*The following items may be used as a guide to search for information in this eBook.

Adélaïde, Madame (Louis XV’s daughter): names MA l’Autrichienne; appearance; formal address; wishes to accompany MA to Paris (1772); leaves for Rome; uncompromising attitude to new ways; on MA’s death

Adhémar, Comte d’

Adieux de la Reine à ses Mignons et Mignonnes (pamphlet)

Agoult, Vicomte d’

Aiguillon, Emmanuel Armand, Duc d’

Aiguillon, Louise Félicité, Duchesse d’

Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace of (1748)

Albert, Prince of Saxe-Teschen: marries Marie Christine; rivalry with Durfort; MA allowed to write to; visits Versailles; in Belgium; exiled

Alexandra, Empress of Nicholas II of Russia

Alsace: risings (1789)

Amalia, Archduchess of Austria (MA’s sister): marriage prospects; place in family; character; at brother Joseph’s wedding; mother’s advice to on marriage; departure on marriage; wedding; breach with mother; political intrigues

Amelia, Princess of Saxony

Amélie, Queen of the French (Maria Carolina’s daughter)

American Revolution; see also United States of America

Ami du Peuple, L’ (newspaper)

Ami du Roi, L’ (newspaper)

Andouins, Captain d’

Angoulême, Duchesse d’ see Marie Thérèse Charlotte (MA’s daughter)

Angoulême, Louis Antoine de Bourbon, Duc d’

Anne of Austria, Regent of France

Anti-Fédéraliste, L’ (newspaper)


Aquitaine, Duc d’

Aranda, Pedro Abarca y Bolea, Count d’

Armand, Comte de

Arnould, Sophie

Artois, Charles, Comte d’ (Louis XVI’s brother; later King Charles X): MA meets; character; in dance dispute; marriage; and death of Louis XV; relations with MA; extravagance; amateur theatricals; at MA’s childbirth; as proxy for Joseph at MA’s child’s christening; signs Mémoire des Princes; accused of controlling flour; hardline views; flees France; supports MA’s moving to Metz; influence on Madame Elisabeth; counter-revolutionary plans; as prospective Regent; Leopold prevents from taking military action; militancy; Jarjayes attempts to influence; present at Pillnitz; MA communicates with from Temple; displaced by Louis Philippe; ascends throne

Artois, Thérèse of Savoy, Comtesse d’: marriage; at court of Versailles; prospective pregnancy; appearance; sexual activities with husband; pregnancies and children; satirized; flees France; death

Assembly of Notables

Atkyns, Charlotte, Lady

Audrein, Abbé

Aufresne (French actor)

Augeard, J.M.

Auguié, Madame Adélaïde (Madame Campan’s sister)

Augusta, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt

Auguste, Prince of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

Auguste (royal goldsmith)

Augustus II (“the Strong”), King of Poland

Augustus III of Saxony, King of Poland

Aumale, Duc d’

Austria: forms defensive pact with France (1756); court life and style; war with Prussia and England; and dynastic marriages with France; and Bavarian crisis; foreign policy; alliance with Russia; deteriorating relations with France; conflict with Turkey; and Joseph II’s death; MA hopes for military support from; and MA’s attempted flight; alliance with Prussia (1792); Louis declares war on (1792); recovers Liège; military successes against French; indifference to liberating MA; MA expected to favour

Austrian Succession, War of (1740–48)

Ayen, Jean Paul François, Duc d’ (later Duc de Noailles)

Babeuf, Gracchus

Bachaumont, Louis Petit de

Bailly, Jean Sylvain

Barnave, Antoine

Barrère de Viruzac, Bertrand

Barthélémy (interior designer)

Bassenge, Paul

Bastille: stormed; anniversaries of fall

Batz, Jean, Baron de

Bault (jailer)

Bault, Madame

Bavaria: succession crisis (1777–9)

Béarn, Pauline, Comtesse de (née de Tourzel): accompanies mother into royal household; Louis Charles’s devotion to; MA consoles; amused by Comtesse de Provence; learns billiards from Louis XVI; and Mesdames Tantes’ formal etiquette; prepares girl’s clothing for Louis Charles’s escape; on effect of detention on Marie Thérèse; and Louis XVI’s departure for Assembly; and mob attack on Tuileries; imprisoned with royals; takes Marie Thérèse to parents’ graves

