Gnostic Philosophy
From Ancient Persia to Modern Times
by Tobias Churton
Art and Symbols of the Occult
Images of Power and Wisdom
by James Wasserman
The Occult Conspiracy
Secret Societies—Their Influence and Power in World History
by Michael Howard
America’s Secret Destiny
Spiritual Vision and the Founding of a Nation
by Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D.
Secret Societies of America’s Elite
From the Knights Templar to Skull and Bones
by Steven Sora
The Lost Colony of the Templars
Verrazano’s Secret Mission to America
by Steven Sora
The Templars and the Assassins
The Militia of Heaven
by James Wasserman
Montségur and the Mystery of the Cathars
by Jean Markale
Inner Traditions • Bear & Company
P.O. Box 388
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