Chapter 12

“I see only three of you,” Scorpina said, looking over the little group of teens. “Not your usual five. That means you won’t be able to form the Megazord,” she said with a small laugh. “This should be too easy of a victory.”

“You should never underestimate a Power Ranger,” Jason told her. Then, turning to his two friends, he said, “Come on, team. Let’s do this. It’s Morphin Time!”

“Right!” Trini and Kimberly both shouted.

Kimberly raised her Power Morpher to the sky and shouted, “Pterodactyl!” She then immediately morphed into the Pink Ranger, complete with pink helmet and suit.

Trini held her Power Morpher up to the sky and called out, “Sabertooth Tiger!” to become the Yellow Ranger.

“Tyrannosaurus!” Jason yelled, holding his Power Morpher to the sky. He instantly became the Red Ranger.

They managed to morph not a minute too soon because the Putties were already swarming down the bluffs toward them, ready to fight.

“Let’s kick some Putty butt!” the Red Ranger said, striking a horse stance, his legs wide apart, one arm curved above his helmet, two fingers extended.

“We’re with you,” said the Pink Ranger as she assumed a bow stance, with one leg thrust behind her and the opposite arm in front, which brought to mind the fluid motion of an archer drawing back on her weapon.

“Let’s show Scorpina what makes us tick,” Trini said as she positioned herself in a resting stance. With her legs curled beneath her, she looked deceptively relaxed for someone who was about to unleash a mighty flurry of blows.

The Putties came plunging down the bluffs, and the battle began. “Yah!” cried the Red Ranger, somersaulting through the air and knocking down two Putty Patrollers with knife blade strikes.

Hi-yah!” shouted Trini, spiraling through the air to meet a Putty head-on halfway down the bluff, knocking it down and seeing the creature tumble, felling two of its buddies.

Yeah!” the Pink Ranger cheered, flipping over one Putty as it took a swing at her and seeing it sock one of its friends by mistake.

Scorpina appeared in their midst, clenching her metal claw and prepared to fight. “Where is the Black Ranger?” she demanded, scoring a body blow to the Red Ranger’s solar plexus. “I’ve had enough of you nasty teenagers and your thieving ways.”

“A Power Ranger would never steal,” Jason informed her, managing to block her next strike and land a good flying back kick of his own. “We found the ring and we were trying to find its owner to return it before you showed up.”

Gah!” Scorpina bellowed. “Hearing what a bunch of do-gooders you are is even worse than when I thought you were trying to steal it from me.” She drew her crescent sword. “I can’t wait to be rid of you once and for all.”

“I guess you’ll have to learn to live with disappointment,” the Red Ranger said, doing a backflip to avoid the curved blade as Scorpina sliced it through the air, mere inches from the red fabric of his uniform. “Because we’re not going anywhere.”

Hi-yah! ” the Pink Ranger cried and leaped into the air, propelling her body, feetfirst, toward Scorpina.

“Too slow,” the evil one said, narrowly dodging the blow. “You’re no match for me.”

“That’s what you think,” Kimberly informed her.

Scorpina began rapidly slicing at the air, forcing the Pink Ranger to do a series of backflips to avoid being cut to ribbons.

“Scorpina,” the Yellow Ranger said, doing a leg sweep to knock over a Putty before turning to help her friend. “Why don’t you go find another planet? Earth is taken.”

But the evil scorpion lady managed to grab Trini with her enormous armored claw and then flung her across the sand. “Don’t even begin to think you can stand up to me, you snot-nosed little twerps!” She obviously did not appreciate lively banter during a battle.

Six Putties managed to grab ahold of the Red Ranger and launch him into the air. Jason was barely able to tuck himself into a ball so he could roll out when landing. A bit of breath was knocked out of him, but he forced himself to spring back onto his feet. “Come on, team, we need Dinozord power now!”

“Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord power!” Trini shouted, and her yellow Dinozord appeared as if sprinting out of the jungle.

Kimberly joined her, summoning her flying Dinozord from its volcano by calling out, “Pterodactyl Dinozord power!”

“Tyrannosaurus Dinozord power!” Jason called, causing his Dinozord to rise from the molten core of the earth.

Scorpina tilted her head back and released an amused laugh. “I can’t deny that you’re brave, Power Rangers, but without your Megazord, you don’t stand a chance!”