A&P (Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)

Abraham and Strauss, (i), (ii)

Accenture, (i), (ii)

Acme, (i)

Acxiom, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

ad-serving, process for, with GPS tracking, (i)

advertising, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Advertising Age, (i), (ii)

Adweek, (i)

Affectiva, (i)

Age of the Customer Requires a More Intelligent Enterprise (Forrester), (i)

Ahold, (i)

airlines, (i), (ii)

Aisle 411, (i)

Albertson’s, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Alex and Ani, (i), (ii)

Alipay, (i)

Amazon, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); cosmetics and, (i); data analysis by, (i); delivery programs of, (i); drone testing by, (i); effect of, on retailing, (i); grocery delivery and, (i); price-check app, (i); showrooming and, (i), (ii)

AmazonFresh, (i)

Amazon Mom, (i)

Amazon Prime, (i)

American Eagle Outfitters, (i), (ii)

American Express, (i)

America Online, (i)

analytics, growth in, (i). See also predictive analytics

AncestryDNA, (i)

Android, (i), (ii), (iii)

Annenberg National Internet Surveys, (i), (ii), (iii)

Ann Taylor, (i)

anxiety, retail and, (i)

Anyon, Jean, (i)

Apple, (i), (ii), (iii); customer tracking and, (i); purchasing Emotient, (i). See also iPhone

Apple Watch, (i)

apps, (i); cookies and, (i); opt-ins for, (i); personalization of, (i); registration with, (i)

A. T. Stewart and Company, (i). See also Stewart, A. T.

AT&T, (i)

attractiveness scores, (i)

augmented reality, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

A–Z Glossary of Personalized Marketing, An (Neustar), (i)

Bain, (i)

barcodes, (i), (ii); customizing for each item, (i); effect of, on physical retailers, (i); rewards cards and, (i)

bargaining, (i), (ii), (iii)

bargain-price departments, (i)

Bartlett, Marian, (i)

beacon messaging, outdoor geofencing and, (i)

beacon surveillance, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); cost of, (i); incorporated into store’s lighting system, (i); starting with, (i). See also Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

behavior: prediction of, (i), (ii); tracing of, (i)

Bergdorf Goodman, (i), (ii)

Berger, Thomas, (i), (ii)

Berkshire Hathaway, (i)

Berners-Lee, Tim, (i)

Best Buy, (i), (ii), (iii)

Bezos, Jeff, (i)

Bhardwaj, Julian, (i)

Biegel, Bruce, (i), (ii)

Big Bear, (i)

Bigfoot Interactive, (i)

biometric technology, (i), (ii), (iii)

Bishop, Bill, (i), (ii)

Bjornson, Karl, (i)

BLE. See Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Bloomingdale’s, (i), (ii)

Blue Chip Stamps, (i)

BlueKai, (i), (ii)

Bluetooth, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

Boland, Michael, (i)

Bond Brand Loyalty, (i)

Bonificino, Ryan, (i)

Borders, (i)

Boucicaut, Aristede, (i), (ii)

Bourdieu, Pierre, (i)

Bowles, Samuel, (i)

branding, (i)

brands, emotional loyalty to, (i)

brick-and-mortar stores: analytics for, (i); buying decisions made in, (i); consumers’ trust of data usage by, (i); data gathering in, (i); as element of success, (i); foot traffic in, (i); in-store pickup at, (i); integrated with virtual stores, (i), (ii), (iii); loyalty programs for, (i), (ii); personalization in, (i); personalizing ads beyond, (i); portrayal of, (i); prices adjusted in, (i); quick delivery programs for, (i); returns at, (i); separate from e-commerce, (i); showrooming and, (i); strength of, (i); tailoring messages for, (i); tracking shoppers, (i) (see also tracking); working around online sellers, (ii)

browsers, (i)

Buffett, Warren, (i)

Bullock’s, (i)

Burberry, (i)

Burdines, (i)

Business Insider Intelligence, (i)

Business Week, (i)

buying intent, geolocation and, (i)

Calabrase, Chris, (i)

capitalism, (i), (ii)

carriage trade, (i)

cars, data from, (i)

Carson Pirie Scott, (i)

Catalina Marketing, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

catalog companies, (i), (ii)

Catapult Marketing, (i)

cell phones: attacks on, (i); customer identification and, (i); influence of, on retail, (i). See also smartphones

