There was no doubt about it. Valerie Abernethy was feeling better. Her function was improved and her brain was clearer but she had always been a high-functioning alcoholic, and she was very bright. There was a lot she could do with very little thought or effort, it all came so easy to her. She had never really learned to challenge herself. Now she was learning the hard way just how difficult it could be for her to get up in the morning. For the first time she had accepted medication for depression and her mood swings. She had admitted that to the young doctor who had appeared at the door of the surgery where Archie had dumped her. He was a hard-faced man who spoke in terms that made it perfectly clear she had two choices, do as she was told or die.
It was up to her.
He was not going to waste his time and effort if she was not going to do anything about it right here and right now.
She had looked back at him and, in a quiet voice that did not sound like her at all, said that she had lost her entire family.
‘So,’ he said, with a beguiling tilt of the head. She knew this meant she had walked into a trap and he was about to close it. ‘You were totally sober before that? I think not.’
The doctor had repeated, ‘So I’m not going to do anything about it if you are not going to do anything yourself. You need to apply yourself to getting better.’ He had leaned back in the seat, talking over what she had been through in the last few years, ticking the points off on his fingers, by the time he had finished Valerie had felt that she would have felt terrible for that person, and that person was herself. She was one step removed from it all. And then the doc had said, ‘I don’t think that this is a good time for you to be making big decisions. You need to keep your life on the straight and narrow, you need to let your blood chemistry stabilize. You need to regain the capacity for clear thought so you can get through the day. That will be your first challenge, once you get through that then we can look at the other options. And please, don’t ever do anything on impulse. Recovering alcoholics can have severe issues with impulse control. If you get an idea, even if you think it’s the greatest idea in the world, write it down and think about it again the following day. It will be that lack of filter that has got you into much of the mess you are in.’
She thought about the gun she had tucked away in the back of her bag that was leaning against her leg. She opened her mouth, getting ready to say that she still had the means to kill herself, and that was still her intention, but when she spoke all that came out her mouth was, ‘I have nothing to do. I don’t even have a cat to look after.’
‘You have plenty to do, you just don’t want to do any of it. You need to work on yourself.’ Those were his final words as he pressed print and the prescription slips started to churn out. She tuned out, hearing him vaguely add something, spoken to the wall, or to himself, about being a bright young woman, with a good brain and that the brain will find something to worry about unless she gave it something constructive to do, something challenging but insignificant so she could get her teeth into it but not fret if she failed at it. Then she would be OK.
‘And you are going to stay with your uncle?’
‘So he tells me.’
‘Best thing you can do’.
And here she was …
At Uncle Archie’s house.
Valerie looked round the room, not recognizing it but she recognized the style – it was very Pippa. Very Marks and Spencer’s. But she had no real idea when she had last been in this house, or if she had ever been in this neat little bungalow with the lawn cut in precise stripes at all. She could remember the detached house out in Milngavie where Archie and Pippa had lived before they downsized. When she was a child, Archie and her dad worked together in the fiscal service, and Pippa and her mum were housewives. Valerie and Abigail had played in that house often as children. Uncle Archie and Auntie Pippa were great fun in the way that parents can never be, giving too much freedom and too many sweeties.
They had been second parents to both girls.
It was only now, as an adult herself, that she wondered if Archie and Pippa had wanted children too, in the same way that she herself had yearned for them, once she knew that she couldn’t have them. Archie and Pippa seemed to have everything else.
Having a family had never really worked out for them and they had sold up and moved to this lovely, but charmless bungalow. Small, neat, easily looked after.
Archie knew Abigail almost as much as he knew her, his god-daughter. He had been Uncle Archie to them both.
She thought back to what the GP had said earlier at her emergency appointment. ‘We will get these prescriptions picked up, stay well, get plenty of rest, and after a week we will see where we are. We need to survive seven days. If we can do that, if you do that, then we can all move it forward. Here’s the phone and contact details of the AA and support that is available. If you get stuck. pick up the phone and speak to them. I know you don’t want to hear it right now but you are a very lucky woman, you have somebody who’s willing to take you in and look after you.’
She did.
Archie Walker, bless him.
Knowing her was like cuddling a serpent.
