Native American History For Dummies

by Dorothy Lippert, PhD and Stephen J. Spignesi




About the Authors

Dorothy Lippert, PhD: Dorothy is Choctaw and an archaeologist. She received her BA from Rice University and her MA and PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. She works in the Repatriation Office of the National Museum of Natural History. Dorothy serves on the Executive of the World Archaeological Congress and on the Board of Directors for the Society for American Archaeology. Her research interests include the development of Indigenous archaeology, repatriation, ethics, and the archaeology and bioarchaeology of the Southeastern United States.

Stephen J. Spignesi: Stephen Spignesi is a best-selling author of more than 40 books, including his highly-acclaimed debut novel, DIALOGUES (Bantam). His latest book is George Washington’s Leadership Lessons (Wiley) written with James Rees, the Executive Director of George Washington’s Mount Vernon. He is also the co-author of Second Homes for Dummies (Wiley). His book, JFK Jr. (Citadel), was a New York Times best-seller.



Stephen J. Spignesi: For Adrienne, who was with me in spirit all the way through this, and who never failed to say the exact right thing at the exact right moment.


Authors’ Acknowledgments

Dorothy Lippert: I was privileged to work with Stephen Spignesi in the production of this book. His energy and hard work were what made the book what it is. I would also like to thank Phil Konstantin whose research and writing were such an invaluable part of the process.

Stephen J. Spignesi: Five people deserve all the thanks in the world for their help, support, and above all, friendship:

Dorothy Lippert, PhD, the co-author of this book, has my gratitude for her insights, patience, and for teaching me about not only her tribe, the Choctaws, but also about all of Native American history and culture. Thanks, Dorothy, for taking me on a classic journey of discovery and enlightenment. It was an honor to work with you.

Jennifer Connolly, our Project Editor, for her smarts, wit, grace, sense of humor, forbearance, and charm, and for her good nature when providing the answers we needed — even when the questions were staggeringly convoluted and had “from left field” written all over them! Thanks, Jenn.

Mike Lewis, our Acquisitions Editor, for putting everything together, overseeing it all, and maintaining a placid and controlled manner that was always encouraging, even when I knew circumstances warranted anything but unruffled calm! Thanks, Mike.

Phil Konstantin, a Cherokee who is also a real paesan. Phil, your help was of enormous value and immeasurable excellence, and your performance made the dictionary makers rewrite the definition of prompt! Thanks, Phil.

John White, my literary agent, a man of integrity and great moral strength who has been an inspiration and role model for me for over two decades now. Thanks, John.


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