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Adventure Zone, The
music on, 145
release schedule, 34
social media accounts, 188–89
software tools, 75, 84–85
statistics, 161
structure of, 23, 24
ad agencies and networks, 161–62, 222, 223, 225, 227, 230
ad copy, 161, 227–28
download counts, 222, 224–25
dynamic ad insertion, 161, 227–28
endemic, 225–26
hosting services and, 161–62
new shows and, 229–30
in show structure, 31–32
sponsored episodes, 226–27
tracking engagement for, 224–25
types of ads, 226
ambient noise, 66, 89–91, 92, 119–20
analytics, 160–61, 168, 225
Anchor, 160, 163, 225, 229
Anna Faris Is Unqualified, 2
Apple Podcasts, 165, 166–70, 171–73
art, 189–93, 205, 207
attention and focus, 68, 101–3, 109
Audacity, 75–80, 82, 85, 86
audience capital, 213–14
appreciating, 173–75
building, 4, 6, 21, 201
competing for time/attention of, 195
engagement tracking, 225
expectations and listening habits of, 24, 31, 33–34, 52
niche, 8
recording for, 18, 19, 20, 103–5
respecting, 28, 131–32, 184–85
statistics on, 9, 26–27, 160–61
topic ideas from, 41, 194
audience/listeners, communicating with
by email, 175–79
feedback, 90, 148–56, 197–98
at listening parties, 181–82
meeting in-person, 182–84, 218–19
on social media, 179–81, 193–94, 196–97
from voicemail, 181
audio interfaces, 64–65
audio processing tools, 84
audio quality
hardware and, 58, 63–64, 65, 66, 69
listener feedback on, 90
software and, 83–84
background noise, 66, 89–91, 92, 119–20
Batt, Tim, 10
Besties, The, 13–14
binaural recording pattern, 63
binge-listening, 4, 15, 122
Black, Brent, 11, 18
bloopers, 129
Blue Yeti mic, 63–64
booking agents, 218
cable connections, 62–65, 66, 68–69, 70
CAD E100S microphones, 66
cardioid recording pattern, 60, 63
Carnegie, Dale, 174–75
Carolla, Adam, 159, 162
categories, 166, 171–73
ccMixter, 140
chart rankings, 171–72
“Chocolate Rain” (Zonday), 105
CleanFeed, 83, 84
actively listening to, 115–19
dynamic/chemistry with, 17–18, 35, 46, 101, 102
early decisions about, 14–20
relationships with, 115, 120
researching and, 35, 42, 46, 48, 52–53
roles of, 19, 52, 53–54
vs. rotating guests, 15–16, 20–22
scheduling with, 32
competitive research, 8–10, 191–92
concept, finding and pitching, 2–3
condenser mics, 59
contributions, listener, 163
conventions, 183, 218–19
copyrighted music, 136–37, 138, 145–47
cough button, 70
Creative Commons, 139–40
cross-fades, 133
cross-promotion, 163
cross-referencing, 51
audience capital and, 213–14
best practices for, 215–16
direct model for, 214–15
incremental vs. lump sum, 209–12
pros and cons of, 209, 212–13, 229–30
rewards, 212–13, 215, 216
through live shows, 216–18
through paywalls, 219–20
DAWs (digital audio workstations)
Audacity, 75–80, 82, 85, 86
choosing, 74–77
editing with, 77, 131, 133, 145
making music with, 84–85, 140
recording with, 77, 86, 135
DFTBA, 204
differentiating yourself, 10–11
Discord, 72, 83
distractions, avoiding, 101–2
dog training clicker, 70, 129
donations, 163
download counts, 161, 222, 224–25
dynamic ad insertion, 161, 227–28
dynamic mics, 58–59
eating and drinking, 71–72, 107–8
background noise, 119–20
dog training clicker for, 70, 129
fades and transitions, 133, 142, 144–45
headphones for, 68
“in the moment,” 130
in multiple passes, 128–34
off-mic bits and, 120, 122–23, 129
recording mindset and, 119–21, 126–27
removing evidence of, 132–33
saving raw file, 126
silent pauses for, 121, 129
using DAWs for, 77, 131, 133, 145
electrical tape, multicolored, 69–70
email, 175–79
embedded episodes, 163
Empty Bowl, The, 7, 82, 92, 100
endemic advertising, 225–26
energy, 109–10, 122
engagement, tracking, 224–25
Enlow, Courtney, 11, 16, 18
expertise, 10–11, 37, 39–40, 53, 99
extended episodes, 220
Facebook, 180, 186, 196–97
fact-checking, 39, 51, 52
fades, 133, 142, 145
fair use, 145–47
fan pages, 196–97
feedback from listeners, 90, 148–56, 197–98
festivals, 218–19
figure 8 recording pattern, 61, 63
filler words, editing, 133–34
focus and attention, 68, 101–3, 109
Free Music Archive, 140
friction, 31, 141
GarageBand, 85
genre, 37
