The ride back from Hudson’s house was the longest ride he’d taken in months. Years, maybe. He and Sid had been dancing around this thing between them since the night before, and the thought of getting her into his bed was making the trip back painful.
He was hard as fuck and as horny as a teenager, and his erection didn’t lessen on the way home. Not with Sid pressed up against his back and her arms wrapped around his midsection like she was holding on for dear life. Which she very could well could have been, because he was traveling a lot faster than he should be.
But the erection and the electric thoughts inside his head reduced him to the Neanderthal he supposed all men were. At the most basic level, men wanted one thing most of the time. And he was taking a beautiful woman back to his place, and there would be nakedness involved, and sex. And hopefully lots of it.
Damn, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this worked up over a woman. Other than Cate.
The thought came to him real sneaky like, and he immediately pushed it away. Cate was different from everyone else, and no way was he going there tonight. This was just sex.
He pulled his sled right up to the front door and cut the engine. Kind of a lame move, but hell, it was a bit of a hike from the shop, and the situation between his legs didn’t make that possible. He was going to have a hard enough time getting into the house without alerting Sid to the fact that he had the mother of all erections going on inside his pants.
He waited for her to get off the Ski-Doo and then followed suit, giving her the lead to walk up to the door. Once inside, he was immediately attacked by Jingle, who meowed as if he’d left her for weeks instead of just the afternoon.
“Hey there,” he said, stepping out of his boots and yanking off his jacket. He set them aside, along with his helmet, and told Sid he needed to look after the kitten. He took Jingle to the mudroom and spent a good minute or two talking down his erection before he was able to feed the cat and top up her water.
“You need to be good tonight,” he said softly. “And I’m closing the bedroom door.”
He left the little girl eating and purring happily and made his way back to the living room. But no Sid.
Confused, he turned in a circle before he had an ah-ha moment.
With a grin, he strode down the hallway, his breath hitching a bit when he saw the light on in his bedroom. He’d taken exactly one step inside when his world tipped a bit, and the situation between his legs went from standby to code fucking red. He froze, and his eyes roved over every inch of her body. Her naked, hot-as-hell body.
Hair that was silky and shone in the low light.
Breasts that were round and high. Not too big and not too small, but just the way he liked them.
Rounded hips.
Long legs.
And a little bit of hair down there. Just enough to entice and make his mouth water.
“We said we’d start with the naked thing.” She licked her bottom lip and looked at him with hooded eyes.
“We did.” He sounded like a beast and practically growled.
“So get naked.”
“You’re sassy,” he said, yanking his sweater off and tossing it aside. “I like sassy.”
“I’ve been called worse.”
“I bet.” His jeans were next.
“You seem a little worked up.” Her words were throaty and did something to him. He swore his cock twitched, and when he glanced up, she was focused on said cock with an intensity that made his blood sing. He stepped out of his boxers and walked toward Sidney, his body tense and hot and so full of need, it was painful.
He didn’t answer her. In fact, he didn’t say another word. He sank his hands into all that hair around her face and claimed her mouth in a kiss that made his head spin. She tasted like chocolate and mint and candy. And she was so damn warm and soft, he could spend the next hour kissing her. But he didn’t have an hour, and there was something else he wanted to taste before he looked after himself.
He tore his mouth from hers and then dipped to her breasts. He licked around the nipple of each of them before sucking hard, and then moving her back toward his bed. She didn’t resist; in fact, she felt like liquid silk in his hands as she fell back on the bed, eyes half-open, mouth swollen from his kisses.
He pulled her close to the edge and spread her knees wide. “Let me see,” he said roughly. He fell to his knees and moved between her legs. “You’re beautiful.” Beck put his mouth on her. He tasted and tugged and suckled and worshiped her with his mouth and hands until her body began to shudder and he knew she was close. Her fingers were in his hair, and when she came, she held him there like the queen she was, and Beck was good enough to let her think she was controlling the situation. But after a few moments, his need was too great. His cock too hard. His brain too loud with a voice telling him to take her now.
“God, Beck,” she whispered, watching him.
“You like that.”
She nodded.
“Babe, we’re just starting.”
He got to his feet and grabbed a condom from the drawer by his bed, then glanced over to her. Her inner thighs glistened with her desire, and the smell of sex was already thick in the air. His gut pulled, and his shoulders clenched.
He walked over to the bed and kissed her once more, encouraging her to move and give him some room, before positioning himself between her legs. “This is going to be fast and hard.” He teased her, his hands on her breasts, rubbing her nipples while he pushed at her opening. “But I promise the next time will last longer.”
Beck slid inside her with one thrust, and damn, but she felt good. She was slick and tight, and she closed around him until he groaned. Sweat beaded his brow as he began to move inside her, slowly at first, because he knew this would be his only first time with Sid, and there was something about a first time with a woman a guy needed to to pay attention to.
This one was worth savoring.
But Beck was only human, and he picked up the rhythm, their bodies both slick with sweat and in sync. She met his thrusts head-on, and he rocked into her over and over, all that heat and friction almost too much to bear.
“I’m going to come,” he said, dipping his head for a taste of her breast. “I can’t hold back.”
She answered by digging her nails into his butt and urging him on with a passion to match his own. They raced to the end, and when they both came, Beck, literally saw stars. He emptied himself and looked up at the ceiling, blinking away the red haze that had overtaken him. Then he collapsed and pulled her with him, burying his head in the side of her neck.
“That was…” He struggled for air.
“I know,” she murmured.
Jingle began to meow and jump up at the side of the bed, and he cursed, looking over his shoulder. “Forgot to close the door.” He rolled off the bed and padded through to the bathroom, where he took care of the condom and then locked his little buddy in the mudroom. He felt bad, but not bad enough that he wanted the kitten watching him and Sid have sex, or to listen to her meowing her fool head off wanting up on the bed.
He went to the kitchen and grabbed two beers from the fridge and the last bag of plain chips from his cupboard.
When he returned to his bedroom, Sid was sitting with the blankets pulled over her breasts. He held up the chips and beer. “It’s not much, but it’s all I got.”
He slid in beside her and handed her one of the cans.
“Well, this is a first,” she said with a giggle. “Beer and chips in bed.”
“I’m not fancy, that’s for sure.”
“Fancy is overrated.” She glanced his way. “Tell me something about yourself.”
He chuckled. “We’re playing this game again, are we?”
“It’s a good way to get to know each other.” She paused. “Your name, for instance.”
“What about it?”
She swallowed a chip and took a sip of beer. “It’s unusual. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the name before.”
“Here’s the thing,” he replied. “Beck is an old name in the family on my mother’s side. He was her great-uncle and more like a father to her. So you could say my name was preordained. I could have been born a girl and I think she still would have named me Beckworth.”
“Beckworth?” Her right eyebrow rose.
“Mouthful, right?”
She laughed, and he liked the sound of it. Maybe a little too much, but right now, he wasn’t going to dwell on that. She dipped the can back and finished it on one long draw.
“Impressive,” Beck said, finishing his own.
“Well, I’m recharged and ready.”
“For what, exactly?” But she was already tossing aside the covers, and he reached for her.
“For the next time, remember?” Sid nipped at his neck and bent close to his ear. “You said it would last longer, and I’m going to hold you to that.”
“That sounds like a challenge.”
“Call it whatever you want.”
It was definitely a challenge, and Beck was up for it. He went slower and longer, and then he did it all over again. And when he finally fell away from her, exhausted, he drifted off to sleep, and in the night, his arms reached for Sidney. He didn’t know it yet, but he’d remember this moment later. The feel of it. The rightness to it.
He’d remember and wonder why he let it slip away.