The Roadside Bramble

Peter Minter

Walking late by a roadside bramble

Hoops of brittle thorn, a caul of dead grass, quiet rust

Frost-burnt une feuille serrate

Motes fall and swirl as brassy notes and cobwebs

Tangle straw stems in mossy dirt, the gravel wash

A stripped page of newspaper rotting, crushed

Polyethylene terephthalate

Half-full of piss or rain water, the sign of a dog

Chalk eroded in the furrow of a wheel

Gone a little wide on the corner, or a near miss

Now overgrown in parochial paspalum, afternoon light

Cold and real, bees somewhere in the shadows

A thought of honey in the thicket

The grey common behind a wire fence half down in the damp

Bruise hung on the smoke

Of a sundog burnt in hazy sky, translucent

Sleep stuck in the cavernous dawn of a bramble there by the roadside

Where I hurry into the emaciated past

Where dry straw recedes speechless into the middle distance

A skein of mist settling over a paddock

Air still, damp, muddy in my nose as the scent of blood

Steel cold hockey bone blue, knee high

Twigs and the hair on my skin lift in the golden aperture

Of the sky’s milk crystal

Fanned behind a brittle stand of eight grey poplars

Pines melting in the middle distance

Dark green glass shards sliding into the earth

A path trodden flakes of rock

Through clumps and bristles of grass and wet-stemmed seed-heads

Dropping over bright plastic bits and rusting caps

Squashed with dirt into a bleak loam

A field scattered with the bones of my predecessors

Wandering aimlessly over turquoise hills, smoky dead trees

I find I’m outside the future, overgrown

Great walls of roots & earth crumbling sodden in the muddy weather

Wooden claws of hackberry gum

Knotted foetal in the grey wind, contrail chords in the sky

Lines unfurling between hard matter and blue

Blown above a jetliner’s silver precipice

Disappearing into the end of a broken branch

Time and space are orange as mud in gravel

Trees a-glint with a wild fire

Sparks flying across the horizon the singular grey abyss

Every bramble has been the same, I think

As they all rush from my past like black swans, snow geese

Drawn into the circle of gravel

A formation of birds dropping suddenly into mind

As I walk around, feathers widening

Angular as they land into the poverty of the world

The horizon always looking, then retreating from the present

And all it holds, the skeletal frame of a sparrow chick

Its absent eye resting on a quartz pebble

Left as a sign to the logic of inhuman death, clear, immensely old

A grain of cold stone, the indifferent raw tangle

In a bracken fern halo, the silent forehead of a sickle moon

Tacked strangely to a wooden light-pole

The sound of water tinkling and gurgling, treble & bass

A silver banner fluttering and wending

Through the poplars and brace of pines

Darkness somehow equal to its bright and random melody

Caught in the cold pomegranate at the road’s end

Crimson flesh held in a world of white foam

Mist correlates, transpires, solid shapes beneath the moon

& stars, hips and haws, love and hate

No matter how opaque and powerless I become

I still cry into the night as it springs burning into felony

Emptiness glowing through dry yellow stalks

No match for the whorl at the crown of your head

Telescoped to a galaxy, a whale from the old world bare

As a chunky key-ring nob lost in the mossy grit

Where I walk & look, no doubt within

Perhaps hell-bent as gravel paths spread from me chaotically

All the same, having wandered here before

And knowing how each will always yield its own

I fall away into the roadside ditch

Sticks and mud stuck in my hair, the back of my throat

Catching the gold sunset

Behind, of course, bitumen spread Bauhaus thin and black

A wall of glass windows over the road

A mercury pool shimmering in the wind

The whole reflected world shuddering.