People once lived and died within miles of their birthplaces. They were confined for a lifetime to a couple of counties, a few square miles of space. That’s no longer the case. Planes, trains, helicopters, and automobiles now take the adventurous countless miles abroad.

While travel may be easier today, there are still financial and personal restrictions that prevent most of us from winging our way over oceans and continents. With the advent of the Internet, though, the world awaits your fingertip touring. You and your children won’t even have to get passports to discover what life’s like in Istanbul—or anywhere else for that matter.

There’s something exciting about stepping beyond your own borders to a place where the language, culture, history, and people are different. With the availability of virtual travel opportunities, you and your kids can sail the seven seas and never get wet. Type “Istanbul,” for example, in your favorite search engine and you’ll have a wealth of maps, photos, videos, and information waiting to explore.

The pleasure and safety of exploring the planet from the comfort of your home may inspire you. Perhaps your online adventures will help you prepare for the real thing one day. What a family vacation that could be!

While countries greatly vary in terms of customs, art, and even food, your children will discover the people of earth are more alike than different. As they travel over the Web to various destinations, they’ll see similar needs: love, happiness, water, food, and other life essentials. They begin to realize God’s love isn’t simply for them, but for the whole family of man.