Chapter Thirteen
Drag placed his hand over his mouth, trying to cover up the yawn working its way loose, but Gina caught it right away.
“Is this instruction boring you?”
“No… Sorry, Gina. Didn’t sleep all that great last night.”
Snapper chuckled. “Fucking tends to do that.”
Gina slapped the table with a thin wooden reed, one she’d been using as a pointer, and everyone shut up, though Bridget’s face was still covered in a nice blush. Drag shouldn’t have liked that so much, but last night had been another adventure in exploring their re-ignited chemistry.
She’d been wild, eager and willing to follow every command. He loved her receptivity to letting go, doing as she was told. He caught her eye and mouthed the words ‘good girl’, enjoying how she flushed more.
The reed slapped the table again. “This is an important operation. Every moment spent in flirtation and arousal reduces our chance of success by ten percent.”
“A bit high, Gina. I’d imagine actual fucking might increase by ten percent. Should we try?” Drag couldn’t help but make the joke. He was in a damn good mood regardless of where they were headed or the danger involved. Somehow Bridget and their connection had always done that to him, made him feel damn near invincible.
“Are you taking this seriously?” Gina asked through clenched teeth.
“As serious as a racer behind the wheel in the championship. Show us the maps.”
Gina sighed. “You’re as bad as a particular runner I know, but let’s continue.”
Half a solar hour later, Jack and Snapper were loaded in one hauler with Drag and Bridget in the other, racing across the terrain, dodging vegetation and rock formations. The sun set behind them, casting various hues of orange and red across the sky.
Drag adjusted his grip on the steering wheel, the dust cover on his face only in place for Bridget’s sake. He didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable having to bundle up in goggles and the covering to protect herself from the sun and the dust. He didn’t need that type of protection, but around certain people, he put up the façade to make them less intimidated by him. The nanites in his system had worked miracles, including giving him the ability to overcome weaknesses other humans couldn’t.
Bonus, it gave him an excuse to stay quiet. While he was eager to talk to her, he was also a mess about what to say. They’d talked a little this morning, her sharing more stories of Macintosh’s struggles and how their sponsorship had turned into a crutch that she had to depend on instead of an opportunity to grow and have her gang prosper. The conversations had made his blood boil for multiple reasons, but the question still remained… The one she hadn’t bothered to answer yet. It was starting to eat at him. Why?
If Moag had been a horrible option, the wrong choice, why had Bridget turned to the sponsor, killed her father, attacked Snapper… Makes no sense. Drag had his guesses, but he was wanting to hear confirmation.
Because her in this seat beside him was right—his very marrow told him that much. He’d never felt more alive than with her next to him again. Sure, Snapper would say that was his dick talking, but he didn’t believe it was mere sexual attraction. There had to be more here, right?
At the same time trusting her, this alliance, might break the fabric of his gang. Hemi, who was still an honorary member, couldn’t let the past lie and neither could Shannon. The others were holding on out of blind loyalty but Drag could sense they would turn at the slightest provocation. The fact Bridget had received a communication right before they departed didn’t help much either.
The Inccukai, she’d said, an inquiry about her whereabouts and when she would be back. Moag required her presence. Fucking bastard.
They’d barely left without an escort. How long before that assassin came poking around for her? Drag had already worked up a story for Snapper when they returned if the damn mummy came looking for them.
“Are you all right?” Bridget asked with her hand half resting on his cybernetic forearm. Her touch resonated throughout his body, the warmth, the connection.
“Yeah.” Because be damned if they got into a deep conversation right now. Foolish of him for even considering it. They needed their focus on the mission, on the papers, the proof that Moag was manipulating half of Wespero by buying out the commissioner. “Just reviewing the plan, replaying the maps in my mind. Doesn’t help us if we get lost. Gina already dialed into your ear piece?”
Another reason to be quiet. He didn’t need his entire gang to know what he said to Bridget. Their conversation was for them alone. The others deserved answers too, but outside of Snapper, the others hadn’t lost what he had…an entire planned future. He adjusted his grip again and let his foot ease off the accelerator.
“She said she’d only activate when we reached the commissioner’s office. I believe her.”
“You don’t trust most people and you’ll trust Gina after a couple interactions?”
