I have deep gratitude and praise for Katherine Don from Yellow Bird Editors—my cowriter, editor, and guide. Without her help, this book may never have come into being. And to Michael Metivier and my new family at Chelsea Green, who contacted me an hour after receiving my book proposal to say, “We want to read more!” I felt so honored, and I am so grateful for the care and support I have received. Thank you!
I could not have done this, or many things for that matter, without the loving support, encouragement, and contributions of time and skill from my friend Samantha Miller and her family Jonathan Williams and Riley.
To Laurie Arbeiter and Jennifer Hobbs, whose love, kindness, and support have made all the difference in my life.
To my friends who have supported me, given feedback, and cheered me on: Delight Stone, Cliff Curry and the Curry Stone Foundation, Starhawk, Donna Reed, Johanna Lawrenson, Jennifer Beach, Ted Nace, Marisa Holmes, L. A. Kauffman, Colin Clark, Ted German, Jill Kneerim, Lucy Cleland, Banafsheh Madaninejad (who turned me on to Yellow Bird Editors), Athena Lee Bradley, Leslie Cagan, Stephen Lerner, Bill Ragen, Mary Ann Hohenstein, Hilary McQuie, Emily Posner, Carolina Reyes, Elizabeth West, Ann Wright, Michael McPhearson, Molly Gott, Julia Ho, Remy from Black Mesa, Berkley Carnine, Kam Magor, Mark Bray, Marina Sitrin, David Graeber, Dawnielle Castledine, Robert King, Kenyatta Williams, scott crow, Ann Harkness, Ingrid Burrington, Undoing White Supremacy Austin, Rachel Manning, Andrea Black, Juniper Lauren Ross, and everyone who contributed to my Kicking Corporate Booty funding appeal. I also want to express my gratitude to Aurora Levins Morales for her love, wisdom, and insight.
I would not be who I am today without the anti-racist teachings about organizing and how to reclaim our humanity from my mentors at the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, with special thanks to Ron Chisom and Dr. Kimberley Richards.
To Negar Kidman and her two beautiful daughters, Aaliyah and Raven, for reminding me to play and embrace joy in my life.
Thank you to all the photographers and artists who were willing to contribute their work: Kisha Bari, Diane Lent Green, Ann Harkness, Desiree Kane, Erik McGregor, Angus McGuire, Rick Reinhart, Angela Sevin, Emily Simmons, and Seth Tobocman.
Thanks to my family: my mom, Trudie Caruso, and stepdad, Joe, my sister, Dianne, my brother, David, and my stepsister, Diane, who have all encouraged me along the way. And my father, Douglas Brooks Fithian, who loved books and the art of writing. Hey, Dad—look, I did it! I am also grateful to all of my ancestors whose choices in life created mine.
I wanted to mention all the people, organizers, healers, friends, and coconspirators who have worked with me, but I have learned so much from so many people along the way that it would become a very long list! Please know that I love and value you.