Chapter 20
Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time.
—Amos 5:13
Andrew looked up as his father-in-law made his way to the table at the restaurant.
Lawrence sat down. “Thank you for meeting me here.”
“No problem. Although it’s not often you take me out to eat.”
“I needed somewhere we could go and talk without worrying about anybody listening in.”
“And a public restaurant is the place you thought was best for that?” Andrew said with a chuckling laugh behind his words.
“This restaurant is the perfect place. I come here often when I want to discuss certain things and not be interrupted.”
“So, I suppose you’re upset about Paris and what happened with us the other night,” Andrew said, leaning in slightly.
“Oh, I don’t care about your and Paris’s little tiffs. All married couples have them. But you know how Paris is. I tried to tell you that before you two got married. She’s a bit ‘high-maintenance, ’ as her mother likes to politely put it. I just call her a spoiled brat. But”—Lawrence held up his index finger—“she’s my spoiled brat. And I don’t want her mistreated or being deliberately hurt by anyone in any way, and that includes by her husband.”
Andrew nodded. “Well, I can assure you, I was at as much of a loss for what was going on as you and Deidra were. I left to get us something to eat, and when I came back, she was gone. The car was still in the garage, but she was nowhere to be found. I phoned her friends; they all said they hadn’t seen or talked to her in the past few hours. I called you and Deidra, but your phones went straight to voice mail, which with you, was a shocker, since you generally keep your cell phone on at all times.”
Lawrence sat back against his cushioned seat. “That was mostly Deidra’s doing. I wanted to give her a night out and her stipulation to go was that we had to turn off our phones completely.”
“It was okay,” Andrew said. “It was just, I did start to get worried after a few hours when I couldn’t find her or anybody to tell me what was going on. I could just see that playing out on television. You know how the husband claims he went to do something and upon his return, his wife was missing. Then days roll by, and before you know anything, he’s the main suspect or, as the authorities like to put it in the beginning, ‘a person of interest’ in her disappearance. There’s no way I could have convinced anyone that I didn’t have anything to do with Paris’s disappearance had that turned out to be the case.”
“Well, Deidra and I both stressed to Paris to not do anything crazy like that again.”
“I appreciate that. I just hope she listens to you and her mother better than she listens to me.”
A waiter came over to the table and took their orders.
Lawrence sat back in his seat. “Okay. Now what’s this about you and some woman named Gabrielle Booker . . . Gabrielle Mercedes, whatever her name is, knowing each other prior to Paris introducing you the other day?”
Andrew laughed. It was a slightly nervous laugh. “Paris told you all that?”
Lawrence nodded. “She did.” Lawrence steepled his fingers and leaned in. “So.”
Andrew rocked his body a little before quickly stilling himself. “I’ll tell you like I told your daughter: I don’t know what she’s talking about. It was like this: She and I go to the cafeteria to get something to eat because Paris hadn’t cooked anything at home, so when we got to the hospital she was hungry. She wants to say we were going to get coffee for my friends, but that wasn’t it at all. As soon as we walked into the cafeteria, she says she sees someone she thinks she knows and heads straight for this couple. Of course, I tag along behind her. It turns out the woman is someone she knows. Which I must confess was a relief to me, since Paris has been known to march me up and introduce me to an old boyfriend or two as though hearing that they were an item shouldn’t bother me. Well, she and this woman used to be roommates or something once.”
“I don’t know if I’d call them true roommates,” Lawrence said. “She gave this young woman a place to stay until she could get on her feet and find a place of her own after her folks apparently threw her out on the streets for no good reason and with nowhere else to go. It was a noble gesture on my daughter’s part. And if I can be brutally honest here, a complete surprise to both me and her mother when she did it, since Paris has never been known for helping much of anybody out.”
Andrew nodded. The waiter brought their food and began placing everything appropriately, momentarily putting a halt to their conversation.