Wyngate had felt quite the king pin, in charge of the locus on the bloodstained site at the loch. There were CSIs crawling everywhere. Cops he had not been on the same shift rotation with for ages had appeared to help out, or as he was starting to see it, they were here to get in his way and he started to wish that somebody else would come along and claim responsibility for the crime scene. It was becoming a poisoned chalice.
He had been told a SIO from Balloch had been appointed, but as they had no real idea what they were investigating, he had gone back to base and had so far refused to return to a site of a ‘bad nosebleed and a stolen mobile phone’.
Then a smartly dressed young man had limped out of a very clean Audi and asked the nearest uniform who was in charge. A minute later DS Viktor Mulholland had introduced himself to Wyngate, very sarcastically. He had been seconded back down from West End Central so the bosses said, but it was obvious the people upstairs had been given the ideal opportunity to get them out the way, in a two for one deal.
‘Do you have a clue what’s going on?’ asked Mulholland.
‘You are the superior officer,’ said Wyngate looking around. ‘And that’s the site up there.’ He pointed up to An Ceann Mor.
‘No way am I going up there. No chance, I have a bad leg.’
‘Exactly,’ said Wyngate, then explained that he thought the CID should already be here and that, if in charge of anything, it should be traffic. Coaches kept pulling into the car park and had to be helped to U-turn and get back out again, although the police activity was proving a bigger tourist attraction than the loch with its beauty hidden behind a bank of rain.
In the end, Wyngate and Mulholland had a quick resume of the situation, they both had been dropped in the shit by their superiors so they may as well make the best of it.
‘The blood, is it human?’
‘It is. They are looking for a body. So far, the nearest five A & E’s have come up with no admissions that match this scenario. A search team is coming and I think we need traffic out to get the road signposted right at the start of the loch turn off.’
Mulholland nodded and looked up at the viewing point, seeing the CSIs walking around in their protective suits, looking rather unworldly high up in the mist. ‘We’ll hold the reins until the results come in, it will go up the tree quick enough. Where is McCaffrey? Has he gone up in the world or something?’
‘Who?’ Wyngate looked at his notebook, he had kept an inventory of names. ‘No McCaffrey here.’
‘Oh, he’s here. I‘m bloody sure that’s his car in the car park, can’t be that many Mini Clubmen around with three baby seats. He’ll have sneaked in when your back was turned, he’s an ambitious wee sod that one. I’ll see what’s happening over in the car park and let you know.’
He wandered off, leaving Wyngate to ponder his next move.
The search dog had been called out, they still had the chance of finding somebody alive. The divers were more expensive and that could wait until there was a higher presumption of death at the scene. It would be the easiest thing in the world to roll a human body down the steep hill into the loch, where it would fall down a sheer rock face into very deep cold water. The blood was human, no doubt about that. They had taken samples at four-inch intervals from the wide patch of grass that appeared to be the site of the first, and main, attack. Ahern was proving very useful as a wildlife tracker and backed up by a constable, the two of them were inching their way along a path that did not exist to the naked eye, both now wearing shoe covers in case they were right and they were walking in the footsteps of the victim. And maybe, whoever had been pursuing them. Or a killer fleeing the scene.
Wyngate felt he could leave Mulholland in charge at the car park so he too was following Ahern, knowing that the guys were on to something. Then the search dog arrived and immediately followed the path of the three men, nose in the air, rain glistening in baubles on his ebony saddleback, as he trotted along as if this wasn’t difficult at all.
‘A second site? What do we think?’
‘Well, something happened at the peak there, then somebody ran or was chased down here.’
‘Trying to get to the car park?’
‘Why not go out the way they came in?’
‘Because it wasn’t safe to go back that way obviously. The path is really only wide enough for two side by side, not a huge amount of room to get past somebody who is trying to stop you from leaving. Or had stabbed you and was standing there with a knife? I’d run in the opposite direction.’
‘Or if there was more than one of them chasing you?’
The dog was moving on, slower now, stopping every now and again to check, casting a glance at his handler to see if that was OK. Then he stopped. And did an about turn, curving his spine into the length of his own body, getting ready to come back the way he had come.
‘Why is he doing that?’ asked Ahern.
‘The scent runs out, he’d follow it if it was there to be followed. Whoever was here retraced their steps and went back the way they came. Or was airlifted out by an alien.’