Beatrice d’Este: marriage to Archduke Ferdinand; visits Versailles

Beauclerk, Lord Edward

Beaucourt, Marquis de

Beaujolais, Comte de

Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de; Le Barbier de Séville; Le Mariage de Figaro

Beaumont, Christophe de, Archbishop of Paris (1774)

Belgium (Austrian Netherlands): revolts in; risk of Austrian loss of; French occupy

Berry, Charles Ferdinand, Duc de

Berry, Mary

Bertin, Rose

Besenval, Pierre, Baron de

Blaikie, Thomas

Blumendorf, Counsellor

Boehmer, Charles Auguste; and Diamond Necklace Affair

Boigne, Comtesse de

Bombelles, Angélique, Marquise de

Bombelles, Marc Marie, Marquis de: on Noailles family; and MA’s pregnancies and children; on dress etiquette; on Sèvres porcelain; and Gustav III’s visit; on invalid Louis Joseph; witnesses visit of Tippoo’s envoys; and Louis XVI’s distress over MA’s possible affair with Fersen; on constitutional changes; reports MA’s remarks on “good people,”; and royals’ escape attempt

Bordel Patriotique, Le (play)

Börtz, Daniel: Marie Antoinette and Fersen (opera)

Boucher, François

Bouillé, Charles de

Bouillé, Comte Louis de

Bouillé, Louis, Marquis de

Bouillon, Charles Godefroid, Duc de

Bourbon, Louis Henri, Duc de

Bourbon, Louise Françoise, Duchesse de

Bourbon-Penthièvre see Penthièvre

Bourbons: pretenders to French throne

Bourgoigne, Louis, Duc de

Boutin (financier)

Brancas, Marie Angélique, Duchesse de

Brandeis, Countess

Breteuil, Louis Charles Auguste Le Tonnelier, Baron de: succeeds Durfort as Ambassador; and MA’s interest in Fersen; MA favours for Minister of Royal Household; and MA’s acquisition of Saint Cloud; background and diplomatic career; and Diamond Necklace Affair; and trial of Cardinal Rohan; resigns as Minister of Royal Household; succeeds Necker as Finance Minister; dismissed; suggests MA and Louis move to Metz; and Louis XVI’s legitimate authority; and Louis XVI’s escape attempt

Brienne see Loménie de Brienne

Brionne, Comtesse de

Brissac, Louis Hercule Timoléon, Duc de

Brissot, Jean Pierre

Broglie, Marshal Victor François, Duc de

Brunier, Dr.

Brunier, Madame

Brunswick, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of; Manifesto (1792)

Buffon, Georges Louis Leclercq, Comte de

Burke, Edmund: Reflections on the Revolution in France

Burney, Charles

Cagliostro, Alessandro, Count

Calonne, Charles Alexandre,

Campan, François

Campan, Madame Henriette (née Genet): on MA’s intelligence; and Maria Teresa’s enquiry about MA’s happiness; on MA’s bridal dress; on MA’s compassion; on MA’s bearing; background and court position; on MA’s reaction to birth of Artois’ son; on MA’s rejection of Lauzun’s advances; on MA’s mockery; on MA’s pregnancy and childbirth; on MA’s theatre-and opera-going; on Louis XVI’s pleasure at birth of son; pleads with MA for reinstatement of porter; silence on MA/Fersen liaison; reads Beaumarchais’ Figaro; on MA’s attitude to portraits; and Boehmer’s diamond necklace; acquires portrait of Jeanne Lamotte; and MA’s reaction to Rohan verdict; and MA’s proposed move to Metz; on anti-revolutionary sentiments at Versailles banquet; sees MA in Paris (1789); sees Catherine the Great’s letter to MA; and MA’s declining to escape from Saint Cloud; warned of MA’s flight; meets MA on return to Tuileries; and Madame Jarjayes; and Louis XVI’s status under new Constitution; and effect on MA of mob invasion of Tuileries; and MA’s hope of foreign rescue; with MA in Assembly

Campan, Pierre

Canova, Antonio

“Carnation Plot,”

Caroline, Landgravine of Hesse-Homburg

Caroline Matilda, Princess (Queen of Denmark)

