

Chapter 1

1. Weekly column by Hugo Chávez,

2. Ann Crittenden, “Growers’ Power in Marketing Under Attack,” New York Times, March 25, 1981, p. 1.

3. Doug Foster, “Forbidden Fruit,” Inquiry, May 11, 1981, p. 23.

4. John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath (New York: Penguin Books, 2002) 348.

5. Dissent, Winter 2010

6. Economists distinguish between public and non-public goods on two grounds, features known as rivalry and excludability. Public goods, under the economic definition, are goods which are non-rivalrous in their consumption and non-excludable in their distribution. If that sounds like academic gobbledygook, a couple of simple examples will make the distinction clear. A rivalrous good is one for which my consumption of one unit of the good leaves one unit less for your consumption. A mango is rivalrous in consumption: Every mango I eat is a mango you cannot eat. But some goods are non-rivalrous: a highway, for instance. If I drive down a mile of highway, that does not leave one less mile for you to drive down.

But not all non-rivalrous goods are public goods. That highway, for instance, could be a private turnpike. That’s where the second criterion, excludability, comes in. Excludable goods are those for which we can limit consumption to paying parties. Those mangos are excludable goods; if you don’t pay me, you can’t have any of my mangos. But some goods are non-excludable, for instance, a big fireworks display. You could sell tickets to a fireworks display, but people on the periphery would still be able to see the show. Public goods are those goods which are both non-rivalrous and non-excludable.

There are obvious examples of government action, such as national defense and law enforcement, that are classical public goods. But there also are less obvious examples, and it bears keeping in mind that useful public goods will vary from place to place. For instance, in New Delhi, there is a terrible problem with mosquitoes. Each year, hundreds of people die of dengue fever, and many others are sickened by mosquito-borne diseases. So the local authorities conduct mosquito-spraying campaigns at public expense. Mosquito-control is non-rivalrous (a mosquito that is dead to you also is dead to me) and non-excludable (you cannot arrange it so that mosquitoes only refrain from attacking paying parties) and therefore meets the definition of a public good. But a public good is not synonymous with “something that is good for the public at large.” Mosquito-spraying in a place with no mosquito problem, for instance, would be a “public good” that is a waste of resources. Likewise, one might argue that there are significant public benefits from things like public schooling, government-subsidized health-care programs, and Amtrak, but those things, whether we like them or not, do not meet the technical definition of a public good.

7. Roger Kimball, “The Death of Socialsim,” The New Criterion, April 2002; available at: [accessed October 21, 2010].

8. Zbigniew Brzezenski, The Grand Failure (New York: Scribner, 1989), 63.

9. Ludwig von Mises, Socialism (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1981), 56.

Chapter 2

1. Absurdum, comment on “Communism vs. Capitalism,” Convince Me: Start a Debate, comment posted Feb 2, 2007; available at: [accessed August 3, 2010].

2. yolei36, comment on “Communism vs. Capitalism,” Convince Me: Start a Debate, comment posted Feb 2, 2007; available at: [accessed August 3, 2010].

3. mg41, comment on “Communism vs. Capitalism,” Convince Me: Start a Debate, comment posted Feb 2, 2007; available at: [accessed August 3, 2010].

4. enricofrole, comment on “Communism vs. Capitalism,” Convince Me: Start a Debate, comment posted Feb 2, 2007; available at: [accessed August 3, 2010].

5. Zbigniew Brzezenski, The Grand Failure (New York: Scribner, 1989), 212.

6. Karl Marx, Capital, ed. Friedrich Engels, trans. Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling (New York: Random House, 1906), 46.

7. Karl Marx, The Poverty of Philosophy (Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., 1910), 56.

8. Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Volume 1 (University of Lausanne, 1791), 45.

9. Karl Marx, Capital, ed. Friedrich Engels, trans. Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling (New York: Random House, 1906), 257.

10. Karl Marx, “Theses on Feuerbach,” trans. W. Lough, in Marx/Engels Selected Works: Volume I (Moscow, USSR: Progress Publishers, 1969), 15; available at: [accessed August 5, 2010].

