Good study habits set your child up for scholarly success. Distraction-free time for schoolwork opens the door wider. You or your spouse may have graduated from the put-it-off-until-midnight school of academic preparation. Let that tradition die with you. Make the necessary sacrifices to allow your kids the chance to shine.

Come clean with your kids. Talk to your children about mistakes you made and how you wish you’d had a specific time and place to prepare assignments. Admit your shortcomings, but go a step farther and point out their immense potential.

Results improve when you take a disciplined approach to test taking or paper writing. Working step by step allows regular reinforcement plus the advantage of avoiding overload. Encourage your kids to write down their goals and date items when crossed off their list. Get them to see the long view. Studying hard now opens up opportunities for the future: maybe a good job, professional fulfillment, or the funds needed to support a family. Consistently good attitudes reap rewards later.

All work can be tiring, and mental gymnastics can be especially exhausting. Make sure your kids take breaks and have snacks available to recharge their energy. Teach them that prayer can also help them to focus on the work at hand even as it nourishes the soul. The reward of a few minutes of fun after a rigorous study session motivates the continuing study cycle.

Show your children the value in learning for learning’s sake. Nothing’s more satisfying. Even if everyone else “gets it” first, that’s OK. These things even out over time, as you know from experience. True growth means grasping challenging concepts for yourself. Urge them to reach out and do that.