Certona, (i), (ii)

charge accounts, (i)

checkout, facial recognition systems and, (i)

Chester, Jeff, (i)

Children’s Privacy Protection Law, (i)

Christie, Leigh, (i)

Chu, Andy, (i), (ii), (iii)

Circuit City, (i)

Clark, Dave, (i)

clientelling, (i)

cloud computing, (i), (ii)

Coca-Cola, (i)

Collier’s, (i)

commerce, data-driven, (i)

Commerce Lumascape, (i)

commercial television, (i)

CompuServe, (i), (ii)

Computerworld, (i)

Conde Nast, (i)

convenience stores, (i)

Conversant, (i)

conversion, (i), (ii)

cookies, (i), (ii), (iii)

cosmetics, (i), (ii). See also Sephora; Ulta Beauty

coupons, (i), (ii), (iii); in the aisles, (i), (ii); distribution of, (i); electronic, (i); generation of, (i); online, (i); personalization of, (i), (ii), (iii); reward programs and, (i)

Crate and Barrel, (i)

credit, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Cullen, Michael, (i)

culture power, (i)

curriculum, hidden. See hidden curriculum

customer relationship management (CRM), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

customers: analysis of, new perspective on, (i); behavioral and attitudinal information on, (i); biases against, (i); data collected on, (i), (ii); giving personal information to retailers, (i) (see also surveillance); high-value (profitable), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); identification of, (i); in-store movements of, monitored, (i); lifetime value of, (i); networks of, (i); personalizing messages for, (i), (ii) (see also personalization); profiling of, (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii); relationships with, (i), (ii), (iii); scanning goods in the aisles, (i), (ii), (iii); segmentation of, (i), (ii); stereotyping of, (i); studies of, (i); tracking of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); unique data profiles of, (i); unmasking, (i), (ii)

cybermall, (i)

data: accuracy of, (i); amount of, (i); collection of, (i), (ii); for customer relationship management, (i); differences in, (i); industry for, (i); interception of, (i); loyalty and collection of, (i), (ii), (iii); ownership of, (i); for pursuing high-value consumers, (i); questions about, (i); relevance of, (i); rights regarding, (i); sharing of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii); sources of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) (see also cookies)

database marketing, (i)

data brokers, (i)

Datalogix, (i)

data mining, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Dayton’s, (i)

deep-discount drugstores, (i)

DeGeneres, Ellen, (i)

delivery, free, (i), (ii)

democracy, (i), (ii)

department stores, (i), (ii); advertising by, (i); attracting customers, (i); buyouts of, (i); databases for, (i); design of, (i), (ii); discrimination and, (i), (ii), (iii); e-commerce and, (i); efficiency efforts at, (i); egalitarianism of, (i); emergence of, (i); failure of, (i); loyalty and, (i); moving to suburbs, (i); organization of, (i); personalization in, (i), (ii), (iii); personas of, (i); pricing in, (i); responding to smartphones, (i); trading stamps and, (i); Walmart and, (i); welcoming women, (i), (ii); window displays of, (i), (ii), (iii)

desire, democratization of, (i)

deterministic identification, (i)

Deutsch, Tracey, (i), (ii), (iii)

Dhar, Abhi, (i)

Diaggio, (i)

digital retailing, pricing in, (i)

direct marketing, online, (i)

discounts, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); changing value of, (i); customers changing behavior and, (i), (ii), (iii); personalized, (i), (ii); trade-offs for, (i)

discount stores, (i), (ii)

discrimination, (i), (ii); economic, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); ethnic, (i); retailing and, (i), (ii), (iii); social, (i); technology for, (i)

Disney, (i)

displays, effectiveness of, (i)

dollar, value of, (i)

drones, (i)

dry goods, (i)

dry goods stores, (i), (ii)

dunnhumbyUSA, (i)

Durkheim, Emile, (i)

eBay, (i)

e-commerce (electronic commerce), (i); emergence of, (i); security of, (i); unprofitability of, (i)

Eddie Bauer, (i), (ii)

efficiency, (i), (ii), (iii); loyalty and, (i); and retaining good customers, (i); scanners and, (i); at Walmart, (i)

Eichorn, Mark, (i)

e-ink price displays, (i)