Chapter 3

1. Ludwig von Mises, Socialism (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1981), 135–36.

2. Joseph Stalin, “Dialectical and Historical Materialism,” in the Josef Stalin Internet Archive; available at: [accessed August 5, 2010].

3. Francis Spufford, Red Plenty (Faber & Faber, 2010).

4. Ludwig von Mises, Interventionism, An Economic Analysis (Foundation for Economic Education, 1998).

5. David Miller, “F.A. Hayek: Dogmatic Skeptic,” Dissent, summer 1994.

Chapter 4

1. David Horowitz, “The Two Christophers,” FrontPageMagazine, July 6, 2010; available at: [accessed August 5, 2010].

2. Ibid.

3. Louis Uchitelle, “Paul Sweezey, 93, Marxist Publisher and Economist, Dies,” New York Times, March 2, 2004.

4. Paul Sweezey and Leo Huberman, “Introduction to Socialism,” Monthly Review; available at: [accessed August 5, 2010].

5. Ibid.

6. Paul Sweezy and Leo Huberman, “Introduction to Socialism,” Monthly Review, 1968.

7. Srinivas Murthy, Mahatma Gandhi and Leo Tolstoy Letters (Long Beach Publications: Long Beach, 1987), 189.

8. Sue, “Of Rural Welfare and Simplistic Living,” A Schizoid Dream, August 16, 2005; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

9. Mani Bhavan Gandhi Sangrahalaya, “Gandhi’s 11 Vows,” Mani Bhavan Gandhi Sangrahalaya: Mahatma Gandhi Information Website; available at: [accessed August 5, 2010].

10. Surur Hoda, “Schumacher on Gandhi,” Gandhi and the Contemporary World, ed. Antony Copley and George Paxton (India: Indo-British Historical Society, 1997).

11. Gurcharan Das, “India: How a rich nation became poor and will become rich again,” Gurcharan Das (Official Website), posted March 18, 2007; available at: [accessed August 5, 2010].

12. Milton Friedman, “Mahalanobis’s Plan,” The Statesman, November 26, 2006.

13. Jagdish N. Bhagwati, India in Transition: Freeing the Economy, 1993.

14. Ibid.

15. Gurcharan Das, “India: How a rich nation became poor and will become rich again,” Gurcharan Das (Official Website), posted March 18, 2007; available at: [accessed August 5, 2010].

16. Ibid.

Chapter 5

1. John Fund, “Still the One,” The American, published by the American Enterprise Institute, March/April 2007.

2. Sir Charles Phillip Haddon-Cave in “Intervention True to Guiding Policy,” Joseph Yam, South China Morning Post, August 24, 1998.

3. “Old Deluder Act (1647)” in Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1853; available at: [accessed August 9, 2010].

4. Martin Luther, “Letter to the German Rulers, 1524” in Education: Compulsory and Free, Murray N. Rothbard (Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1999), 20.

5. Calvin Stowes in Separating School & State: How to Liberate America’s Families, Sheldon Richman (Fairfax, Virginia: Future of Freedom Foundation, 1995), 46.

6. Barack Obama, “Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama: Back to School Event,” (remarks presented at Wakefield High School, Arlington, Virginia, September 8, 2009).

7. Nicweb, “Dear Repubs: Public Schools are Socialist . . . ,” Daily Kos, posted September 6, 2009; available at: [accessed August 6, 2010].

8. Patrick Allitt, “What’s All the Fuss?,” New York Times, September 15, 2009.

9. Jerry Webster, Jerry Webster’s Special Education Blog, September 18, 2010; available at: [accessed October 22, 2010].

10. “Capitalism vs. Socialism,”; available at: [accessed October 22, 2010].

11. Murray Rothbard, For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto (Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2006), 160–61.

12. Newton Bateman in For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray Rothbard (Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2006), 153.

13. Ibid.

14. Robert Dale Owen in Separating School & State: How to Liberate America’s Families, by Sheldon Richman (Fairfax, Virginia: Future of Freedom Foundation, 1995), 46.

15. William Seawell in Separating School & State: How to Liberate America’s Families, by Sheldon Richman (Fairfax, Virginia: Future of Freedom Foundation, 1995), 51.

