IT IS NOT trite to give God top billing in the thanks department. It is appropriate and correct. I thank him for life, for salvation, for every day on Earth, and for the doors he has opened that allowed me to be here.
Now to everyone else . . .
I don’t know how many authors can say their spouses read every single chapter the moment it’s finished. But I can. I’ve said it before. Cindy is my first-line editor, my cheerleader, and my shoulder to cry on. Without her, my books would not be possible. She keeps me sane. And she feeds me.
I am so thrilled to join the team at Revell. Andrea Doering, Barb Barnes, Michele Misiak, Gayle Raymer, and the rest are a blessing. I am also grateful to my agent, Harvey Klinger, for his guidance and support on this project. He helped me turn this idea into what it is today.
Three others made significant contributions to this work. Two are men I go to routinely for spiritual guidance. The third God put in my path, presumably to demonstrate his providence. Dr. Gary C. Huckabay and Dr. Jeremy Evans both provided invaluable advice and guidance concerning forgiveness. In addition, God placed me on a flight deck with Captain Philippe de Chambrier, an expert in counseling victims of trauma and helping them learn to forgive. Thank you to all of you.
Secret places and secret people do exist in this world. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing some of the former and know a few of the latter. Thus, there are a few individuals whose help I can neither confirm nor deny I received. You know who you are, and you know I’m grateful. Also, I apologize for ignoring certain truths and details. I do, after all, write escapist fiction. You understand.
A few authors deserve thanks—professionals who’ve given their time to critique and hone my craft. You’ll find their names in the cover blurbs.
And finally, there is the growing cast of characters—and they are characters—who help me with every project. They aid my work with critiques, encouragement, instruction, and advice. They are Todd and Susie, John and Nancy, Chris and Melinda, Seth and Gavin, Danika and Dennis, Rachel and Katie, James and Ashton, Nancy and Dan, Steve and Tawnya, Randy and Hulda, and the Barons. God has blessed me through all of you, and I am grateful both to you and to him. I love you all.