


After I had put Brynlee down for a nap, I decided to get some cleaning done. Turning the music on low, I inhaled a deep breath, letting the deep melody wash over me and guide my feet. An hour later and the floors were swept and mopped, the bathrooms cleaned, and toys picked up. I was just getting ready to grab a glass of wine when I heard the front door open and the alarm disengage.

My heart jumped, waiting for Jaron to greet me with a kiss, but it wasn’t him at the door.

“Hey, kiddo.” Cyrus came toward me, holding a case of beer. He brought it to the kitchen, placed it on the floor, and started putting some of the bottles in the fridge.

“What are you guys doing here already?”

“Jaron called us and asked us to come over early.” Sammy raised an eyebrow. “He didn’t tell you?”

“Not that you were coming over early, no.” I blew a loose strand out of my face.

“We’ll order pizza later, so you can have a break,” Cyrus said from the kitchen. “Where is he anyway?” He grabbed a beer and popped the cap off. “He should be here already.”

I glanced at the doorway, expecting Jaron to show up.

Sammy handed me a beer and sat at the table. “Something wrong?”

“Jaron left over an hour ago.” Maybe he got caught in traffic. Not that there would be a lot between the grocery store and here. “Or maybe...” A tremor of fear rushed through me when suddenly, the front door opened.

I passed the guys a glance.

Jaron entered the house, a scowl on his face. He held a bouquet of beautiful blue flowers in one hand and a bag in the other. He walked past me, bringing them to the kitchen.

I followed him, the air suddenly becoming thick around us.

“These are for you,” he mumbled.

“Thank you. They’re beautiful.” I put the flowers in a vase and was filling it up with water when I noticed that he hadn’t budged from his spot beside me.

He gripped the edge of the counter, the muscles in his back, jumping beneath his shirt. He looked over his shoulder. When his slate eyes landed on me, his face softened.

My heart skipped a beat, the smoldering look making me pause.

“Thank you for the flowers, Jaron,” I murmured, turning off the water and setting the vase on the counter.

He nodded, his jaw clenching.

Before I could ask what was wrong, he came toward me and cupped my face. “Have you ever had any problems?” he asked, running his thumb along the edge of my jaw.

I frowned. “What do you mean?”

He grabbed my hand, bringing it up to his mouth. “Have you ever had issues with anyone? Women. Men. Anyone at all.”

“What’s going on?” Cyrus asked, coming up behind him.

Jaron searched my face, something flashing behind his eyes. “Have you ever run into the mayor?”

“No. I haven’t seen him since your trial.” I shivered, remembering the way he looked at my pregnant body. I was huge and he looked at me like I was a piece of steak and he was the dog who wanted to rip me apart.

Jaron released me and started pacing back and forth. “I had an unexpected meeting with the good mayor at the grocery store.”

“The fuck? Why? Doesn’t he have people who do that shit for him?” As soon as the question left Sammy’s mouth, a cry sounded from the baby monitor I kept on the kitchen counter. “I got her.” He left, heading to Brynn’s room.

Jaron stared after him, his jaw ticking.

My chest tightened. I knew that tick. I knew what it meant. He was pissed and he was going to blow. On his cousins. On me. On someone. I wasn’t sure who, but I had a feeling that before the night ended, I would find out.

“This little one wanted to come and see what all the fuss was about,” Sammy said, holding Brynn in his arms. She had her arms wrapped around her stuffed pig, sucking on her favorite soother.

I passed a glance at Jaron. He didn’t budge. No emotion splayed on his face. “Um...can you guys give us a moment?”

“Of course.” Cyrus clapped Jaron’s shoulder, leaning down to his ear and whispering something I couldn’t hear.

Jaron’s gaze flicked to mine.

My heart jumped, the blood pounding in my ears.

Cyrus released him, gave me a small smile, and headed out to the backyard with Sammy following behind him.

When the patio door closed, leaving Jaron and I alone, I was expecting him to blow up. But when he only remained silent, it made the nerves fluttering through me that much more pronounced.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, needing to break the silence. I stepped in front of him, placing my hand on his chest. Expecting his heart to be thumping hard like mine, I was surprised when it was calm. My eyes popped to his, finding him staring down at me. “Jaron.”

“How long has he been helping you with Brynn?”

My throat went dry. I went to pull my hand away but in a quick move, Jaron grabbed a hold of my wrist and pushed me into the kitchen out of view.

“I...” He took a deep inhale and blew it out slowly. “I know I asked them to help you, but I don’t like that they know Brynn better than I do. I don’t like that she knows them better than she knows me. Her father. And I especially don’t like that they know you better than I do.”

“No.” I cupped his face. “They don’t. No one knows me like you know me. I haven’t slept with anyone since you, I wouldn’t do that. I’m not in...I don’t like them like that. I don’t...” My throat worked hard over a lump that suddenly lodged its way inside. “Jaron, please trust me. Nothing’s happened. I promise.”

“Fuck.” He cupped my nape, leaning his forehead against mine. “I know you haven’t slept with them. I trust you, baby. And I trust them. I wouldn’t be with you...I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. And I wouldn’t have asked them to help you and watch out for you, if I thought something could happen.”

“You’ll get to know Brynn and she’ll get to know you, but I talked about you constantly. You have to know that I did. Please believe me. And this past week with you has been amazing. It’s a start, Jaron.”

“I know.” He cupped my face, kissing my forehead. “I have to tell you something. I don’t know what it means. People are trying to cause shit and I don’t like it. It’s pissing me off.”

“What’s going on?”

“I ran into this woman at the grocery store. It was harmless but she’s seen you around.”

“Oh...” I thought back to my times at the grocery store. I never noticed anything out of the ordinary, but it didn’t mean anything when I was stuck in my own head for the most part. “What do you think she wanted?”

“I’m not sure.” Jaron ran a hand through his hair. “But I don’t give a shit about her or the mayor or any of them. Working through us, is the most important thing right now.”

My heart jumped to my throat. “I agree.”

He titled his head, his eyes, eyes that I had fallen in love with so long ago, searched my face. “You better.”

I laughed lightly. “I did think this would be easier though. No one warned me that it could be hard.”

Tanned, rough, calloused hands covered mine. Warm lips kissed my forehead. “I will make this right. Us. Our family. Everything you need, I will provide for you. I’m here. I am always here. Forever.”

“You better,” I whispered, repeating his words.

Jaron smirked, ran his hand to the back of my head and crushed his mouth to mine.

Snaking my arms around his shoulders, I pulled him closer and held on. So many things still needed to be said. So many truths needed to be revealed. But for the moment, instead, I just held on and breathed him in.

