Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
ABC, 202
Academy Awards (2013), 183–84
acrobatics, xviii, 7, 10, 222, 223, 231
acting, singing, and dancing of, 13, 14, 191
art of moving and, 15, 192
empathy of, 230
movement and, xviii–xix, 16
physical grace of, xvii, 13, 14, 16, 22
psychoanalysis and, 15
social grace of, 192–93
specialization of, 14
see also theater, live; vaudeville; specific actors
Actors Studio, 15, 16
Adams, Diana, 272
Adams, John, 51, 170
Aeneas, 166
Aeneid (Virgil), 166
African Americans, 239
Age of Empathy, The: Nature’s Lessons for a Kinder Society (de Waal), 232
Alabama, 237
Ali, Muhammad, 139
Allen, Gracie, 9
Allen, Maury, 125
All England Club, 117–18
All the President’s Men (film), 5
Alzheimer’s Association, 218
“Amazing Grace,” 236, 238–40, 242
American Ballet Theatre (ABT), 156–57, 159–60
American Chesterfield, The, see Letters to His Son on the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
American Dance Institute, 179
American Idol (TV show), 55
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 261–62
Ames, Iowa, 100
amputees, 202–5
An Affair to Remember (film), 10
Andrews, Erin, 204
empathy and, 226, 228
grace and, xx–xxi, 94–95, 218, 220–21, 273
human shared ancestors with, 221–22
imitation among, 218
movements perceived by, xx, 4
synchrony of, 94–95
see also specific species
Anita (char.), 13
Aphrodite, xiv, 67, 113
Aphrodite of Knidos (Praxiteles), 108–9, 109, 112
Argentina, 122
Arias, Roberto, 154
Arjuna (Hindu figure), 251
Armstrong, Lance, 139, 174
art, 105–13, 146
of ancient Greeks, 105–13
human brain and, 229
movement in, 107
sculptors and, 105–10
see also dance; specific artists and works
Art (Gautier), 194
Ashe, Arthur, 131
Ashton, Frederick, 150, 157
Astaire, Fred, 152, 174, 191
athletes, 116–44
ancient Greeks and, 108, 121
beauty and, 121, 122, 132–33, 143
bodies and, 120
as defying gravity, 122–23
fluidity in movements of, 118–19, 130, 140
grace as advantage of, 132
social graces of, 123–24, 143
see also specific athletes
Atlantic City, N.J., 126
Aurora, Princess (char.), 148, 151
Austin, Tex., 31
Australia, 30
Awful Truth, The (film), 9, 36
axiomatic morality, 67
Babette’s Feast (film), 271
Baby Boomers, 51–52
Bacall, Lauren, 16–17
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 185, 195, 234, 235
Bachmann, Michele, 40
Badgley, Mark, 266
Badgley Mischka, 266
Balanchine, George, 142, 153
Ball, Lucille, 27
Ballard, Florence, 85
ballet, 145–60
acting in, 157
body distortion and, 145, 146
ease in, 147, 148, 153, 159
falling in, 185–86
fluidity in, 146, 151
harmony of body in, 147, 152
posture in, 256–57
technique in, 146, 157
see also dance, dancing; specific ballerinas
Baltimore, Md., 105
Baltimore Colts, 141
Baltimore Ravens, 142
Bambi Kino, 160
Bangor University, 225
Banquet of Vultures (ballet), 168
Bar, Rachel, 199
Bargemon, 275
Barkley, Charles, 132
Barry, Janelle, 197
Barrymore, Lionel, 278
Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 11, 140, 147, 158, 159, 160
baseball, 125–26, 131–32
basketball, 129
Bauhaus art, 265
Bayadère, La (ballet), 159
Bayer, Raymond, xv, 127
Bay of Pigs invasion, 186
Beatles, 82, 160, 161, 225
beauty, xxv, 12–13, 62, 105, 143, 145
athletes and, 121, 122, 132–33, 143
disturbing style and, 146
of human body, 264
movement and, 136, 166
Beauty and the Beast (film), 167
Beauty in Dress (Dewing), 265
behavior, strict codes of, 67
bella figura, 66
Bellamy, Ralph, 5
Belle (char.), 167
Bell Jar, The (Plath), 27–28
Belmondo, Jean-Paul, 18–19
Benson, Frank Weston, 188–89
Bergman, Ingrid, xix
Berkeley Rep, 174
Berlin, 239, 268
Berlin, Irving, 191
Berlin Wall, 268
Bernardo (char.), 174
Bhagavad Gita, 250
Bieber, Justin, 55
Billy (MS yoga participant), 201–2
bionic leg, 206–7
Bishop’s Wife, The (film), 9, 25
Black, Maggie, 256
Black Watch (play), 15
Blanchett, Cate, 21–22, 230
body, human, 219
ancient Greeks and, 107, 110, 264
evolution and, 222
see also brain, human; grace, physical; movement
Boeing, 56
Bogart, Humphrey, 16
Bolt, Usain, 228
Bond, James (char.), 25
Bond, Mary, 258
bonobos, 222
Borg, Bjorn, 132
Boston Marathon bombing (2013), 206
