
“Farewell Address” (Eisenhower)
“Farewell Address” (Washington)
Farragut, David
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Election Campaign Act
federal farmland banks
Federal Highways Act
Federalist–Anti-Federalist debate
Federalist, The (Publius); Federalist 1 (Hamilton); Federalist 10 (Madison); Federalist 51 (Madison)
Federalist Party
Adams administration; Democratic Republicans vs.; end of the; Jefferson administration; judiciary; Republican Party vs.; War of 1812 and the
Federal Reserve Act
Federal Reserve Board
Federal Theater Project
Federal Trade Commission
Felt, Mark
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan)
feminist movement
Ferdinand, Archduke Franz
Ferdinand, King of Spain
Fifteenth Amendment
Fifth Amendment
Fillmore, Millard
financial panic of 1873
Finney, Charles Grandison
First Amendment
First Battle of Bull Run
“First Inaugural Address” (Jefferson)
“First Inaugural Address” (Lincoln)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fitzhugh, George
Fletcher v. Peck
Flexner, James Thomas
Food Administration
food stamps. see Aid for Families with Dependent Children
Forbes, Charles R.
Ford, Gerald R.
Ford, Henry
foreign policy
Adams administration; China; Cuba; France; French Indochina; Great Britain; Iran; isolationism; Israel; Johnson administration; Latin America; Madison administration; Middle East; Monroe administration; neutrality doctrine; Nixon administration; Philippines; Roosevelt administration; Southeast Asia; Soviet Union; Taiwan; Truman administration; Washington administration; Wilson administration
Forest Service, U.S.
Fort Leonard Wood
Fort McHenry
Fort Sumter
Fort Ticonderoga
Fourier, Charles
Fourteen Points
Fourteenth Amendment
Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth
colonization by; Communist expansionism; emergence of; foreign policy; monarchy; Revolution, support for the; World War II
Franco, Francisco
Franklin, Benjamin
Frederick the Great
Freedmen’s Bureau
freedom of religion
freedom of speech
Free-Soil Party
free trade principle
Frémont, John C.
French and Indian War
French Indochina
French Revolution
Friedan, Betty
Frost, Robert
Fuchs, Klaus
Fuel Administration
Fugitive Slave Act
Fugitive Slave Clause
Fugitive Slave Law
Fuller, Margaret
Fulton, Robert
Gage, Thomas
Gandhi, Mohandas
Garbo, Greta
Garrison, William Lloyd
Genovese, Eugene
George, Henry
George II
George III
German Democratic Republic
Blitzkrieg tactic; expansion; post–World War II; reunification; World War I; World War II
Gershwin, George
“Gettysburg Address” (Lincoln)
Gibbons v. Ogden
GI Bill of Rights
Gingrich, Newt
Gladden, Washington
Glorious Revolution
“God Bless America” (Berlin)
“God Bless the USA” (Greenwood)
“Go Down Moses,”
gold rush
gold standard
Goldwater, Barry
Gompers, Samuel
Gone with the Wind (film)
Good Neighbor Policy
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Albert
city-manager system of; science of
government, U.S. see also economy; national debt; three branches of; business partnerships; cabinet; regulatory agencies; separation of powers
Graham, Billy
Grand Review of the Union armies
Grange, Red
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grasse, Comte de
Great American Songbook
Great Awakening
Great Britain. see Britain
Great Compromise
Great Contraction
Great Depression
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)
Great Railroad Strike
Great Recession of 2007–8
Great Society
Greenstein, Fred
Greenwood, Lee
Grenville, George
Guadalcanal Diary (Tregaskis)
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Hamby, Alonzo
Hamilton, Alexander
Hammond, James Henry
Handlin, Oscar
Hanna, Mark
Harding, Warren G.
Harpers Ferry raid
Hartford Convention
Hawaii annexation
Hawkins, John
Hawley–Smoot Tariff
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hay, John
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Haymarket riot
Hayne, Robert Y.
Hearst, William Randolph
Henricus Martellus map
Henry, Patrick
Henry the Navigator
Henry VII
Henry VIII
Hepburn Act
Hetch Hetchy Valley
Higher Education Act
Highway Beautification Act
highway construction
Hiss, Alger
Hitler, Adolf
Hoar, George Frisbie
Hobart, Garret
Ho Chi Minh
Hofstadter, Richard
Holmes, John
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr.