The minty taste mixed on his tongue.

The scent of his cologne that mixed with the scent of him. Everything that made up him.

“Stop thinking,” he murmured, his voice low. He held my hand between us, leaning his forehead against mine.

“I was just thinking how good you taste and smell.” I tilted my head back, grazing my fingers through his beard. “That’s all.”

“Good. Enough with this heavy shit.” His brows dropped, a deep vee settling in his forehead. “We’ll work through this because I refuse to have it any other way.” He paused. “I’m scheduling our date.”

I leaned back. “You are?”

“Yes.” He paused. “You said that we hardly know anything about each other. I want to get to know you more. I want to know your hobbies, what you want to do for a living, whether you like horror movies or romance movies. What music you like. I want to know all of your quirks, Piper.”

“I want to know that about you too.”

“Good, I’ll make us a reservation.”

“Thank you.” I pulled him closer.

He gave my bottom lip a gentle nip. “No thanks needed because I wasn’t taking no for an answer anyway.” He released me and gave me a wink before joining the guys and our daughter out in the backyard. As soon as he shut the door behind him, he stood there, staring at me.

Something changed between us and I couldn’t wait to explore more of whatever it was with him.

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My parents were dragging me to Uncle Coby and Aunt Brogan’s place. It had been something we did quite often when I was younger, but we had skipped the past couple of summers for whatever reason. Adults were too damn busy all the time if you ask me.

“We’re almost there.” Mom turned to me with a wide smile on her face. “Are you excited? You get to see your friends again.”

“I am.” And that was the truth. We talked on the phone, texted, chatted on Facebook, and so on, but I hadn’t seen them face-to-face in over a year. We lived a couple of hours away in a large house that held more than its fair share of people. I loved my cousins who lived with us, but they weren’t blood. Not that it ever mattered of course but it still wasn’t the same. They were also older and living their lives while I was stuck in school and trying to graduate without pummeling my fists through the other kids’ faces just for being annoying half the time.

“I know Zach is looking forward to seeing you,” Dad said, meeting my gaze in the rearview mirror.

I nodded, leaning my head against the back seat and watching the world fly past us. Half an hour later and we were pulling into Angel and Jay’s driveway. I had come to understand that their house was the biggest, so that was why they always had everyone over. Their backyard was my favorite too. I would have the same one day. With a giant pool as well.

“Alright, let’s go before your sister rips my face off for keeping her boys away from her.” Mom laughed, leaving the car. Just as she shut the door behind her, Aunt Brogan came running from the backyard. She threw her arms around my mom, which was funny in a way seeing as she was so short.

Mom’s body shook with laughter as she returned the hug.

Dad chuckled. “Let’s go, Jaron.”

I left the car as everyone else came from the backyard to greet us.

As we gave hugs, said hi, carried on like we had only seen each other the day before, I couldn’t help but notice...her.

Piper stood off to the side. She was chatting with Gigi and Luna, other girls we had grown up with.

She laughed. Her long dark hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail. She wore a red tank top that was tucked into cut-off shorts and no shoes. Her skin glowed like she had just spent hours in the sun. Her head turned, her dark eyes meeting mine.

She gave me a small wave.

I did the same.

My heart thumped hard, my mouth going dry.

From that day on, I knew one thing. And it was the most important thing of all.

Piper Michaels, no matter how long it took, would be mine.

I had only ever gone on one date. Once. And that was when I was a teenager and had no idea that it would be Piper my dick would be lusting after. Not until that little reunion took place at Angel and Jay’s place that summer so many years ago. I wish I would have waited for her. If we lost our virginity to each other, the wait would have been worth it, but neither of us did that. Life had different plans for us. It forced us a part only to bring us back together again in another country.

I knew then that Piper would be mine and now it was what I strived for. But there were still pieces to our puzzle that were missing. Maybe a date would help. It would surely set us on the right path. It had to because like I told her, I refused to have it any other way.

I would burn the mother fucking world down just to put a smile on her face.

“This pizza is so good. I could eat ten of them to myself.” Sammy patted his stomach and leaned back in the patio chair he was sitting on.

Piper laughed.

Cyrus only shook his head.

“It is good.” Piper wiped her hands on the paper towel and placed it on the coffee table in front of her. “Meadow is the one who got us into it. Although, she swears she can make it better. But she’s never tried.”

We ordered pizza after putting Brynn to bed. Piper was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed beneath her. After our moment in the kitchen, we had come outside. Piper had snuggled with Brynlee and ended up putting her to bed an hour later.

While Sammy and Cyrus talked amongst themselves, I couldn’t help but watch Piper. She pulled the elastic out of her hair, smoothing her fingers through the long dark strands. She massaged her head, a wince furrowing between her eyebrows.

“Come here,” I blurted.

Sammy and Cyrus looked my way.

Piper’s gaze snapped to mine.

I pointed to the floor in front of my feet.

She looked from the spot I was pointing at, to my face.

“Sit in front of me,” I told her, something sparking inside of me that I would soon have my hands on her again.

She chewed her bottom lip, a light flush gracing her cheeks, but she did as she was told. When she moved to the spot at my feet, I pulled her back between my knees and pushed my fingers through her hair and into her head. Massaging out the kinks, her worries, and everything else, I rubbed and kneaded.

Give me your fears, baby. All of them. I’ll take care of you. Both you and our daughter.

Piper sighed.

“Hey, if you’re offering free massages, I’m down for that.” Sammy waggled his eyebrows.

Cyrus smacked him across the back of the head.

“Ow.” Sammy punched his brother’s shoulder. “That hurt, fucker. You have like fifty pounds on me.”

Cyrus only smirked.

I leaned down to Piper’s ear. “Better?”

“Yeah,” she breathed, that single word husky and low, shooting right to the tip of my dick. “Thank you.”

I wasn’t there when her back hurt while she was pregnant with Brynlee, but I was here now. Any pain she had, was mine. I would make it go away. No matter what I had to do. I would take it on my shoulders and bear the brunt of her agony, whether she offered it to me or not.

Sitting back, I started braiding her hair. “Elastic,” I said when I was done, holding out my hand.

“Did you just braid my hair?” she asked, trying to turn her head.

“Yes, but you’re going to mess it up. So I need the elastic. Please.”

She gave it to me, but I could see the shock on her face.

Tying the elastic around the end of the braid, I tugged the end, forcing her head back. “Surprised, Piper?”

She laughed. “Little bit.”

Cyrus and Sammy only grinned.

“We were taught to braid hair a long time ago, kiddo.” Cyrus pulled his pack of smokes out of the inner pocket of his jacket. He lit a cigarette and handed it to Sammy before lighting one for himself.

