Cosmic Sway

Corrine Kenner

Ostara marks the first day of spring and the long-awaited end of winter. For the next few months, the days will grow longer and warmer, but today, on the vernal equinox, there are just as many hours of daylight as night.

It’s a time for fresh starts. When the Sun moves into fiery Aries at 12:15 pm eastern, the astrological year begins.

On the spring equinox, when day and night are balanced, we’re reminded of the union of Pagan gods and goddesses, like Isis and Osiris, Freya and Odin, and Eostre and the Green Man. It’s also reminiscent of the marriage of two ancient planetary gods—Uranus and Gaia, Father Sky and Mother Earth.

Mythic Astrology

In astrology, the first marriage between a god and a goddess was that of Uranus and Gaia—Father Sky and Mother Earth. Both were born from Chaos. Uranus represented the light and air of heaven, while Gaia was the sustainer of life.

Their firstborn child was Oceanus, the flowing ocean stream that encircled the Earth. Their other children included Aether, the highly rarified atmosphere that only immortals could breathe. Then came Air, which was separated from the Aether by cloudlike divinities called Nephelae. Uranus and Gaia also gave birth to the mountains and the sea.

Their union also led to the creation of two distinctly different races: the Giants and the twelve Titans. The Giants were brutally strong, but the Titans were both strong and smart.

The Titans included Saturn and Rhea, another married pair of deities who eventually would give birth to the gods of Mount Olympus.

Uranus both hated and feared his children. As soon as they were born, he confined them to Tartarus, the subterranean dungeon of the gods.

Gaia eventually rebelled against her husband and convinced the Titans to conspire against their father. Saturn agreed to her plan and castrated his father. When the old man was wounded, giants and nymphs sprang from drops of his blood, and Venus was born from the sea foam where he fell.

Saturn was the supreme power now—but as Uranus lay bleeding, the father god cursed his son and warned him that he, too, would fall victim to a similar fate.

In astrology, Uranus is the planet of rebellion, revolution, and reform. It rules radical ideas and people, as well as social groups that are dedicated to humanitarian ideals.

Its placement in a horoscope chart, by sign and by house, describes genius and individuality.

Because Uranus was discovered at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, it’s associated with new ideas, inventions, and discoveries. It’s also linked to electrical energy and modern technology. Its glyph looks like a satellite: 16160.jpg

Uranus is an unconventional planet in our solar system, too. It literally spins sideways on its axis. It’s horizontal, not vertical. It rotates on its side, so that its two poles face the Sun in turn. During its revolution, one hemisphere is bathed in light while the other lies in total darkness.

Uranus rules airy Aquarius, the sign of freedom and liberty. Uranus also rules the 11th house of the horoscope, where astrologers look for information about friends, social groups, and forward-looking causes.

Reading the Signs

At the moment, there are four planets in Aries: the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus. It’s a fiery array that pumps a lot of energy into this season of new beginnings.

Venus is especially open to change because the planet of love and attraction is momentarily standing still, gathering strength and considering her options.

Venus moved into Aries on March 6. It will slide gracefully into Taurus, the sign that it rules, on March 31, and Gemini on April 24.

The Sun will stay in Aries until April 19, when it moves into Taurus.

Mars has been in earthy Capricorn, where it’s exalted, since March 17. The warrior planet is more than comfortable with the hard-working energy of the sign, which rewards business success and single-minded determination for a cause.

Mars is squaring off at a 90-degree angle to the Sun and engaged in a sympathetic trine with rebellious Uranus. Those aspects are fueling the driving, aspirational energy of the moment.

Jupiter is moving backward through watery Scorpio, opposite the Moon and in sextile with Pluto. Until Jupiter moves forward into its own sign, Sagittarius, you may have to look inward for rewards. This is a good time to practice your positive self-talk and recognize your own worth and success.

Pluto is rubbing Mercury and Venus the wrong way, squaring the fast-moving planets of communication and love, but it’s in an easygoing sextile with both Jupiter and Uranus. That has ramifications that could change your life for the better. Let it inspire you to release something that’s holding your back: extra weight, surplus property, or a relationship that leaves you feeling burdened rather than energized.

Planetary Positions

Sun in Aquarius

Jupiter in Scorpio

Moon in Taurus

Saturn in Capricorn

Mercury in Aries

Uranus in Aries

Venus in Aries

Neptune in Pisces

Mars in Capricorn

Pluto in Capricorn

Phases of the Moon

On March 31, we’ll be graced by a Blue Moon in Libra—the second Full Moon of the calendar month. The luminary, reflecting the full light of the Sun in fiery Aries, will emphasize the need for balance and equanimity in relationships.

On April 16, look for a New Moon in Aries. Each New Moon is a conjunction with the Sun. This one heralds a new cycle of individuality and personal growth. Set your sights on a new adventure or two: make definite plans, complete with a series of step-by-step goals and objectives that will help you measure your progress.

On April 30, a Full Moon in watery Scorpio will be charged by the light of the Sun in earthy Taurus. It’s a powerful combination: in this case, the Sun’s energy will channel emotional desires into physical energy. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself seeking a physical outlet for pent-up emotions.

Practical Astrology

As they orbit the Sun, the planets pass through all twelve signs of the zodiac. While they’re not comfortable in every sign, they do stay true to their essential nature.

The Sun, the central focus of cosmic energy and identity, highlights and personalizes everything it touches.

The Moon, the orb of reflection and intuition, adds emotional depth and compassion.

Mercury, the planet of speed and communication, adds a note of reason, logic, and intellectual understanding.

Venus, the planet of love, attraction, and beauty, graces everything she touches with affection and benefic gifts.

Mars, the warrior planet of aggression and assertion, powers its contact points with intensity, energy, and drive.

Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, brings expansion and good fortune to everything in its path.

Saturn, the ringed planet of limitations, boundaries, and restrictions, constricts everything it touches. While ancient astrologers thought of Saturn as a malefic planet, its influence isn’t always a negative. Saturn also offers structure and discipline to those he meets along his path.
