Admonet nos suscepti (papal bull)

Adrian VI, Pope

Age of Discovery

see also New World

Agrippina, Roman Empress

Alberti, Leone Battista,

Alexander VI, Pope (Rodrigo Borgia)

Alexander VII, Pope (Fabio Chigi)

Alfred, King of England

Alighieri, Dante see Dante Alighieri alum


Ammianus Marcellinus


Annales (Tacitus)

Apollo Belvedere

apostolic secretaries



barrel vaults and

dome as series of

architecture, architects:

Alberti’s theory of

as artists

classical book on

as engineers

humanism and

Vitruvius’s views on

Aretino, Pietro


art, artists

as integral to politics

rivalries between

medals as business cards of

as traveling salesmen

assassination plots

papal elections and

Athens, ancient

Attila the Hun


Augustus, Roman Emperor


Avignon, papacy in (Babylonian Captivity)


banks, bankers

Chigi as


Barberini, Francesco

Barberini, Maffeo, see Urban VIII, Pope


theatricality of

Barozzi, Jacopo (da Vignola) see also Vignola

Basilica of Maxentius (Temple of Peace)


ancient Roman

see also specific basilicas

Bayezid II, Sultan

Bazzi, Giovanni Antonio, see Sodoma

Beauvais, Gothic cathedral of

Becket, Thomas à


Belvedere Court

Bembo, Pietro

Benediction Balcony

Benedict XIV, Pope

Bernini, Gianlorenzo

Alexander VII’s relationship with

Baldacchino of

bell towers of

Cathedra Petri of

colonnades and piazza of

comparison with Michelangelo

in France

prodigy as

Rome as his workshop

Urban VIII’s relationship with

workshop of

Bernini, Luigi

Bernini, Paolo

Bernini, Pietro

Betto, Bernardino di, see Pinturicchio

Biagio da Cesena

Biancho, Giuseppe

Bibbiena, Maria


Julius II’s victory in

Michelangelo in

Boniface VIII, Pope


Borghese, Camillo see Paul V

Borghese, Oratorio

Borghese, Scipione Caffarelli

Borgia, Cesare

Borgia, Rodrigo, see Alexander VI, Pope

Borgia Apartment

Borromini, Francesco

Bracciolini, Poggio

Bramante, Donato

Basilica designs of

Belvedere Court and

commissions of

competing with Florentine artists

death of

as experimenter

at foundation-stone ceremony

Guarna’s satire about

Julius II’s selection of

Leo X’s relationship with

as Michelangelo’s nemesis

in Milan

obelisk problem and

Raphael as protégé of

successor selected for

Tempietto of

as the wrecker

Bramante & Co.

Bramantino (Bartolomeo Suardi)


Bridget, Saint


Browning, Robert

Brunelleschi, Filippo

Buonarroto di Ludovico Simoni

Buonarroto, Michelangelo see Michelangelo Buonarroti

Burckhardt, Jacob

Byron, George Gordon, Lord



Caligula, Roman Emperor

Calixtus III, Pope

Cambrai, Treaty of (Ladies’ Peace)

Camera Apostolica, 80

Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer)

Cappella dell’Imperatore

Cappella del Re di Francia (Chapel of the King of France)


Castel Sant’Angelo

as popes’ refuge

Castiglione, Baldassare

Catari, Giulio

Cathedra Petri

Cellini, Benvenuto

central plans

Cesari, Giuseppe (Cavaliere d’Arpino)

Chapel of St. Gregory

Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor

Charles V, Emperor

Charles VIII, King of France

Charles the Bald

Chaucer, Geoffrey

Chigi, Agostino

as banker

as il Magnifico

Chigi, Fabio, see Alexander VII, Pope

Christians, Christianity

Constantine’s legitimizing of

persecution of

Cibo, Franceschetto

Circus of Caligula


Clement VII, Pope (Giulio de’ Medici)

Charles V crowned by

Charles V’s reconciliation with

death of

Fabbrica organized by

Michelangelo’s relationship with

Sack of Rome and

Clement VIII, Pope

Clement IX, Pope

Colbert, Jean-Baptiste

College of Cardinals

Collegium LX Virorum

Colonna, Cardinal Pompeo

Colonna, Vittoria

Colonna family


Columbus, Christopher


see also specific styles



Condivi, Ascanio

on Michelangelo-Clement VII relationship

on Michelangelo’s reconciliation with Julius II

on Sistine Chapel

Confessio di San Pietro

Baldacchino for

Constantine I, Roman Emperor

basilica of, see St. Peter’s Basilica, first

capital moved by

Christianity legitimized by


Copernicus, Nicolaus

Corinthian style

Cortona, Luca da, see Signorelli, Luca

Council of Trent

nepotism and


Baroque art and

Sixtus V and

cross, bronze

cross, in church designs



cross, Constantine’s sighting of


purchase of offices in

reform of

Dante Alighieri

David (Michelangelo)

de Grassis, Paris

De re aedificatoria (Alberti)

