Chapter 15

Zack didn’t like to have to go into Billy’s garage when he wasn’t home, but seeing that the continued existence of the planet depended on Zack being able to keep Scorpina at bay until the rest of the team figured out a way to get Billy back from wherever he’d gone, Zack figured Billy wouldn’t mind.

“Hmm,” Zack said, rubbing his lip as he stood in the middle of all of Billy’s experiments.

Where was that crazy rainbow crystal thingy that Billy had somehow managed to make? Zack scanned Billy’s numerous workbenches. He knew that he’d been practicing his uppercut back kick when Billy had asked him to stop.

The Black Ranger oriented himself in the garage so he was facing the same direction that he had been earlier in the day. But he just didn’t see the crystal anywhere. Zack remembered that Billy had swiftly cleaned up a few things before they’d left to help the team at the cove. He’d probably tucked the Power Crystal away somewhere to keep it safe.

Zack began quickly and carefully rifling through the wide variety of inventions and equipment. He didn’t want to damage anything, but he also desperately needed something to give him an edge—even a temporary one—while battling the giant scorpion monster. Billy’s experimental Power Crystal was his only chance.

Gah!” Zack exclaimed, feeling frustrated, yet trying to treat all the fragile equipment with care. “Where is it?!”

His hands found a bundle of flannel wrapped around something hard. “Please, please, please,” the Black Ranger whispered under his breath. “Yes!” He’d found it.

Billy’s prototype rainbow Power Crystal was there. It had all five colors: red, black, pink, yellow, and blue. Zack had no idea how Billy managed to create half the things he did, but he desperately hoped that the Power Crystal would work.

Raising his Power Morpher to the sky, Zack called out, “Mastodon!” and immediately transformed into the Black Ranger. Once fully disguised, he activated the teleportation mode on his wrist communicator, remarking to himself, “It’s time to hit the beach.”