
Many poems in this book have appeared in journals, on websites, or in anthologies (sometimes in earlier versions, or with different titles). I am grateful to them, to their staff members, and to their editors:

The Account, The Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, The American Scholar, The Ampersand Review, Aspasiology, The Awl, The Believer, Blackbox Manifold, Blue Earth Review, Boston Review, Copper Nickel, EOAGH, Five Points, Free Verse, The Globe and Mail (Canada), The Iowa Review, The Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review, HiLobrow, John Donne and Contemporary Poetry (Palgrave, 2017), Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, Lit Hub, Locomotive (Armenia), London Review of Books, Luna Luna, Michigan Quarterly Review, Nat Brut, The New Republic, The New Yorker, The Ocean State Review, The Paris Review, Partisan, PN Review, Poems for Political Disaster (Boston Review, 2017), Poetry, Prac Crit, Prelude, Provincetown Arts Journal, Sport (New Zealand), T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Vetch: A Magazine of Trans Poetry and Poetics, The Virginia Quarterly Review, The Washington Post, The Wolf.

Thanks of a special order go to Marisa Atkinson, Katie Dublinski, Fiona McCrae, Jeff Shotts, and everyone else at Graywolf Press; to my colleagues at Harvard University and at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch and in particular to the relevant chairs at those institutions, James Engell, James Simpson, and Paul Millar; to Blue Flower Arts; to Boston Review editors and staff; and to the Guggenheim Foundation.

Poems with “Stephanie” as part of the title, as well as the poem “Mean Girls,” were previously published in the chapbook All-Season Stephanie (Minneapolis: Rain Taxi Editions, 2015), which also includes illustrations by Eowyn Evans and poems not collected here. Special thanks to Kelly Everding and Eric Lorberer.

For other help, advice, encouragement and assistance—emotional, literary and practical—directly reflected within poems and in the ordering of this book, I am deeply grateful to: Sandra Beasley, Alfred Bendixen, Susan Bianconi, David Blair, Lucie Brock-Broido, Sandra and Jeffrey Burt, David Caplan, Timothy Donnelly, Mark Doten, Jordan Ellenberg, Jonathan Ellis, Josh Glenn, Rachel Gold, Jorie Graham, Langdon Hammer, Laura Kasischke, J. D. McClatchy, Matt McGowan, the Nelson Patel family, Mark Payne, Trace Peterson, Chris Price, Justin Quinn, Dean Rader, Donald Revell, Michael Scharf, Michael Schmidt, Don Share, Carmen Giménez Smith, Amber Tamblyn, Craig Morgan Teicher, Helen Vendler, Mark Wunderlich, Jane Yeh, and Monica Youn, as well as to my students, and to the dedicatees of individual poems.

And to Jessica Bennett, our Nathan and our Cooper, every day, in ways beyond all counting.