B. Personal Appreciation, 1:4-5
II. The New Faith and Some Old Problems, 1:10—4:21
A. Individual Preference Versus Divine Unity, 1:10-17
B. Human Wisdom Versus Divine Power, 1:18-31
C. Personal Knowledge Versus Divine Revelation, 2:1-16
D. Carnal Children Versus Spiritual Temples, 3:1-23
E. Stewardship Versus Harsh Leadership, 4:1-21
III. The New Faith and a New Morality, 5:1-13
B. Weak and Carnal Tolerance, 5:2-5
C. The New Faith and a New Power, 5:6-13
IV. The New Faith and a New Fellowship, 6:1-20
A. Fellowship Versus Carnal Litigation, 6:1-11
B. Liberty Versus Spiritual Discipline, 6:12-14
C. A Warning Against Fornication, 6:15-18
D. The Christian’s Bodv as a Sanctuary. 6:19-20
V. The New Faith and Marriage, 7:1-40
A. Marriage and Celibacy, 7:1-2
B. The Christian Attitude Toward Sex, 7:3-6
C. Personal Preference and Peculiar Gift, 7:7-9
D. Christian Obligations in Marriage, 7:10-16
E. Principle of Spiritual Contentment, 7:17-24
F. Marriage and Christian Service, 7:25-38
G. Christian Remarriage, 7:39-40
VI. The New Faith and Spiritual Liberty, 8:1—11:1
A. The Principle of Spiritual Liberty, 8:1-13
B. Christian Liberty and Dedication, 9:1-27
C. Christian Liberty: Dangers and Limits, 10:1—11:1
VII. The New Faith and Public Worship, 11:2-34
A. Appearance of Women in Public Worship, 11:2-16
B. Disorders at the Lord’s Supper, 11:17-34
VIII. The New Faith and Spiritual Gifts, 12:1—14:40
A. The Variety of Spiritual Gifts, 12:1-7
B. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, 12:8-11
C. Diversity in Unity, 12:12-31
D. The Greatest of Spiritual Graces, 13:1-13
E. Prophecy Superior to Speaking in Tongues, 14:1-40
IX. The New Faith and the Resurrection, 15:1-58
A. Certainty of the Resurrection, 15:1-34
B. Nature of the Resurrection Body, 15:35-58
X. Fellowship in the New Faith, 16:1-24
A. Christian Liberality, 16:1-4