goal/mission, 6–8, 36–40, 131
GoFundMe, 209, 210
Goubert, Dan, 7
guests, 15–16, 19, 20–22
Guys We F****d, 12, 162
Hardcore History, 28
headphones, 67–69, 142
headspace, 100–101
hosting services, 158–64, 165–66
humor, 112–13
hypercardioid recording pattern, 60
ID3 Editor app, 85
idea meat, 30
improv shows, 112
Indiegogo, 209, 210
intentional noise, 92
internet, shitty behavior and, 178–79
internet browsers, 74, 85
interrupting with intention, 118
intro, creating, 29
“(It’s a) Departure” (Long Winters), 143
iTunes, 169
Jordan, Jesse, Go!, 32
Kickstarter, 209, 210
Kingkiller Chronicle series (Rothfuss), 103
lapel mics, 66
lavalier (lapel) mics, 66
Levelator app, 84
Libsyn, 26, 159, 162, 163–64, 168, 224
listener friction, 31
listeners. See audience/listeners
listening, 115–19, 132
listening platforms. See podcast platforms
Logic Pro X app, 84–85
logos, 191, 192–93
Long Winters, 143
Lublin, Hal, 215
Machinimasound, 138
marketing and promotion. See also audience/listeners, communicating with; social media
art and logo for, 189–93
discoverability in, 170–73
merchandise and, 201
strategy for, 184–85
submitting to podcast platforms, 165–70
Maron, Marc, 162
McElroy Brothers Will Be in “Trolls 2,” The, 3
McElroy Brothers Will Be in “Trolls World Tour,” The, 131
meetups with listeners, 182–83
Megaphone, 162
Memory Palace, The, 27–28
merchandise, selling, 200–208, 218
metadata, 85, 166, 169
cable connections, 62–67
cost of, 63, 65–66
multiple, 62, 64
muting, 70
recording patterns, 59–61, 95
types of, 58–59, 66
windscreens and soundproofing for, 69, 95, 106
microphone stands, 67
mic technique, 105–6
mid-roll ads, 226
mistakes, acknowledging, 52–53
mixing, 144
money, making, 4. See also advertising; contributions; crowdfunding; merchandise, selling
mono recording, 80–81
Montgomery, Guy, 10
mood, 100–101
background, 144
choosing, 29, 141–43
Creative Commons, 139–40
fades and transitions, 142, 144–45
fair use, 145–47
interstitial, 143, 145
intro and outro, 143
making your own, 84–85, 140
mixing, 144
sourcing, 136–40, 145
theme songs, 141–43
Musicbed, 138
My Brother, My Brother and Me
advertising, 227, 230
chart rankings, 172
cohosts on, 16
editing process used for, 82, 132
hosting services used for, 159, 161
interruptions with intention, 118
listener communication, 177, 181–82
merchandise for, 200–201, 208
microphones used for, 58
music on, 143
naming of, 13
pitch for, 3
recording, 90, 93–94, 111, 112–13, 132
release schedule for, 34
software used for, 82
statistics, 161
structure of, 22–23, 30
My Favorite Murder, 207
name, picking, 11–14, 188–89
99% Invisible, 10
“no, buting,” 114–15
ambient, 89–91, 119–20
intentional, 92
sound waves and, 93–96
Nox, 162
obsessions, 6–8
off-mic, 120, 122–23, 129
omnidirectional recording pattern, 60–61, 63
outro, creating, 29–30, 123
outtakes, 129
Patreon, 211
patron-based models, 211–13
PayPal, 214
performing, 109–10
persona, 109–10
phantom power, 59
phone, avoiding distraction of, 101, 102
physical listening, 116–17
pitch, 2–3
plosives, 69, 106
Pocket Casts, 165, 167
accepting your limitations, 127–28
ad revenue from, 221
art of, 99
“first steps,” 232–36
interactivity of, 194
podcast listening
audience habits and expectations, 24, 26–27, 31, 33–34, 52
binging, 4, 15, 122
episode length and, 26–27
podcast platforms
adding your show to, 165–70
advertising with, 224–25
hosting statistics on, 161
logo specifications for, 191
vs. podcast hosts, 165–66
search and findability on, 172–73
podcatchers. See podcast platforms
polar patterns. See recording patterns
Positiviteeny!, 12
postproduction. See also editing; marketing and promotion
release schedule and time budgeted for, 32
uploading, 158, 159, 160, 165, 166
post-roll ads, 226
preproduction. See cohosts; research; show structure; topics
pre-roll ads, 226
raw files, saving, 126, 234–35
REAPER digital audio workstation, 75
audience and, 18, 19, 20, 103–5
being funny, 112–13
brainwork during, 112, 116–17
eating and drinking during, 71–72, 107–8
editing mindset for, 119–21
ending the episode, 121–23
