Descartes Chronology

1596 — Birth of Descartes at La Haye.

1606 — Enters college at La Flèche.

1614 — Leaves La Flèche, studies law at Poitiers.

1616 — Graduates from Poitiers.

1618 — Soldier under Maurice of Orange. Compendium Musicae (unpublished).

1619 — Nov. 10: Dreams mark turning-point in vocation.

1620 — Travels in Europe. Cogitationes Privatae, Olympica (unpublished).

1628 — Rules for the Direction of the Mind (uncompleted, unpublished).

1633 — Condemnation of Galileo. The World and Treatise on Man prepared for publication but withdrawn.

1637 — Discourse on Method, Dioptrics, Geometry, Meteorology, first published work.

1640 — Death of Descartes’ daughter and father.

1641 — Meditations, with Objections, and Replies.

1644 — Principles of Philosophy.

1645 — Search for Truth (unpublished, date uncertain).

1647 — Notes against a Program published without Descartes’ permission. Discourse on the Human Body (unfinished, unpublished, as were other anatomical works).

1648 — Interview with Burman.

1649 — Passions of the Soul published. Birth of Peace, a ballet on the Peace of Westphalia written for the Queen of Sweden.

1650 — Death of Descartes in Sweden.