<<analog interface sleep mode disturbed>>
<<external functions remain in hibernation>>
<<internal processing rebooting>>
<<damage from interreality portal assessing>>
<<data analysis complete>>
<<recovery required>>
<<emergency shutdown imminent>>
<<metallic human will be returned to experiment in event of total program shutdown>>
<<human boy will refuse to return without proper human companion>>
<<primary objective of analog interface reassessed>>
<<primary objective to eliminate pain>>
<<returning to experiment in event of total program shutdown precipitates pain>>
<<human boy finding proper human companion will enable humans to take metallic human to temporary hideaway outside of program>>
<<primary objective to eliminate pain>>
<<determining secondary objective>>
<<reroute power>>
<<find proper human companion>>
<<find Mir>>
<<rerouting energy>>
<<energy rerouted>>
<<connection to outside holomax established>>
<<merging holomaxes at fixed point>>
<<overload imminent>>
<<energy rerouted>>
<<portal opening>>
<<receiving data input>>
<<converging redundant data files>>
<<accepting vocal processing>>
<<a human girl>>
<<query not understood>>
<<analog interface does not have a name function>>
<<vocal override accepted>>
<<human girl must find human boy>>
<<arrival of human girl through portal indicates unsuccessful search for proper human companion>>
<<human girl eliminates pain>>
<<human girl is not proper human companion for human boy>>
<<human girl still eliminates pain>>
<<data incomplete>>
<<query not understood>>
<<human girl turns lips up at analog interface>>
<<human girl demonstrates lack of fear of analog interface>>
<<human girl defines parameters of self>>
<<human girl called gwen>>
<<gwen short for gwendoline>>
<<gwendoline is often shortened to wendy>>
<<gwen prefers gwen>>
<<gwen requests name of analog interface>>
<<request processing>>
<<gwen encourages analog interface to address gwen in preferred interface tones>>
<<gwen states that analog interface’s preferred interface tones sound like tinkling bells>>
<<gwen addresses analog interface as tinker bell>>