16. Ibid.

17. Daniel Henniner, “Failure Starts Young: School is for: a) diversity b) learning to read?” Wall Street Journal, January 24, 2003, Opinion Pages.

18. “D.C.’s Successful Voucher Program Deserves a Second Life,” Washington Post, June 23, 2010.

Chapter 6

1. Paul Craig Roberts, “My Time with Soviet Economics,” The Independent Review, v. VII, n. 2, Fall 2002, 259–64.

2. Improving America’s Schools: The Role of Incentives, edited by Eric A. Hanushek and Dale W. Jorgenson. Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy, National Research Council, 1996.

3. Eric Hanushek, “Outcomes, Costs, and Incentives in Schools,” Improving America’s Schools: The Role of Incentives, National Research Council (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1996), 29–52.

Chapter 7

1. Hamish McRae, “The Most Successful Society on the Planet,” Independent, September 20, 2006.

2. Poly Toynbee, “The Most Successful Society the World has Ever Known,” Guardian, October 25, 2005.

3. “SWEDEN: Something Souring in Utopia,” Time, July 19, 1976; available at:,9171,914329-1,00.html [accessed August 10, 2010].

4. Jesse Larner, “Who’s Afraid of Friedrich Hayek? The Obvious Truths and Mystical Fallacies of a Hero of the Right,” Dissent, Winter 2008; available at: [accessed August 9, 2010].

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Milton Friedman in “Is Sweden a False Utopia?” Nima Sanandaji, Newgeography; available at: [accessed August 9, 2010].

8. “Obama: No ‘Easy Out’ for Wall Street,” Transcript: Terry Moran Interviews President Obama, ABC News, February 10, 2009; available at: [accessed August 9, 2010].

9. Christina Patterson, “The One Problem with this Lovely Swedish Utopia,” The Independent, September 10, 2008; available at: [accessed August 9, 2010].

10. Johan Norberg, “Swedish Models,” The National Interest, January 6, 2006; available at: [accessed August 9, 2010].

11. Zbigniew Brzezenski, The Grand Failure (Scribner, 1989), 263–64.

12. Johan Norberg, “Swedish Models,” The National Interest, January 6, 2006; available at: [accessed August 9, 2010].

13. Tino Sanandaji, “David Brooks Uses Some of My Figures,” Super-Economy: Kurdish-Swedish Perspectives on the American Economy, May 5, 2010; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

Chapter 8

1. Kim Jong Il, “On the Juche Idea,” (treatise presented at the National Seminar on the Juche Idea held to mark the 70th birthday of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, March 31, 1982); available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

2. Ibid.

3. The Black Book of Communism, Mark Kramer, ed. (Harvard University Press, 1999), 4.

4. Mitchell Lerner, “Making Sense of the ‘Hermit Kingdom’: North Korea in the Nuclear Age,” Origins, December 2008 vol. 2 issue 3; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

5. Jim Kay in “Making Sense of the ‘Hermit Kingdom’: North Korea in the Nuclear Age,” Mitchell Lerner, Origins, December 2008 vol. 2 issue 3; available at: articleid=21&articlepage=1&altcontent=no [accessed August 10, 2010].

6. Kongdan Oh in “Understanding Kim Jong-il,” Laura McClure,, January 10, 2003; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

7. Anonymous in “Making Sense of the ‘Hermit Kingdom’: North Korea in the Nuclear Age,” Mitchell Lerner, Origins, December 2008 vol. 2 issue 3; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

8. Owen Miller, “North Korea’s Hidden History,” International Socialism, February 3, 2006.

9. Juche Idea Study Group of England, “Juche Idea Study Group of England”; available at: [accessed October 26, 2010].

10. Joseph Stalin, “Dialectical and Historical Materialism,” in the Josef Stalin Internet Archive; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

11. Ibid.

12. Kim Jong Il, “On Some Problems of Education in the Jucha Idea,” July 15, 1986; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

Chapter 9

1. “Environmental Disaster or Communism There is No Third Way,” The Internationalists, September 1, 2008; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

2. Philippe Rekacewicz, “Environmental Disaster in Eastern Europe,” Le Monde diplomatique, July 19, 2000; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

3. Ibid.

4. Joseph W. Dellapenna, “Behind the Red Curtain: Environmental Concerns and the End of Communism” (Villanova University School of Law, 2010); available at:—%20Environmental%20Concerns%20and%20the%20End%20of%20Communism.pdf [available at October 26, 2010].

