I dedicate this book to my children, Patrick and Jerry,
who stood by my side and never gave up on me.

To my wife, Brandee, who walked the walk of change with me
and without whom this book would not be written.
She is my inspiration and my motivation.

To my loving mother Shirley, and to my beautiful sister
Claire, for always being my protectors.

To Michael Bernard Beckwith, Reverend Kathleen McNamara,
and Dr. Jeff McNairy, who all helped me find myself.

To Moughenda, a master medicine man and a lifesaver
to me, and to Taita Juanito and Mitra Poletti,
the other amazing healers in my life.

To the staff of Rythmia Life Advancement Center in the U.S.
and Costa Rica for their time, relentless dedication, and
devotion in bringing this work to the people of the world.