Kenneth knocked on the door and waited. Eventually, he heard a yes. He pushed opened the heavy door.
‘Excuse me sir. You asked to be informed if things were proceeding as I had explained.’
‘The monitor is up?’
‘Yes sir. In the conference room as you requested.’ Kenneth replied, and hurried back to the conference room. The Prime Minister entered, with the Commanding Officers of the JDF Air Wing and the 1st Battalion. Kenneth snapped to his feet at attention, and saluted.
‘At ease Kenneth. You’re not in the service anymore.’ The Air Wing CO smiled and extended his hand to Kenneth.
‘Sorry sir. Habit.’ Kenneth shook the hands of the COs and sat down.
‘What am I looking at?’ the Prime Minister asked as he sat down and looked up at the 52-inch monitor on the wall.
Kenneth reached over to the conference telephone system, un-muted the phone, and turned up the volume button. ‘Sean, can you explain what we are seeing please?’
Sean’s voice crackled through the speaker, ‘We believe the team on the left of the monitor is a foreign extraction team. On the right is the SIC Squad. They are both approaching the crash site.’
‘How far out are they?’ the Prime Minister asked.
‘The foreign team is about two kilometers away. The SIC Squad is about five kilometers away.’
The Prime Minister looked at the Air Wing CO and nodded. The CO picked up the second phone on the conference room table. ‘It’s a go.’