5. Eusebio Gonzalez in “Mexico’s Giant Polluter: Will Privatization Force Premex to Clean Up Its Act?” Joel Simon, Global Community Monitor; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

6. Betty Ferber in “Mexico’s Giant Polluter: Will Privatization Force Premex to Clean Up Its Act?” Joel Simon, Global Community Monitor; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

7. Joel Simon, “Mexico’s Giant Polluter: Will Privatization Force Premex to Clean Up Its Act?” Global Community Monitor; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

8. Chris Haslam, “Oil Prospecting in Gabon,” Wildlife Extra, October 2006; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

9. Ibid.

10. Joseph W. Dellapenna, “Behind the Red Curtain: Environmental Concerns and the End of Communism,” Villanova University Legal Working Paper Series, Working Paper 152; available at: [accessed October 26, 2010].

11. “Garbage islands threaten China’s Three Gorges dam,” Reuters; available at: [accessed October 26, 2010].

Chapter 10

1. Peter DeShazo, “Venezuela Forum: Conclusions and Future Implications: A Report of the CSIS Americas Program,” April 2008.

2. Ludwig von Mises, Socialism (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1981), 216.

3. Adolf Hitler in The Duel: the Eighty-Day Struggle Between Churchill and Hitler, John Lukacs (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990), 223.

4. “Fidel: ‘Cuban Model Doesn’t Even Work For Us Anymore,’” The Atlantic; available at: [accessed October 26, 2010].

5. John Lukacs, The Duel: the Eighty-Day Struggle Between Churchill and Hitler (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990), 223.

6. Thor Halvorssen, “Behind Exhumation of Simon Bolívar is Hugo Chávez’s Warped Obsession,” The Washington Post, July 25, 2010.

7. Ibid.

8. Christopher Hitchens, “Hugo Boss: What I Learned About Hugo Chávez’s Mental Health When I Visited Venezuela with Sean Penn,” Slate, August 2, 2010; available at: [accessed August 10, 2010].

9. John-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract (New York: Cosimo Classics, 2008), 14.

10. Ibid., 34.

11. Howard Wiarda, “Venezuela Alert: Understanding Chavez,” Hemisphere Focus, September 18, 2001; available at: [accessed November 11, 2010].

12. Ibid.

Chapter 11

1. International Socialist Review Issue 13, August-September 2000.

2. “Nationalism in the Soviet Union,” Russian History Encyclopedia; available at: [accessed October 27, 2010].

3. Ibid.

4. Peter Hays Gries, “Nationalism, Indignation, and China’s Japan Policy,” SAIS Review, Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer–Fall 2005, pp. 105–14.

5. Faustino Ballvé, Essentials of Economics, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2008.

6. Ibid.

7. The Sunday Times (London), April 31, 2009.

Chapter 12

1. “The Long Shadow of the Visible Hand,” Wall Street Journal, May 22, 2010.

2. “Why Dilma Rousseff Is Still a Good Bet,” Foreign Policy, October 19, 2010.

3. Jeff Merkley, “America Over a Barrel,” Merkley for Senate.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid., 2.

6. “Time to End Oil Dependence,” Energy Independence Now, July 23, 2010.

7. Merkley, “America Over a Barrel,” 2.

8. Ibid.

9. Ibid., 3.

10. Ibid., 4.

11. Ibid., 6, 7, 10.

12. “Time to End Oil Dependence,” Energy Independence Now, July 23, 2010.

13. “America Is Addicted to Oil,”, 2010.

14. David Field, “On 40th birthday, interstates face expensive midlife crisis,” Insight on the News; available at: [accessed October 27, 2010].

15. Ibid.

Chapter 13

1. Letters of Eugene V. Debs, vol. 1, J. Robert Constantine, ed. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990), 82–83.

2. Michael Kazin, Dissent, Summer 2010.

3. “Is Dodd Bill Socialist? Don’t Make Socialists Laugh,” The Nation, July 12, 2010.

