
Many thanks are due to my incredibly creative and supportive testers. I am extremely grateful for your hard work, your patience, your taste buds, and your critiques. Looking back through the recipes, I see your individual imprints and how you have made the recipes all the better. Huge thanks to Dorian Farrow, who was an internet friend from the very beginning, Kelly and Mac Cavalier, Liz Wyman, Jenna Patton, Russell Patton, Claire Desroches, Anna B. Holt, and the boys, Megan Clarke, GiGi Anber Tasse and Larry, Rebecca Ross, Jael Baldwin, Ruchama Burrell, and Nichole Kraft. There are no words to properly convey my gratitude.

On the home front, I couldn’t have done any of this without my darling husband, David Dever, who now hopes he can retire. And I am incredibly blessed to have three of the most amazing children, Mikel, Catriona, and Katelyn who might not like everything I cook, but, nonetheless, try everything.

A special thanks to cookbook authors Robin Robertson and Tamasin Noyes for their support and encouragement.

And deep gratitude to Jon Robertson and the staff at Vegan Heritage Press. It is incredible how much work goes into publishing a book and your guidance kept me moving in the right direction. Thank you for all your talent and hard work.