Boston Red Sox, 126
Botticelli, Sandro, 110, 111, 112
boxing, 138–39
brachiation, 222, 223–24
Braden, Susan, 199–202
Bradlee, Ben, 251–52
brain, human, 211–18
art and, 229
bodily empathy and, 230–31
exercise and, 217–18
measuring of, 213
motor structures of, 213–14
movement and, 211–18
physical grace and, 211–12
purpose of, 215
thinking and, 217
Brandenburg Gate, 239, 268
Brando, Marlon, 16, 18
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (film), 12
breathing, 257–58
collective, 258–59
Breathless (film), 18–19
Bringing Up Baby (film), xviii, 6, 36
Bristol, 6, 7
British Army, 239
British Invasion, 82
Broadway, 14–15, 261
Bron, 224
Brooklyn, N.Y., 83
Brooklyn Dodgers, 131
Brown, Alex, 98–99, 100
Brown, Chris, 80
Bruce (char.), 5–6
Bryant, Edwin, 250
Bryant, Kobe, 132
Buckle, Richard, 151
Buddha, 241
Buddhism, 241
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward G., vii
Burns, George, 9
Burns, Walter (char.), 5
Bush, George W., 168, 171
Cagney, James, 16
California, 155
Callas, Maria, 174
Cambridge, Duchess of, 30, 117
Cambridge, Duke of, 30
Canada’s National Ballet School, 198, 199
Capturing Grace (documentary), 196–97
Caravaggio, xxiv–xxv, 69–70, 275
Carol (Dance for PD participant), 198
Carraway, Nick (char.), 25–26
Carrey, Jim, 36
Carson, Johnny, 41–42, 44–45
Carthusian monks, 241
Cassatt, Mary, 256
Castiglione, Baldesar, 64–65, 73, 188
Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto, 245
Castro, Fidel, 186
cats, 273
Cats (musical), 261
Centre de Neuroscience Cognitive, 224
Chakiris, George, 174
Chanel, 264
Chaplin, Charlie, xixxx
character, 67
Charade (film), xiii
Charites, see Three Graces
Charles, Prince of Wales, 24
Charly (Frenchman), 275–76
Charm (booklet), 53, 58, 60
chefs, 96–98
Chesterfield, Earl of, Philip Stanhope, 69–74, 270
Chicago, Ill., 139
Chicago, University of, Divinity School, 244
Child, Julia, 66
child-rearing practices, 52–53
chimpanzees, 222, 223
China, 29, 30, 32, 217–18
Chopin, Frédéric, 159
Christianity, 239–42, 243, 246, 248–49
Church of Notre Dame, 240
CityZen, 96
civilization, xxi, 47–48
civil rights era, xxv, 31, 86, 239
Clift, Montgomery, 10, 15, 16, 19
Clinton, Bill, 173
Clinton, Hillary, 200
Clooney, George, 19
clothing and style, 264–69
of Americans, 268
of Europeans, 268–69
for men, 266–68
for women, 264–66
coarseness, culture of, 53–57
Cocteau, Jean, 167
Colbert, Claudette, 17–18
Colbert Report, The (TV show), 242
Cold War, 156
Columbia University, 240
Comaneci, Nadia, 122, 136, 214
comedy, see humor
Comedy Central, 242
Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (Spock), 52
compassion, 247, 248–49
Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor (Bach), 234
Conduct of Life, The (Emerson), 47
Congress, U.S., 31
Connors, Jimmy, 131
Conqueror, The (film), 169
contrapposto, 105, 107
Cooper, Gary, 11
Cornell, Joseph, 150
Cortegiano, Il (The Book of the Courtier) (Castiglione), 64–65, 188
Covey, Stephen, 65
Cowell, Simon, 55
Cranko, John, 157
Crawley family (fictional), 21
cricket, 129–30
Cross, Emily, 225, 229, 230
crosswalks, 176–77
Curry, Stephen, 129
cycling, 123–24
Cyrus, Miley, 83–84
Damrosch, Phoebe, 96–97, 101–2
dance, dancing, xvi, 96, 145–63, 227
amputees and, 202–7
bodily empathy in, 227, 234
boxing and, 138–39
emotional connections in, 147–48
falling in, 185–86
fluidity in, 146
football and, 140, 141–42
Parkinson’s disease and, 194–99
posture in, 256–57
prayer and, 241
on reality TV shows, 146; see also specific TV shows
walking and, 167–68
see also ballet
Dance for PD, 196–99
“Dance Is a Man’s Sport, Too” (TV special), 141–42
Dance Moms (TV show), 55
“Dancing: A Man’s Game” (TV special), 141
“Dancing in the Street,” 187
Dancing with the Stars (TV show), 141, 202–6
Darwin, Charles, 226
David (Senate page), 237–38
David (Michelangelo), 107
Davis, Meryl, 202
Dean, Christopher, 137
Dean, James, 19
Declaration of Independence, 171
Deep Blue (robot), 219
Deep South, 87, 89
Degas, Edgar, 147, 151, 255–56
de la Renta, Oscar, 165
Della Casa, Giovanni, 62–64, 67, 68
dementia, 218, 251
Deneuve, Catherine, 218
Dennis (author’s classmate), 30–31, 32, 33