Ekman, Paul, (i)

electronic data interchange (EDI), (i), (ii)

Electronic Mall, (i)

electronic monitors, (i)

eMarketer, (i)

Emotient, (i), (ii)

emotions, facial recognition systems and, (i)

Endeavor Partners, (i)

Epsilon, (i), (ii)

ethnic discrimination, (i), (ii)

Euclid Analytics, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Excite, (i)

eXelate, (i), (ii)

Experian, (i), (ii), (iii)

Facebook, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); data sharing and, (i); deterministic approach of, (i); face-matching software and, (i)

FaceFirst, (i)

faceprints, (i)

Face-Six, (i), (ii)

facial recognition systems, (i), (ii)

fair information practice principles, (i)

Family Market Basket, (i)

F.A.O. Schwarz, (i)

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), (i)

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Federated Department Stores, (i), (ii), (iii)

Field, Marshall, (i), (ii), (iii)

Filene, Edward, (i)

Filene’s, (i)

Fingerhut, (i)

fire sales, (i)

First Data Corporation, (i)

first-party data, (i)

Fischer, Brandon, (i)

Fitbit, (i), (ii)

fitness monitors, (i)

Fletcher, George, (i)

Flickinger, Burt, (i)

flip phones, (i)

folklore studies, (i)

Fontaine, Laurence, (i), (ii)

Food Lion, (i)

Food Marketing Institute, (i)

Foodtown, (i)

foot traffic, (i); importance of, (i); tracking of, (i)

Forrester Research, (i), (ii), (iii)

France Telecom, (i)

Frank, Ivan, (i)

Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly, (i)

Frederick, Christine, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

FreeCoupons, (i)

frequency marketing, (i)

frequent-flyer programs, (i)

Frontier Airlines, (i)

Furniture Today, (i)

“Future of Grocery, The” (Nielsen), (i)

gamification, (i), (ii), (iii)

Gannett, (i)

Gap, (i), (ii)

Gartner, (i)

Gellman, Robert, (i)

General Accountability Office (GAO), (i)

General Electric, (i)

genetics, (i)

geo-conquesting, (i)

geofence, (i), (ii)

geolocation, (i)

Gerbner, George, (i), (ii), (iii)

Giant-Landover, (i)

gifts, (i)

Gigya, (i)

Gimbel, Adam, (i)

Gimbels, (i), (ii)

Gintis, Herbert, (i)

Glass, David, (i), (ii)

Goldberg, Jason, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

Gold Bond stamps, (i)

Goodman, Ethan, (i), (ii)

Google, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

Google Express, (i)

Google Glass, (i)

Google+, (i), (ii), (iii)

GPS (global positioning system) tracking, (i), (ii)

Grand Union, (i), (ii)

Greenshpan, Moshe, (i)

Green Stamps, (i), (ii)

Griffin, Jeff, (i), (ii)

grocery industry: future of, (i); national home delivery and, (i); power shift in, (i); selling food online, (i)

grocery stores, (i); advertising by, (i); design of, (i); egalitarianism of, (i); growth of, (i); loyalty and, (i); no-frills, (i); privilege and, (i); protection and, (i), (ii); service at, (i); trading stamps and, (i). See also supermarkets

Hadley, Tony, (i)

Harris Teeter, (i)

Heller, Laura, (i), (ii)

Hendrickson, Robert, (i)

hhgregg, (i)

hidden curriculum, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); creation of, (i); loyalty and, (i); purpose of, (i); transformation of, into everyday life, (i)

Hillshire Brands, (i), (ii)

Holleran, Claire, (i)

Home Depot, (i), (ii)

homes, data from, (i), (ii)

Honaman, Justin, (i)

house brands, (i)

Howe, Scott, (i), (ii)

human conduct, institutions’ control of, (i)

Human Genome Project, (i)

IBM, (i), (ii), (iii)

ICR, (i)

identity-driven marketing, (i)

Igo, Sarah, (i)

image advertising, (i)

income inequality, retail and, (i)

individuals, increased focus on, (i)

IndoorAtlas, (i), (ii)

industry sales, tracking of, (i)

inflation, (i), (ii)

information practices, Americans’ response to, (i)

Infoseek, (i)

inMarket, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)

Instacart, (i)

installment purchasing, (i)

institutions, controlling human conduct, (i)

internet, as emerging advertising technology, (i)

internet of things, (i), (ii)