Bridget removed her sun goggles as the night sky started to take over with its hues of purple. The sun was almost gone. “Yes. She didn’t sell me out when she knew damn well I had planted a listening device. How she knew, I’d be interested in learning, but I can respect a woman is due a few secrets. She does what’s right, without a second thought. I wish I was more like her.”
They both grew silent again and Drag let things stay that way until they reached the commission office. As planned, Snapper took over for Drag. Both he and Jack drove off with haulers as if they were just passing through. Bridget and Drag moved up the stairs, communicating with simple hand signals.
Gina dialed in as Bridget cued up directions on when to use the EMP unlock device. The simple card-shaped item was covered on one end with rubber so it wouldn’t short-circuit Drag’s cybernetic components.
“Touch the other end and we’re screwed. Make sure it goes back in the rubber case as well. Can’t risk harm to any of us.” She’d offered that good piece of advice before they’d left. Drag had suggested brute strength to get them inside but was reminded how this was a clandestine mission. They need to leave no speculation and no trace.
Once inside, it was lefts, then rights, up a couple flights of stairs, hiding in an alcove to evade passing guards and finally to the door of the Wespero commissioner, Paulos. Drag placed the card against the lock and two seconds later, the electric lights disappeared and the lock disengaged. Just like the front door.
“She’s a genius,” Bridget whispered as they slipped into the room and shut the door. Without the lock in place, they would have to manually block it.
Drag grabbed a small cabinet from against the wall and placed it front of the door.
“That’s not the best idea.”
He growled at Bridget. “We don’t have anyone to stand guard. Now get your ass over here and let’s look at this safe.”
They moved the desk chair but couldn’t move the desk with all the shit the commissioner had set on it, stacks of papers and junk. This idiot was a hoarder, if the cluttered way his room was arranged implied such a thing.
The floor-tile cover popped up with a simple compress motion, as Gina had predicted. When they lifted it up on its hinge, it revealed three dials and an electrical pad.
“Gina wants a closer look. Lean in.”
Drag lowered his torso as close to the floor as he dared. He already felt claustrophobic and vulnerable in this position. What if Bridget tried to stab him? Old fears were starting to rise to the surface. He angled his head to see her, and she was all concerned at whatever instructions Gina was providing.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s more complex than what she thought, but…not impossible.”
Shit. “We’re going to miss our escape window if this carries on. Can’t we just use the EMP?” Drag reached for the case in his pocket.
“No!” Bridget’s voice echoed through the room before she clapped her hands over her lips. “Shit… I’ll be quieter, but Gina says you do that, and an alarm will trigger. Hands off the card. Give her a minute.”
Drag gave himself a little more space, tapping his fingers against the floor.
“She said to stop that. Quiet waiting.” Bridget braced herself with hands on her knees, crouched next to him. “You don’t think he already knew somehow? That one of the others, maybe Hemi, said something?”
“Never, not even for all the crinkle in the world. Are you sure that listening device of yours hasn’t already been hacked by the assassin working for Moag?”
She frowned. “No one knows I have this and don’t try to accuse me.”
“Well, you’re blaming people I trust with my life, so it swings both ways here.”
“Shh,” she replied, placing a finger to his lips. He was damn tempted to bite it.
“Gina says it’s intimidating, but quite simple in operation. Turn the top dial to the number one, the bottom to three and the middle to seven. In that exact order. Then press the symbol of a circle, diamond and square at the same time.”
Drag followed the instructions as provided, though he said a silent prayer that this would work as he pressed the buttons. The safe’s light turned from red to green and he dared to grab the handle. A quick ninety-degree turn, then the door opened. Within were the papers that Gina had spoken of, several folders and other items. He opted to grab all of them and hand them back to Bridget as she passed off replacement ones for the time being.
Just as he shut the safe door, he could hear voices from outside on the approach toward the commissioner’s office.
Bridget started to speak but Drag clamped a hand over her mouth. “Shhhh, they’re out there,” he whispered. “Gina, what’s the probability they will check the door?”
He huddled Bridget close to him, the bulk of the bag strapped to her front holding the paperwork crushed between them, the easiest way to hear Gina’s reply.
“Forty-five percent chance of door checks but increases to ninety-five if they notice the missing lock light. Also, you have five solar minutes left before your ride departs.”
They were counting on the guards being too absorbed with their own conversation to pay close attention to what was happening. Bridget’s heart rate picked up along with his. He could hear his pulse in his ears. They stood stock still embracing each other. Though his cock was already starting to wake up and ask what was happening, Drag’s eyes were glued to the door handle, waiting for the end to drop.
