Toly got out of the car and waved her off. A minute later Mills walked inside the rig. “I passed Nikki on the way in.”
“She came by and took me to Buck’s. We would have brought a burger back for you, but didn’t know when we’d see you.”
“Don’t worry about that. How are you doing?”
“Good.” He took another pain pill and pulled the ice bag out of the fridge. “I’m going to baby my arm until we leave for the center. Nikki says she’ll meet us there.”
“Hmm. That’s a first for her. I would have thought she’d cook up a storm today.”
He followed Toly to his bedroom where he lay down on top of the mattress. “She might have, but I told her not to bother because I’m going to sleep for a while.”
“Good idea. Can I get you anything else?”
“No, thanks. How did your practice go?”
“I exercised both horses. I think I’ll ride Dusty again.”
“They’re both winners. You can’t go wrong.”
“Wouldn’t it be great if we could pull the same score tonight?”
Toly closed his eyes. “It would be miraculous.”
“I know, but you can’t help a guy from dreaming.”
“You’re obviously tired. I’ll go over to my rig and phone you when it’s time to leave for the center.”
“I’d appreciate that.”
After his partner left, he rearranged his pillows to get more comfortable, but nothing could take away his guilt for not telling him about Denise. The woman Mills loved would be out in the crowd tonight watching him.
Toly went through the conversation with Nikki in his mind and decided she’d been right. This was a situation only Mills and Denise could solve. Right now Toly had his own crisis to get through. He’d done the figures in his head. If they got a third place tonight, they were still in contention for a first place overall. That is if Shay didn’t do something extraordinary, which he could.
But during the rest of the nights they would have to get some seconds and firsts. If he rested his right arm for three more events, then the last two nights he would use it again. Of course that depended on his not having another episode. Toly never knew when they would come. He was living with a virtual time bomb and his poor partner knew nothing about it.
Here Toly was questioning Denise’s judgment when his own was in question. Why didn’t he tell Mills about his neuropathy? Nikki didn’t think it was wise to tell him, either. So one way or another, all three of them were guilty of keeping Mills in the dark.
Toly tried to put himself in his partner’s shoes, but that didn’t work. At one point he dozed off, and then his cell phone rang. When he looked at his watch, he couldn’t believe it was time to leave for the center.
In a few minutes he’d changed clothes. After grabbing his gloves and hat, he joined Mills at the car. They took off and his partner chatted all the way about scores and what they had to do. Toly knew exactly what they had to do. He needed his left arm and hand to deliver a score that rated in the top three of the night.
To his disappointment he didn’t see Nikki at the stalls. She was probably with Denise. Mills was surprised because his sister had always been there to cheer him on.
They walked to their stalls and got ready for their event. Andy had already prepared their horses. All Toly had to do was mount Snapper. When they were ready, they rode to the boxes to wait for their turn.
There’d only been two times in his life Toly had known real fear. One was when his father had been accidentally shot. The other was the night he heard Wymon had been kidnapped and almost killed. Tonight represented a third time that also involved a life-and-death situation.
But the stakes were different. As much as Toly would love to win the championship, he knew his partner needed it more. Everything in Mills’s life depended on it. The Dobson twins didn’t have family supporting them; their parents were gone. They needed money to keep the ranch going. They both could stand to revel in that moment of glory, vindicating all those years of hard work and dedication to the sport they loved.
Toly gripped the reins with his right hand and walked Snapper into the box. The steer between him and Mills was a wily one, anxious to get out. Toly flicked his partner a glance and knew the exact moment Mills saw he was going out there to rope with his left arm.
His body went cold because Mills would have figured out Toly’s right arm couldn’t do the job. Hell and hell.
It was time to call for the steer.
The chute opened. Toly had never prayed so hard in his life. He raced after the steer, roping him around the head, and then he wrapped the dally as hard and fast as he could to turn it. Mills roped those hind legs on cue and they left the arena with a 4.0, 4.2 score and hoped it meant a decent ranking.
They rode back to the stalls and dismounted. Mills eventually walked over to him. “I didn’t realize your right arm was hurting so badly.”
“Sorry I couldn’t pull through for us tonight. I’m hoping I’ll be able to use it tomorrow night.”
“Santos said we came in second. We’ve still held on to our first-place average.”
No thanks to Toly. “That’s the best news tonight. You were sensational out there, Mills. Come on. Let’s go watch Nikki knock them dead.”
Not only was Toly madly in love, he was so proud of her he didn’t know how to contain it. Earlier this evening she’d kissed the daylights out of him. A man could die for a kiss like that, but he was shockingly alive and ready for more.
Nikki and Denise hugged each other the moment the announcer came over the loudspeaker proclaiming that Toly and her brother still held the overall lead.
