Further Reading


Cohen, Michael P., A Garden of Bristlecones (Reno, NV, 1998)

Cole, James E., ‘The Cone-bearing Trees of Yosemite’, Yosemite Nature Notes, XVIII, 5 (1939)

Coppen, J.J.W., and G. A. Hone, Gum Naval Stores: Turpentine and Rosin from Pine Resin (Rome, 1995)

Davies, John, Douglas of the Forests: The North American Journals of David Douglas (Edinburgh, 1979)

Eckenwalder, James E., Conifers of the World: The Complete Reference (Portland, OR, 2009)

Evelyn, John, Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest Trees and the Propogation of Timber: A Reprint of the 4th edn of 1716 (London, 1908)

Farjon, Aljos, Pines: Drawings and Descriptions of the Genus Pinus, 2nd edn (Leiden, 2005)

—, A Natural History of Conifers (Portland, OR, 2008)

Jepson, Willis Linn, The Trees of California (San Francisco, CA, 1909)

Lambert, Aylmer Bourke, A Description of the Genus Pinus (London, 1803)

Lanner, Ronald, The Piñon Pine: A Natural and Cultural History (Reno, NV, 1981)

—, The Bristlecone Book: A Natural History of the World’s Oldest Trees (Missoula, MT, 2007)

Loudon, John Claudius, An Encylopaedia of Trees and Shrubs, Being the Arboretum et Fructicetum Britannicum Abridged (London, 1842)

McPhee, John, The Pine Barrens (New York, 1968)

Mieggs, Russell, Trees and Timber in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Oxford, 1982)

Mirov, Nicholas T., The Genus Pinus (New York, 1967)

Mirov, Nicholas T. and Jean Hasbrouck, The Story of Pines (Bloomington, IN, and London, 1976)

Outland III, Robert B., Tapping the Pines: The Naval Stores Industry in the American South (Baton Rouge, LA, 2004)

Perry, Jesse P., The Pines of Mexico and Central America (Portland, OR, 1991)

Richardson, David M., ed., Ecology and Biogeography of Pinus (Cambridge, 1998)

Tressider, Mary Curry, Trees of Yosemite; A Popular Account (Stanford, CT, 1932)