depression, 217
DeSouza, Joseph, 198–99
Destiny’s Child, 81
Detroit, Mich., 83–85
de Waal, Frans, 222, 223, 229, 232
Dewing, Maria Oakey, 265
Dietrich, Marlene, 79
digital devices, 54, 175
DiMaggio, Joe, 117, 125–27, 154, 174
Dionysus, xiv, 25, 67, 106, 108
Dior, 264
disgrace, on Internet, 55–56
Disney Channel, 83
diving, 143–44
Djokovic, Novak, 119–20, 132
Dolores (model), 167
Donen, Stanley, xiii
dopamine, 195–96
Double Evil (ballet), 145–46
Dougie (dance), 38
Downton Abbey (TV show), 20–21, 260
Dunne, Irene, 9
Duranty, Louis Edmond, 91, 255
Dust Bowl, 45
Easter Week, 245
Ebony, 81
ego, 84
Egypt, ancient, xxi–xxii, 61–62
Einfühlung, 228
Einstein, Albert, 217, 219
Ekaterina (stripper), 161–63, 273
“Eleanore” (Tennyson), 221
Elevator to the Gallows (L’ascenseur pour l’echafaud) (film), 263
Eliza (char.), 68
Ellsworth, Kans., 43, 45
Elo, Jorma, 145–46
elocution, 85
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 12, 47–48, 155
Emory University, 222
empathy, xxiv, 53, 225–34
of actors, 230
animals and, 226, 288
bodily, 227, 228, 229–32, 233–34
imagination and, 226, 232
maternal care and, 229
nervous systems and, 230–31, 232
social connection and, 231, 233–34
English National Ballet, 199
epilepsy, 213
Erving, Julius “Dr. J,” 128, 129, 132
Esplanade (ballet), 234–35
Estonia, 199
etiquette, 21, 49, 81, 170
Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home (Post), 58–59
Europe, clothing and style in, 268–69
evolution, 222–24
physical grace and, 225–26
“Evolution of Mom Dancing, The,” 38
exoskeletons, 206
Facebook, 56
falling, 183–87, 235
“Falling Down Stairs” (dance), 185
Fallon, Jimmy, 38
Fashion Week, 164, 265
see also New York’s Fashion Week
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, 241
Federer, Roger, xiv, 64, 116, 117–20, 130–31, 133, 211–12, 214, 228
Ferri, Alessandra, 269
Fiddler on the Roof, 194, 195
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 25–26
flamingos, 95
Fleming, Ian, 25
Florence, 62
Folies Bergère, 7
Follies (musical), 167
Fonteyn, Margot, 148–55, 149, 254, 271, 279
football, 139–40
Founding Fathers, 51
France, French, xv, 18, 59–60, 70, 80–81, 96, 112, 124, 224, 269, 274–76
Francis, Pope, 245–46
Franklin, Benjamin, 51
French Jesuits, xxiii
French Laundry, 96, 97
French New Wave, 18
From Here to Eternity (film), 16
Gable, Clark, 19
Galadriel, queen (char.), 21
Galatea, 64
Galateo overo de’ costumi, Il (Galateo, or the Rules of Polite Behavior) (Della Casa), 63, 64, 68
Garbo, Greta, xvii–xviii, xxv
Gatsby, Jay (char.), 25–26
Gautier, Théophile, 194
Gaye, Marvin, 82–83
Georgetown (Washington D.C.), 236, 251
Georgetown University Medical Center, 201
Georgopoulos, Apostolos, 212–13, 214, 216, 218
Georgopoulos Theory of Grace, 214, 218
Germany, 122, 228, 239, 268–69
gibbons, 223–24
Giselle (ballet), 157, 160
Gleason, Jackie, xvii, 36–38, 37, 103, 141
Godard, Jean-Luc, 18
“God’s Grandeur”(Hopkins), 244–45
Gone with the Wind (film), xx
Goode, Joe, 177–79
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 169
Goolagong, Evonne, 130
Gordy, Berry, Jr., 81, 84, 85
Götze, Mario, 122, 131
Gower, David, 129–30
grace, xiii–xv, xx, xxiii–xxiv, xxvi
aesthetics and, xv, 241
animals and, see animals
antithesis of, 18, 55, 59
art and, see art
as associated with upper-class, xxiv
attraction of, xxiii, 4
beauty and, see beauty
clothing and, 264–69
and comfort in one’s own skin, 20, 112
concept of, 48, 253
current disregard for, see grace gap
digital devices and, 54, 175
elocution and, 85
essence of, xvii
examination and study of, xv, xxvi
falling and, 183–87
giving and, 56
harmony and, see harmony
human connection and, 13, 93–94, 110
as ideal self, xvii
ideals of, in movies and television, xvii
imitation and, see imitation
inconspicuousness and, 60
of males in movies, 15
Motown and, 81–87
origin of word, 240
as overlooked, xxv
paradox of, 64
power as valued over, 56
practice and, xxv, 49, 81, 214, 218
religion and, 236–53
robotics and, 219
roots of, xx–xxi, 253
self-control and, xxv, 51, 61–64
service industry and, 91–92, 96–100, 101–3
slowing down and, 58
of superstars, 77–90
synchrony and, 94–97