Internet Retailer Conference and Exhibition (2014), (i)

internet service providers, (i), (ii)

Investor’s Business Daily, (i), (ii)

IP addresses, (i)

iPhone, (i), (ii), (iii)

IRI, (i)

Jackson, Philip, (i), (ii)

Janrain, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x)

Java, (i)

JCPenney, (i), (ii), (iii)

Jewel, (i)

Jiusto, Randy, (i), (ii)

John Wanamaker, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

Kaufman, Leslie, (i)

Kawaja, Terry, (i)

Kellogg, (i)

Khrushchev, Nikita, (i)

Kindle, (i)

King, Martin Luther, Jr., (i)

King Cullen, (i)

King’s Super Markets, (i)

Klondike, (i)

Kmart, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

Kroger, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x); competitive pricing in, (i); customer data collection by, (i)

Kroner, Emilie, (i)

Kulig, Matthew, (i)

Ladies Mile (NYC), (i)

Laffley, A. G., (i)

landing-page technique, (i)

Lands’ End, (i), (ii)

Lazarus, (i), (ii)

Leach, William, (i), (ii)

Le Bon Marché, (i), (ii)

Life in Classrooms (Jackson), (i), (ii)

lifetime value, (i)

LinkNYC, (i)

ListEase, (i)

Liz Claiborne, (i)

L.L. Bean, (i)

location targeting, (i)

location tracking, (i)

lock screen messaging, (i), (ii). See also push messages

logistic regression, (i)

Lord & Taylor, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

Louis Vuitton, (i), (ii)

low-cost selling, (i)

loyalty: bargaining and, (i); data collection linked to, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); department stores and, (i); efficiency and, (i); emotional, (i); hidden curriculum and, (i); measuring, (i); mobile strategies for, (i); personalization of, (i); populist approach to, (i); privilege and, (i); profitability and, (i); protection and, (i), (ii); punishment for, (i); relationships and, (i); repeat purchases and, (i); retailers’ reward for, (i); social control and, (i); stimulus-response and, (i)

loyalty programs, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); airlines, (i); attracting shoppers through, (i); benefits downgraded in, (i); cross-indexing of, (i); gamification of, (i); for physical retailers, (i)

loyalty trackers, (i)

L. S. Ayres, (i)

Luckman, Peter, (i), (ii)

MAC (media access control) numbers, (i)

Macy, Roland, (i)

Macy’s, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv); analytical maturity of, (i); beacons in, (i), (ii); quick-delivery programs for, (i); Web orders, store pickup for, (i)

Mahl, Daniel, (i), (ii)

mail-order business, (i)

malls, design of, (i)

Malmad, Jeff, (i), (ii), (iii)

Mandelbaum, Robb, (i)

Mandese, Joe, (i)

man-in-the-middle attack, (i), (ii)

Marble Drygoods Palace, (i)

Marcus, Johnna, (i)

market capitalism, (i)

marketing continuity, (i)

marketing data, regulation of, (i)

marketplace, democratized, (i), (ii)

Mars Advertising, (i)

Marshall Field, (i), (ii), (iii)

Marshall Field’s, (i), (ii)

Mars Incorporated, (i), (ii)

Martin, Bill, (i)

Marx, Karl, (i)

mass trade, (i)

MasterCard, (i), (ii)

MasterCard Advisors, (i)

McCann Worldwide, (i)

McKinsey & Company, (i)

McQuivey, James, (i)

media depictions: as industrial products, (i); social values related to, (i)

Men’s Wearhouse, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

merchandise, touching of, (i), (ii)

messages, unstated, (i)

Microsoft, (i), (ii)

Miller, Mark, (i), (ii)

Minitel, (i)

mobile advertising exchanges, (i)

MobileLime, (i)

Mobile Rewards, (i)

mobile shopping, (i)

Mobile Tracking Code of Conduct, (i)

mobile visual search, (i)

mobile wallets, (i), (ii), (iii)

Mock, Elmar, (i)

Mondelez International, (i)

Moorhead, Patrick, (i)

Moral Education (Durkheim), (i)

Morgan Stanley, (i)

Mosaic, (i), (ii)

Movellan, Javier, (i)