Carteron, Jean Baptiste

Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Jacopo

Castelot, André and Alain Decaux: Je m’appellais Marie Antoinette (play)

Castries, Charles, Marquis de

Catherine II (the Great), Tsarina of Russia

Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II of England

Catherine de’ Medici, Regent of France

Chalon, Jean

Chamfort, Sébastian Roch Nicolas de: Mustapha et Zéangir

Chamilly, M. de (valet)

Champ de Mars, Paris

Chardin, Jean Simeon

Charles I, King of England

Charles II, King of England

Charles III, King of Spain

Charles VI, Emperor

Charles X, King of the French see Artois, Charles, Comte d’

Charles, Archduke of Austria (Emperor Francis II’s son)

Charles, Archduke of Austria (MA’s brother)

Charles Emmanuel III, King of Sardinia

Charles, Prince (later Duke) of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

Charles, Prince (later Duke) of Zweibrücken

Charles, Prince of Liechtenstein

Charles, Prince of Lorraine

Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria

Charlotte, Archduchess see Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples

Charlotte, Princess of Lorraine, Abbess of Remiremont (MA’s paternal aunt)

Charlotte, Queen of George III of Britain

Charlotte Wilhelmine, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt: friendship with MA; and birth of MA’s son; marriage to Prince Charles; and MA’s 1784 pregnancy; death in childbirth

Chartres, Duchesse de see Orléans, Duchesse d’

Chartres, Louis Philippe, Duc de (later Duc d’Orléans; then King Louis Philippe): birth; becomes Duc de Chartres; marriage prospects; baptism; in procession; watches mob march; at Fête de la Fédération; marriage to Amélie

Chateaubriand, François René, Vicomte de

Châteauroux, Marie Anne, Duchesse de

Chaumette, Pierre Gaspard

Chauveau-Lagarde, Claude

Chimay, Prince de

Chimay, Princesse de

Choiseul, Claude, Duc de

Choiseul, Duchesse de

Choiseul, Etienne-François, Duc de: pro-Austrian sentiments; disparages Amelia and Frederick Augustus; forbids Durfort to receive MA in home; welcomes MA on arrival in France; and Comtesse de Brionne; exiled; not reappointed on death of Louis XV; MA seeks to help; favours Castries


Cholet, Abbé

Chrétien (of Temple kitchen)

Christoph, Paul

Clement of Saxony, Elector of Trier, Archbishop of Cologne

clergy (French): under Civil Constitution

Clermont, Frances, Countess of (née Murray)

Clermont, Mademoiselle de (Condé’s daughter)

Clermont-Tonnerre, Marquise de

Cléry, Hanet

Cléry, Madame

Clothilde, Madame (later Queen of Sardinia; Louis XVI’s sister; “Gros-Madame”)


Coigny, Marie François Henri, Duc de

Coke, Lady Mary

Committee of Public Safety

Commune of Paris



Condé, Louis Joseph, Prince de

Condé, Mlle de

Confederates (provincial troops)

Constituent National Assembly see Legislative Assembly; National Assembly

Conti, Louis François, Prince de

Conti, Princesse de

Corday, Charlotte

Cordeliers Club

Corigliano, John: The Ghosts of Versailles (opera)

Cornwallis, General Charles, 1st Marquis

Cossé, Duchesse de

Coster, Anne Vallayer

Courtot (sculptor)

Cowper, Emily

Cradock, Mrs

Craufurd, Quentin


Croÿ, Duc de

Custine, General Adam Philippe, Comte de

Damas, Comte Charles de

Dangé, Commissioner

Danton, Georges

Daujon, Commissioner

David, Louis

Davies, Marianne and Cecilia

Dazincourt, Joseph

Desclozeaux, Pierre Louis

Deslon (hussar officer)

Desmoulins, Camille

Destruction de l’Aristocratisme, La (play)

Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of

Diamond Necklace Affair

Diderot, Denis: Les Bijoux Indiscrets

Dietrichstein, Count

Dillon, Edward (le beau )

Dillon, Madame

divorce: legalized in France (1790)

Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3rd Duke of,

Doucoudray, Tronson

Drouet, Jean Baptiste

Du Barry, Marie Jeanne, Comtesse (née Bécu): as Louis XV’s mistress; MA meets at Compiègne; addresses King; MA’s attitude to; dislike for Choiseul; pets; hostility with MA; and Louis XV’s health decline; banishment; dressmaking bills; jewellery; executed

Dubouchage (Minister of the Navy)

Ducreux, Joseph

Dufour (memorialist)

Dumouriez, General François

Duport, Adrien

Durand, Camille

Duras, Duchesse de

Duras, Emmanuel Félicité, Duc de

Duras, Marquise de

Durfort, Marquis de

Durosoy (publisher)

Dutens, Louis

Dutilleul, Sophie

Edgeworth de Firmin, Henry Essex, Abbé

Eleanora of Neuburg, Empress of Leopold I

Elisabeth Charlotte d’Orléans, Princesse (MA’s paternal grandmother)

Elisabeth, Madame (Louis XVI’s sister): favours Angélique de Bombelles; MA meets; greyhounds; leaves Versailles for Choisy; relations with MA; Joseph’s rumoured interest in; given Montreuil property; portrayed in dairymaid’s bonnet; sees body of MA’s daughter Sophie; taken from Versailles to Paris; detained in Tuileries; criticizes Louis XVI for inaction; on necessity for civil war; reads Burke’s Revolution in France; in MA’s escape attempt; decries public appearances; plays backgammon with Louis XVI; behaviour in face of mob; at commemoration of fall of Bastille; dress adapted for Pauline de Tourzel; detention and life in the Temple; renamed “Capet,”; separated from Louis XVI; and Louis XVI’s execution; communicates with Provence and Artois from Temple; religious piety; accused of sexual abuse of Louis Charles MA writes final letter to; executed; ignorance of MA’s death; represented on sculptural group

Elizabeth, Archduchess of Austria (MA’s sister): marriage prospects; place in family; at brother Joseph’s wedding; remains unmarried; scarred by smallpox; and mother’s final illness

Elizabeth Christina, Empress (MA’s maternal grandmother)

Elizabeth Christina of Brunswick-Bevern, Queen of Frederick II

Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia

Elliott, Grace

Éloffe, Madame (wool and silk purveyor)

Emery, Jacques André, Abbé

England: war with France in North America (1754); war with Austria; fights in American Revolution; Spain proposes joint operations against; peace with France (1783); France declares war on (1793)

Estaing, Charles Henri d’

Estaing, Jean Baptiste, Comte d’

Estates General

Esterhazy family

Esterhazy, Count Valentin,

Eugene, Prince of Savoy

Eugénie, Empress of Napoleon III

Family Pact (1761)

Fausselandry, Vicomtesse de

Favras, Thomas de Mahy, Marquis de

Fellborn, Claes

Fénélon, François de Salignac de La Mothe

Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria (MA’s brother): childhood; place in family; acts as proxy bridegroom to MA; portrait miniature sent to MA; visits Versailles

Ferdinand, Duke of Parma, Don: marriage; and Louis XV’s view of MA’s marriage relations

Ferdinand, King of Naples: prospective marriage; marriage to Charlotte (Maria Carolina); and Austrian dowries; marriage relations

Fersen, Count Axel: background; meets MA; absence from France; returns from Sweden; MA’s fondness for; serves French cause in American war; attitude to MA; returns from America; developing relations with MA; marriage prospects; colonelcy; accompanies Gustavus III to France; finds dog for MA; as putative father of MA’s children; on MA’s waning popularity; makes trip to England; Saint-Priest’s friendship with; as Swedish emissary; affair with Eléanore Sullivan; and Louis XVI’s wish to move to Metz; stays at Versailles; and women’s march on Versailles; greets MA and Louis XVI in Paris (1789); advocates MA’s flight and escape; MA borrows from; joins MA and party on escape attempt; reaches Brussels; blamed for Louis XVI’s flight; MA writes to after arrest; on MA’s rumoured liaison with Barnave; returns to Paris in disguise and meets MA; MA reports details of conduct of French war with Austria; MA reports to on increasing threats; flees from Belgium; anxieties over MA’s fate; Jarjayes proposes mission to; and Austrian caution over liberating MA; killed; reaction to MA’s death