techniques for living with, 255–70
tips for, 277–78
of women, see women
grace, physical, 4–5
of actors, xvii, 13, 14, 16, 22
of athletes, 101, 117–44; see also athletes
carriage and, 58–60; see also walking
of Cary Grant, xvi–xvii, xviii–xix, 3–6, 11, 19, 36
in conversation, 63
dancing and, see dance, dancing
defying gravity and, 122–23, 150
disciplined body in, xxiii, 7, 14, 58, 120
efficiency in, 130, 225–26, 229–30
elasticity in, 127–28
empathy and, 228
evolution and, 225–26
fluidity in, 4, 118–19, 130, 140, 146, 151, 195, 196, 220–21
human brain and, 211–12
modeling and, 165–66
movement and, see movement
physical difficulties and, 194–208
posture and, see posture
social consequences of, 223, 225–26
struggle and, 120
survival and, 222–25
grace, social, 47–74
of actors, 192–93
of athletes, 123–24, 143
of Cary Grant, xix–xx, 24–25, 26, 30, 193, 271, 274
coarseness and, 53–57
empathy and, xxiv, 53
of Fonteyn, 154
generosity in, 155
hosting and, 23–33
humor in, 34–46
mental attitude in, xx, 59, 86
narcissism and, xxiv, 52–53
nonchalance and, 64–67
nurturing/nursing and, 154, 251–52, 271
self-control in, 51, 61–64
understanding heart in, xxiii, xxv, 25, 155
Grace (dance-theater piece), 178–79
“Gracefulness” (Spencer), 227–28
grace gap, xv–xvi, xxiv, 53–57
Grammy awards, 80
Grand Hotel (film), xviii, 278
Grant, Barbara, 24
Grant, Cary, xiii, 2, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 42, 108, 125, 143, 154, 168, 184, 191, 220, 230, 258, 275
as acrobat, xviii, 7, 10
childhood of, 6–7
corporeal energy of, 10
donation of salary to war efforts by, xx
gentlemanly qualities of, xix
humor of, 34–36, 35
name of, 6, 9
physical grace of, xvi–xvii, xviii–xix, 3–4, 5–6, 11, 19, 36
retirement announcement of, xix–xx
social grace of, xix–xx, 24–25, 26, 30, 193, 271, 274
style of, 266–68, 267
as vaudevillian, xviii, 7–9, 190
work ethic of, 189
Gratiae, xiv, 110
Great Britain, 6–7, 9, 24, 39, 117, 129, 137, 151, 170
World War II and, xx
Great Depression, 43, 45
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 25–26
Greek mythology, xiv, 25, 56, 110, 240
Greeks, ancient, xiv, xix, 109, 143, 147
art of, 105–13
athletes and, 108, 121
human form and, 107, 110, 264
Grey, Joel, 14
Guggenheim Museum, 92–93
Guinea, Mrs. (char.), 27, 28
gymnastics, 133–34
Hail Mary, 241
Halliday, John, xxiii
Halston, 266
Hamburg, 161
Hamburger, Maria, 201–2
Hamill, Dorothy, 138
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 211
Hanson, Thor, 254
harmony, xxiii, 61, 62
of body, in ballet, 147, 152
ideal of, xxiii
in interactions, 48
movement and, xx–xxi, xxv, 58, 168
self-control and, 251
social, xxi, 65
teamwork and, 95
Harvey, Cynthia, 157
Haslet-Davis, Adrianne, 206–7
Hathaway, Anne, 72
Hawkins, Francis, xxii–xxiii
Hawks, Howard, 6, 9
Hazlitt, William, 12
Hebrew, 246, 247, 248
Heginbotham, John, 196
Helpmann, Robert, 151
Hemingway, Ernest, 86, 117, 135
Hepburn, Audrey, xiii, xvii, 12
Hepburn, Katharine, xvi–xvii, xviii, xxiii, 2, 6, 9, 12
Hephaestus, 110
Herr, Hugh, 206–7
Herrera, Carolina, 165, 166, 265
Herrmann, Bernard, 11
Hesiod, xiv, 110
Higgins, Henry (char.), 68
high heels, 263–64
High Noon (film), 11
Hinduism, 250–51
Hippocrates, 262
Hippodrome, 7
His Girl Friday (film), 5–6, 35
Hitchcock, Alfred, 3, 8, 11, 15
Hitchens, Christopher, 39
Holiday (film), xviii, 9
Holland, 69
Holleran, Michael K., 240–42, 247
Hollywood, xxiv, 6, 9, 17, 57, 191
Hollywood Squares (game show), 45
Holt, Mildred “Mimi,” 42–46
Holy Thursday, 245
Home, Henry, 24
Home Institute, 53, 58
Homer, xiv, 110
Honeymooners, The (TV show), 36
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 244
horses, 95
hosting, grace and, 24–33
Hough, Derek, 202–6
House of Commons, British, 40, 41
House of Representatives, U.S., 238
Houston, Tex., 81
How to Enter Vaudeville: A Complete Illustrated Course of Instruction (La Delle), 7, 189–91, 192–93
Hughes, Mrs. (char.), 21
grace and, 34–46
self-deprecating, 34–35, 39, 41
Hyde Park, N.Y., 29
ice skating, 137–38
I Confess, 15, 16
Idiocracy (film), 74
Ignudi, 122, 144
Iliad (Homer), 110
animals and, 218, 227
children and, 218, 232, 259
emotion as driver of, 225