headspace/mood during, 100–101, 120
improv shows, 112
listening during, 115–19
mic technique for, 105–6
in mono vs. stereo, 80–81, 82
performing during, 109–10
pushing crowdfunding, 215
remotely, 19–20, 70, 72–73, 83, 117
in same room, 19–20
speaking cues during, 117–18
standing vs. sitting during, 97
staying focused during, 68, 101–3, 109
topic choice for, 111–12
using DAWs for, 77, 79–82
“yes, anding,” 113–15
recording environment, 70, 87–88, 94–98
recording patterns, 59–61, 62, 63, 106
Reddit, 196
release schedules, 32–35
accuracy and, 39, 43, 51, 52
cohost dynamic and, 42, 46, 48, 52–53
digging deeper, 43–44
expertise and, 37, 39–40, 53
finding information, 43–46
finding the story, 47–50
finding topics, 9–10, 41–43
keeping records of, 51–52
learning the topic, 46, 48
owning mistakes, 52–53
paring down, 46, 48–49, 52–53
show goal/purpose and, 36–40, 42, 49
sources for, 43–45, 51–52
starting with summary articles, 43
topic breadth and, 39, 42
of your competition, 8–10, 191–92
ribbon mics, 59
roadblocks, skipping, 233
ropes, swinging on, 112, 114
Rose Buddies, 40
Rothfuss, Patrick, 103
RSS feed, 159, 164, 166, 168
Satellite Dish, 92
saving files, 126, 234–35
Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine
editing, 132
expertise and, 10–11
genre of, 37
merchandise, 207
mission of, 37
naming of, 3
research for, 36–37, 38, 43–44
structure of, 30–31
scheduling, 19–20, 32–35
scripted vs. nonscripted formats, 23–25, 45–46
search, on-platform, 172
cohost roles in, 16, 53–54
episode length, 122
listener expectations for, 49
research for, 37, 38, 44, 49
topic criteria for, 111
shotgun (figure 8) recording pattern, 61, 63
show name, picking, 11–14, 188–89
show structure
advertising breaks, 31–32
benefits of planning, 24, 31
length of, 23, 25–28, 122
morning release target, 34–35
recording trial episode, 35
release schedule, 32–35
scripted vs. nonscripted, 23–25, 45–46
segments, 29–35
transitions, 30–31, 32
troubleshooting, 32–35
tweaking, 22–23, 25, 31
Shure SM58 microphone, 65
silence, 116, 118, 121, 129, 134
single-voice formats, 14–15
sitting vs. standing, 97
Skype, 72, 83
Slack, 83
social media
communicating with listeners on, 179–81, 193–94, 196–97
crowdfunding through, 215
feedback from, 197–98
keepin’ it classy on, 180–81, 198
logo specifications for, 192–93
online presence for, 188, 194
promoting episode releases, 193, 194
risks of, 180–81
scope of, 187–88
show name and, 13, 188–89
sound bleed, 68
soundboards, 64
sound effects, 82, 92
sound interfaces, 64–65
sound patterns, 59–61, 62, 63
soundproofing, 69, 87, 94–96, 106
sound waves, 93–96
speaking cues, 117–18
splitters, 68–69
sponsored episodes, 227
Spotify, 165, 167, 170
standing vs. sitting, 97
statistics, 160–61, 168. See also download counts
stereo recording, 81, 82
Stop Podcasting Yourself, 12–13
differentiating yourself with, 10
episode length and, 23
finding and researching, 45, 46, 47–50
scripted vs. nonscripted, 23–24, 45–46
telling, 109
subscriptions, 33–34, 225
supercardioid recording pattern, 60
Surprisingly Nice, 215
Survivor-themed shows, 9–10
taglines, 123, 207
theme songs, 141–43
Thurston, Howard, 174–75
breadth/depth of, 33, 39, 42
criteria for, 111
differentiating from competitors, 10
expertise and, 10–11, 37, 39–40, 53
finding stories within, 47–50
gauging your interest in, 6–8, 38, 44–45, 53, 111–12
listener suggestions for, 41, 194
researching, 9–10, 39, 41–43, 46, 48
viewing through different lenses, 11
when to abandon, 31, 42–43, 48
transitions, 30–31, 32, 142, 144–45
Trends Like These, 11, 16, 18
trial episode, recording, 35
trolls, responding to, 177–79
T-shirts, selling, 199–205
Twitter, 180–81, 187, 194
USB connections, 62, 63, 64
video clips, 195
voicemail, 181–82
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) apps, 72–73, 74, 83–84
Walch, Rob, 26
water, 107–8
websites, 162, 197
Wikipedia, 43
windscreens, 69, 106
WNYC, 162
Wonderful!, 25, 40, 50, 74–75
Worst Idea of All Time, The, 10
WTF, 162
XLR connections, 62, 63, 64, 66
“yes, anding,” 113–15
YouTube, 195
Zonday, Tay, 105
Zoom, 65, 72