‘Or,’ said Wyngate, ‘they caught the poor bugger here, dragged him across this grass and tossed him in the loch.’
‘Then the dog would take us to the water’s edge, but he hasn’t. So it didn’t happen like that.’
Wyngate looked at the dog, who looked back at him with eyes that seemed to be asking for a bacon sandwich. He didn’t know how much to trust it. ‘Yeah, thanks for that.’ Wyngate’s airwave crackled. He answered it, ready to point out that he wasn’t a rank that got paid enough to do this job, some of those fat bastards back at Central could come out again now that this had gone up the priority list.
At the car park, Mulholland had been asking around about McCaffrey, keen to speak to the young officer who had got close to Costello during the Braithwaite case. His eyes kept gravitating towards the Clubman. The windows were condensed over. He checked the other cars that had been parked there for a couple of hours now. Light fog over the windows, McCaffrey’s looked thick and dense, as if the car had been there all night.
Nobody had seen him.
He radioed in, locating the station where McCaffrey was based. And then gave them a quick call. He turned away instinctively as two other cops came close, aware of the silence in the still air and the ease with which he could be overheard.
‘You still up at the lochside?’ asked the desk sergeant.
‘Well, Isla McCaffrey has been on trying to locate her husband. He didn’t appear for the start of his shift this morning and he didn’t come home last night or the night before. That will be Isla McCaffrey as in …’
‘The wife of the bloke who drives the Clubman? It’s still here. I think it has been here for some time.’ Mulholland read out the plate number.
‘That’s a match.’
‘Yeah, can’t be many with three kiddie seats inside.’ Mulholland looked round to the deep water of the loch. He’d put an alert out for McCaffrey, talked to his senior officer, but had the sinking feeling he’d be calling out the underwater search team before darkness fell.
When Hannah got back to her cottage flat in Govan she thought about doing the hoovering, but she was too tired, almost too tired to sleep. She was always like this after doing a string of night shifts at A & E, she became a little excitable and found it difficult to sit down and relax. The flat was cold so she sat on the edge of the settee having a couple of quick cigarettes. It was still raining outside. She watched a neighbour walk her two wee girls past the flat, the neighbour looked in, saw her and waved. Hannah waved back and then settled back into the sofa, thinking about putting a log on the fire. Then have a shower, put on her jammys, light the fire and settle down with a cuppa and toast, thickly buttered with a teaspoon of Marmite on each slice. That would normally send her to sleep, and if that didn’t do it, sticking some daytime TV with its simpering banality definitely would.
She went over to the fire; it was her proudest possession, this old flat with its original fireplace and a wood-burning stove reinstated. Kneeling down she dusted the ash away and brushed it into the ash box. She pulled out some old newspaper that her neighbours upstairs kept for her, and she started the dirty process of rolling them up five sheets at a time and tying a knot in them. There was something very pleasurable in getting her fingers so dirty, before having a shower and making sure she got them clean again.
She placed a small firelighter in the grate and tossed in a few knots of newspaper and added a few more logs. Leaning back on the carpet, she thought about having a cup of tea before the shower. She squared off the pile of newspapers and put her hand down on the carpet to lever herself up onto her aching feet, then looked down at the front of the newspaper that was facing up at her, and the two faces on it, a one-word headline: MISTAKES. She looked again, picking up the paper and holding it close, reading it with tired eyes, scanning the picture, then looking at the date. The fourth of October.
She looked closer at the face, and the name. She was sure it was her. Domestic abuse took place at home, not at work, and there was the name of a colleague, a safe person. She rubbed her hands down the front of her trousers, leaving jet streams of black ash on her thighs. So this woman might be this police officer. Might be. For all Hannah knew, her husband, the abuser, might also be a police officer. But she was involved with people like pathologists. Hannah read the caption under the photograph of the grey-haired man to confirm. These people knew all about the issues of patient confidentiality and the difficulties of identification. She was dealing with people who knew the score. It was worth a shot, she reached for her iPad.
And here she was, walking around Uncle Archie and Aunt Pippa’s house. He had gone to work, after making it quite clear that he was not going to hold her hand, snoop or check up on her. She had asked him, as she always did, if the investigation into Abigail’s death was making any headway. The answer was always no, but he did say they were now looking at wider CCTV, the timeline and the logistics again. And that had panicked her. Alone in the kitchen, she tried to think.