Home Modernizing Bureau
Homestead Act
Homestead steel strike
Hooker, Joseph
Hoover, Herbert
House Committee on Un-American Activities
“House Divided” (Lincoln)
Housing Department
Houston, Sam
Howe, Samuel Gridley
Howe, William
Howells, William Dean
Hughes, Langston
Hull, Cordell
human rights policy
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Hunter, George William
Huntington, Samuel
Hussein, Saddam
“I Have a Dream” (King)
immigrant labor
Immigration Act
immigration restrictions
Clinton, Bill; Johnson, Andrew; Nixon, Richard M.
Imperial Presidency, The (Schlesinger)
income tax
Indian policy
Indian Removal Act
Individualism, Old and New (Dewey)
Infante Henrique
Influence of Sea Power upon History, The (Mahan)
automobile industry effect; highway construction; improvements; railroad industry
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin)
internment camps
Interstate Commerce Act
Interstate Commerce Commission
Intolerable Acts
Iran hostage situation
Irving, Washington
Isabella, Queen of Spain
Isles of the Blessed
Ivanhoe (Scott)
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall,”
James, William
James I
James II
Japanese Americans
Jay, John
Jay Treaty
Jazz Singer, The, (film)
Jefferson, Thomas
Johannsen, Robert W.
John, King of England
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Hiram
Johnson, Hugh
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Johnson, Samuel
Johnston, Joseph E.
Jones, Bobby
Jones, Samuel “Golden Rule,”
Jones Act
Jordan, David Starr
Joseph, chief of the Nez Perce
corruption in; gargoyle; history and; investigative; yellow
judicial branch
Judiciary Act
Jungle, The (Sinclair)
justification by faith doctrine
Kaiser, Henry J.
Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin, The (film)
Kaiser Shipyard
Kansas–Nebraska Act
Keaton, Buster
Keegan, John
Kellogg–Briand Pact
Kennan, George E.
Kennedy, John E.
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy, Ted
Kern, Jerome
Key, Francis Scott
Keynes, John Maynard
Khmer Rouge
Khomeini, Ayatollah
Khrushchev, Nikita
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Rufus
Kissinger, Henry
Knox, Henry
Kohl, Helmut
Korean War
Krock Arthur
Ku Klux Klan
Lafayette, Marquis de
La Follette, Robert
Landon, Alf
Larson, Edward
Latin American relations, interwar years
Lawrence, D. H.
League of Nations
Leatherstocking tales (Cooper)
Leaves of Grass (Whitman)
Lę Đúc Tho
Lee, Luther
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, Robert E.
Lend-Lease Bill
L’Enfant, Pierre
Lenin, Vladimir
Leo X
Lewis, Meriwether
Leyte Gulf
liberal Progressivism
Liberator, The (newspaper)
Liberty ships
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles
Lippmann, Walter
Livingston, Robert R.
Lloyd, Henry Demarest
Lloyd George, David
Locke, John
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Long, Huey P.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Looking Backward (Bellamy)
Louisiana Purchase
Louisiana Territory
Ludlow Amendment
Luther, Martin; “Ninety-Five Theses” and; Lynn, Kenneth S.
MacArthur, Douglas
Madison, James
Magellan, Ferdinand
Maguires, Molly
Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Mayhew, Jonathan
Malcolm X
Manifest Destiny
Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, The (Sloan)
Mann, Horace
manners, revolution in
Man O’War
Mao Zedong
Marbury, William
Marbury v. Madison
“March of the Flag, The” (Beveridge)
March on Washington
Marco Polo
Marshall, George
Marshall, John
Marshall Plan
Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee
Marx, Karl
Mary, Queen of Scots
Mary I
Mason, George
Massachusetts Bay colonies
Massachusetts Bay Company
Mayflower Compact
McCain, John
McCarthy, Eugene
McCarthy, Joseph
McClellan, George C.
McCord, John
McCulloch v. Maryland
McGovern, George
McKinley, William
McKitrick, Eric
McNamara, Robert S.
Meade, George G.
Meat Inspection Act
Mellon, Andrew W.