Fête de la Fédération

Feuillant party

Fitzgerald, Lord Robert

Flanders Regiment

Florian, Jean Pierre

Fontainebleau; Treaty of (1785)

Foster, Lady Elizabeth

Fouché, Mademoiselle

Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine Quentin

Fox, Charles James

Fragonard, Jean Honoré

France: forms defensive pact with Austria (1756); war with England in North America (1754); royal succession in; bread and grain riots (“Flour War”); financial deficit; intervenes in American Revolution; forms alliance with USA (1778); and Bavarian settlement; and Austrian alliance with Russia; deteriorating relations with Austria; peace with England (1783); administrative structure; tax reforms; revolution predicted; poor harvests (1788–9) and rising bread prices; weakening alliance with Austria; National Assembly proclaims new Constitution; 1789 riots in; aristocrat émigrés from (1789); divorce legalized in (1790); Louis XVI accepts new Constitution; proposed actions against émigrés; war with Austria (1792); crown jewels plundered; revolutionary calendar; military successes against Prussia; declares war on England, Spain and Holland (1793); defeats by Austrians; see also French Revolution

Francis II, Emperor (earlier Archduke of Austria; MA’s nephew)

Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine, later Emperor Francis I (MA’s father): and birth of MA; at MA’s baptism; background; speaks French; marriage to Maria Teresa; elected Emperor; appearance and character; infidelities; love of gardens and botany; and children’s upbringing; parts from MA and dies; remembered at Fête de la Fédération

Franklin, Benjamin

Frederick II, King of Prussia: prefers to speak French; Maria Teresa’s hostility to, 10; marriage relations; on Maria Teresa’s acquiring part of Poland; and Bavarian crisis; admiration for

Frederick Augustus, Prince (later King Frederick) of Saxony

Frederick, Prince of Hesse-Darmstadt

Frederick William II, King of Prussia

French language: spoken in Vienna; MA learns and speaks

French Revolution: breaks out; blamed on MA

Fréron, Stanislas

Fronsac, Louis Antoine Sophie, Duc de

Gabriel, Ange Jacques

Gameau (locksmith)

Gardel (choreographer)

Gardes Françaises

Gassner, John Joseph

Gautier-Dagoty, Jean Baptiste

Genet, Edmund

Genet, Jean: The Maids

Genlis, Madame Stéphanie-Félicité de

George III, King of Great Britain: court; marriage; and American War of Independence; children; praises Burke’s Revolution in France; and Louis XVI’s flight; on Louis XVI’s feebleness; madness; reclaims Caroline Matilda after divorce

George Charles, Prince of Hesse-Darmstadt

George William, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt

Georgel, Abbé

Gilbert (Conciergerie gendarme)

Gillray, James

Girard, Abbé

Girard, Georges


Gluck, Christoph Willibald: at Austrian court; background; reports to Maria Teresa on MA’s childbearing condition; visits Paris; disparages French music; on birth of MA’s son; dedicates operas to MA; music sung at Vigée Le Brun party; Alceste; Armide; Iphigénie en Aulide; Orphée; Il Parnasso Confusio

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Goguelat, Baron François de

Goltz, Baron

Goncourt, Edmond & Jules

Goret (municipal officer)

Gourbillon, Madame de

Gower, George Granville Leveson-Gower, Earl (later 2nd Marquess of Stafford and 1st Duke of Sutherland)

Grammont (actor)

Gramont, Béatrice, Duchesse de

Grand Trianon

Grasse, Admiral François de

“Great Fear,” the

Grétry, André; Richard I

Grey and Jefferies (London jewellers)

Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, Baron von

Grosholz, Marie see Tussaud, Marie

Guéméné, Jules Hercule, Prince de

Guéméné, Marie Louise, Princesse de

Guiche, Aglä ié, Duchesse de (née de Polignac; “Guichette”)

Guiche, Duc de

Guillaume (Drouet’s companion)

guillotine: first used

Guimard, Madeleine

Guines, Adrien, Comte (later Duc) de

Guirtler, Bishop (MA’s confessor

Gustav III, King of Sweden; assassinated

Gustav IV, King of Sweden: birth

Guyot, Madame

Hall, Radclyffe: The Well of Loneliness

Hamilton, Sir William, and Emma, Lady

Hancock, Eliza

Harcourt, François Henri, Duc d’

Harel, Madame

Hasse, Johann Adolph

Haugwitz, Count Frederick

Hauzinger, Joseph

Haydn, Joseph

Hébert, Jacques

Hénin, Prince de

Henri IV, King of France

Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I of England

Herbert, George Augustus, Lord (later 11th Earl of Pembroke)

Herman, Armand Martial

Hesse, Princesses of

Hesse-Homburg, Landgrave of

Hezecques, Félix de, Comte de France

Hinner, Joseph

Hofburg (castle)

Hoffman, William M.