Lawrence knew Andrew really couldn’t argue with him on his assessment of Paris even if he disagreed, which Lawrence knew that he didn’t. Andrew had apparently been struck by Paris’s beauty and he couldn’t see anything else lurking beneath. Lawrence had tried to tell Andrew that beauty was more than what could be found on the surface and that people should always dig deeper. Andrew told him he knew all that he needed to know when it came to Paris and that he loved her unconditionally.
Lawrence has never doubted Andrew’s love for his daughter. They’d been together for eight years, married for seven. Lawrence knew that Andrew desperately wanted to have children. From what he could tell, Paris didn’t until just recently. And Lawrence wasn’t sure whether Paris really wanted children now or if she was saying that to string Andrew along. He knew his daughter. Manipulation and trickery were never beneath her.
“Thanks,” Andrew said to the waiter when he finished.
“Can I get you anything else?” the waiter asked.
“Hot sauce,” Andrew said. “I have to have my hot sauce with my chicken wings.”
The waiter left and returned with a bottle of hot sauce.
“Anything else?” the waiter asked.
“We’re good for now,” Lawrence said, essentially dismissing the waiter.
“Thank you,” Andrew said to him. The waiter then left.
Lawrence began to chuckle.
Andrew shook the bottle of hot sauce, then uncapped it and began shaking drops on his wings. “What’s so funny?”
“I was just thinking of the stereotype you’re helping to perpetrate. Got to have your chicken and, oh, yeah, by the way, my man, would you happen to have some hot sauce in the house.”
Andrew didn’t crack a smile. “I personally don’t care what folks say or think about me. I like what I like, and if other folks don’t like it, then it’s their problem, not mine.” Andrew sat up straighter. “Now, are you saying grace or am I?”
Lawrence smiled, then nodded. “Please. Be my guest.”
Andrew bowed his head and said a quick prayer over their food. He then picked up a wing and began to devour it.
“So finish telling me about this woman . . . Gabrielle whatever her last name is.”
“What’s to tell?”
“My daughter believes you two know each other.”
“Your daughter believes a lot of things. It never makes what she believes true.”
“That’s true. But you seem to be going to great lengths to give me lawyer responses to direct questions. So typical. Forever trying to be politically correct.”
Andrew laughed. “You’re the politician of the family. You’re the one willing to sell out at any price if it will get you reelected. Now that’s typical.”
Lawrence leaned in and took a bite of his meatloaf. He chewed a few times, then swallowed. “I didn’t ask you here to discuss me or my reelection efforts. I’ve heard and duly noted your objections to my reelection tactics. I know you completely disapprove of my switching over to the Republican Party. I know you don’t like my pretending to embrace the Tea Party movement. But if this is what I have to do to be able to continue to serve the great folks of Alabama, then that’s what I’m willing to do. If you can’t find your way to vote for me, as you stated you wouldn’t if I did this, then that’s your right. But you know what they say: One monkey don’t stop no show.”
“Oh, so you’re calling me a monkey now? You’ve been with the Republicans and the Tea Party all of two months, and you’re already calling the black man a monkey.”
“See, that’s the problem with you people.” Lawrence grinned.
Andrew pretended to chuckle. “Oh, a good one: ‘you people. ’ What’s that? Racism One-oh-one. Now it’s coming from my own, so I guess you can hide behind the fact that technically you can’t be a racist against your own people. Yep. This is going to be an interesting election cycle for sure. And I am so not looking forward to it. I can already see the covert racial attacks. The dog-whistle sound bites that let those who think we don’t know the whistle is being blown know that the hunt has begun.”
Lawrence sat back and began to clap softly. “Lawyer One-oh-one mastered beautifully. Bravo, Counselor. Bravo.”
Andrew wiped his hands on a napkin, then grabbed another one and began to wipe his mouth and his hands again. “What do you mean?”
“I know a diversion tactic when I see one. I didn’t get this far in politics letting folks spit on me and tell me it’s raining.”
“Hey, I’m still eating over here. I can do without the visuals.”