“I’ll call you when I’m back in my room and let you know the way is clear so you can come over again.”
“Can’t wait. Good luck out there, Nikki. There’s no one who can touch you.”
“Oh, yes there is, but thanks for being my friend.”
Taking her leave, she hurried through the stands to the stalls where Santos waited for her with Bombshell. He gave her the thumbs-up when she mounted her horse. “All bets are on you, Nikki.”
“Thanks, Santos. That means everything.”
She left the stall and walked her horse along the aisle. Five more nights and she would never go through this glorious experience again with Toly. Whatever the future held, she would treasure this moment forever.
While the finalists were gathering, she chatted with a few of them on her way to the end of the line. Tension was building. Nikki could feel it with the girls. They all wanted to win the championship. No one wanted it more than she did, but she wanted the guys to come out on top too. The three of them were in this together.
Nikki leaned forward to pat her horse’s neck. “Remember how we went around the practice barrels this afternoon? Let’s do it again.”
Close to her turn now, the adrenaline surged through her veins, giving her a sense of empowerment. It was heady stuff.
“Up next is Nikki Dobson of the Sweet Clover Ranch in Great Falls, Montana. This rodeo queen has gained the lead. Let’s see what she can do tonight on Bombshell!”
Her smart horse knew what to do, opening up her stride to enter the arena. After slowing her down around the first barrel with her inside rein, Nikki raised both to give Bombshell the freedom to accelerate in a straight line for the second barrel.
She entered the pocket in an arc and then headed for the third barrel. This one was always tricky. Nikki knew to pick up Bombshell’s shoulder using her rein and leg. Once she’d moved her over and collected at the same time, she could finish with a tight turn and run home with power.
The roar from the audience was electric as she rode out of the arena with a 13.60, almost as good as last night. Once again her prayers had been answered. This time when she rode to her stall it was Toly, not her brother, who helped her down with his left arm and gave her a hug.
“I’ve decided you’re a new kind of superhero,” he whispered. “You’re blowing the place up.”
“I think you already did that a little while ago,” she whispered back. If there was such a state of too much happiness, this was it.
“Way to go.” Mills gave her a huge hug while Santos took care of her horse. “Let’s go celebrate.”
Mindful of Toly’s sore arm, she looked up at him. “Why don’t you guys call it a night and take care of that sore arm.” They wouldn’t be getting gold buckles tonight. “I’ll go to the South Point and then I’ll drive on back to the hotel. I really am bushed.”
Mills frowned. “You don’t want me there?”
“Of course, but maybe Toly will need some waiting on, and I’ll only be at the South Point long enough to pick up my buckle. We’ll have our own celebration tomorrow when I drive out to fix you guys waffles and sausage. How’s that?”
Toly flashed her a heart-stopping grin. “That sounds perfect to me.”
She knew he was hurting. “Good. Then it’s a date.”
Without hesitation she took off for her car, not wanting to get detained by Mills. He could tell something was going on. He had radar like Toly’s. She decided it was a team roper thing because they’d had to work in harmony for so long.
An hour later she left the South Point having collected her buckle and pulled out her phone to call Denise. “I’ll be at the Cyclades in a few minutes. Come over as soon as you can. I’ll leave the door open.”
“Thanks. You did it again tonight, Nikki. You really are on your way to the championship. I get gooseflesh just thinking about it.”
So did Nikki.
On Tuesday morning the guys were so hungry, Nikki made another batch of waffles. She was relieved to see Toly had a good appetite and looked rested. She’d bought fresh strawberries from the market on her way over to his rig. They disappeared along with the sausage.
Mills poured more coffee for them. “Are you going to ride Bombshell again tonight?”
“No. She needs a rest. Sassy is ready for another go. I’m going to set up the practice barrels and work with her later today. What about you?”
“Dusty’s doing great. I’ll stick with him tonight. What about you, Toly?”
“I’ll ride Snapper again.”
Nikki eyed him. “How’s the pain this morning?”
“Not nearly as bad as yesterday.”
“That’s wonderful, but, more than ever, you need to rest that arm. After I’ve gone over to the center to practice, I’ll come back with dinner before we leave for tonight’s events.”
“You’re spoiling us rotten.” She caught Toly’s smile just as his phone rang. When he answered, she could tell it was his family calling. She got up to clear the table and get the dishes done. The lighted Christmas tree reminded her that her favorite holiday was coming up soon. Once Finals were over she had a lot of shopping to do.
Denise planned to go with her while they were still in Las Vegas. Both of them wanted to find the perfect gifts for the men they loved. Since it appeared his family wanted to talk ranch business and would be on the phone awhile, she waved goodbye to Mills and left the rig.
He surprised her by following her out to her car. “Before you leave, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”
Her pulse quickened. Could he have possibly found out that Denise was there? She knew Toly wouldn’t have told him.