Hossein, Robert

Huart, M. (dancing master)

Hubert, Pierre

Hüe, François

Hume, David; History of England

Imbault (music engraver)

Inistal, Comte d’

Isabella, Princess of Parma (Louis XV’s granddaughter): marriage to Joseph; attracted to Marie Christine; children; death; gives French royal portraits to Maria Teresa; on position of royal wife; on royal etiquette

Jacob, Georges

Jacobin Club


James II, King of England

Jarjayes, Chevalier François Régnier de

Jarjayes, Madame de

Jefferson, Thomas


Joanna, Archduchess of Austria (MA’s sister)

Johnson, Samuel

Joly, Sieur (dancer)

Jones, John Paul

Joseph I, Emperor of Holy Roman Empire

Joseph II, Emperor of Holy Roman Empire (MA’s brother): stands as proxy godfather to MA; first marriage (to Isabella); place in family; and wife’s attraction to Marie Christine; second marriage (to Josepha); elected Emperor; and death of Josepha; bookishness; stands godfather to Swinburne’s son; parsimony over MA’s progress to Paris; and death of daughter Teresa, 44, 50; gives entertainment for departing MA; attends MA’s proxy marriage; meets MA on journey to Paris; mocks Versailles women’s make-up; on Louis XVI’s sexual problem; and MA’s influence in France; on MA’s unhappiness; accuses MA of flirting with Englishmen; on MA’s virtue; visits MA in Paris; fondness for MA; and Bavarian succession; attempts to ban excessive court dress; emphasizes French alliance; MA writes to on mother’s death; on birth of MA’s son; stands godfather to MA’s second child; on death of Maurepas; plotting in international affairs; and Scheldt affair; militaristic temperament; told of birth of Louis Charles; and birth of MA’s daughter Sophie; and Marie Christine’s visit to MA; receives souvenir album of Trianon; MA declines to meet in Brussels; on MA’s appearance; in conflict with Turkey; letter from MA on Dauphin’s delicate health; on MA’s role as mother; death; clash with Pius VI; neutrality over MA’s fate

Josepha, Archduchess of Austria (MA’s sister)

Josepha of Bavaria, Empress of Joseph II

Josephine, Empress of Napoleon I

Josephine of Savoy see Provence, Comtesse de

Journal de Paris

Julian, le beau (hairdresser)

Kaunitz-Rietburg, Wenzel Anton, Prince von

Khevenhüller-Metsch, Count Johann Joseph

Kinsky, Count

Klinckowström, Baron R. M. de

Krantzinger, Joseph

Krottendorf, Générale

Kucharski, Aleksander

Laage de Volude, Comtesse de

La Baccelli, Giovanna

Laborde (banker)

La Caze, Dr

Lacy, General Franz Moritz, Count

La Fayette, Marie Adrienne Françoise, Marquise de

La Fayette, Marie Jean Gilbert, Marquis de: fights in American War of Independence; received by MA; impressed by Cagliostro; on Assembly of Notables; in National Assembly; as commander of National Guard; and women’s march on Versailles; and MA in Tuileries; proposes new oath; rumoured to be MA’s lover; and flight of royals; and return of Louis XVI to Paris; at Champ de Mars; blamed for Varennes escape; slandered in play; and MA’s proposed flight to Compiègne; flees France; Louis XVI’s correspondence with; Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme

Lafont d’Aussone (biographer)