Mui, Phil, (i)

multichannel shoppers, as retail prize, (i)

multivariate analysis, (i)

Munger, Charlie, (i)

National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), (i)

National Association of Food Chains, (i)

National Cash Register, (i)

National Football League, (i)

National Retail Federation, (i)

National Security Agency, (i)

National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA), (i), (ii)

Nava, Mica, (i)

NCR, (i)

NEC, (i), (ii)

Neill, Stewart, (i)

Neiman Marcus, (i)

NetChoice, (i)

Netscape, (i), (ii)

Neustar analytics consultancy, (i)

Newell, (i)

New Republic, (i)

New York Times, (i), (ii), (iii)

Nielsen, (i), (ii)

Nielsen, Arthur, (i)

Nissenbaum, Helen, (i)

nonprice competition, (i)

Nordstrom, (i), (ii), (iii)

Nystrom, Paul, (i)

Obama administration, (i)

offline channels, personalization of, (i)

Old Navy, (i), (ii), (iii)

Olsen, Barbara, (i)

Omaha Steaks, (i), (ii)

omnichannel marketing, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

One-to-One Direct, (i)

online practices, Americans’ knowledge of, (i)

online retailers: data advantage of, (i); targeting home and office delivery, (i). See also Amazon

opt-in policies, (i)

outdoor retargeting, (i)

Palmer, Potter, (i)

PayPal, (i)

Peapod, (i), (ii)

peddlers, (i), (ii)

Pentland, Alex, (i)

Pep Boys, (i), (ii)

Pepsodent, (i)

Perka, (i)

personal information, updating of, (i)

personalization, (i), (ii); consumers’ perception of, (i), (ii); data-driven, (i); defining, (i); difficulty of, (i); emotions and, (i); evolution of, (i); glossary for, (i); increased focus on, (i); in-store, (i); limits on, (i); migrating to old-fashioned physical retailing, (i); of offline channels, (i); omnichannel marketing and, (i); one-to-one contact and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); physical conditions and, (i); in physical stores, (i); preemptive, (i); pricing and, (i); questions about, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); salespeople and, (i), (ii); sampling and, (i); segmentation and, (i), (ii), (iii); uncertainty about, (i); of websites and apps, (i)

personalized medicine, (i)

personalized selling, on industrial scale, (i)

personal service, (i)

Philadelphia Phillies, (i)

phone signals, (i)

physical retailing, transformation of, (i)

physical stores. See brick-and-mortar stores

Piggly Wiggly, (i), (ii)

Placed, (i)

Place IQ, (i)

Plenti, (i)

Point of Purchase Advertising International (POPAI), (i), (ii)

popular culture, hidden curriculum in, (i)

Porter Benson, Susan, (i), (ii)

posted pricing, (i), (ii)

Powers, John, (i)

predictive analytics, (i)

prejudice, selling and, (i)

prejudicial discrimination, (i)

prestige, loyalty and, (i)

price-check app, (i)

pricing: competing on, (i); discriminatory, (i); fixed, (i), (ii); geographic, (i); negotiating for, (i); personalized, (i); plans for, (i); predatory, (i); symbols for, (i), (ii)

Princeton Research Associates International, (i)

privacy, (i), (ii); Americans’ attitude toward, (i); concerns about, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); customer images and, (i); customers’ forgoing of, (i), (ii); facial recognition technology and, (i), (ii); retailers and, (i)

privacy paradox, (i), (ii)

privacy policies, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

privilege, (i), (ii), (iii)

probabilistic identification, (i)

probability, interest in, (i)

Procter & Gamble, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

product packaging, (i)

products, coding of, (i)

profitability, loyalty and, (i)

Progressive Grocer, (i), (ii), (iii)

progressive profiling, (i)

proofs of purchase, (i)

protection, (i); grocery stores and, (i), (ii); loyalty and, (i), (ii), (iii)

proximity ad networks, (i)

proximity marketing, (i)

publishing industry, (i)

Publix, (i)

push messages, (i), (ii). See also lock-screen messaging

PwC, (i), (ii)

QR codes, (i), (ii)

Quakers, (i)

Questron, Alan, (i)

Radian6, (i)

Ralph Lauren, (i)

RapidBlue Solutions, (i)

“Recommended Code of Conduct for Consumer Tracking Methods,” (i), (ii)