“All of you know how to do braids?” she asked, running her hand down the length of her hair.

“Yup.” I released her and sat back, satisfied with my handiwork.

“You can actually thank Jaron for that,” Sammy said, puffing on his smoke.

“Why’s that?” Piper hooked an arm across my knee.

My breath caught in my throat, thankful that she didn’t pull away.

“I got in trouble and Uncle Tray made us braid Bee’s hair. She was five, had hair so fucking long, it kept getting in her way. I was being a little shit, so he made us braid it.” I shrugged. “All of us had to learn.”

“At first, I thought it was lame, but it usually ends up impressing the ladies. And...” Sammy sat forward. “It gives us something to pull.”

“Truth.” Cyrus winked.

“Interesting. I can see you guys now, sitting around and braiding her hair, but I can’t picture you as boys. So all I’m seeing are grown men, braiding hair.” She giggled. “Which is super adorable by the way.”

“And hot right?” Sammy wiggled his eyebrows. “It’s definitely hot.” He elbowed Cyrus. “It’s hot. Admit it.”

“It’s impressive.” Piper laughed, shaking her head. Her gaze flicked to mine. “And yeah, it’s definitely hot.”

I grinned, cupped her nape, and pushed my thumb into her shoulder.

She sighed, leaning her cheek against my knee, but kept her eyes locked on mine.

“We should go.” Cyrus butted his smoke out on the bottom of his Shitkicker. “We’re driving up tomorrow to see Bee, so we should have an early night.”

Sammy scoffed. “Right. Not like I’m going to sleep anyway.” The air around him suddenly shifted.

Our cousin, Bee, named after their parents, lived off in the middle of the woods with her husband and their son. I didn’t see them as much as I would have liked, especially since being home, but I knew she would understand. I could almost hear her now, telling me to get my shit together and sort things out with my own family first.

“Did you want to come with us?” Cyrus asked, sticking the smoke between his lips. “I know you have your own shit to work through right now but...”

Piper and I passed a knowing look between us.

“Tell her we’ll come up and see them soon,” Piper suggested.

Cyrus nodded.

“Strip club?” Sammy stood, stretching his arms out above his head.

“No. Let’s go to a regular bar.” Cyrus rose to his full height. “I don’t want to be washing the club off of me for days.”

“Whatever. That’s because you choose the sluttiest—”

“I do not. That’s you, asshole.” Cyrus shoved him.

Sammy scowled. “Nah. Not anymore my man.”

My ears perked up at that. “Are you telling us that you’re finally a one-woman man, Sammy?”

Sammy looked between all of us, puffing on his smoke. “I’m not saying shit,” he finally said. “But there’s...someone.”

“Red.” Cyrus cupped Sammy’s shoulder. “She’s keeping our Sammy boy on his toes.”

“This Red must have made quite an impression on you,” Piper said. “You haven’t told me much about her though.”

“She’s someone I call when I need an itch scratched,” Sammy muttered. “It’s no big fucking deal. She’s just convenient. She’s there.”

“When you need her.” I pointed out. “Sounds serious to me.”

Sammy rolled his eyes. “Whatever. You sort your shit out first and then we can talk.”

Cyrus chuckled, pushing his brother toward the side of the house. “Let’s go. We’ll call you guys tomorrow night.”

Kissing the top of Piper’s head, I slid out from behind her and followed the twins around the side of the house.

“You two will get through this,” Cyrus told me, heading to his SUV.

“I know. But listen, I need you to do something for me. I need you to tell my dad about Price being at the grocery store. I’d call him but we all know how much he hates talking on the phone and would rather it be done in person.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I just need my girls safe. I don’t know if he showed up because I was there or because he actually needed to get groceries.”

“I’m betting on the former,” Sammy mumbled.

“We’ll tell Greyson,” Cyrus said, clapping my shoulder. “Keep to yourself and if you need groceries or anything, you let us know and we’ll get them for you. Until we can figure out what the hell Price wants, it’s better if you probably just stay home.”

“I’m taking Piper on a date.” Both of us were nervous to be out in public but I knew a date was what we both needed. “I’ll take her out for dinner and then come back home. But I know she wants to see her friends too.”

“Text us when you’re going and where you’re going, and we’ll be around.” Sammy pulled a pack of smokes from inside his leather jacket. “We got you, J.”

I nodded, blowing out a slow breath of relief. “Thank you.” I turned and started making my way back to the house. “Have fun,” I called out.

Once I was in the backyard, I closed the gate and clicked the lock into place.

Piper was still sitting on the ground, by the patio couch. Her gaze caught mine as I approached. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” I sat behind her, needing the feel of her beneath my hands.

“Did Brynlee go down okay?” I asked, figuring that was a safe question to ask, and massaged my fingers into the base of her neck.

Piper nodded. “She usually does. She likes sleep just like her mama.”

“Sleep is overrated.”

“It can be.” She sat up, turning her body toward me. “So, are we really going to go on a date? Like a normal couple?”

“Come here.” I patted my lap, instead of answering her question.

She stood and straddled my lap.

“What is it?” I asked, brushing a thumb over her collarbone.

“Can we be a normal couple?” she asked, voicing thoughts that were putting that frown on her beautiful face.

“Why can’t we?” But her question made sense. Our relationship wasn’t normal. I had never asked her out on a date like a decent guy would. No, instead, I followed her to another country and fucked her at my hotel, only for her to leave the next day. Couldn’t say I blamed her. I wasn’t an easy guy to get along with then and I sure as hell wasn’t easy to get along with now.

“We’re not doing things the right way. But I want to date you,” she quickly added before I could argue. “I want to be with you. I want what you said. I want to learn every little thing there is to know about you. I want us to work. I want us to be happy for Brynlee and also for us. I know a lot of couples stay together for their kids, but I can’t do that, Jaron. I need to be happy first because I know she’ll sense if I’m not. I also want to help you through your nightmares.”

“I’m fine,” I told her, the hackles raising on the back of my neck. I suddenly felt cornered and I didn’t like it. Not one fucking bit.

“That’s all you got from that?” She grabbed the collar of my jacket when I went to push her off my lap. “This is what I’m talking about. We open up, you demand for me to tell you what I want and then you push me away.”

“You push too, baby.” I shoved her off my lap that time, probably a little too hard when she bounced on the couch beside me. “Piper, I’m sorry.”