learning grace through, xxv, 73, 218, 224, 231
see also empathy
inclusiveness, 30–33
inconspicuousness, 60
India, Hinduism in, 250
Inside Man (film), 20
Instagram, 55
Internet, 55
Internet outrage, 55–56
Iowa, 100–101
“I Sing the Body Electric” (Whitman), 164
Islam, 248–49
“Isn’t This a Lovely Day (To Be Caught in the Rain),” 191
Israel Ballet, 199
Italian Renaissance, 64–65
Italy, 62–66, 70, 269
It Happened One Night (film), 18
Iverson, Dave, 196–97
I Was a Male War Bride (film), 6
Jackson, Michael, 273–74
James, LeBron, 129, 131
Japan, 219
Jeopardy! (game show), 219
Jefferson, Thomas, 170
Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything, The (Martin), 242
Jesuits, 242, 244
Jesus Christ, 241
Jim Crow, 90
Johansson, Scarlett, 20
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 138, 147
Johnson, Chad “Ochocinco,” 143
Johnson, Hildy (char.), 5–6
Joseph, Saint, 241
Joubert, Joseph, 81
Journal of Neuroscience, 261
Judaism, 238, 246–49
Judy (Dance for PD participant), 197–98
kalokagathia, xix, 143
Kansas, 42, 43, 44–45
Kardashian, Kim, 57
Kasparov, Garry, 219
Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History (McNeill), 95
Keller, Thomas, 96, 102
Kelly, Gene, 64, 141
Kennedy, John F., 147, 186
Kennedy, Robert F., 267
Kennedy Onassis, Jackie, xxiv, 28
Kerouac, Jack, 236
Kerr, Deborah, 10, 16
Key West, Fla., 178
Khan, Genghis, 169
Kiko (orangutan), 220–21, 223
King, Margaret, 40
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 31
Kirov Ballet, 156, 159
Kirstein, Lincoln, 153
Kloss, Karlie, 165–66
Knight, Gladys, 81
“knockabout comedians,” 7
Knowles, Beyoncé, 78–80, 81, 264
Knowles, Mathew, 81
Korbut, Olga, 122, 131, 133–36, 133, 216
Koufax, Sandy, 131–32
Krishna, Lord, 250–51
Kristie (MS yoga participant), 202
Kritios Boy, 107
La Delle, Frederic, 189–90, 192–93
Ladies’ Home Journal, 57
Lancaster, Burt, 16
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (TV show), 38
Lawrence, Jennifer, 72
Academy Awards fall of, 183–84, 186, 274
Leach, Archibald, see Grant, Cary
Lee, Spike, 20
Leningrad, Siege of, 155
Leonard, Sugar Ray, 138
L’esthétique de la grâce (The Aesthetic of Grace) (Bayer), xv, 127
Letters to His Son on the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (Chesterfield), 69, 270
Leventhal, David, 195–98
Library of Congress, 188–89, 236–37
Life You Want Weekend, The, 203
Lincoln, Abraham, 169
Lincoln Center, 79
Living Links Center, 222
Logan, Phyllis, 21
Lohan, Lindsay, 55, 80
London, 40, 150, 156
Lopez, Jennifer, 103
Lord of the Rings, The: The Fellowship of the Ring (film), 21
Loren, Sophia, xvii, 66
Los Angeles, Calif., 174
Los Angeles Dodgers, 131
Lost in Translation (film), 20
Louganis, Greg, 143–44, 229
Louis XIV, King of France, 96
Louvre, 65, 256
Löwenhielm, Lorens (char.), 271
Ludovico, Count (char.), 65
Lynne, Gillian, 261
Lyon, 224
Ma, Yo-Yo, 185
McCarthy-era blacklisting, xix
McEnroe, John, 130–31
McEwan, Ian, 39
Machiavelli, 73
McKerrow, Amanda, 157
McMahon, Ed, 45
McNeill, William, 95
McNerney, Jim, 56
Madonna, 79
Madonna, The (Schongauer), 243
Major Barbara (Shaw), 68
Makarova, Natalia, 155–60, 158
Malay, 223
Malle, Louis, 263
Mandela, Nelson, 172
manners, xxi, 96, 143, 170, 268
self-esteem and, 52
see also grace, social
manners instruction, 47–74
carriage and, 58–60
of Chesterfield, 68–74
culture of coarseness and, 53–58
inconspicuousness and, 60
nonchalance and, 64–67
self-control and, 61–64
Mantle, Mickey, 131
Maratti, Carlo, 71
Mark Morris Dance Group, 194–95, 196
Martha and the Vandellas, 82, 87, 187
Martin, James, 242–44
Martin, Judith, 48–50
Martin, Steve, 14
Martins, Peter, 132, 141–42
Marty, Martin, 244–46
Marvelettes, 87
Maryland, 179
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Biomechatronics Group at, 206
Master Class (play), 174
mastery, xviii
Mastroianni, Marcello, 17, 66
Measure for Measure (Shakespeare), 255
meditation, in Hinduism, 250
Melanie (char.), xx
meningitis, 203, 204
Menschdom, 248
Merchant, Larry, 139
Method acting, 15
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Costume Institute gala, 265
Michael, Father, see Holleran, Michael K.