Reichheld, Fred, (i), (ii)

relationships, bargaining and, (i)

resignation, (i), (ii)

retailers: Amazon’s effect on, (i); carrying exclusive brands, (i); cell phones’ influence on, (i); customer privileges and, (i); customer protection and, (i); data-powered, for physical locations, (i); discrimination and, (i); facial recognition and, (i), (ii); income inequality and, (i); manipulation by, (i); physical, moving to the Web, (i); restructuring of industry, (i); selling and trading information, (i); tracking consumers, (i)

retailing: anxiety and, (i), (ii); central problem of, (i); competition in, (i), (ii); data-driven, (i); hidden curriculum of, (i), (ii); maturing of, (i); social discrimination in, (i); transformation of, (i); transition in, and Amazon, (i); Walmart’s effect on (see Walmart)

retail monitoring, (i)

retail personas, (i)

rewards programs, (i); barcode scanning and, (i); coupons and, (i); game playing and, (i)

Riddell, Chris, (i)

Rock Health, (i)

Roeding, Cyriac, (i)

Roper, (i)

Rosenkrantz, Joel, (i)

Rubbermaid, (i)

Safeway, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

Saks Fifth Avenue, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

sales, appearances of, (i)

Sambar, Al, (i)

sampling, (i)

Sam’s Wholesale Clubs, (i), (ii)

S&H, (i)

S&H Greenpoints, (i)

Sapient Nitro, (i)

Sapolio Soap, (i)

satisfaction guaranteed, (i)

Saunders, Clarence, (i), (ii)

Savchenko, Ekaterina, (i)

scanners, (i)

Schefter, Phil, (i)

Schmidt, Eric, (i)

Schultz, Don, (i)

Schuman, Evan, (i)

scientific selling, (i)

Scott, Lee, (i)

Sears, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii); geofencing and, (i); individualized pricing and, (i); loyalty program at, (i), (ii); member pricing and, (i); pricing at, (i); salespeople at, and digital personalization, (i); segmentation at, (i), (ii)

second-party data, (i)

segmentation, (i), (ii), (iii)

self-scanning-and-bagging, (i)

self-service model, (i), (ii)

selling, new types of, (i)

selling floor, amount of good bought at, (i)

Sen, Ayan, (i)

Sephora, (i), (ii), (iii)

Sharper Image, (i), (ii)

shawl trade, (i)

shopkick, (i), (ii), (iii)

shopper analytics, (i)

Shopperception, (i), (ii)

shoppers. See customers

Shoppers’ City, (i)

ShopperTrak, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

shopping, personalization of, (i)

shopping centers, (i)

shopping frequency, (i)

ShopRite, (i)

showrooming, (i), (ii)

shrinkage, (i)

Siegel-Cooper, (i)

Silver, Bernard, (i)

Simon and Westfield, (i), (ii)

Skaff, David, (i)

Skinner, B. F., (i)

slotting allowances, (i)

slotting fees, (i)

smart fabrics, (i)

smartphones, (i); comparing prices with, (i); cookies and, (i); GPS tracking and, (i); influence of, on retail, (i); location detection and, (i); as most important marketing channel, (i); nonpersonalized messages on, (i); paying with, (i); personalized advertising for, (i); pinging of, (i); supermarkets and, (i); vulnerability of, (i), (ii); as wearables, (i)

smart watches, (i), (ii)

SnipSnap, (i)

Social Construction of Reality, The (Berger and Luckman), (i), (ii)

social listening services, (i)

social networks (media), (i); log-ins from, (i), (ii); participation in, (i); registration for, (i)

social structure, re-creation of, (i)

Solomon, Yoni, (i)

Sperry and Hutchinson. See S&H

Stanhope, Joe, (i), (ii), (iii)

Steidmann, Carl, (i)

Sterilite, (i)

Stewart, A. T., (i), (ii)

Stockil, Tony, (i)

Stokes, Gary, (i)

Stop & Shop, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

store aisles, multimedia content and, (i)

stores, design of, (i)

Strawbridge & Clothier, (i), (ii)

Stuart, A. T., (i)