She sat for a long time, staring at the tabletop, letting the coffee go cold.
She heard the phone ringing through in the hall. It would be for Archie, she let it go.
It stopped then started again. Probably a sales call, so she walked over and put her hand out. It fell quiet as soon as she lifted it from its cradle. It wasn’t her house, it wasn’t her phone.
The problem was, she didn’t know if she could actually do it. Not again. The water she poured from the kettle kept missing the cup, spreading over the worktop. She mopped it up; wishing the tremor in her hands would stop betraying her. The need for alcohol was intense; vodka, strong black coffee and a pro plus. She was supposed to be on decaff, vitamin C, Acamprosate and Fluoxetine, never on an empty stomach. Her larynx and the muscles of her throat had been damaged when she was attacked, so she had learned to eat and drink in a certain order. She had taken the pills out the dosset box and flushed them down the toilet. She was going to have an Americano and a couple of rich tea biscuits, a habit she had learned from Abigail when she had suffered from terrible morning sickness. The pain of that thought, the easy way the memory had popped up in her mind so unexpectedly, it punched her in the stomach with more pain than any attack she had suffered in the Blue Neptune. When Abigail had got pregnant with Malcolm, it was as if her sister was rubbing her face in her own infertility. The way Abigail looked at her sometimes, as if she had it all, and Valerie deserved to have, and to be, ‘lesser’. She closed the lid of the kettle, thinking how funny it was, the way life turned out. It was a true saying, it’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.
A fleeting memory flashed through her mind, stubble on her cheek and the impression of a scent that she couldn’t identify. Maybe a perfume of Abigail’s. She gripped the side of the worktop in Archie’s pristine kitchen and tried to remember. There had been a man, a kiss, a cheek against hers.
Sitting amongst the Robert Annan prints on the wall, at the melamine table with its cream and light-brown striped bench seat, she sipped her caffeinated coffee, and looked out the window to a bare tree, an empty bird feeder swinging back and forth in the wind. Her Agatha Christie biography, still stuck at page fifty-six. She let the tears run. She was fed up trying to be strong. Life beyond vodka had only been a few hours old, and she had no idea what was causing the pain that gnawed and chewed at her soul. The loss of her family? The loss of herself? Mourning that her affair with the bottle might be over? She was better than that, better off than that, she had a brain and she had Archie behind her. He would treat her like a daughter.
Her future.
The lack of future?
If she ever was arrested, locked up, she really didn’t care. She’d have a roof over her head at least. That wasn’t the issue, at least it was something. The future that is unknown was far too awful to contemplate. She sipped at her coffee, letting the tears roll until they made little star-shaped drops on the tabletop. It was a future that was purposeless. It was a yawning great void that stretched in front of her and she could see nothing in it, nothing that was of any value to her.
Maybe she could get another cat. Yeah, she could just see Archie’s face when she presented him with a litter tray. She looked out the window, there was a robin hopping around in the garden. That wasn’t something she saw when she had Alfred.
She brushed away a tear …
Who killed Cock Robin? It was the sparrow, with his bow and arrow.
It shouldn’t be too bloody difficult to figure out who killed her sister.
That was one question that wasn’t going to go away. And, the thought struck her as another teardrop fell, that might be the one question that she was uniquely placed to answer. Yet she could not.
Where had she been at four o’clock that morning?
The phone rang, she jumped. Maybe she would be better answering it and give Archie a message or swear at the person if it was a bloody sales call. Or she could let them speak and then say, ‘Now let me tell you all about the Baby Jesus’. That usually made them hang up. She walked, rather quickly and with no loss of balance she noticed, into the living room and lifted the handset. The voice on the other end said, ‘Valerie? Can you give a message to Archie? His mobile is turned off.’
‘Yes,’ she replied, looking round for a pen, but knowing she used to have a very good memory. ‘Yes, of course I can take a message.’
She was so touched that somebody used her name, and trusted her with a job that she started to cry.
The helicopter journey had been quick and uneventful, the blades cutting their way through the dark clouds to land on the pad at Raigmore, where an emergency medical team had been waiting with full clinical support, right from the minute the young man’s stretcher had been clunked off its cradle on the chopper. Ten minutes later the patient was in a cubicle, on oxygen and plasma, platelets and four monitors, stabilizing him to give them time to work out what the bloody problem was. Apart from the big wide cut across his throat.
