I’d look at you if I were sure you’d seen me.

Instead, I do my best to look elsewhere.

It’s you, though. Doubt’s enthroned there on your nape.

Your back is scrawny, like a grown-up’s.

You stand in the next coach, turned half away.

You still cut your hair short. Your mouth is open.

We used to put our things in the same bag.

I’m scared of you. Workplace, a family.

Now I see you reflected in the doors.

In years gone by I had you all around.

I’ve got past you. Don’t make me vanquish you.

No need for friendship. Better if I vanish.

You held me gently, understanding nothing,

Leaf from a tree, I fell onto your palm.

You knew it all, not knowing it was all.

You could lift me as a puppy gets lifted.