Melville, Herman
Mencken, H. L.
merchant class
Mexican War of 1846
Middle Ages
military, U.S.
defense spending; post–World War I; servicemen, post–World War II; Strategic Defense Initiative; World War I buildup; World War II
Mills Brothers
Mind of the Master Class, The (Genovese & Fox-Genovese)
minimum wage laws
Missouri Compromise
Missouri Territory
Moby-Dick (Melville)
“Modell of Christian Charity, A” (Winthrop)
Moley, Raymond
Monroe, James
Monroe Doctrine
Montgomery, Bernard
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Montgomery Ward
More, Thomas
“Moral Equivalent of War, The” (James)
Protestant; revolution in
Morgan, J. Pierpont
Morrill Tariff
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, Jan
Moses (biblical)
Muir, John
Mumford, Lewis
Murphy, Audie
music, popular
Mussolini, Benito
Myrdal, Gunnar
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
national bank, U.S.
National Banking Act
national debt
Affordable Care Act and; Coolidge administration; decreasing the; Eisenhower administration; future of; growth; Jefferson administration; Mellon policies and; national security and; Obama administration; post–Civil War; Reagan administration; Wilson administration; World War I; World War II
National Energy Act
National Environmental Policy Act
national forests
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
Nationalist Party
National Labor Relations Act
national monuments
national parks
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
National Road
National Security Council
National Union Party
National War Labor Board
Nat Turner Rebellion
natural resource conservation
Navigation Acts
neutrality acts
neutrality doctrine
New Atlantis, The (Bacon)
New Deal
Eisenhower administration and; Goldwater opposition to; Legacy of; overview of the; presidential power; Reagan position toward; Second; Truman administration and
New England colonies
New Freedom platform
New Frontier platform
New Harmony
New Mexico
New Nationalism
Newton, Isaac
New World
Nimitz, Chester
Nineteenth Amendment
“Ninety-Five Theses” (Luther)
Nixon, Richard M.
“Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen,”
Nonseparating Congregationalists
North, Lord
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Northern Securities Company
Northwest Ordinance
Northwest Territory
Noyes, John Humphrey
nuclear weapons
arms limitations; arms race; Bay of Pigs; Cold War; Strategic Defense Initiative
Nullification Crisis
Nye, Gerald
Nye Committee
Obama, Barack
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Office of Price Administration
Office of War Mobilization
Oglethorpe, James
Ohrdruf camp
oil industry
Olive Branch Petition
Olympic Games
Oneida Community
Only Yesterday (Allen)
Operation Desert Storm
optimism, age of
Ordinance of Nullification
Oregon Territory
organized labor
Orlando, Vittorio
O’Sullivan, John L.
Otis, James
“Our Native Writers” (Longfellow)
“Over There” (Cohan)
Owen, Robert
“Own Your Own Home” campaign
Pahlavi, Reza
Paine, Thomas
Palmer, A. Mitchell
Palmer raids
Panama Canal
Pan-American Conference
Parade of Ships
Pascal, Blaise
Patch, A. M.
Paterson, William
patriotism, shape of
Patton, George
Peace Corps
Pearl Harbor
Pendergast, T. J.
Penn, William
Pennsylvania Gazette (newspaper)
People’s Party
People’s Republic of China (PRC)
Pershing, John J.
Philip II
Phillips, U. B.
Phillips, Wendell
Pickett, George
Pickford, Mary
Pierce, Franklin
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan)
Pinchot, Gifford
pirates, Barbary
Pitt, William
Plains Indians
Plains of Abraham
Plan of Union (Albany Congress)
plantation society
Platt Amendment
Plymouth Plantation
Poe, Edgar Allan
political machine
political parties. see also specific parties
emergence of; partisanship; transfer of power; two-party system
Polk, James K.