Sun Microsystems, (i)

supermarkets, (i), (ii); Amazon and, (i); anticommunism and, (i); coupons and, (i), (ii); database marketing and, (i); data collection by, (i); data use in, (i); design of, (i), (ii); differentiating among clientele, (i), (ii); differentiation among, (i); discrimination and, (i), (ii); efficiency efforts at, (i), (ii); introduction of, (i); loyalty programs and, (i); organization of, (i); personalized communication with customers, (i), (ii); personas of, (i); profitability of, (i); promoting via customers’ cell phones, (i); promotional options of, (i); revenue streams for, (i); rewards programs and, (i); scanners at, (i); service components of, (i); trading stamps and, (i); Walmart and, (i), (ii), (iii); women and, (i), (ii). See also grocery stores, (i)

surveillance, (i); Americans resigned to, (i), (ii); Americans’ response to, (i); cross-platform, (i); frictionless, (i); normalization of, (i), (ii); regulation of, (i), (ii); slowing growth of, (i)

surveys, online, (i)

Swatch, (i)

sweepstakes, (i)

swill milk scandal, (i)

Swirl, (i), (ii)

symbol systems, (i)

Synqera, (i), (ii)

Szabo, Carl, (i)

Tack, Mark, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Tango, (i)

Tapad, (i)

Target, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi); customer analytics of, (i), (ii); deterministic approach of, (i); methods of, for capturing customer data, (i)

Taubman, (i)

Team USA, (i)

technology, fluidity of, (i)

Telenav, (i)

telephone ordering, (i)

Tesco, (i), (ii)

text messaging, (i)

Thinknear, (i), (ii)

third-party cookies, (i)

third-party data, (i), (ii)

Tiffany, (i)

Time Warner Cable, (i)

tough-luck contracts, (i), (ii)

tracking: alternative solutions for, (i); Americans’ response to, (i); cross-device, (i); in-store, (i); for marketing purposes, (i); methods of, (i); objections to, (i); outside stores, (i); solving central retailing problem, (i); wearables and, (i)

tracking pixels, (i)

trading stamps, (i)

traffic analytics, (i)

transparency, (i)

Truth Central project, (i)

turnover, (i)

turnstiles, (i)

Twitter, (i), (ii), (iii)

Ulta Beauty, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Uniform Grocery Product Code Council, (i)

United States: egalitarianism in, (i); income inequality in, (i)

Universal Product Codes, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v). See also barcodes; scanners

Urban Outfitters, (i)

Varlard, Scott, (i)

Verano, Raul, (i)

Verizon, (i)

Vibes, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

VIP identification, (i)

virtual shopping, environment for, (i)

virtual stores, integrated with physical stores, (i), (ii), (iii)

Visa, (i)

Von’s, (i), (ii)

Walgreens, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)

Wallet app, (i)

Walmart, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x); audience tracking and analysis by, (i), (ii); competition for, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); cost control at, (i); customer data gathered by, (i); data-powered physical retailing and, (i); efficiency at, (i); fear of, (i), (ii); labor practices at, (i); Liz Claiborne and, (i); local effects of, (i), (ii); pricing at, (i); quick-delivery programs for, (i); reputation of, (i); retailers distinguishing themselves from, (i); Rubbermaid and, (i); success of, (i), (ii), (iii); Supercenters, (i), (ii); supermarkets and, (i), (ii); target audience for, (i); tracking and analytics division of, (i); Twitter and (i); UPC system at, (i); Web orders, store pickup for, (i); website of, (i)

Walton, Bud, (i)

Walton, Sam, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Wanamaker, John, (i), (ii)

warranty registrations, (i)

wearables, (i), (ii), (iii)

Web, the. See World Wide Web

websites: content on, sources of, (i); personalization of, (i); registration with, (i); tracking purchases on, (i)

Webvan, (i)

Wedgewood, (i)

Wegman, Danny, (i)

Wegmans, (i), (ii)

Wheeler, Tom, (i)

Whole Foods, competitive pricing in, (i)

Wi-Fi, (i), (ii), (iii)

Willis, Paul, (i)

wireless scanning, disabling, (i)

WMX, (i)

women: department stores and, (i), (ii); spheres for, (i); supermarkets and, (i), (ii); women, Victorian ideals and, (i)

Woodland, Norman, (i)

World Wide Web, (i), (ii), (iii)

xAd, (i), (ii)

Yahoo!, (i), (ii), (iii)

Yahoo! Advertising, (i)

YouTube, (i)

Zola, Emile, (i)