Imbolc Ritual: Piezoelectric Recharge

Melanie Marquis

This ritual makes use of the piezoelectric properties of quartz crystal. Piezoelectricity describes the electrical charge produced by an application of mechanical energy on certain crystalline structures. Topaz, tourmaline, quartz, table sugar, your bones, your tissues, and even your DNA all have piezoelectric properties. When a piezoelectric substance is squeezed or subjected to friction, electrical charges are emitted. Hold a quartz crystal in your hand and squeeze it tightly, and both positive and negative electrical charges will build up on the opposite faces of the crystal. If you increase the mechanical stress even more by vigorously rubbing two crystals together, you will see sparks and glowing flashes of light. Your body’s piezoelectric properties are similarly stimulated. Rubbing, pressing, or stretching your skin, for instance, activates your body’s piezoelectricity which in turn increases circulation and kicks your innate healing mechanisms into high gear. This Imbolc ritual uses your body’s piezoelectricity as well as the piezoelectricity of crystals to help give you a jump start toward a successful spring season ahead. It is best performed at night, any time after the sun has set.

To begin this ritual, you will need two large pieces of quartz crystal that you don’t mind getting scratched up a bit. You will also need a piece of paper and something to write with. Wear something with short sleeves, or go nude. Go into a dark room. You’ll need a candle or small lamp for light, just bright enough to read by. Place the crystals, paper, and writing utensil in front of you and sit comfortably on the floor, or in a chair if you prefer.

Sit quietly and take some slow deep breaths to help you feel calm and centered. If your mind is going crazy with thoughts, let the thoughts come until your head is clear, or at least as clear as you deem possible. Once your mind is settled, set it to thinking forward to springtime.

Pick up the paper and pen or pencil, and ask yourself what you would like to accomplish in the coming months. What are your career goals, family goals, relationship goals? Most importantly, what are your personal goals? Are there areas in your personal life that need attention? Are there any mental, emotional, or physical challenges that you would like to overcome? Are there any obstacles originating from outside of yourself that you would like to obliterate? Write these goals on the paper, phrasing each one in positive terms. You want to word each goal as an affirmation. For example, if quitting nicotine is a goal, write the goal as if you’ve already accomplished it: “I am a healthy nonsmoker” rather than “I want to stop smoking.”

When you’re finished making your list of goals, read it through slowly, one item at a time. After you read each item, repeat it over and over again in your mind as you rub your arms or massage them gently to stimulate your body’s piezoelectric flow. Envision yourself successfully accomplishing each goal. Notice the details, and try to feel the emotions of the scene. Take your time with each goal, and continue to rub or softly massage your arms. If you like, you can stimulate the piezoelectric effect in other parts of your body besides your arms. Try stimulating your legs, hands, feet, chest, or other areas. Just remember to be gentle in your movements. As you think of each goal, think also of the electric charges now accumulating within your body.

When you’ve finished visualizing each goal on your list, rub the paper between your hands so that it can pick up your electric vibrations. Put the paper to the side, pick up the two crystals and extinguish the light. Hold a crystal tightly in each hand, pointed down and angled away from your body. Rub one of the crystals vigorously against the other, keeping the crystals at a safe angle and distance to protect your eyes and face in case any small rock fragments break off. Keep rubbing the crystals briskly until you witness the unmistakable piezoelectric effect. First you may see small sparks, then the crystal will begin to glow from within. The greater the friction, the brighter will be the glow. If it doesn’t seem to be working properly, try applying friction to a different part of the crystal. If you’re using a chunk of quartz that is asymmetrical or that contains other minerals, you might have to work with it a bit before you find that sweet spot. The better the crystals, the better the piezoelectric effect produced, but this will absolutely scratch up your crystals so you want to find that balance between good enough and too good to ruin.

Once your crystals start to glow, hold them just above the surface of the paper on which you’ve listed your goals. Visualize the electrical charges from the crystals falling onto and into the paper to further energize your intentions. When you’ve had enough fun making the crystals glow, gently touch the charged crystals to your body at the pulse points, as if you were applying perfume. Feel the energy going into your body. Then rub the crystals over your list of goals to complete the ritual. Place the list in a special place and leave the two crystals on top of it. Each day until you accomplish your goals, rub the crystals together briefly to generate some more piezoelectricity, then place them back on top of the paper.

If you enact this ritual at Imbolc and back up the magick with solid, sensible actions, success should be yours before the end of spring.