La Marck, Comte de

La Marck, Comtesse de

La Martinière, Antoine Auguste Bruzen de

Lamballe, Marie Thérèse, Princesse de: background and character; relations with MA; attends Gluck opera; made Superintendent of MA’s Household; patronizes Rose Bertin; and birth of MA’s children; with MA at Petit Trianon; and Diamond Necklace Affair; on Dauphin Louis Joseph, ; at Louis Joseph’s funeral; joins MA in Paris (1789); not warned of MA’s flight; and MA’s ageing after arrest; returns to MA; at commemoration of fall of Bastille; leaves Tuileries with MA; removed to the Temple; interrogated by Commune; killed and decapitated; in La Force prison; effigy exhibited

Lambesc, Prince de

Lameth, Alexandre de

Lamorlière, Rosalie

Lamotte Valois, Jeanne de, “Comtesse,”

Lamotte Valois, Nicolas de, “Comte,”

Larivière, Louis

Larivière, Madame (Louis’ mother)

La Rochefoucauld, Alexandre, Comte de

Larsenneur, Sieur (hairdresser)

Lassonne, Dr. Jean-Marie

La Tour du Pin, Henrietta Lucy, Marquise de (née Dillon, earlier Comtesse de Gouvernet)

Launay, Bernard René, Marquis de

Launoy, Dame

Lauzun, Armand Louis, Duc de

Laxenburg (palace), near Vienna

Le Brun, Jean Baptiste

Lecointre, Laurent

Legislative Assembly

Lemoine (valet)

Le Mounier, Dr.

Lemoyne, Jean Baptiste

Lenoir, Jean

Léonard (hairdresser)

Leopold I, Emperor

Leopold, Archduke of Austria (later Emperor Leopold II; MA’s brother): place in family; resents Marie Christine’s favour with mother; marriage; Fersen meets; Joseph reports to on MA in Paris; MA complains to of public indifference to death of son; succeeds Joseph II in Austria; moves Mercy from France; and flight of Mesdames Tantes; MA warns against Freemasons; attitude to French turmoil; and MA’s attempted flight; MA hopes for help from; and declaration of Pillnitz; Legislative Assembly brings decree against; death and succession

Le Pipelet, Hippoy

Lep"tre, Jacques

Lerchenfeld, Countess

Levasseur, Rosalie

Lever d’Aurore, Le (pamphlet)

Lévis, Gaston, Duc de

Levret, Sieur

Liancourt, François, Duc de

Ligne, Charles Joseph, Prince de

Lisbon earthquake (1755)

Liselotte, Duchesse d’Orléans

Loménie de Brienne, (Cardinal) Etienne Charles de, Archbishop of Toulouse: recommends Vermond; ambitions for office; appointed Finance Minister; MA supports; administrative measures and aims; resigns as Finance Minister and made Cardinal

Lorraine, Anne Charlotte, Mademoiselle de,

Lorraine, principality (formerly duchy) of,

Louis XIII, King of France

Louis XIV, King of France

Louis XV, King of France: dislikes breastfeeding; regency during childhood; favours and maintains alliance with Austria; in line of succession; advises Ferdinand of Parma on marriage; appearance; and Austrian marriage for grandson; fondness for Maria Josepha; Maria Teresa requests kindness towards MA; complains of Austrian dowries; Maria Teresa and MA address in letters; at parting from daughter; first meets MA; profligacy; and Du Barry; and dispute over Mlle. de Lorraine; and MA’s compassion; and MA’s marriage relations; apathetic nature; and dispensation of justice; welcomes MA’s acknowledgment of Du Barry; fondness for cats; health decline and death; practises birth control; statue smashed

