“This is where we set up the volleyball net,” Trini said, surveying the ground of the cove. There were two depressions in the sand about thirty feet away from each other. “We put the poles there and there,” she said, pointing to the depressions.
“That’s right,” said Kimberly, crossing the sand. “So when Zack dove to save the point, he must have landed about here,” she said pointing to a spot on the ground.
Because of the battle, there were lots of tracks and marks all over the small beach that was part of the cove. There were several depressions in the sand that looked like they might have been made by a Power Ranger diving to save a point, but they could have just as easily been made by a sprawling Putty.
“Okay,” Jason said, walking over to where the Pink Ranger was standing. “I know it’s a long shot, but do you see anything?”
They all bent over, sifting their fingers through the sand. “This would be easier,” Trini mused, “if we knew what we were looking for.”
“I guess just anything that’s out of place,” Kimberly said. “Like the petals of a silk flower,” she added, holding up a few scraps of lilac-colored material.
“Why did Baboo and Squatt try to send a Putty over to us that was dressed like a lady who gets a senior discount at the movies?” Jason wondered aloud.
Trini chewed on her lower lip. “That’s right. Before the Putties attacked, there was that one all dressed up. Rita’s minions must have sent it down to interact with us for some reason.”
“That had to have been about the ring,” Jason said.
Kimberly shrugged. “It’s the only thing I can think of. But who of Rita’s monsters would want a piece of jewelry, and why?”
The ground trembled slightly, causing the teens to brace themselves for something more dramatic. “Well, Trini,” Jason said. “I guess we’re about to find out.”
Putty Patrollers appeared at the top of the bluffs, at least two dozen of them. “Putties,” the Yellow Ranger said, although they all obviously saw them. “Okay, this should be fun.”
“Should we morph?” Kimberly asked.
“No,” Jason said. “Let’s see what they want.” The Putties stood at the crest of the bluffs, staring down at them, waiting for their next command.
“Maybe we’ve got them all wrong,” Kimberly said as the three teens prepared for a fight, their backs to the ocean. “Maybe the cove is just where Putty Patrollers hang out when they’re off duty, or something.”
Trini pointed toward the top of the bluffs. “They brought Baboo and Squatt with them.” The two minions immediately ducked down, although they were still easily visible.
“What are they doing here?” Kimberly couldn’t help but wonder. “It’s got to be about the ring. But who wants it? And why?”
“Maybe we should morph,” Trini said. “You know they’re not just here to surf. This has got to be one of Rita’s sinister plans; we just don’t know what it is yet.”
Kimberly laughed. “And I doubt those two are going to tell us. But I wish we knew who was behind their little visit.”
“Look out!” Jason said, suddenly shoving Kimberly so hard that it sent her staggering.
“What?” Kimberly looked around, confused. “Where?”
“There,” the Red Ranger said, pointing at a spot on the ground just inches from where she’d been standing; there was a black scorpion crawling across the sand.
Kimberly made a face. “There are no scorpions in Angel Grove. This can’t be good.”
“The last time I saw one of those,” Trini added, backing up a few steps, “was when we were fighting—”
Seemingly from out of nowhere, a beautiful young woman dressed in gold armor like a scorpion shell appeared at the top of the bluff.
“Scorpina!” the three teens said simultaneously, with Jason pointing at their foe.
“What’s she doing here?” Trini wanted to know.
“How is she even back here?” Kimberly added.
“I guess Rita called her back up to the major leagues,” said Jason, eyeing the terrain. It was obvious they were headed for a fight.
Baboo and Squatt walked over to stand behind their royal scorpioness. “They aren’t the one who found it,” Baboo whispered in her ear. “It was Zack, the Black Ranger; he found your Eclipse Ring.”
Scorpina’s face transformed into a very charming and gleeful grin. “That doesn’t mean they don’t know where it is.” After pretending to think it over for a moment she added, “Of course they might need some persuading before they’ll tell me.” Her left hand, the one encrusted in gold metallic plates, snapped menacingly.
“What are you doing back here on Earth?” Jason called to her. “What do you want, Scorpina?”
“I simply want what is mine,” she called down to them, her tone cool and pleasant.
“And what’s that?” the Red Ranger said, folding his arms and defiantly staring back at the gold-clad beauty.
“Hand it over without a fuss, and I promise I will destroy Earth quickly so no one has to suffer,” the scorpion lady said, her voice as pleasant as the purring of a kitten.
“Hand what over?” Jason asked, feigning ignorance.
“My Eclipse Ring, you little—” Scorpina did her best to suppress her emotions, her deadly temper beginning to bleed through her calm appearance.
While Scorpina was distracted by speaking with Jason, Kimberly took the opportunity to tap at her wrist communicator. “Come in, Alpha 5. This is the Pink Ranger. We’ve got a major emergency. Over.”
“What is it, Kimberly?” the robotic voice of Alpha could be heard to say after only a few seconds’ delay.
“We’re at the cove, and guess who else is here?” Kimberly said in a low voice.
“Who?” Alpha asked.
“Scorpina,” Kimberly said, well aware of the weight that name brought with it.
“Scorpina is at the beach? Aye-yi-yi! That can’t be good,” the robot went on. “What is she doing there?”
“Besides trying to carry out Rita’s plans to rule the Earth?” Kimberly said. “She lost a piece of jewelry and she wants it back.”
The robot was quick on the uptake. “The ring that the Black Ranger found?”
“You got it,” Kimberly said with a nod.
“Have you morphed yet?” Alpha wanted to know.
“Not yet,” Kimberly told him. “But I have a feeling we’re about to. And it’s just Trini, Jason, and I. Zack and Billy are at Billy’s garage.”
“I’ll contact them right away,” the robot assured her.
“Thanks, Alpha,” Kimberly said. “Pink Ranger out.” With a tap of a button on her communicator she ended the call.