“No. It’s fine.” She stood, smoothing down her shirt. “I’m going to get ready for bed. But I want you to know something, Jaron.” Her gaze locked with mine. Hers was hard, determined and I could feel her soul reaching only for mine to cower away like the damn pussy I was. “You say you’re in this for the long run. You say you’re not going to leave me or your daughter, but I feel you keeping me at arm’s length.” She took a step toward me. “So I just want you to know that I am making a promise of my own. If you hurt me, if you break my heart like you keep telling me you’re not going to do,” she cupped me over my pants, “this dick won’t please anyone. Ever again.” She squeezed me hard, making me jump. She released me and with that she walked away. “You can join me,” she said from the patio door. “Sleep on the couch or leave. I don’t fucking care anymore.” She headed into the house; the patio door slamming shut behind her.

I stared after her. I shouldn’t want her more, but I did. Hearing her words, listening to her speak, and putting me in my place turned me on, but it also made me fall in love with her even more than I already had.

Slumping back onto the couch, I dropped my head in my hands. What the hell was wrong with me? I had a good thing. A very good thing. Piper had been the only woman to put up with my shit but also called me out when I fucked up.

My phone took that moment to vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I didn’t bother checking the display and answered. “Yeah.”

When no answer came, I sat up straighter.

“Hello?” I stood and headed into the house.

No one answered. Instead, all I got was static. I heard what sounded like a car off in the distance.

When I went to demand who was there, the line went dead. Checking the phone, I saw that it was an unknown number.


My head snapped up.

Piper stood at the entrance to the kitchen. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Wrong number,” I told her, shoving the phone in my pocket. “I’ll lock up, but I think I’m going to check out that surprise.”

She nodded. “Okay. It’s all in the basement for you.”

When she went to walk by me, I grabbed her hand, stopping her from going any farther. “Thank you, Piper,” I murmured in her ear. “Thank you for everything.”

Much to my surprise, she turned in my arms and stood on tiptoes. She placed a hard peck on my mouth. “You don’t have to thank me for anything, Jaron.” She kissed me one last time before pulling away from me.

I headed to the basement door but not before I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. Piper was standing at the door to our bedroom, looking my way. “Enjoy your workout, Jaron,” she said, slipping into the room, the door quietly shutting behind her.

The silence surrounding me suddenly became loud, the demons of what I had done while in jail, screaming for that release. But like normal, I ignored them, and I knew that if I didn’t talk about it, they would eventually take over.


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After I left Jaron standing in the living room, I quickly headed to our bedroom. I went to get changed into pajamas when my gaze landed on his white t-shirt sitting on the edge of my bed. I couldn’t even remember when he had put it there.

Stripping out of my clothes, I threw them in the laundry hamper. My gaze flicked back to his shirt. Lifting it to my nose, I inhaled. It smelled of spice and him. Everything that made up Jaron.

I slipped the worn fabric over my head and down my naked body. The Hell’s Harlem logo sat above my left breast. I fisted the fabric and brought it back up to my nose. The scent of him washed over me, my nipples hardening. That familiar ache settled between my thighs.

My gaze flicked to the door. When I didn’t hear anything, my stomach fell that he wasn’t coming to join me. He said he was going to check out his surprise but a part of me hoped that he would join me instead. Not that I expected anything more than for him to just sleep beside me. But I wanted him to hold me. To tell me that everything would be okay. That we would be okay.

We went into this backwards. Before we actually became an us and I wanted to do everything I could to make it work. But I couldn’t do it without him.

Taking a deep breath and then another, I let my feet guide me to the door. Leaving my bedroom, I headed out into the living room and saw that Jaron was nowhere to be found.

Deciding to check to see if he did go into the basement, I went down the stairs leading to the surprise Cyrus, Sammy, and I had done up for Jaron. It was my idea. I wanted to give him something as a form of therapy. Something that could help him out of his head, and I knew from speaking with Gigi, that working out could help.

Once I stood on the other side of the door that led to the home gym, I chewed my bottom lip. What would I even say to him? I could work out with him, but it wasn’t like I was exactly dressed for lifting weights.

I lifted my hand to knock but hesitated. I could hear the weights moving. I hoped that it would become a routine for Jaron. To give him something that felt...normal. He had said that he wasn’t used to it being so quiet. As much as I was sure there were things about jail that he didn’t want to remember, working out was probably not one of them.

Cyrus and Sammy helped me design the home gym for him. When they went to see him, he told them that working out was what he did to keep out of trouble. So it made sense to have one at home for him.

I was still shocked at myself for my little outburst out in the backyard, but I’d had enough. He needed to hear my thoughts. I imagined what it would be like to have angry sex with him. It was probably dirty, hard, rough, and downright filthy.

Jaron needed more than just physical contact. He needed to talk. To me. To a professional. To someone.

I had heard of people having PTSD after getting released from jail. Stupid me thought that he wasn’t in it long enough for that to happen, but I was clearly wrong. I didn’t know what he had done to survive. He wouldn’t tell me. God, I wish he would tell me. Just something. Anything. I needed to hear his voice. But he closed up. Completely.

My thoughts traveled back to how he used to be. He had been dominant when I first slept with him but now, he was worse. My core clenched, remembering the way he had control of my body. The tension had been building ever since he got home. I almost expected something to happen tonight, but it didn’t. It threw me off. Jaron had never been a gentleman when it came to sex. It was one of the many things I loved about him because I was the same way. I enjoyed when he threw me up against the wall and took what he wanted, giving me everything in return just the same. But nothing happened. I needed it. I needed him. That rough side of him. He knew I could take it. It would happen. In time. Because I knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. Eventually he would snap and give me everything that I wanted.

Placing my hand on the doorknob, I took a breath and then another. He needed to get out of his head. Working out and sex, they were the only ways I knew would help him. I would be his therapy. Whatever he needed. And whenever he was ready to talk, I would be there as well.

Before I changed my mind and ran, I opened the door and stepped into the gym.

Jaron sat on a bench, wiping the sweat off his face.

Every inch of me came alive. The tiny hairs on my body tingled. My stomach tumbled. My heart raced.

His head popped up, his dark slate eyes meeting mine before roaming down the length of me. He sat up straighter, tossing the towel to the floor. He pulled the earbuds from his ears before setting his phone on the bench behind him.

No words passed between us.

My heart picked up speed, pounding in my ears like tiny little drums.

Closing the door behind me, I leaned against it.

He watched me and waited. I could almost hear him saying, ‘You want something, come and get it.’

The few times we had been together, he was in full control. Well tonight, it was my turn. It wouldn’t last for long, but I could have some control for a little bit at least.

I pushed away from the door and took a step toward him.

We were alone. Just he and I

This was our time. Our moment. Just Jaron and me. One of many moments that we needed. That everyone knew we needed.

He leaned back the closer I got to him.