“What is it?”
“Something’s different about Toly.”
Uh-oh. “Really?” She got in the driver’s seat, but that didn’t deter Mills.
He climbed in the front passenger side and shut the door. “I don’t think he’s telling me everything about his arm. What do you know that I don’t?”
Heat warmed her cheeks. “Why are you asking me that?”
“Because I can tell you’re really worried about him.”
“No more than I would be about you.”
“Come on, Nikki. It’s me you’re talking to. Night before last my heart went to my throat when I saw the way he threw the rope. Last night I could hardly breathe when I saw him use his left arm. He’s never trained with it. But I can’t get him to talk to me about it. I know you know the truth and I’m not letting you drive away until you level with me.”
Nikki shuddered, realizing she had to put him out of his misery. Otherwise he wouldn’t be able to perform at his best for the rest of the rodeo. But when she told him the truth, she feared he would feel so badly about Toly, it would affect him in a worse way.
What to do...
Forgive me, Toly. My brother needs an explanation.
She turned to face him. “All right. I’ll tell you the truth.” For the next little while Nikki told him about Toly’s neuropathy. “He’s had three episodes since he was diagnosed. Two happened during practice before you drove to Las Vegas. But the third one came on when he was in the box two nights ago.”
Mills shook his head, but he’d lowered it so she couldn’t see his expression.
“He’s been going through excruciating torment to keep the news from you because he wants you guys to win the national championship. He feared that if he told you, it might make you want to pull out, which was the last thing he wanted. Yesterday he practiced throwing the rope with his left arm and it paid off because you got a second place last night.”
Silence followed her comments.
“When did he tell you?” he finally asked in a deceptively quiet voice.
“The afternoon I brought the Chinese food for you. He said he needed my advice about something. I had no idea. When I learned about his condition, you can’t imagine how heartbroken I was, not only for him but for you!”
“Did he swear you to secrecy?”
“No. It wasn’t like that. Toly was torn apart and wanted me to tell him if he should tell you the truth, knowing you might decide to withdraw from the competition. He said he would abide by my decision because he trusted me with his life. Toly also said that he knew you trusted me more than anyone else in the world.”
Mills lifted his dark head. “So you influenced him not to tell me?”
“After he told me he would start training with his left arm in order to stay in the competition, I knew in my heart and soul he didn’t want to give up. I didn’t want him to give up, either, so that’s why he didn’t tell you.”
A grimace marred her brother’s good-looking features. “I see. Interesting, isn’t it, that he couldn’t tell me, the guy he asked to partner with him for an entire year? We would have talked it over and discussed strategies. Instead, he decided I would have just given up everything we’d worked for because he had no faith in me.”
“Yes, he does—” she cried, but he wasn’t listening.
“No, Nikki. He came to you.” She felt him trembling. “I find that the worst form of betrayal. When I get out of the car, I’m going back to his rig to tell him he can go to hell.”
“Mills—you don’t mean that. I know you’re angry. But please, please be angry with me, not him. He was ready to be honest with you. I’m the one who made the final decision.”
“Which means you have no faith in me.”
By now she was trembling in frustration. “You’re wrong, Mills. As Mom and Dad told me many times, you were born with an exceptionally compassionate nature and a pure heart.”
“That’s bull.”
“You know it isn’t because they told you that to your face when you didn’t want our dog to be put down. I was there, remember?”
He lowered his head.
“I can point out dozens of other times too, especially after our parents died. You were there for me, comforting me like a guardian angel. I happen to know it’s a fact that if Toly had come right out and told you what was wrong, you would have been totally heartbroken for him.”
A strange sound escaped his lips.
“Don’t shake your head. I know you, Mills. You would have put his welfare and pain above yours and let go of your dream to win a championship because you’re selfless.”
She could tell he was restless and ready to get out of the car. Nikki had to make one last attempt to reach him.
“Toly recognizes those traits in you. Have you forgotten he could have chosen any heeler in the country to work with him on this year’s circuit? To think that he asked you to be his partner should tell you how much he respects and admires you, not just your horsemanship. Promise me you’ll consider everything I’ve said before you tell him to go to hell.”
Nikki’s words resonated in the interior of the car before he got out. At least he didn’t slam the door. Hopefully that meant something. This was a new situation for all of them. If she’d made matters worse, she guessed she’d find out soon enough.
As much as she’d have liked to warn Toly with a phone call, she didn’t dare in case Mills had already gone in the rig to confront him. He’d know in a second if she was on the phone to him. But she could send him a text before she turned on the engine and drove away.
Toly had just gotten off the phone after talking ranch business with his brother Eli, when he saw that Nikki had just texted him. He’d hoped that she would have stayed with him. But she had another event tonight and no doubt wanted to get in some practice before she came back with their meal. He checked to see what she’d sent.