Michelangelo, 62, 107, 122, 143
Michigan, University of, xxiv
“Mickey’s Monkey,” 87–88
Middle Ages, 242–44
military, synchronized movement in, 95–96
Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Brain Sciences Center at, 212
Minnesota, University of, Center for Cognitive Sciences at, 212
minuet, 96
Miracles, the, 82, 87
Mississippi, 238
Miss Manners (newspaper column), 49, 61
Mizrahi, Isaac, 185
modeling, 84–85, 164–66, 167
Modigliani, Amedeo, 161
Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci), 65
Monkey Business (film), 6, 36
monkeys, 218, 220–23, 220
Monroe, Marilyn, 126–27
Montesquieu, 69
Montgomery, Ala., Motown concert (1963) in, 87–90, 88
Month in the Country, A (ballet), 157
moonwalk, 273–74
Moreau, Jeanne, 263
Moreno, Rita, 13–14, 22, 174, 230
Morgan, Anna, 85
Morris, Mark, 185, 196
Moses, 61
Motortown Revue bus tour, 87
Motown, xxv, 81–90
Montgomery concert (1963) and, 87–90, 88
Motown Artist Development Finishing School, 82
Mount Rushmore, xviii, 3
movement, xiv, 15, 18–19, 157
actors and, xviii–xix, 16
in art, 107
beauty and, 136, 166
brain and, 211–18
felines and, xv
fluidity of, 118–19, 130, 140
harmony and, xx–xxi, xxv, 58, 168
learning and, 217
as perceived by animals, xx, 4
sensorimotor actions and, 213
as synchronized in military, 95–96
see also grace, physical
art of moving and, 15
ideals of grace in, xvii
male grace in, 15
psychoanalysis and, 15
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (film), 9
multiple sclerosis (MS), 200–202
Munich, 109
Murray, Andy, 117, 132
Murray, Bill, 20
“My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean,” 195
Myers, Andrew, 99, 100
Nadal, Rafael, 119
Napa Valley, 155
narcissism, xxiv, 52–53
National Basketball Association (NBA), 132
National Cathedral, 252
National Football League (NFL), 142
National Guard, 31
National Zoo, Orangutan Transport System at, 220
NATO, 199
Nazareth, 241
Nazis, xx, 155
NBC, 38
“Necessary Autumn inside Each, A” (Rumi), 183
neuroscientists, on grace, xiv
New Biographical Dictionary of Film, 15
Newman, Paul, 11
New Painting, The (Duranty), 91
New Rules of Posture, The: How to Sit, Stand, and Move in the Modern World (Bond), 258
New Testament, 240
Newton, John, 239–40, 242, 253
New York, N.Y., 8–9, 92, 96, 126, 150, 168, 178, 187, 240, 256
East Village in, 160
New York City Ballet, 132, 141, 153
New York’s Fashion Week, 77–78, 79–80, 265
New York Yankees, 125–26
Niven, David, 24, 25, 26
Niven, Jamie, 24–25, 26
Noah (biblical figure), 245, 246–47
Noah Leading the Animals into the Ark (Vincent), 245
nonchalance, 64–67
North by Northwest (film), xviii, 3, 8, 11
Norway, 28
Notes on a Scandal (film), 21–22
Notorious (film), 8
Novalis, 219
NPR, 230
Nureyev, Rudolf, 152–53
Obama, Barack, 79, 171–72
Obama, Michelle, 38–39
octopus, 219
Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway), 117, 135
Oldname, Mrs. (char.), 59
Olympics, 143, 216
of 1972, 133, 134–35
of 1976, 133, 138
of 1984, 134, 137, 137
of 2008 (Beijing), 228
Once (musical), 14, 15
O’Neal, Shaquille, 132
Onegin (ballet), 157
OnFaith, 251
Only Angels Have Wings (film), 6
orangutans, 220–22, 220, 223, 228
Other Dances (ballet), 157–58
outrage, 55–56
Owens, Terrell, 143
Oz the Great and Powerful (film), 57
Pakula, Alan J., 5
Palin, Sarah, 40
pantomime, 7–8
Paralympics (2014), 204
Paris, xiii, 7, 18, 70, 146, 263, 264
Parkinson’s disease, 194–99, 200, 212, 214
Parliament, British, 41
Parsons, Lawrence, 224, 231
Pavlowa, Anna, 59
PBS, 196
Pender, Bob, 7, 8–9
Pennies from Heaven (film), 14
Pentagon, 173
People, 84
Perlo, Scott, 246–48
Per Se, 96, 101, 102
Personality Preferred! How to Grow Up Gracefully (Woodward), 57–58
Petipa, Marius, 159
Phantom of the Opera, The (musical), 261
Philadelphia, Pa., 248
Philadelphia Eagles, 142
Philadelphia Story, The (film), xvi–xvii, xx, xxiii, 2
Phryne, 110
physical difficulties, 194–208
dance and, 194–99, 202–4