When the handle moved up and down, that signaled the end.
“I love you,” he whispered.
They were going to be caught, arrested, and Cheatham would have what he needed to remove Bridget from leadership of Macintosh. She’d erred in trusting Drag and Full Throttle. Made the mistake of believing she could take on this kind of scheme herself and they weren’t that good.
Nor were they assassins or spies trained to do this type of work. The door handle jiggled, and she held her breath, squeezing Drag tighter with her arms.
“I love you.” The whispered words in her ear threw her into shock and her chest grew tight. She tried to push Drag away, but he wouldn’t let her go.
Then a guard spoke about the door lock being busted, but the door didn’t budge. Things were fine—they’d alert maintenance in the morning. The pair of footsteps moved away and only after she could no longer hear them did Drag release her.
“Three minutes until they leave. The guards are all in positions away from the stairwell. You have a clear path.”
Bridget was still reeling from Drag’s declaration. How could he unleash such words on her at a time like this? The worst possible time, when they were about to be caught and now… The damn idiot had moved the cabinet back to its position, but he’d left the tile open on the floor.
Leaning down, Bridget replaced everything to ensure the floor was as it had been when they arrived. She slid the desk chair back in place then her body was on autopilot, knowing their window for escape was closing.
Drag opened the door and turned, motioning to her. “Let’s go.”
She picked up her pace and ran, past him and out through the door into the hall. The stairway wasn’t far—one quick right turn, and they’d make the stairwell. She did her best to keep herself on the tips of her toes, light and fast steps as she made her way down one, two and three flights of stairs. With no idea if Drag was behind her, she ran as if his words were chasing her out of the building.
He loved her…even after everything she’d done? He was speaking madness, driven by the desperation of the moment. Even so, the emotion lodged inside her heart, the beats echoing within her, as she grasped onto that confession, wanting to hold it tight. She’d give almost anything for the statement to be true, but the time to ask wasn’t now as they fled the commission building.
The door that entered into the main foyer was in front of her. She could hear Drag’s steps behind her on the steps.
“Stop,” Gina’s voice echoed in her ear. “Wait ten seconds, then go.”
She was tempted to ask why but didn’t dare. The woman speaking through her ear piece was an enigma who had some sort of magical talent with technology and knew things most humans would not even dream. So, Bridget halted and held up her hand to get Drag to slow his pace. Her heart raced and she was damn sure if anyone walked by the stairwell they’d hear it. He came up short beside her as she finished her countdown.
“Go.” Gina yelled in her ear right as she reached one.
Bridget pushed open the door, with Drag crowding in behind her. The damn fool lifted her up, then hoisted her over him, crushing her body against his. How the hell he kept his footsteps near silent even with the extra weight on his shoulder she wasn’t sure. But they were out through the door in seconds and down the steps. He tossed her into the seat of the hauler, before ripping the shoulder bag off her and tossing it to Snapper.
The other racer disappeared into the night, and Drag was left driving them out of there, following. They were away from the commission office when she dared to speak.
“I can’t believe you said that.”
“What? Let’s go? I mean, I couldn’t whistle for your attention.”
Bridget reached up and pulled the earpiece out of her ear, threw it on the floorboard and crushed it underneath her boot heel. Because be damned if anyone else was going to hear this conversation. She could imagine the anarchy his words might drum up if Gina shared them, but the rest of this needed to be kept between them alone.
“That’s not what I’m talking about. You said, ‘I love you’.”
Drag jerked the wheel the tiniest bit, then course-corrected. “You must have misheard me.”
“No, you were right next to me, and it was in my ear. I don’t think I could mistake those words. Not when I’ve heard them from you before, a long time ago. Why?”
“If you deny this one more time, I’m jumping out of this hauler, my safety be damned. I can’t, Dakota.” His real name had slipped out, but her entire body was like a compressed coil ready to launch over across the seat and kiss him. If those words… No, she couldn’t believe in such fairy tales.
“There is never a right time to say them. But that moment, if I didn’t get a chance, I wanted to say those to you again.”
“Do you mean them?”
Dakota glanced in her direction, then slammed on the brakes. Her safety belt kept her from slamming into the dash though her palms slapped against the hard surface to provide extra bracing.