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Poor Richard’s Almanack (Franklin)
popular sovereignty doctrine
Pottawatomie Massacre
Powhatan Indians
predestination doctrine
ethics in the; executive power; impeachment; parliamentary style; power of the; scandal in the; term limits; two-term tradition; war-making power
presidential authority
presidential elections, contentious
Preston, Levi
Progress and Poverty (George)
Progressive Era
Progressive Party
1948 presidential election; beliefs shared; constituents; socioeconomic profile
Progressivism/Progressive movement alcohol, objections to; beginnings; ethic of disinteredness; Kennedy administration; minorities, position on; philosophies of governance; public support for; reforms agreed on; Theodore Roosevelt administration; underpinnings; war, position on; Wilson administration; workforce protection reforms
property rights
proslavery apologists
colonial; conservative; Enlightenment rationalism and; evangelical; Mormonism and; reformist; southern
Protestant Reformation
Protestant revivalism
Puerto Rico
Pulitzer, Joseph
Pullman strike
Pure Food and Drug Act
Quartering Act
race riots
Radical Republicans
Railroad Administration
railroad industry
Rape of Nanking
Rauschenbusch, Walter
Reagan, Ronald
recession of 1920–21
recession of 1937
recession of 1982
recession of 2007–8
bitterness of; congressional control; end to; Grant administration; Johnson’s plan for; readmission requirements
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
Red Scare
reformist Protestantism
religion. see also specific religions
colonial settlement and; in Mexico; Great Awakening; post-Revolution; revolutionary unsettlements; slave
Religious Right
Renan, Ernest
Reno, Milo
Republican Party (Democratic Republicans, 1792–1825) 1800 presidential election; dominance of the; Federalist Party vs.; War of 1812
Republican Party (1854 to present) 1952 presidential election; African American vote; Buchanan administration; Clinton administration; Compromise of 1877; creation of; Eisenhower election; elections of 1866; Harding administration; Latin American relations, interwar years; Lincoln and the; in the South; Truman administration
Reston, James
Revenue Act
Revere, Paul
right to trial by jury
Riis, Jacob
Ripley, George
Rockefeller, John D.
Rockefeller, Nelson B.
Rockingham, Marquis of
“Rock My Soul in the Bosom of Abraham,”
Rodgers, Daniel T.
Rogers, Will
Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis
Romney, Mitt
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Elihu
Rosenberg, Ethel
Rosenberg, Julius
Ross, Edmund
Rush, Benjamin
Rusk, Dean
Russian Revolution
Russo-Japanese War
Ruth, Babe
San Salvador
Santa Anna, Antonio López de
Santa Maria
Scarlet Letter, The (Hawthorne)
Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States
Schenck v. United States
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Scientific Revolution
Scopes, John
Scott, Dred
Scott, Walther
Scott, Winfield
search warrants (writs of assistance)
Essex Junto; Lincoln on; New England states; Southern states
Second American Revolution
Second Great Awakening
“Second Inaugural Address” (Lincoln)
Second New Deal
Second Treatise of Civil Government (Locke)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Sedition Act
Seeley, John
“Self-Reliance” (Emerson)
September 2001, terrorist attacks
Serviceman’s Readjustment Act
servitude, indentured
Seventeenth Amendment
Seven Years’ War
Seward, William
Share Our Wealth Society
Shawnee tribe
Shay’s Rebellion
Sherman, Roger
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
“Significance of the Frontier in American History, The” (Turner)
Silent Majority
Sinclair, Upton
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (Edwards)
Sino-Japanese War
Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance
Sirhan, Sirhan
Sixteenth Amendment
Slater, Samuel
slave codes
abolitionist movement; Civil War and; Constitution on; economics of; Fugitive Slave Act; Fugitive Slave Law; history of, in America; as institution; in Mexico; Missouri Compromise and; Northwest Ordinance prohibiting; Southern; Wilmot Proviso opposing
slave society
slaves, emancipated
slave uprisings
Slidell, John
Smith, Adam
Smith, Al
Smith, Hyrum
Smith, John
Smith, Joseph, Jr.
Smith, Sidney
Smith Act
Social Gospel
Socialist Party
Social Security
Social Security Act
Social Security Trust Fund
“Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child,”
South, the
class structure; cotton economy; culture of; emergence of the; slavery in the
South Carolina
South Carolina Exposition and Protest (Calhoun)
Southerner Discovers the South, A (Daniels)
Soviet Union. see also Communism
Afghanistan invasion; in China; Cold War; in Cuba; end of the; expansionism; Germany divided; rivalry with China; space exploration; in World War II
space exploration
Spanish–American War
Spanish Civil War
Spanish colonialism
Spanish exploration
Spanish influenza
Spender, Stephen
Spirit of St. Louis
Square Deal
Stalin, Josef
Stamp Act
Standard Oil Company
Stanley, Ann Lee
Stanton, Edwin
Starr, Ellen
“Star-Spangled Banner, The” (Key)
State, The (Wilson)
states rights
“Steal Away to Jesus,”
steamboat technology
steel manufacture
Steffens, Lincoln
Stephens, Alexander
Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm von
Stevenson, Adlai
Story, Joseph
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strategic Defense Initiative
Strong, Josiah
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
submarine warfare
Suez Canal
Sugar Act
Sumner, Charles
Supreme Court
Taft, Robert
Taft, William Howard
Taft–Hartley Act
Taino people
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de
Taney, Roger B.