Lawrence nodded, then leaned in. “Now, I’d like a straight answer, if you don’t mind. No more clowning around. Did you know Gabrielle Booker . . . Gabrielle Mercedes prior to my daughter introducing you at the hospital cafeteria the other day?”
Andrew’s phone started playing a tune. Without even looking to see who it was, Andrew said, “That’s your daughter calling me. Now, if I don’t answer it, I’m sure she’ll be coming to you to tell you something else that she knows nothing about. Like right now for instance, when she tells it, she’ll be saying she called me and I didn’t pick up because I was out with some woman, most likely, and I didn’t want to interrupt our time together to answer my phone.”
“Answer your phone,” Lawrence said. “We have time. We’re not going anywhere for a while.” Lawrence continued to eat while Andrew talked to Paris.
Andrew placed his phone back in the holder on his belt.
“Is everything okay?” Lawrence asked when Andrew didn’t say anything more.
“As you likely heard from my end of the conversation, I told her where I was and with whom. She wants me to bring her some takeout from here.”
“Making sure you’re really here, eh?” Lawrence said with a chuckle and a grin.
“I don’t know. I just don’t understand Paris. I’ve tried to give her everything her heart desires, but it still doesn’t seem to be enough. It’s like there’s this big hole there and no matter what I do, I can’t fill it.”
“Well, I wouldn’t stress myself out about it. That’s just women for you. If you can figure out how to make them feel special enough days out of the week, and pretend you’re listening when they talk, you have ninety percent of the battle won. The other ten percent, I guess you just have to give to God.” Lawrence took a swallow of his soda.
Andrew nodded as he began looking around. “I guess I should order Paris’s takeout so it will be ready by the time I’m ready to leave. She asked me to drop it off at the house before I go back to work.” He shook his head.
“Yeah. And I just remembered: I have an appointment my secretary said I didn’t need to be late for. It sounds promising. Mattie thinks he could be a big-money donor with the potential to bring in some others from his field.”
Andrew got the waiter’s attention, and he made his way over to their table. After Andrew gave him his takeout order, he turned back to Lawrence. “I know you think I’m trying to dodge your question about Paris’s old acquaintance, ex-roommate, whatever you and she want to call her. But I’m going to say this to you even though I didn’t say it to Paris. I’m really tired of defending myself every time she gets the notion that I’m looking at some woman we pass by on the street, accusing me of either wanting them or knowing them. It’s gotten old. I respect you, Lawrence. But honestly, this is between me and my wife. And if you really want to go there, Paris thinks you and Gabrielle may have had eyes for each other. So, would you care to tell me about that?”
Lawrence almost choked on the meatloaf he’d just placed in his mouth. He quickly grabbed his soda and began taking swallows to try to clear his passageway.
“Are you okay?”
Lawrence nodded quickly, throwing up his hand to let Andrew know he didn’t need him beating on his back. “I’m fine. I’m fine,” he said.
After Andrew saw that Lawrence was really okay, he said, “I guess hearing that didn’t go down too well with you, either. Now you know how I feel. You can ask me if I knew Gabrielle prior to seeing her in that hospital cafeteria. And I can ask you what the real deal was between you and your daughter’s then eighteen-year-old roommate. You see how this could go if we fall into Paris’s little world?”
Lawrence absolutely knew how this could go. He would say that Paris had quite an imagination and a flare for the dramatic. And Andrew would agree that his assessment is correct.
But still, Lawrence couldn’t help but wonder if Andrew was keeping something from both him and his daughter when it came to Gabrielle. Was it possible the child Gabrielle claimed to have been pregnant with and didn’t abort but instead gave up for adoption might possibly even be Andrew’s? He was grasping now, he knew that. But it was still something to consider. He would get William and his people to see what they might be able to find out.
Discreetly, of course. After all, he didn’t want to do anything that might upset his daughter’s apple cart. Talk about drama—he didn’t even want to think about that.