Diocletian, Roman Emperor

dividing wall

Divine Comedy (Dante)

domenica in albis (“Sunday in white”)

dome of St. Peter’s

dome and cross atop

of Antonio the Younger

of Bramante

completion of

copper ball and bronze cross in

of della Porta

double shells in

iron bands of

of Michelangelo

ruining of view of


of Duomo

of Pantheon

as series of arches

Donation of Constantine

Doric columns, Doric order

Egidio da Viterbo

El Greco

Eliot, George

encyclicals, papal



English Church

Erasmus, Desiderius

Julius exclusus of

Ethelwulf, King



Exsurge domine (papal bull)

“fabbrica di San Pietro, la,”

Fabbrica di San Pietro nel Vaticano

as congregation

Michelangelo’s relations with

Michelangelo’s views on

Sampietrini of

Farnese, Alessandro, see Paul III, Pope

Farnese, Giulia (La Bella)

Felice (Julius II’s daughter)

Ferdinand, King of Spain

Fifth Lateran Council


Duomo in

Medici popes and

Michelangelo in

Pazzi conspiracy in

Renaissance in

Sangallo’s return to

Signoria of

Uffizi Gallery in

Fontana, Carlo

Fontana, Domenico

Fontana, Giovanni


Fornarina, La (Raphael)

fornarina, la (Raphael’s mistress)

Forum, Roman

Founding of the Vatican Library by Sixtus IV, The (Melozzo da Forli)

Fountain of the Four Rivers


Charles V vs.

Julius II’s exile in

see also Avignon

Francesco, Girolamo de

Francis I, King of France

Galileo Galilei


Ghinucci, Stefano

Giamberti, Antonio da, see Sangallo

Antonio da, the Elder, and Sangallo

Antonia da, the Younger

Giamberti, Giuliano, see Sangallo

Giuliano da

Gibbon, Edward

Giocondo, Fra Giovanni


glory of

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von


New World

Gothic cathedrals

Great Schism

Greeks, ancient


Gregory XIII, Pope

Gregory XIV, Pope

Gregory the Great, Pope

Guarna, Andrea

Guicciardini, Francesco

Guicciardini, Luigi


Gutenberg, Johann

Hadrian, Roman Emperor

Hanno (white elephant)

Hapsburg empire

Heemskerck, Maerten van



Henry II, King of England

Henry VII, King of England

Henry VIII, King of England


Holy Office




Julius II’s granting of

Leo X and

Luther’s criticism of

Inferno (Dante)

Inghirami, Tomasso

Innocent VI, Pope

Innocent VIII, Pope

Innocent IX, Pope

Innocent X, Pope

Innocent XI, Pope

Innocent XII, Pope


Isabella, Queen of Spain


Italy, unification of

Jesus Christ

John VIII, Pope

John Paul II, Pope (Karol Wojtyla)

J. Pierpont Morgan Library

Jubilees (Holy Years)

Julius Caesar

Julius exclusus (Erasmus)

Julius I, Pope

Julius II, Pope (Giuliano della Rovere)

al fresco masses of

appearance of

assassination plots against

Bramante selected by

Chigi’s relationship with

Church finances and

criticism and satires about

daughters of

death of

election of

excommunication used by

exile of

in failed attempts to achieve papacy

at foundation-stone ceremony

in historical perspective

as “il Terribilis,”

imperial ambitions of

indulgences granted by

Lateran Council and

Leo X compared with

Michelangelo’s escapes from

Michelangelo’s reconciliation with

Michelangelo’s tomb project for

name selected by, 11 obelisk problem and

papal bulls of

papal palace frescoes and

simony and

Sistine Chapel and

Sixtus V compared with

warfare of

Julius III, Pope

La Cancellaria, see Palazzo Riario


Last Judgment (Michelangelo)

League of Cognac

Leno, Giuliano

Leo III, Pope

Leo IV, Pope

Leo X, Pope, (Giovanni de’ Medici)

amusements of

Antonio da Sangallo the Younger’s correspondence with

assassination plot against

Bramante’s successor selected by

Chigi’s relationship with

Clement VII compared with

generosity and spending of

and indulgences

Luther vs.

Riario’s relationship with

St. Peter’s and

Leo the Great, Pope

Leonardo da Vinci

Bramante’s friendship with

in Milan

Leonine City

liber mandatorum

Ligorio, Pirro

Lives of the Painters (Vasari)


Lotto, Lorenzo

Louise of Savoy

Louis XIV, King of France

Loyola, Ignatius

Luther, Martin

theses of

Machiavelli, Niccolò

Maderno, Carlo

Madrid, Treaty of

Magellan, Ferdinand

Maidalchini, Donna Olimpia

Manetti, Giannozzo

Mantegna, Andrea

Manuel, King of Portugal


Marcellus II, Pope

Marches, the

Margaret of Austria

Mass of Bolsena (Raphael)

Matilda of Tuscany, Countess




Medici, Cosimo de’

Medici, Giovanni de’, see Leo X, Pope

Medici, Giuliano de’

Medici, Giulio de’, see Clement VII, Pope

Medici, Lorenzo de’ (il Magnifico)

death of

as patron

Medici family

popes from

Meleghino, Jacopo

Mellon Codex plan

Melozzo da Forlì

Menicantonio (Domenico Antonio de Chiarellis)

Menicantonio Sketchbook


Michelangelo Buonarroti

appearance of

art forgery of

banishment of

Bernini compared with

in Bologna

Bramante as nemesis of

Bramante’s death and

Clement VII’s relationship with

death of

ego of

Fabbrica’s relations with