yoga and, 200, 201
Picasso, Pablo, 146
“Pillar of Fire” (ballet), 272
Pindar, xiv
Pittsburgh Steelers, 140
Plath, Sylvia, 27–28
Plymouth, 41
Poiret, Paul, 265–66
Poitier, Sydney, 218
Poland, 199
popular culture, xxiv
stardom in, 80
Porter, Katherine Anne, 67
Post, Emily, 58–59
posture, xv, 54–55, 58, 174–75, 255–61
dance and, 256–57
defying gravity with, 256
health and, 261
high heels and, 264
tutorial for, 259–60
walking and, 262
yoga and, 257
Powell, Maxine, 77, 81–87, 187
pratfall effect, 183–87
Praxiteles, 105–6, 106, 107–10, 109, 112, 113, 264
Presley, Elvis, 87
Prewitt, Private (char.), 16
Primavera (Botticelli), 110, 111
prosthetic limbs, 202, 203, 204–5, 206–7
psychoanalysis, movies and, 15
Ptah-hotep, xxi–xxii, xxiii, 61
Purdy, Amy, 202–6, 203
Puritans, 53
Pygmalion, myth of, 63–64
Pygmalion (Shaw), 64, 68
Quinn, Sally, 251–52
Qur’an, 248
Raphael, 62, 65, 112, 112
Reagan, Ronald, 24
reality TV, 55
Reed, Ed, 142
Reeves, Martha, 82, 83–84, 86, 87, 89, 187
Reid, Thomas, xxv
religion, grace in, 236–53
Christianity and, 239–42, 243, 246, 248–49
Hinduism and, 250–51
Islam and, 248–49
Judaism and, 238, 246–49
Renaissance Italy, 62
respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), 258–59
restaurants, 96–100, 101–3
Retton, Mary Lou, 134
revelation, 271–73
Rice, Jerry, 141
Rihanna, 80
Rite of Spring, The (Stravinsky), 146
Rivera, Chita, 14
roadies, 103–4
Robbins, Jerome, 157–59, 158
Robinson, Smokey, 82, 84, 85, 87–89, 88
robotics, 219
Rocky III (film), 138
Rogers, Ginger, 152, 191
Rogers, John, 207–8, 268, 274–76
Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, 258
Rolling Stones, 117
Romans, xiv, 109, 110
Romeo and Juliet (film), 153
Ron (Dance for PD participant), 198
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 28, 29
Ross, Diana, 81, 85–86
Rossellini, Roberto, xix
Royal Ballet, 150, 157
Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, 239
Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation (Washington), xxii–xxiii, 68, 170–71
Rumi, 183
Rush, Benjamin, 171
Russell, Rosalind, 5, 6, 35
Russia, 32, 152, 155–56, 269
Russian Boat Coming to Port (ballet), 156
Rutgers University, 250
Ruth, Babe, 174
Sadler’s Wells Ballet, 150, 261
Saint, Eva Marie, xviii, 11
Sainte-Maxime, 276
Saint Joseph’s University, 248
Saint Petersburg, 159
Sandilands, Kyle, 30
San Francisco, Calif., 178
Santayana, George, 194
Sapp, Warren, 141
Satyr Pouring Wine (Praxiteles), 105–6, 106, 107–8, 113
Scarlatti, Domenico, 119
Scarlett (char.), xx
Schiller, Friedrich, 105, 145
Schongauer, Martin, 243
“School of Drawing, The” (Maratti), 71
scoliosis, 256–57
sculptors, 105–10
Sedona, Ariz., 202
Seeger, Pete, 31
segregation, 87
self-control, xxv, 51, 61–64, 67, 131, 251
self-esteem, 52–53
self-mockery, 36
Senate, U.S., 236–37
sensitivity, social, xxiii
sensorimotor actions, 213
Service Included (Damrosch), 102
service industry, 91–92, 96–100, 101–3
7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 65
Shakespeare, William, 206, 211, 255
Shaw, George Bernard, 64, 67–68
Sheed, Wilfred, 125
shoes, 262–64
Siam, 29
Sistine Chapel, 122, 144
sitting, 261–62
Sixth & I, 246
slavery, 239–40
Sleeping Beauty (ballet), 148, 150, 159
Smith, Adam, 226, 232
Smith, Emmitt, 141
Smith, William French, 23
Snapchat, 55
soccer, 122–23
Sochi, 204
social harmony, xxi
social sensitivity, xxii
Sondheim, Stephen, 167
Sophie’s Choice (film), 5
South Africa, 172
Soviet Union, 156
Spears, Britney, 80
Spencer, Herbert, 226–27
Spiegel, Evan, 55
Spock, Benjamin, 52
sports, see athletes; specific types of sports
sprezzatura, 64, 65, 66, 73
Stallone, Sylvester, 138
Stallworth, John, 141
Stanford University, 55
Stanhope, Philip, see Chesterfield, Earl of, Philip Stanhope
Stanhope, Philip, Jr., 69, 74
“Star-Spangled Banner, The,” 79
State Department, U.S., 200
Stravinsky, Igor, 146
Streep, Meryl, 50
strippers, 160–63
success, 56–57