Once I stood directly in front of him, he spread his knees. Accepting that as my invitation, I stepped between them.

No matter how many times I had seen him in them, the gray sweatpants always did it for me. Especially when he wore them with a white t-shirt.

Jaron reached up, cupping the back of my thighs and leaning his forehead against my chest. Inhaling deep, a rough growl escaped him. His hold on my thighs tightened.

My breath caught. Inching my hands into his dark hair, it took everything in me not to just throw myself at him.

Touch me. Kiss me. Destroy me.

I didn’t need his dirty words. Hell, I didn’t even need foreplay. I could feel my desire for him dripping down my inner thighs. I wondered if he could smell it. We had been so damned in tune with each other; it was almost unnatural.

Sliding his hands up the back of my thighs, he grazed his fingers over the curve of my ass, pushing the t-shirt up higher along with the movement. He licked his lips, his eyes darkening even more at seeing what laid beneath the material.

He slid off the bench, sitting on the floor and pulling me closer.

My breath caught, unable to take my gaze away from the man who was my undoing.

Jaron leaned against the bench, hooking his hand under my thigh and pulling my left leg over his shoulder. A low growl left him, his eyes locking on the spot between my legs.

I shivered at the mere intensity rolling off of him. He looked at me like he hadn’t eaten in days and I was his last meal. His only meal.

He stretched his legs out in front of him, running his fingers lightly up my inner thighs. His touch was gentle but there was something hidden in his eyes that told me it wasn’t what he wanted.

I took the hint and stepped closer toward him, pushing my fingers through his hair. Closing the distance between us, his hot breath fanned over my bare pussy.

Jaron reached around me and cupped my ass, pulling me closer toward his mouth.

My muscles shook, my bones vibrating beneath my skin. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him to hurry up but at the same time, I was having fun watching him.

Leaning forward, he pushed his nose against my clit, taking a deep breath.

Chewing my bottom lip, I watched as he scented me.

Another rough growl left him as he pushed his nose lower and over my center. “Fuck,” he whispered.

I whimpered, never knowing that it was like this. Not with him. Not with anyone. He was all I wanted. All I needed. Before I begged for him to do what both of us wanted, his tongue peeked out. He slid it from my center to the spot above my clit and back down. He repeated the movement, the desire I felt for him, heightening the longer he teased us both.

His lips moved to my inner thigh, his teeth biting down. Hard.

A gasp escaped me, a flood of heat spreading throughout every inch of me.

Jaron grunted, cupping my ass and pulling me closer.

He sat back on the bench, laid down, and tapped his mouth.

I took the hint and straddled his chest.

He gave me a wink and shuffled under me until he was face first with my center. Another wink and I was lowered onto his mouth.

He snarled against me, his beard scratching at my inner thighs.

Another gasp lodged its way in my throat, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as the unexpected pleasure slammed through every inch of me.

Jaron hummed, shaking his head between my legs.

I whimpered, grabbing onto the edge of the bench for support as I rode his face. His tongue was inside me, licking at the walls of my very soul. I could feel him everywhere but at the same time, it wasn’t where I wanted him most.

Jaron released me with a wet smack and kissed both of my inner thighs before dropping me even harder on his tongue.

I moaned, undulating against him, trying to get the orgasm I was desperate for. That release I craved before I could do anything else. I couldn’t focus on anything except getting him back inside me but right now, I wanted his mouth to make me come.

Please make me come.

He grunted, sucked my clit between his teeth, and bit down.

A gasp escaped me, my eyes widening at the delicious pain rushing through the tiny little bundle of nerves.

He did it again.

Bite. Suck. Repeat.

“God,” I whined, rubbing myself over his mouth.

Faster and faster, I moved. The orgasm was so damn close, I could taste it.

My skin tingled. My muscles tensed. My bones vibrated.

So close but so far.

Jaron sunk his teeth into my clit one last time, a surge of wetness leaving my body at the delicious agony throbbing through me.

I cried out, his name leaving my lips on a hard scream as the release suddenly slammed into me.

He wrapped his arms around my thighs, holding me tight against his mouth as he swallowed my orgasm.

“God, I can’t...” I shook against him. “Please.”

Before I could come down from the high, Jaron pushed me off of him. I was drunk with the need for more. For him to fill me with every inch of him.

He straddled the bench behind me, grabbing hold of my waist and pulling my legs out from under me.

I landed on the seat of the bench with an oomph.

Jaron pulled his cock out of his pants. He towered over me, fisting my hair and thrusting into me in a rough move.

I screamed, another release slamming into me at the unexpected invasion.

He grunted his approval, pounding into me with a fervor I would always crave from him. Lowering his mouth to my cheek, he licked the corner of my mouth.

Taking a deep breath, I could smell the scent of my desire on his lips.

My body clenched down and around him, taking him even deeper. “Jaron, please.”

“What do you want?” he murmured in my ear. “Want rougher, baby?”

I squeezed my eyes shut. I shouldn’t want it this way.

“No.” He grabbed hold of my braid, pulling me to all fours. “Look in the mirror, Piper.”

I did as I was told, glancing at our reflection in the mirror staring back at us. I had forgotten that Cyrus had put up the mirrored wall like a real gym.

“I like that you’re wearing my shirt.” Jaron ran his hand up my back, pushing the fabric to my shoulders. “I really fucking like it.”

Gripping the edges of the bench, I started moving back against him.

His eyes snapped to mine in the mirror. “Tell me what you want.”

“Fuck me,” I demanded. “Now.”

A wicked grin spread on his face. He gripped the cheeks of my ass, digging his fingers into the flesh and picking up speed with his hips. His pelvis slammed into the seat of my rear.

“Harder,” I heard myself say. “Jaron, please.”

“Fuck.” He reached up, grabbing my braid and pulling me back against him. “You want it? Fucking take it, Piper.”

With his one arm wrapped around my middle and his hand in my hair, I slammed my ass back against him and took it. I took it all.



With his cock deep inside me and his name on my lips, I gave him all of me. Jaron had moved us so I could straddle him. But what I wanted most was to kiss him. To take his very breath deep into my lungs until all either of us could focus on was just our lust for the other. He was the beginning to my end. Everywhere I turned, he was there. Maybe not physically but while he had been gone, I could sense him in everything I did. Everywhere I went. It was like he had eyes everywhere. Watching me. Keeping me safe. Maybe he did and I just didn’t know about it.

He had been the only one to ever know me. My desires. My fantasies. Everything that made up me. Us. I wanted to explore everything with him and make it ours.

Keeping his gaze on me, he reached between us and brushed the back of his knuckles up my inner thigh.

The higher he got, the harder my heart raced.

