The baron waited while Lady Mary and Aubrey sat, his face a mask of concern. "As well you know," he began, "I have, for years, been tasked with running the Royal estates. As such, I have been working at the Palace diligently, but I fear that under our new king I can no longer carry out this duty."
"Why ever not, Robert?" asked his wife. "Surely the task is not so onerous?"
"I'm afraid events in the capital have spiralled out of control."
"How so, Father?"
"It seems King Henry has seen fit to arrest and execute Princess Anna and her people." He waited, watching their faces as the news sank in.
"Cousin Beverly!" cried out Aubrey.
"I'm afraid so," he replied. "Word is that all the Knights of the Hound have been executed for treason. I've no doubt that Baron Fitzwilliam will be arrested as well. I suspect that even as we speak, a delegation is being sent to Bodden."
"Uncle Richard would never conspire against the king," declared Aubrey. "Surely there's a mistake?"
"I'm afraid not, Aubrey. While King Andred might have been willing to accept the queen's bastard child, it appears his heir, King Henry, is not."
"Is Aubrey in danger?" asked Lady Mary.
"I hope not," said the baron. "Before I left my position I used my privilege to search through the Royal records. Any record of her working for the Royal Mage has been purged. There is nothing left to link her to the conspirators."