Super Bowl halftime show (2013), 79
Supremes, the, 82, 85–86
survival, physical grace and, 222–25
Survivor (TV show), 55
Suspicion (film), 8
Swan Lake (ballet), 159, 197
Swann, Lynn, 122, 140–42
Swift, Taylor, 80
swimming, 257, 258
Sydney Opera House, 30
synchrony, 94–97
T, Mr., 138
tai chi, 217–18, 258
Taylor, James, 225
Taylor, Jason, 141
Taylor, Paul, 167–68, 234–35
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, 148
Team of Rivals (Goodwin), 169
TED conference, 207
Telegraph (London), 40
television, ideals of grace on, xvii
Temptations, the, 87
tennis, 116, 117–20, 130–31
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 221, 225
Texas, 31
Thailand, 29
Tharp, Twyla, 141, 142
Thatcher, Margaret, 39–41, 173
theater, live, 14–15, 22, 191
empathy in, 230
see also actors; vaudeville
Theory of Moral Sentiments, The (Smith), 226
Thomas Jefferson Building, 237
Thomson, David, 15–16
Thornhill, Roger (char.), 3
Three Graces (Charites), xiv, 25, 56, 71–72, 110–13, 111, 112, 188–89, 240
Through the Eyes of a Fembot (blog), 204
Tiffany, John, 14–15
To Catch a Thief (film), xviii, 8
Tokyo, 20
Tonight Show, The (TV show), 41–42, 44–45, 46
Tonioli, Bruno, 202–4
Tony award, 14
Top Hat (film), 191
Torah, 245, 246, 248
Toronto, 198
Torvill, Jayne, 137
Tour de France (2004), 123–24
“Tradition,” 194
Tudor, Antony, 160, 272
Tugas, Kerwin, 99–100
Turocy, Catherine, 96
Turrell, James, 92, 93
Twain, Mark, 34
Twitter, 56
Unaccompanied Cello Suite no. 3 (Bach), 185
Undershaft, Lady Britomart (char.), 68
Understanding Qur’anic Miracle Stories in the Modern Age (Yazicioglu), 248
Unitas, Johnny, 141
United Nations, 29
upper-class, xxiv
Urbino, Duke of (char.), 64–65
Vaganova Academy, 156
Vancouver, 207
Vatican, 109
vaudeville, xxv, 7, 189–93
Venus, 166–67
Vera Wang fashion show, 77–78
Video Music Awards (2013), 83–84
Vincent, Francois-Andre, 245
Violin Concerto in E Major (Bach), 234
Virenque, Richard, 123–24
Virgil, 166–67
Virginia, xxii, 171, 179
Virgin Mary, 241, 243
Voeckler, Thomas, 123–24
Voltaire, 69
voluptuousness, 12, 13
Vreeland, Diana, 17
vulnerability, 249, 250
waiters, 101–3
Wales, 225, 229
Walken, Christopher, 14, 22, 230
walking, 164–79
crosswalks and, 176–77
dancing and, 167–68
digital devices and, 175
graceful, natural balance of, 168
modeling and, 164–66, 167
politicians and, 168, 169–73
posture and, 262
shoes and, 262–64
Wallbangers, xiv
Walters Art Museum, 105, 108, 109
Warden, Sergeant (char.), 16
Washington, D.C., 94, 96, 103, 138, 246, 263, 267
National Cathedral in, 252
National Zoo in, 220–21
1968 riots in, 31
Washington, Denzel, xvii, 20
Washington, George, xxii–xxiii, 68, 69, 169–71
Washington Post, 251
Watergate coverage, 251
Watson (robot), 219
Wayne, John, 169
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 226
Weinberger, Caspar, 173
Wells, Mary, 87
West, Kanye, 57, 80
West Side Story (film), 13, 174
What Paul Bourget Thinks of Us (Twain), 34
Whitman, Walt, 164
Williams, Robin, 36
Williams, Serena, 120
Williams, Ted, 126
Wilson, Mary, 85
Wimbledon, 117
Wimbledon Championships, 117–18, 130, 132, 211
Winfrey, Oprah, 203
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 3
Wizard of Oz, The (film), 57
Chesterfield on, 73
clothing for, 264–66
elocution and, 85
felines vs., xv
homemaking and, 58
Wonder, Stevie, 82, 87
Wood, Ron, 117
Woodward, Elizabeth, 57–60
work ethic, 189, 190–91
World Cup (2014), 122–23
World Series, 126, 131
World War II, xx, 51, 95, 150
wrestling, 101
Yankee Stadium, 126
Yazicioglu, Umeyye Isra, 248–50
Yerkes Primate National Research Center, 222
yoga, 257, 259
multiple sclerosis and, 200, 201–2
Yom Kippur, 131
York University, 198
Young, Loretta, 9
Yountville, Calif., 96
Youths Behaviour, or, Decency in Conversation Amongst Men (Hawkins), xxii–xxiii
YouTube, 187
Zellweger, Renee, 265
Zen, 205
Zhuangzi, 30
Ziebold, Celia Laurent, 97
Ziebold, Eric, 96–101
Ziegfeld Follies, 167