When his fingers reached my clit, a soft sigh escaped me.

His eyes twinkled but again, no words. I wondered why but enjoyed the silence just the same.

Keeping my arms around his shoulders, I held on, moving my hips back and forth against him and gave him all of me.

Jaron brushed his other hand down my back. When it reached the curve of my ass, it slid beneath the shirt and lifted the fabric up the length of my body and over my head.

“Say it,” he demanded, his voice rough.

I smiled softly. “Please.”

He smirked, gripped my hips, and started thrusting up and down in rough moves.

I had learned rather quickly that he loved when that word dripped off my tongue.

Jaron cupped my nape and pulled me against him, crushing his mouth to mine.

I sighed, taking his tongue deep between my lips.

Running my hands up his back, I dug my fingers into his hair and deepened he kiss, slamming my hips against him at the same time.

He growled, trying to gain control but both of us knew that neither of us had the control we liked to think we had. It just wasn’t possible.

“Fuck, baby.” He broke the kiss, sinking his teeth into my jaw. “You like my fat cock deep inside your sweet little cunt?”

My core clenched.

He chuckled. “I take that as a yes.”

I smiled, a hard moan leaving me. This was the Jaron I was used to. The one I wanted. The one I fell in love with. “Jaron,” I whined, my center throbbing.

“What?” He pulled me against him, kissing the side of my throat.

With the tight hold he currently had on me, I couldn’t move against him. The longer time went on, the more it hurt. And the more it hurt, the more I throbbed for him.

“What do you want, Piper?” he asked, his mouth still against my throat.

“For you to move,” I breathed. “Please. I need more.”

“Hmmm...more? Are you sure?” he asked, pushing into me as deeply as my body would allow.

“God, yes.” I leaned back, cupping his cheek. “Please fuck me. Harder. Rougher. I don’t even care anymore.”

“Yeah?” His mouth brushed along the shell of my ear. He lifted me and dropped me onto him.

I cried out. “Holy.” I whimpered. “Hell.”

“Is this what you wanted?” he asked, thrusting hard and fast. “You wanted faster, Piper?”

“I...I can’t...” I shivered, my skin tingling as the pleasure consumed me.

“You started this. You came in here wearing my shirt and looking all sexy as fuck. So, you can, and you will. Take it all, baby.”

I couldn’t breathe. Spots danced in my vision.

Jaron held me tight against him, his mouth finding my throat. While his hips powered into me, his deep groans sent me over the edge.

My thighs shook, my body trying to bow against him, but he only thrust harder and faster.

“That’s it. Come again for me, Piper. Come hard.”

“God.” A sob escaped me, my nails digging into his shoulders.

Jaron cupped the back of my head, forcing my mouth down on his. He stole the last bit of breath from my lungs and made it his.

He took. He controlled. He owned.

And I loved every second of it.


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After our moment in the basement, Jaron had gently pushed me off him and mumbled something about needing a shower.

I went to grab the shirt off the floor when his hand covered mine. I looked up at him then.

“Join me,” he said softly, slipping his fingers between mine.

I swallowed hard, nodding.

We headed up the stairs to the main floor, hand in hand and silent. When we reached the bathroom, Jaron stripped out of his sweatpants and shirt.

Taking the clothes from him, I tossed them, along with the shirt I had worn earlier, into the laundry hamper.

Turning to head to the bathroom, I was stopped short by Jaron standing naked at the door. His hand was against the doorframe, his dark eyes locking with mine. Of the few times I had seen him naked, none of those moments compared to this. He was bigger than when I had seen him in Paris. Wider to the point I felt even safer in his arms.

I took a step toward him. It took everything in me not to shield myself from him. I was curvy and stretch marks graced my lower abdomen. He had been right though when he said that I had done something a lot of women couldn’t. Having a baby was a blessing and definitely something I never took for granted. My body showed the evidence of creating a life and I knew there were a lot of women out there who would do anything to be able to do the same.

As if he could hear my thoughts, his eyes dropped to my stomach. His nostrils flared, his eyes turning a shade of gray I had never noticed before.

Before anything was said, he turned and headed into the bathroom. The sound of the shower running started a moment later.

I took a breath and joined him, closing the door behind me.

Jaron slipped into the shower, holding the curtain open for me.

I went up to it, glancing up at him.

He held his hand out, waiting.

Taking a chance, I grabbed hold of it, letting him pull me into the shower with him. Before I had a chance to wrap my head around the fact that I was showering with him, he captured my mouth in a hard, bruising kiss.

Jaron pushed me up against the wall, sliding his hands down the sides of my body. Goosebumps followed in their path, making my skin tingle.

As much as I wanted to take this further because I always did when it came to him, I waited for his permission. I needed his control at this very moment. I couldn’t explain why. Maybe I never would be able to but for now, I was his. To do with as he pleased.

Taking the hint, Jaron released me, gave my mouth a final peck, and started undoing the braid. Once my hair was loose, he pulled me under the hot water. He ran his hands through my hair, wetting it before reaching for the shampoo. He poured some into his palm and massaged his fingers through the soaked strands.

I sighed, the scent of lavender wafting through my senses.

He gave me a small smile, kneading his fingers into my head. His cock twitched between us, but he never took it further. He never even hinted. Not that he had to. But this was different. It was a silent apology of sorts. For letting his temper get the best of him, making him leave me and his daughter. For coming back to me but for it not being easy. For being hard to get along with. Maybe even for loving me as hard as he did. Even though we hadn’t said those three little words yet, I knew how he felt about me. He wouldn’t have killed Brody if he hadn’t.

“I’m sorry.”

My eyes opened, not realizing I had closed them.

Jaron searched my face, like he was looking for a sign. Any sign. When he couldn’t find one, he continued, “I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through.” His hands stopped, his grip on my head tightening as he held it in place.

With his rough hold, I couldn’t get away and I was forced to listen. “Jaron.”

“No, just...” He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them.

My chest tightened at the desperation coming from him.

“I need you to know that I’m not going anywhere. I know I’ve told you that already and I also know that words can only do so much, but I promise that I’ll show you. I’ll show you and Brynlee that I’m here. I’m yours. Forever, Piper.”

“And I’m yours,” I whispered.

We finished the shower in silence, washing each other and connecting in a way we hadn’t yet. I could feel his soul entwining with mine.

Once we were done, we dried each other off.

He would smirk, his hands lingering a little too long in spots that were now claimed by him.

I shivered.

His smirk grew.

“You’re a tease.” I laughed lightly.

Jaron only winked, leading me to the bed and pulling back the covers.

