Part II

Interacting with Others

In this part . . .

Once Columbus “found” the Caribbean islands and then the mainland, the exploration — and exploitation — began in earnest.

The Spanish and French sent explorers and claimed huge areas for their monarchs back home. Tribes had to contend with Europeans who wanted . . . well, they pretty much wanted everything. Explorers and settlers wanted the land, the resources, the animal furs, the gold, the waterways, and all the other riches in what they essentially considered “for the taking” wilderness.

This part looks at Columbus’s exploits and influence, some of the explorers who left their mark, and notable Indian chiefs, leaders, warriors, and women whose entire world changed with the arrival of the white man. It also looks at some of the violent conflicts between Indians and white folks, and also between tribes. U.S-Indian relations over the years are covered as well, with details on some of the more important legislation passed relating to Indians.