

Follower-on. Latecomer. Always backward,

a turn of the ears, of fine hairs on the ears, of the head.

A finer sense of motion. An arrière-garde.

An interest in the future of the living

as it is figured

in the unsatisfiable

demands of the dead.


My chambers are lit from within, or else

from above, like

            embers, unilaterally.

I study what you call spontaneity.

The life in which I can learn,

albeit after the fact, what all of you

have done with yourselves—going nowhere, seeing

every piquant possibility—

turned out to be

the only life for me.


Dog lovers, I have learned, have feline souls, requiring

companionship they cannot “find within,”

whereas the poor souls and pilgrims who look up to cats

admire their independence and amorality,

we ourselves being already

“guilty as sin.”


I watch the gate.

Why do you not go through?

Then there would be no one to watch the gate.


Where would you place yourself?

I cannot say,

given the obvious conflicts of interest;

as long as I stay

at my post, without respite or rest,

nobody else can either. Not knowing is best.