I was thankful that it was late but still early enough that we could hopefully get some sleep before Brynlee woke up. I just wanted to feel Jaron beside me. I wanted our words and even our silence to speak for itself.

Crawling onto the bed, I slid beneath the covers as Jaron joined me. I went to curl away from him when he wrapped himself around me. “Don’t think so,” he murmured, pulling me against him.

“You know every time we sleep together, something happens,” I reminded him, pushing my ass into his waist.

“If that’s what you want, I’ll give it to you, Piper. Never be ashamed for wanting to fuck your man.” He pushed me onto my side, throwing his leg over mine.

I sighed, curling the blankets up and around us. “Later,” I whispered.

A light chuckle left him. “Definitely later, baby.”

I rolled back over and turned my head toward him.

Jaron reached over and flicked on the lamp sitting on the nightstand before laying back down beside me. “I want you to see my face when I tell you.”

My heart jumped. “Tell me what? I thought we were going to sleep.”

“We are but I need to tell you this first. I should have told you as soon as I got out of jail. Saying this should have been the first thing I did and for that, I’m sorry.” He paused. “I’m in love with you, Piper.”

I gasped. “Jaron, you said...”

“I know what I said.” He cupped my face, brushing his thumb along my bottom lip. “I need you to know how I feel before I push you away for good. Before you leave and move on with someone else.”

“No, never. That’ll never happen.” I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, leaning my forehead against his.

His body shook, a shuddered breath leaving him. “It’ll hurt but I understand, Piper. If you need time. If you need me to go and give you space.”

“Stop.” I shook my head. “I don’t want that. You’re mine. I’m yours. And, Jaron...”

His gaze burned into me.

“I’m in love with you too,” I whispered, my eyes were met by his stormy grays.

Jaron sat up, pulling me along with him. His shoulders slumped like my words relieved all of the tension in his body. “Jail fucked me up. I wasn’t in there for as long as some people are, but it still messed with my head.” His eyes flicked to mine. “But being without you was even harder.”

I ran my fingers through the hair at his nape, my chest tightening and my heart hurting over the fact that this man, this strong but broken man, was a shattered mess. He did something to save me only to lose a piece of himself in the process.

“I don’t know what I would do if I lost you, Piper.” He leaned his forehead against mine, his hot breath fanning over my face.

I lifted my hand at the same time as he lifted his. Our fingers joined, sliding between each other. The touch was small but said so much. It said more than our words ever could.

“I love you, Piper,” Jaron murmured, kissing my temple. “I’ve been to hell for you and would go back there if it meant keeping you safe. The rest doesn’t matter.”

“But it does.” Our eyes locked. “I don’t want to lose you in the process. I love you too much to let that happen.”

“I can never thank you enough for that.” He brought our joined hands to his mouth, placing a soft peck on my knuckles. “We’re breaking our walls, baby.”

I smiled up at him. “We are. Slowly.”

“I’m a stubborn fucker, Piper. I chased you all the way to Paris. Don’t ever forget that.”

“How can I?” I ran my thumb down the length of his jaw. “It started...everything.”

“No, baby.” He kissed my forehead. “It started the moment both of us stopped sleeping with other people.”

“I wish I would have waited for you.” I sighed, my shoulders slumping. “I wish I would have lost my virginity to you and giving you all of me.”

“I wish the same for myself.” Jaron turned me in his arms, so my back was to his front.

I curled the blanket around us. “Gigi told me that she was Vince’s first and he was hers. I’m jealous.” I laughed lightly.

“Same, babe, but we can’t go back in time,” Jaron said, resting his arm across my lap. “So we can only control our future. I don’t want anyone else.”

My eyes snapped to his. “I don’t want anyone else either.”

“Good.” He pinched my chin, holding my head firmly in his grip. “You’re mine.”

“And you’re mine,” I said breathlessly.

He gave me a small smile. “We should get some sleep.”

I went to respond when a cry came from the baby monitor.

“I got her.” Jaron kissed my head before leaving the bed.

My breath caught at the sight of him. The large black tattooed skull sat on his back, moving over his muscles. He was hard in all the right places.

He slipped into his sweatpants and headed to the door before turning back to me. He didn’t say anything. Just looked at me. It was like he was reaching into my soul and trying to find out all of my feelings, my dirty and dark secrets. My fantasies. He didn’t need to look very far because when it came to him, my fantasies were all laid out on the table.

Jaron gave me one final look before leaving the room.

All breath left me when he walked out the door.

Lying down, I stared up at the ceiling. Time was what we both needed. Now that we had finally confessed our feelings for each other, it was like another piece fit into our puzzle. It was a start and maybe one day our love would truly conquer all.

While Jaron checked on Brynn, I tried falling asleep but all I could do was lay there. I rolled onto my side, facing away from the door when it opened.

The bed dipped behind me.

“She good?” I asked softly.

“She is,” he murmured. “Her pig had moved, and she couldn’t reach it. I put it in her arms, and she fell back asleep.”

“You know I don’t care what you did in jail, right?” I blurted. I brought his hands up to my mouth and repeated his actions. Kissing the tips of his fingers, I pushed my face into his palms. “I don’t care what you did to survive. You came back to me. You came back to your daughter. That’s what I care about.”

“I’m not that man you fell in love with.”

My gaze snapped to his. “I don’t care about that. I don’t care about any of it. What you did or who you did it to. You don’t have to deal with this alone.”

“I know.” He turned on his side, facing me. “Thank you but I need you to promise me something.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“Even if we fight, never stop telling me that you love me.”

I stared at him. “Well let’s hope we don’t ever fight then.”

He scowled. “Piper, I mean it. Promise me. Promise that no matter how angry you are with me, don’t ever stop saying that you love me.”

My stomach flipped. “I promise.”

“Good.” He rolled over onto his back.

“But you have to promise too.”

“It’s not even a promise I have to make because I’ll always tell you I love you. No matter what.”

His words coaxed my eyes closed and for the first time since he came home, I actually believed him.

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I was nervous. Beyond nervous actually. I hadn’t been on a date since I was a kid. Not that it ever really counted either. I was sixteen at the time and it didn’t turn out well. Not when I had my father’s navy brothers to scare my date.

“Is this him?” Angel crossed his arms under his broad chest, nodding toward Steven, my date.

“Uncle Angel.” I scowled, placing my hands on my hips, knowing he was trying to scare the poor guy who was currently trembling beside me.

“It is.” Dad mirrored his pose, letting his eyes wander down the length of Steven before clapping Angel’s shoulder. “This is the fucker who wants to take my baby on a date.”

“Um...Sir, I...” Steven stammered, his face paling even more.