Sorry. Mills knows about your neuropathy. My fault.
No sooner had he taken a deep breath than he heard the distinctive knock on the door.
“Come on in!”
Mills walked through to the kitchen.
Toly eyed him over his coffee cup. “What are you doing back here? I thought you were headed for the center.”
When Mills was upset, his hard jaw gave him a fierce look. He was loaded for bear. Apparently he’d suspected something wasn’t right and had broken Nikki down. Toly wasn’t sorry. It was time he knew the truth.
“When were you going to tell me about your disease?”
“Only one person besides my doctor knows about it, so I take it Nikki has told you everything.”
“You’re damn right. Thanks for trusting the guy you’ve been training and competing with for the last year. You’re some friend, Toly Clayton.”
“For just a minute, would you try to put yourself in my place?”
“No, Toly. That argument doesn’t hold water. This issue goes far beyond winning the rodeo. I thought we were closer than friends.” The pain Toly could hear in Mills’s voice cut him like shards of glass. “You know. Brothers.”
He swallowed hard. “That’s the way I’ve felt about you for a long time.”
“The hell you have! I don’t think you know the meaning of the word.” His gray eyes looked suspiciously bright. “Funny, isn’t it, that all this time I was worried you would break Nikki’s heart because you couldn’t settle on one woman, and you’ve done an almighty job of breaking mine.”
Toly knew there was no reasoning with him right now. Maybe Mills would never be able to get over it or forgive him. To try to make things better would be futile until he’d had time to absorb what he’d learned. All Toly knew at this point was that Mills wasn’t the only one with a broken heart.
“Damn you, Toly,” his voice grated before he flew out of the rig, slamming the door behind him.
A groan came out of Toly. There wasn’t anything he could do. In Mills’s state, no one could know where he’d gone or how he would deal with his pain. Toly didn’t suppose even Nikki knew how to solve this one. Not yet anyway.
Before he did anything else, he sent her a text.
Mills delivered his message and hit his target dead center. He’s not in good shape, but I’m thankful he heard it from you, the one person he loves and knows he can count on. I’m living till I see you this afternoon.
On his way out the door to do some practice throws on the dummy steer, he saw the car and was surprised. That meant Mills could be in his rig, or exercising Dusty in the RV park arena, or had even gone for a run.
No matter what, right now Toly needed to carry out his routine for today. His right arm was still too sore to use tonight. Tomorrow night it ought to be okay, but then he had to worry if his condition would act up on him at the wrong moment. This was agony.
Once he reached the barn, he grabbed the rope he needed and walked out in back to throw loops with his left hand. He didn’t see any sign of Mills. An hour later he went back to the rig, popped some painkillers and took another nap.
When he awakened he saw that Lyle had left him a text congratulating him on their wins. He also asked him to take a look at the email he’d sent him. Amanda Fleming had made a post on the blog that Toly ought to see.
His anger flared. Amanda again?
Toly put the laptop on the kitchen table and opened the message.
For all you fans, I have news. Toly Clayton is a two-faced jerk. I ought to know. After being with me a month ago, the creep only had ten minutes for a cup of coffee after I traveled all the way to Las Vegas to be with him. I wonder how many women have ended up being dumped by him after loading them with promises. Is it because Nikki Dobson has him hog-tied? They show up together every night at the South Point. Does she know what he’s been doing out on the circuit when he’s on his own? Wouldn’t she be shocked to know what he was doing with me?
I know a lot of people would like to know my story. In fact, I know a number of magazines that would pay a lot of money for an exclusive from me with the reigning cowboy in Las Vegas. I even have pictures.
Toly didn’t give her post two thoughts before he picked up his phone and called Lyle.
“You’ve read it?”
“Yes. If I weren’t leaving the rodeo forever, I’d hire an attorney and sue her for slander. But she’s not worth the trouble. By the weekend my career will be over and the website will no longer be online. She’ll have to pick on some other dude and rant elsewhere.”
“Yep. But don’t tell a soul, and don’t count out Mills who has several years yet and will hook up with another header.”
“But, Toly—”
“That’s my exclusive, Lyle,” he interrupted him. “I’ll call you again this weekend and you can go rogue with it once I’m back in Montana on the ranch.”
“You’re really giving it up?”
“I am. Thanks for all you’ve done. I’ll be in touch soon.”
“Wow. I can’t believe it.”
“You want to know what I can’t believe? That someone like Ms. Fleming is that desperate for attention. I can almost feel sorry for her. Isn’t it sad how many of them are out there?”
He hung up the phone. This had been Toly’s lucky day with Amanda lining up behind Mills. Just wait until tonight when Toly’s left arm let him down. The only light he could see in his life was Nikki. Where in heaven was she?