And, in amongst them all, moving between them quietly, was Morna Taverner, a female constable, dressed in civvies covered in a sterile gown, carrying a pile of brown paper bags which she held open as the young man’s clothes were stripped and cut from him, and then delicately dropped into a bag, to be sealed, signed and removed from the premises.
Morna Taverner had been following their conversation from the moment the trolley hit the tarmac. He looked to her like every other hiker or walker that liked to take on the challenge of the hills during the winter. An extreme hillwalker. He was an outdoorsy type anyway, as his boots were dropped into the evidence bag, she saw the dried pine needles fall from the indentations in the soles. The weather on the Bealach was too severe for trees, so he had been walking elsewhere and transferred to the peak. Except if he was an experienced hillwalker, he would have been dressed more appropriately. And he would not have been out there on his own. Not in November. Not without having left notice with somebody to raise the alarm if he failed to return when expected. He wouldn’t be the first to take off his jacket at the first sign of hypothermia. But there had been signs that he had been dragged to where he had been found. And the telltale cut on his throat.
He had no signs indicative of being hit by a car, no first impact abrasions on the shins, nor the impact of the bonnet and the roll off the vehicle to the road. A senior casualty officer popped his head in and looked at the chart, his vitals, and finally looked at his face.
‘So throat cut and then what? He’s been beaten? A crowbar? Then thrown off an elevated site?’ The doctor looked a little confused.
‘Agreed, he was found like this at the top of the pass, then maybe dragged to the gully. The cut throat suggests foul play. Obviously.’
‘Are you the policewoman?’
‘Police officers we are supposed to be called now,’ Morna smiled. ‘How is he doing?’
‘Fair enough. We are going to wheel him down for an X-ray as soon as we get some bloods in him, get his temperature up. See if he’s got any blood on the brain, we will take it from there. If he’s ready, the scan will be within the next two hours but neurologically, there doesn’t seem to be any panic. But right now, he’s going to the high dependency unit.’
And the wheels on the trolley were clicked down, the stretcher stabilized and he was away, his dirty feet sticking out the end of the trolley, a passing nurse picking up the blanket and smoothing it down, smiling at his immobile black and swollen face. ‘Any ideas who he is yet?’ the nurse asked.
‘Nope. Nobody has reported him missing as yet and he has no ID on him.’
‘There are some bloody mad bampots out there.’ She looked out the window, as if she meant Inverness itself.
Anderson was studying a printout of unsolved rapes over the last ten years, searching through it, looking for connections. The pad beside him was full of scribbles and doodles, mostly excluding those incidents from the connections he was trying to make.
He answered his phone automatically, surprised at the very quiet voice on the other end, very young, almost a girl. She pronounced his name Coleen Anderrrson, soft consonants, a Highlander, he thought. ‘Yes, indeed, how can I help you?’ He assumed the attitude he did when he talked to one of his daughter’s friends. This sounded like a student wanting help with a dissertation. Probably passed on by Mitchum who obviously thought he didn’t have enough to do and that he was only sitting at his desk, looking at a sequence of rapes for his own amusement.
‘DCI Anderson, this is DC Morna Taverner. I’m up at Wester Ross, CID’, she added, as if she had forgotten and had realized that he might like to know. ‘I have been doing a cold case computer trawl …’
‘Yes,’ he said, and leaned back in his chair, knowing exactly where the conversation was going.
‘And I came across your name more than once, about the A835 rape?’
‘Not familiar with that.’
‘No reason why you should be. It’s the Sally Logan and Gillian Witherspoon cases you have been looking at. Our footprints over the archive keep crossing, so I thought you might be interested in Nicola Barnes, she was a twenty-three-year-old, out on her own, taken off the road – the A835 as it comes into Ullapool. It was the eleventh of July 2004.’
He heard her take a deep breath.