I sighed, throwing my head back. God, where was Mom when I needed her? Oh yeah. She had gone out shopping with Aunt Jay. It was convenient timing if you asked me. It was like my dad knew, so that was why he agreed for me to go out on the date in the first place. Because Mom wouldn’t be home to keep him in line.

I grabbed Steven’s arm, trying to drag him to the door but it was like his feet were glued to the ground beneath him.

“Steven, come on. My dad already said yes, and he wouldn’t dare change his mind and break his baby girl’s heart,” I told him, locking eyes with my father.

He raised an eyebrow.

I glared, challenging him.

“She’s good.” Angel clapped his shoulder again before taking a step toward us. He peered down at Steven. “You hurt her, and it won’t be her father that you’ll have to worry about.”

Steven took me out to get ice cream only and not dinner like he had told me. He dropped me off half an hour later because he was suddenly feeling ill. Yeah. Right.

I laughed to myself, shaking my head at the memories.

All of us girls had issues dating at one time or another. The guys had it way too easy if you asked me.

Rummaging through my closet, I was searching for something to wear when my phone rang. Quickly answering it, I placed it on speaker and sat it on my nightstand. “Hey.”

“Hey, girl. How are you?”

I smiled as Gigi’s voice greeted me. “Nervous.”

“Nervous? Why?”

“Because Jaron’s taking me on a date tonight.” I frowned, still unsure as to what I should wear.

“Really? That’s amazing! Did you need anyone to watch Brynlee?”

“My parents are watching her but thank you.” After falling asleep in his arms the night before, I had woken to a note on his pillow. He had taken Brynlee out for the day and would drop her off at my parents’ place before picking me up for our date. He told me to spend the day doing whatever I wanted. For as grumpy as he was, he was also sweet and so damn caring at times, I thought my heart would burst.

“Do you know where you’re going?” Gigi asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

“No. He took Brynn out for the day and gave me some time to myself. I’ll see him in about a half hour when he picks me up.”

“He gave you a day off?”

I turned toward my phone. “Yeah...why?”

“Piper, that man loves you so fucking hard.”

“Oh...well...yeah.” I smiled. “He does.”

“Queenie, who are you talking to?” I heard Vince ask in the background.

“Piper,” she told him. “Her and Jaron are going on a date tonight.”

“We should go on a double date some time,” Vince suggested.

“I like that idea,” I added.

“She likes that idea. Now go away, so I can talk to my girl.” She yelped. “Jerk.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “You two are well?” I asked, getting the subject off of Jaron and me.

“We are. Wedding plans are coming along nicely. Now that Jaron is home, Luna and Zach can get married, so then can Vince and I.”

“I don’t know why we have to wait,” Vince mumbled in the background.

“Hear him? He’s so damn grumpy because I refuse to get married before them. I wanted Jaron home anyway for you.”

My heart swelled. “Thank you. I appreciate that.” I loved that our friends were settling down, having kids, getting married, and finding the happiness they deserved. “Well let me know when you need help. We have to set up your bachelorette party.”

“I was talking to Luna and she suggested we do a double one,” Gigi explained.

“Oh that would be fun!” I exclaimed, pulling a red skirt off a hanger. It was formfitting and fell just below the knees. With a black tank top tucked into it and cute flats, it would be comfy and perfect.

“So tell me,” Gigi paused. “Can I ask why you’re nervous to go out with Jaron?”

I shrugged even though she couldn’t see me. “It’s...complicated.” I pulled off the towel, slipped into my black lace bra and thong before putting on the tank top and skirt. I was tucking the top into the skirt when the door to my room opened.

“Well, listen. Jaron loves you,” Gigi went on. “Whether either of you care to admit it or not. You’re perfect for each other even though I’m sure you drive each other nuts at times.”

Jaron leaned against the door frame; his arms crossed under his chest. He raised an eyebrow, his dark eyes sliding over every inch of me.

“I know he does.” I took Gigi off speaker and placed the phone to my ear. “I have to go.”

“Okay, have fun!” she sang.

I laughed, hung up, and stepped in front of the full-length mirror. “I can put on something fancier,” I said, meeting Jaron’s gaze in the reflection of the mirror.

He came up behind me and cupped my shoulders. Running his hands down my arms until he reached my hands, he let out a low purr. “This skirt does wonderful things for your ass.”

I grinned. “Yeah?”

“Oh yeah.” He leaned back, checking out my rear. “It’s a good thing you’ll be sitting most of the night because I wouldn’t be able to control myself otherwise.”

“Have you ever been able to control yourself, Jaron?” I turned back and forth, the end of the skirt swaying with my movements.

“Fucking hell.” He groaned, dropping his hands in front of his waist. “You look so fucking good.”

“Really? look pretty good yourself.” And he did. He was wearing black jeans with a black long-sleeved shirt rolled up to his elbows. The veins in his forearms, popped every time he moved.

He gave me a cocky grin. “Let’s go before I bend you over the nearest hard surface and show you exactly how good I think you look. I need to feed my girl.”

“Well...” I stepped up to him, placing my hand on his chest and letting it graze down to his waist. “I’m not overly hungry yet.”

He smirked, leaning down to my ear. “Tell me what you want.”

I shivered. “Everything.”

In a quick move, he gripped my hips and pushed me up against the mirror before he did what he did best and used me to make both of us feel good.

Jaron kissed the side of my neck, holding me tight as I fell apart in his arms. His name left my lips on a sob. He felt so damn good that I couldn’t get enough. Never enough. The orgasm had been so hard, spots danced in my vision. My muscles rippled over my bones.

“I love you, Piper,” he whispered in my ear. “Let yourself go for me.”

And I did. At that point in time, I felt our souls connect in a way I never knew was possible.

“That’s my girl.” His words slid over me and right into my heart.

His girl.

It had been something I longed to hear for years. Ever since I was a teenager. Maybe even before. I wished, God, did I ever wish, that we would have been together right from the start, but life had a different plan for us. But now, we were one. We were together and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“We can stay in,” Jaron said, helping me smooth down my skirt. “We can order food.”

I looked at him then. “Is that what you want?”

He shrugged, searching my face.

“Jaron, I’ll do whatever you want to do.” I went up to him when he didn’t respond. “Talk to me.”

“It’s weird going out in public and being around people I don’t know,” he confessed, his cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink.

“I’m sorry.” I stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I had no idea. I seem to forget these things.” Before I could pull away, he captured my mouth in a hard, bruising kiss. “Jaron,” I said, breathily.

“Shhh...” He pushed me back until I hit the edge of the bed.

“Once wasn’t enough for you?” I asked, tilting my head.

He chuckled, sinking his teeth into my collarbone. “Once is never enough with you.”