Tappan, Arthur
Tappan, Lewis
Tarbell, Ida
Tariff of 1832
tariffs, protective
Tariff of 1828
Tarkington, Booth
Economic Recovery Tax Act; JFK administration; LBJ administration; post-Revolution; post–World War I; Revenue Act; tax protests
Taylor, Frederick Winslow
Taylor, Zachary
Tea Party (1773)
Tea Party (2009)
Teapot Dome scandal
Teller, Henry
temperance movement
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Tenth Amendment
Tenure of Office Act
Ku Klux Klan; post–World War I; World Trade Center bombing (1993); World Trade Center Twin Towers attacks (2001)
Tet Offensive
Texas Revolution
textile manufacturing
Thirteenth Amendment
This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald)
Thoreau, Henry David
Thurmond, Strom
Tilden, Bill
Tilden, Samuel J.
time standardization
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Townsend, Francis E.
Townsend Recovery Plan
Townshend, Charles
Townshend Acts
British; doctrine of neutral rights; domestic; Embargo Act; French and Indian War; Louisiana Purchase and; regulation of
trade agreements
Trail of Tears
Transportation Department
transportation system
highway construction; railroad industry
Treaty of Ghent
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Versailles
Tregaskis, Richard
Truman, Harry S.
Truman Committee
Truman Doctrine
Trump, Donald J.
Tubman, Harriet
Turner, Frederick Jackson
Turner, Nat
Twain, Mark
Twelfth Amendment
Twenty-Second Amendment
Twice-Told Tales (Hawthorne)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
Underground Railroad
United Nations
unwarranted search and seizure
urban reform
Utopia (More)
Valentino, Rudolph
Van Buren, Martin
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Vasco da Gama
V-E Day
Veterans Administration
Veterans Day
Victory ships
Vietnam War
Virginia Company
Virginia Plan
virtual representation doctrine
voting rights
Voting Rights Act
Wade–Davis Bill
Wagner, Robert
Wagner Act
Walden; or, Life in the Woods (Thoreau)
Wallace, George C.
Wallace, Henry A.
War Democrats
warfare-welfare state
War Guilt Clause
War Hawks
War Industries Board (WIB)
War of 1812
war on poverty
War Powers Act
War Production Board
Warren, Earl
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, George
Washington Conference
Washington D.C.
Watts riots
weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)
Weber, Max
Webster, Daniel
Weimar Republic
Weissmuller, Johnny
Weld, Theodore Dwight
welfare reform (Clinton)
West Germany
Westinghouse, George
“What Is a Nation?” (Renan)
Whig Party
White, William Allen
Whitefield, George
Whitlock, Brand
Whitman, Walt
Whitney, Eli
Williams, Roger
Willkie, Wendell
Wills, Helen
Wilmot, David
Wilmot Proviso
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, Sloan
Wilson, Woodrow
Winthrop, John
Wolfe, James
feminist movement; inequality, colonial era; slave; voting rights; workforce protections for; World War I workforce
women’s rights
Wood, Robert E.
Worcester v. Georgia
Wordsworth, William
Works Progress Administration
World Trade Center bombing
World Trade Center Twin Towers attacks
“World Turned Upside Down, The” (ballad)
World War I
casualties; causes underlying, ; civil rights protections; disillusionment following; economy; economy post-; effects following; end of; FDR’s use of; intensification; peace talks; public position on; submarine warfare; U.S. entry into
World War II
Allied response; atomic bombing; casualties; celebrations post-; D-Day invasion; demobilization; economy; end of; European theater; events leading up to; industrialization; internment camps; legacy; minority involvement; Pacific theater; postwar world; postwar years; public position on; recovery and rebuilding post-; relief programs; strategic bombing; submarine warfare; U.S. entry into; U.S. involvement pre-entry
“WPA” (Mills Brothers)
Wright, Elizur, Jr.
Yalta Conference
yellow journalism
Young, Brigham
Young Americans for Freedom
Zimmerman Telegram
Zionist movement