‘And there was an incident in 1987? A seventeen-year-old girl disappeared at—’
‘That’s a long time ago,’ Anderson said quietly. ‘Do you have anything else?’ Anything? He was encouraging, betting that this was usually as far as she got in her pitch. There would be nothing in this. She was young, trying to make connections, seeing them where none existed. She would be on the end of the phone sitting in a large office somewhere talking quietly, cupping her phone with the palm of her hand. He imagined her with a nervous tic, pulling her hair behind her ear the way Claire had done since the day she was born if she had ever been in trouble, or Peter’s habit of biting his upper lip.
‘You have been working on the Logan and Witherspoon rapes. I think there are similarities.’ She was more definite now, fortified by his interest.
‘Are you working cold case?’
There was quiet, he could hear her breathing.
‘Not exactly.’
So this was a current case she was working and had searched the database for similarities. She sounded inexperienced. He closed his eyes and let her continue. ‘There was an injury to her left shoulder. The computer coughed that up. And of course the rapes. The lack of DNA, the forensic awareness and—’
‘The fact he hasn’t been caught,’ Anderson added. ‘What does your boss say? I mean, you shouldn’t be looking at this if you are not on a cold case unit?’
‘OK, but this is something I am interested in.’ A pause.
He didn’t respond.
‘My DCI doesn’t agree with me but he said I could call you.’
‘OK, OK,’ said Anderson, at least she had ran it past him. ‘You see, he will need something to go on, a weight of evidence before he can justify spending time and money on taking the investigation further. There will have been a full investigation at the time. So if no new evidence has come to light it can be difficult to justify … Well, it’s difficult to justify. That’s all.’
Silence. He could almost hear the disappointment as if somebody had physically deflated her at the other end of the phone. No doubt this was exactly what her boss had told her.
He heard a long sigh.
‘And has any other evidence come to light?’ he asked.
‘And the computer system has made no other links, no other connections?’
‘No. Just your name. And the method. The arm. Women …’ All her enthusiasm had gone.
‘Are you working on something else right now?’
‘I’m in the hospital, minding a young man we found on the Bealach Na Ba.’
He had no idea what she was talking about. ‘Do you have him handcuffed to the bed?’
She laughed lightly. ‘Not that kind of minding. He was dumped up there with a bad head injury, his face has been beaten to a pulp, throat cut. We don’t know if he’ll pull through, we haven’t confirmed an ID yet. It’s so sad, but I’m sitting with him, I will be here when he wakes up. If he wakes up. There’s a wee flicker every now and again, you know, so I am not risking walking away but I am bored so I was flicking through my notebook. I have been meaning to call you for a while.’
‘The best thing you can do is be there. It sounds as though you have your hands full, so why don’t you email me the file. And tell your boss that you have done that, make sure it’s noted. He can’t refuse permission retrospectively,’ said Anderson. But he could kick off.
‘Oh yes, yes I will.’
‘I’ve just been given a few more days to review these cold cases so I will look at yours as well. If I find any other convergence of the cases, I will get back to you.’
As in: don’t call us, we will call you.
‘Thank you,’ she said, ‘thank you so much.’
She sounded so grateful, he felt like a right bastard.
‘What was your name again?’
‘Morna Taverner.’
‘And your DCI?’
‘Patrick, Alastair Patrick. He’s from Glasgow, that was years ago, he’s quite old now.’
Aren’t we all? ‘OK. Let me have a look, bye for now.’
‘Thank you DCI … Colin, Mr Anderson, ta.’ And the phone clicked off.
After the phone call, Valerie looked at the calendar, counting back and then marking the days when Costello had last been seen. Uncle Archie was concerned about her, her work colleagues didn’t seem to be making much of it, so where was she? She didn’t know Costello; she had seen her and heard her but had never actually met her, but she had exchanged a few words with a woman called Dali Despande – a name once heard not forgotten – who was also concerned about Costello, but was more concerned about George Haggerty. If Costello had gone off after him, well, more power to her …
Val had heard that more than once.
And the question: ‘Had she gone rogue?’
Apart from Costello’s ‘close friendship’ with Archie, their only connection was Malcolm. That boy had reached out to Costello, her mobile number had been on the mobile phone that had been found on his bedside table, tucked down the back of a photograph of his parents was her card with her number on it. He had called her, but Archie had said that the call was so short it looked like he had simply called then rung off, the call was not long enough for any conversation to have taken place.
And that hurt. Why did the boy not phone his Auntie Valerie? Because he knew, even at his young age, that she would be pissed?
