
Thank you to Judith Beveridge for her generous comments with respect to many of the poems in this collection. For their mentoring and support for my writing at various times over the years, I am especially grateful to Sue Woolfe, Jennifer Clare, Rose Moxham and Glenda Adams. My enduring thanks to the Five Islands team, particularly to Kevin Brophy and to Lyn Hatherly and Jenna Shaw for their editorial advice. For their comradeship and helpful comments on a number of poems, thank you to Alison Bills, Kylie Beach, Lesley Carnus, Alison Gorman, Simeon Kronenberg, Roberta Lowing, Erin Martine Sessions, Christine Townend and Rowena Tuziak. For their support, I wish to acknowledge David Brooks, Gregory Tague, Theo Ell, Sara Rauch, Mark Macrossan, Christine Stanton, Carey Watters and Raffaele, Giuseppina and Susanna Caprara for their generosity during a residency at Palazzo Rinaldi, Basilicata. A heartfelt thank you to Karen Ades, Avril Alba, Tricia Farrow, David Glasson, Richard Lansdowne and my family.

Several of the poems in this collection have previously appeared in the journals 21D, Cactus Heart, Contrappasso, PacificREVIEW, Southerly and in the anthologies Puzzles of Faith and Patterns of Doubt (New York: Editions Bibliotekos, 2013) Perspectives (Sydney University Press, 2014) and Insert Title Here (Sydney University Press, 2015). ‘Calvario’ was highly commended in the 2014 Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Prize (Ireland).