Preface to the Reader’s Edition
hat you hold in your hands is a volume of the ages. Originally published in 1928 by the mystical scholar and sage Manly P. Hall (1901-1990), this book—like none before it and none that have followed—is a codex to the ideas and mysteries that resonate within the symbols, myths, and philosophies that have guided humankind since its earliest efforts at self-knowledge.
The Philosophical Research Society ( of Los Angeles has been the publisher of The Secret Teachings of All Ages
since Mr. Hall founded the organization in 1934. Today, PRS continues to publish the original edition of the Secret Teachings
and, through public lectures, research, publications, and the University of Philosophical Research, continues his legacy. With that legacy in mind, PRS has worked with Tarcher/Penguin to create this new “Reader’s Edition” of Mr. Hall’s classic work.
This edition brings a new level of accessibility to Mr. Hall’s magisterial volume. The text is fully reset and the pages renumbered according to contemporary numerals, rather than the Roman numerals of the original edition. The original features fifty-four color plates by die artist J. Augustus Knapp and more than two hundred line drawings. This edition includes some of the finest of the color plates and approximately one hundred of the most pertinent line drawings.
Otherwise, the book is largely unaltered. It retains Mr. Hall’s original index and—with the exception of small excisions for clarity and ease of use—features his complete unabridged text.
Philosophical Research Society
April 1, 2003