Valerie tried to put that picture together in her mind. She had been in court more times than she cared to recall in situations like this, especially when she was working with vulnerable children. Was Malcolm vulnerable? She didn’t think so. Abigail was a good mother. She could have said anything to her, but how much had her sister changed? Kids very quickly learn to trust, so had Malcolm moved on from Valerie and Abigail and realized he could only trust somebody from outside the family? Maybe that was the point? He needed to talk to somebody who wouldn’t let it get back to … George? To Abigail? Who had the boy been frightened of?
Her heart sank, more tears.
She had no money, no job, no carer, no family, everything had gone.
Taken from her
But this Costello had it all. A career, a flat, independence and she seemed as though she had an opinion. She had made her opinion about George quite clear. Was she right?
Had she decided to go after him? Find evidence to bring him down? Was that what was going on in her mind?
Valerie looked around the room, Pippa’s style. She could either stay here or she could see what she could do. She knew George. She knew Abigail.
She got out of her bed and, moving quicker than she had for weeks, crossed the room to her handbag, opened her purse and had a good look through her credit cards. They had all been cleared when she sold the flat and there was credit, a lot of it, enough to get up and get out there.
Where would George go? She had been his sister-in-law for thirteen years, she knew him in a way that nobody else did. If Costello could do it, then why couldn’t she? She needed to find the truth, whether that meant clearing George’s name or not.
Something that Abigail had said that night, that last time she saw her sister at the theatre, had been playing on her mind. Abigail had moved the conversation on so quickly – she must have been wrong, it was something like George wouldn’t let me or George wouldn’t like it.
But he had allowed her out to go to the theatre that night.
The last time she had seen her sister alive.
Malcolm in bed early as he had a cold. There had been tension in the house that night, nothing spoken but she had been aware of it. She had been wrapped up in her own misery.
Bloody hell, they had sat in that lounge, her thinking about the child that she was about to buy and her sister sitting two feet away, keeping a big secret of her own. Had she grown scared of her own husband? Abigail had mentioned that she suspected George was seeing another woman. He was working away on a new contract, he was going home to Port MacDuff more often, being away from Malcolm more often. Never inviting them to go with him. That had been months ago. She hadn’t thought much about it. Abigail was bored and at home too much, she was making up all kinds of stuff about George. He was never home, he was always going back up north to his hometown where Abigail didn’t want to go, or was never allowed to go. How odd that Malcolm had never gone north with his dad. He had never been asked.
She had years of expertise as a fiscal; she had investigation skills.
She had nothing, absolutely nothing left to do except drink and she needed something better than that.
But where to start? She lay down on the bed again, her hand wandering to the bedside table where she had secreted the quarter bottle behind her Agatha Christie biography. Just as Malcolm had kept Costello’s card, so Valerie kept her vodka. She twisted off the cap; she adored that click of the seal breaking, like the first meeting with a new friend. Then she heard her mobile ring. She could either have a drink, then go into a long and troubled sleep. Or she could look at her phone and see who was calling.
It was a sign. She liked signs. She was beginning to trust them more than her own judgement. Her thumb was trembling as she tapped in her security number.
It was George leaving a voicemail. He wanted to meet her for lunch. Or coffee, for a chat.
Every fibre of her being wanted to refuse.
So she texted back and agreed. A quick coffee at the French Café. The coffee was a legitimate source of caffeine, and it might keep her mind off the vodka.
Valerie knew, felt, she herself had nothing to do with the murders. She knew that anything the police were doing was routine. Valerie couldn’t explain where she had been that night, she had no memory she could recall. There was no evidence she had travelled to the house, she was not seen on any CCTV. So why had she felt so relieved when they had told her that?
She had no reason to kill her sister, even drunk, she was never violent. And there had been no animosity between them. Not really.
But Abigail had opened the door to her killer, the sister who always had the bolt on the door, opening it a crack when the doorbell rang. It was a house isolated in the middle of the city, set back from the road, small windows which were always curtained and barely opened, and the huge monkey puzzle tree that grew at the side of the driveway, shielding the garage and the upper floors of the house.
Everybody looked at Valerie, as if they knew what she was thinking when she had no idea at all. She had no idea what had happened to her sister and the only person that Abigail would have opened the door to was her.
But George had a key, it was his house.