4. Robert Higgs, “How War Amplified Federal Power in the Twentieth Century,” The Freeman, July 1, 1999.

5. Ibid.

6. Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism, 107.

7. Current History I: A Monthly Magazine of the New York Times, Vol. III, 1916, p. 683.

8. Fred Siegel, “1919: Betrayal and the Birth of Modern Liberalism,” City Journal, Nov 22, 2009; available at: [accessed October 27, 2010].

9. Bruce Caldwell, “Hayek and Socialism,” Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 35, December 1997.

10. Ibid., 1856–90.

11. Margaret L. Coit, Mr. Baruch (Boston: Houghton Muffin Co., 1957), 219. As quoted in Murry Rothbard’s “War Collectivism in World War I,” from A New History of Leviathan, Ronald Radosh and Murray N. Rothbard, eds. (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1972).

Chapter 14

1. Dan Jakopovich, “In the Belly of the Beast: Challenging U.S. Imperialism and the Politics of the Offensive,” Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, 2010.

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Ryan O’Donnell, “ANSWER’s Steering Committee,” FrontPage Magazine, March 12, 2003.

8. Slavoj Žižek, “A Permanent Economic Emergency,” New Left Review, July-Aug 2010.

9. Ibid.

10. Adam Shaw, “Obama’s Socialism,” American Thinker; available at: [accessed November 2, 2010].

11. Johnathan Derbyshire, “I am a Leninist. Lenin wasn’t afraid to dirty his hands. If you can get power, grab it,” New Statesman; available at: [accessed November 2, 2010].

Chapter 15

1. Robin Blackburn, “Socialism and the Current Crisis,” Dissent, Summer 2010; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

2. Transcript, The Guardian, September 10, 2009; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

3. David Dranove, “The Accidental Socialists,” Code Red, August 28, 2010.

4. Donald Berwick, “A Transatlantic Review of the NHS at 60,” Physicians for a National Health Program; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

5. “Barrasso slams Berwick appointment: Obama ‘intentionally’ misled,” Washington Examiner, July 7, 2010; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

6. “Confirmation fight on Health Chief,” New York Times, June 21, 2010; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

7. “Obama’s Nominee to Run Medicare: ‘Please Don’t Put Your Faith in Market Forces,’” CNS News, May 24, 2010; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

8. Sen. Jon Kyl, “No Chance to Question Donald Berwick’s Dangerous Views,” Heartland Institute, September 2010.

9. Philip Klein, “Obama’s Rationing Man,” American Spectator, May 13, 2010; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

10. “Will Donald Berwick Ration Healthcare? Conservatives Pounce on Obama Appointee,” CBS News; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

11. “Confirmation fight on Health Chief,” New York Times, June 21, 2010; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

12. “Health Patients suffer from NHS rationing,” BBC News, January 7, 1999; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

13. Ibid.

14. Ibid.

15. Chapter 13 of “Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Allegations of Ill-Treatment of Patients and other irregularities at the Ely Hospital, Cardiff,” Socialist Health Association; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

16. Michael Cooper, “Rationing Health Care,” p. 87. As cited by John Goodman in National Health Care in Great Britain: Lessons for the U.S.A. (Fisher Institute Publications, 1980).

17. John Goodman, Ibid.

18. Interview published by NHS in July 2008.

19. “Does Preventive Care Save Money? Health Economics and the Presidential Candidates,” New England Journal of Medicine; available at: [November 3, 2010].

20. John Goodman, National Health Care in Great Britain: Lessons for the U.S.A. (Fisher Institute Publications, 1980).

21. Video available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

22. Video, Breitbart TV; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

23. Audio, Breitbart TV; available at: [accessed November 3, 2010].

24. “Transcript: Rangel and Demint” on “FNS,”; available at:,2933,536263,00.html [accessed November 3, 2010].

25. Transcript, “Obama speaks at House Republican retreat in Baltimore,” Washington Post, [accessed November 10, 2010].


1. Ludwig von Mises, Socialism (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1981), 137.

2. O. Kyn, “The Role of Prices in a Socialist Economy,” in M. C. Kaser ed., Economic Development for Eastern Europe (Macmillan, 1968).

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.