Hello, Hello, Inspector Ghote

– Hello, hello. Inspector Ghote?

– Ghote speaking.

– Oh, hello, Inspectorji.

– Who is this? Who is there?

– Oh, Inspectorji, it is I.

– I? I? Who in all Bombay is I?

– Inspectorji, it is Budhoo only.

– Budhoo? Budhoo? Are you …? Are you the Budhoo I am sometimes meeting?

– But, yes, Inspectorji, it is I, Budhoo.

– Why are you using telephone? Such is not at all what we were arranging, for when you were having something to tell.

– No. No, Inspectorji, this is first time I have talked on telephone ever at all. But, Inspectorji, I have watched and watched Suleiman Dada when he was using, and now I have seen how to do it.

– But you are not telephoning from Suleiman Dada’s posh flat itself? Malabar Hill, Mount Pleasant Road?

– Oh, Inspectorji, Suleiman Dada is shifting. Now he has flat at Nepean Sea Road. But it is from there I am talking, I am not at all knowing if other telephones are working just like Suleiman Dada’s.

– But— But is the dada there? Are any of his goondas there also? How dare you call me by name openly in front of such a Number One anti-social?

– Oh, Inspectorji, Inspectorji, I would not. Inspectorji, if I was doing same Suleiman Dada would be slitting throat for me ear to ear. That you must be knowing.

– True enough, my friend. So why are you taking such a damn bloody risk?

– Oh, Inspectorji, Suleiman Sahib is out of station altogether. I am by myself here. That is what I am wanting to tell, Inspector. Suleiman Dada has gone in great hurry-purry, and I am thinking that today is going to be Big Day …

– Speak up, man, speak up. I cannot hear. Shut off that damn radio.

– No radio, Inspector.

– Do not shout, man. Do not shout. Now, speak clearly. Did you say the Big Day?

– Yes, Inspector, Big Day.

– There has been a delivery?

– Oh, yes, Inspectorji, big-big delivery. To a godown at Indira Docks, Inspector, it is two thousand cartons of catfish itself. Frozen catfish.

– Catfish? But— Ah. No. It is that high-smelling stuff. So there are drugs placed inside for smuggling?

– Ji haan, Inspectorji. What else?

– And this is Big Day, you were saying? The Big Day I let you go free from that pocket-maar charge to learn all about?

– Ji, sahib. I am hearing Suleiman Dada say Number One Boss is wanting to check consignment himself. That fellow no one is at all knowing will be at the godown, Inspector.

– Yes, yes. But when, Budhoo? When? And just where in Indira Docks is this godown?

– Inspectorji, it is—

– Yes? Yes? Budhoo? Budhoo?

– Budhoo?

– Budhoo, you are there?

– Inspector, I think I am hearing someone … Inspector, it is—


Tringg, tringg. Tringg, tringg

– Hello, hello. Is that V.P. Road Police Station? Inspector Ghote here.

– Police station? Are you saying police station?

– Yes, yes. That is V.P. Road Police Station?

– No, no. This is New Gentleman Restaurant only.


Tringg, tringg. Tringg, tringg

– Hello. V.P. Road Police Station?

– V.P. Road Police Station.

– Is that V.P. Road PS? You are not at all sounding like a police station.

– I am hoping not. I am hoping not. This is the paan-shop on corner of Sukhlaji Street. Nice paans to munch, and nice-nice girls we are having all round. But policewallas, oh, no.

– Clear the line, clear the line. This is hundred per cent urgent.


Tringg, tringg. Tringg, tringg. Tringg, tringg. Tringg, tringg … Click

Tringg, tringg. Tringg, tringg

– V.P. Road Police Station. Hello?

– Inspector Ghote, Headquarters CID here. Give me the Station House Officer, ek dum, ek dum.

– Yes, Inspector. Right away, Inspector.

Click, click, click

– Lock-up in-charge.

– Lock-up in-charge? What do you mean, lock-up in-charge?

– This is the lock-up. I am in-charge.

– But I am asking for Station House Officer. Get me put on to your SHO. Headquarters CID here. Jaldi, jaldi, jaldi.

Click, click, click

– Station House Officer, V.P. Road PS.

– Ah, thank God. Listen, this is Inspector Ghote, Headquarters CID. Now, I have a kabari in among Suleiman Dada’s gang.

– Informer in there? First-class work, Inspector.

– Yes, yes. Never to mind that. Thing is, this fellow was telephoning me from Suleiman Dada’s residence itself. Damn fool that he is. And in middle of call he told someone was coming and line was shut off. Now, I am thinking it was the dada himself coming and my fellow is in danger of his life only. So, can you get four-five men round there double-quick?

– Certainly, Inspector. It is a damn bad thing if it is getting known to one and all that a kabari has met a nasty fate. Where is it that he is?

– At Suleiman Dada’s flat, Nepean Sea Road.

– And the flat is where, Inspector?

– You do not know yourself? You are having top-notch gang leader inside your area, and you are not knowing where he is residing?

– But, Inspector, I am thinking he must have just only come to Nepean Sea Road. I was hearing he was staying on Malabar Hill, no?

– He was, he was. But he has shifted.

– And now he is where? You are no more knowing?

– No. My fellow was saying Nepean Sea Road only.

– But, Inspector, there are twenty-thirty big flats-blocks there. How can we find just one flat only, when it is a matter of a damn hurry?

– Yes. Yes, it is hard I am— No. No. Wait. I have one clue. While I was talking with my kabari I was—


– Switchboard? Switchboard? I have been cut off.

– You are calling, caller?

– Yes, yes. I have been cut off. Damn vital call. To V.P. Road PS.

– You were not cut off by me, caller. Kindly dial once more.

Tringg, tringg. Tringg, tringg

– Hello, hello, V.P. Road PS?

– V.P. Road PS here.

– Station House Officer. I was cut off. Urgent, urgent matter.

Click, click, click

– Hello. Lock-up in-charge speaking.

– No, no, no. Get me back to SHO. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Click, click, click

– Station House Officer.

– Ah. It is Ghote again.

– Ah, yes, Inspector, we were cut off.

– I know, I know. Now, listen. While my kabari was talking I was having much difficulty to hear because of some damn music.

– A radio, Inspector?

– No, no. He was assuring there was no radio there. But I am thinking. Why would there be music at this time of day, very loud?

– Don’t know, Inspector.

– A wedding, man. A wedding. Tell your men to go hell-for-leather only to Nepean Sea Road and to look out for a wedding party, those lamp-carrying fellows outside, anything. Then ask at the nearby block of flats for one Suleiman Sahib, or even for a newcomer only. Then they are to break in and be asking questions after. Okay?

– Tikh hai, Inspector. Tikh hai.

– Hello, hello, Inspector Ghote?

– Ghote speaking.

– Hello, Inspectorji. It is I, Budhoo. All is okay-okay, Inspector. Suleiman Dada was beating up, but your policewallas came in nick of time. And they were arresting the bastard only.

– Arresting? Arresting? But how the hell is he going to go to his meeting with this Number One Boss nobody knows if he is behind the bars. How am I going to get my prize catch red-handed now? Budhoo, I am wishing one thing only.

– Yes, Inspectorji?

– That Suleiman Dada had taken the cord of that telephone and wrapped it round your damn neck.