“Always.” The single word tore away her misgivings and cynicism and brought tears to her eyes. She’d never believed anyone would love her again after what she’d done. Hell, he didn’t even know the truth of everything and had still said them.
Undoing her safety belt, she crawled across the seat into his, then straddled his lap. The kiss she unleashed wasn’t tentative or nice. It was all her passion and desire for him that had been curtailed over the years, everything she hadn’t already shown him. He met her stroke for stroke, bite for bite. Arousal coiled deep inside her, rising until she was grinding on his rock-hard cock right there in the driver’s seat.
Her head fell back as he nipped and sucked at her throat. Then he growled. “No fucking way am I not getting all of you and settling for your orgasm not being on my tongue.”
As he hugged her close, she couldn’t help but giggle as Drag clenched her against him with one hand while he drove the hauler off the main path with the other behind a couple large rock formations. It would give them a bit of privacy, but if a caravan…
“How do you want this?” He turned the hauler off, then leaned her back.
“I want to be spread out to you like a banquet.”
He grinned at her and unclicked the latch that would release his safety belt. “Then get out and give me five minutes max. I’ll handle this.”
She left the hauler on the driver’s side and Drag followed after her. Except instead of stopping to wrap her up in his arms and continue what they had started, he moved to the back of the hauler. He popped open the tailgate, moved the rear seats down, then laid out three blankets. Only then did he come back to her side.
“I don’t have pillows, but I think I can keep you comfortable.”
“As long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy.” She said the words and meant them as she looped her arms around Drag’s neck and let him lift her off the ground and carry her toward the rear of the hauler.
He set her down on the edge of the tailgate and removed her boots, then her pants and underwear. She was naked from the waist down and so very fucking wet. “Lean back and spread those legs for me.”
She did as he asked and was rewarded with the slow slide of a thumb over her clit and down to her pussy entrance, along with a low whistle and Drag’s soft-spoken, “Good girl.”
There was no additional preamble, just Drag lowering his head between her legs as he hoisted said limbs over his shoulders and began to feast on her. She was nearly hanging upside down, the far top of her torso touching the back of hauler bed as he worked his tongue at first against her clit, then in and out of her pussy like an engine piston.
She tried to control herself but couldn’t help but squeeze her muscles against his invasion. He growled in pleasure. In response, he bit at her inner thighs before continuing his assault on her clit. There was no way to describe this sudden, rapid rise of her desire. She was a panting, sobbing mess as he brought her to one orgasm, then another. His mouth had to be tired. Then again, his cybernetic components probably—mother of Mars.
She bit down on her lip to keep from screaming. When that wasn’t enough, she bit her hand, but every nerve in her body was lit up like the racing dome in the middle of a championship. She was sure every animal or human within hearing distance knew how many times she’d come.
When the next one hit, she couldn’t help but scream, then he was there, swallowing her cry with his mouth and tongue that tasted of her. In the middle of that frantic kiss designed to stifle her shout, his cock was already poised at her entrance. He took hold of her shoulders and used that grip to impale her on his cock.
She gasped against his mouth, then allowed their tongues to dance once more after the ease of his intrusion. He was everything firm, hot and delicious, sinking into her with such force she wanted it as hard as he could give her.
If he could somehow mark her this way, so everyone that looked upon her after this night would know that she belonged to him… No matter how stupid and foolish, she’d still wish for such a thing. Breaking the kiss, she turned her head to roughly whisper in his ear, “Fuck me like you’ll never do so again.”
She leaned back and looked up at the stars as he began to move, grinding into her as he did, letting her feel every part of his width and length. Then he moved his thumb to her clit and started to pick up the pace. His human hand pressed down on her collarbone and she was forced to look at him, to see the hunger for her reflected in his eyes, his pupils so wide and open. She gasped with each push and pull.
He was so gorgeous, the sweat dripping from his brow, the way he held onto her, and in return, she found the same words he’d given her bubbling up on her lips. But before she could utter them, he kissed her, smothering all sound as he came, and her final orgasm was wrenched from her body.
When he finally pulled away, pressing smaller kisses to her forehead and cheeks, the moment was so tender she feared she’d cry. He helped put her pants back on and her boots, then climbed into the hauler and lay down beside her.
It took but a single pat to his chest to get her to crawl into his lap and find solace and warmth among the chilly night in his arms. That was when she dared to return the words.
“I love you,” she whispered, then let herself drift to sleep.