Louis XVI, King of France (formerly Dauphin Louis Auguste): attitude to Austria; becomes Dauphin on death of elder brother; meets Hume; overweight and appearance; betrothal to MA; religious faith; portraits presented to MA; first meets MA; devotion to aunts; wedding ceremonies; marriage relations; life at Versailles; hunting; and MA’s hostility to Du Barry; disagreements with brother Provence; reading; sexual limitations and inhibitions; official visit to Paris (1773); consummates marriage with MA; succeeds to throne; banishes Du Barry; rule and government; coronation; endorses dismissal of Guines; metal-working; and MA’s gambling; congratulates Esterhazy on birth of son; anger at libelles against MA; pays MA’s jewellery bills; and French intervention in American Revolution; Joseph meets and instructs; and MA’s pregnancy; and Bavarian crisis (1777–8); banishes Duc de Chartres from court; at birth of daughter; improved relations with MA after birth of daughter; daughter’s attachment to; and MA’s new manners at Versailles; enjoys MA’s amateur theatricals; attitude to Polignac set; declines to take mistress; declares mourning for Maria Teresa; and birth and baptism of son; and MA’s attempted influence on Joseph’s behalf; liking for Fersen; pacific nature; records MA’s visits to Petit Trianon; witnesses Montgolfier’s balloon ascent; Wilberforce describes; devotion to daughter; hostility to Beaumarchais’ Figaro; buys furniture; and Diamond Necklace Affair; inspects Cherbourg and other ports; and financial problems; apathy; and MA’s growing political activism; depression; favours Duchesse de Polignac; recalls Necker; and Fersen’s relations with MA; and Third Estate; accused of impotency and drunkenness; near-fatal accident; in 1789 procession; attends opening of Estates General; and son Louis Joseph’s death and funeral; in Marly; vacillates before revolutionary acts; leaves fall of Bastille unmentioned; makes concessions to National Assembly; unhappiness at Yolande de Polignac’s departure; remains at Versailles; maintains court routine; lacks self-esteem; receives deputation of market women; leaves Versailles for Paris; life in Tuileries; at Maundy ceremony; and daughter’s first communion; believes in compromise; MA insists on staying with; refuses to escape; constitutional position reconsidered; threatens to disown Artois for conspiracies; signs decree for Civil Constitution of the Clergy; and taking of Easter Communion; and flight of Mesdames Tantes; ill-health; wavers over escape plans; attempts flight; arrested at Varennes and returned to Paris; interrogated about flight; and new Constitution; vilified; accepts new Constitution and revised status; and royalist activities in Coblenz; disfavours armed congress; declares émigré princes traitors; use of veto; rumours of further escapes by; Fersen meets in Tuileries; declares war on Austria; threatened by mob in Tuileries; at commemoration of fall of Bastille; final journal entry; threats to depose; leaves Tuileries for Assembly; detention in the Temple; on death of Princesse de Lamballe; teaches Dauphin in Temple; renamed “Capet,”; separated from family; correspondence discovered in armoire de fer; ill-health in Temple; tried and sentenced to death; writes will; executed; exhumed and reburied (1815); memorial sculpture; favours simpler tastes

Louis XVIII, King of the French see Provence, Louis Xavier, Comte de

Louis Auguste, Dauphin see Louis XVI, King of France

Louis Charles (MA/Louis XVI’s son; Duc de Normandie; then Dauphin, later King Louis XVII): born; childhood; in group portrait; robust health; becomes Dauphin on death of brother; in line of succession; MA describes; Madame de Tourzel appointed governess to; in mob attack on Versailles; life in Tuileries; National Guard give dominoes from stone of Bastille; escape plans for; proposed education for; proposed Regent for; in escape attempt; nightmares; wins popular approval on return to Paris; and mob invasion of Tuileries; threats to remove from parents; leaves Tuileries for Assembly; detention in the Temple; given lessons in Temple; barred from seeing father; in father’s last will and testament; sees father before execution; reserved recognition as Louis XVII; sings lament; injures testicle; separated from MA in prison; MA interrogated about; retained as hostage; supposed sexual abuse by mother; invoked in MA’s interrogation; in MA’s final letter to Madame Elisabeth; death; posthumous claimants as “false Dauphins,”

Louis Ferdinand, Dauphin of France (Louis XVI’s father): anti-Austrian feelings; death; wedding to Maria Josepha; and bread shortage

Louis Joseph Xavier François, Dauphin of France (MA/Louis XVI’s son): birth and baptism; paternity questioned; delicate health,; appearance; inoculation against smallpox; childhood; in group portrait; at Meudon; death and obsequies; precocity and sweetness of character

Louis Philippe, King of the French see Chartres, Louis Philippe, Duc de

Louis, Prince of Hesse-Darmstadt

Louis Xavier (Louis XVI’s brother) see Provence, Comte de

Louise, Madame (Louis XV’s daughter) see Thérèse Augustine, Sister

Louise, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt: friendship with MA; and MA’s 1785 pregnancy; and death of sister Charlotte; MA describes children to

Luckner, General

Ludwig, King of Bavaria

Lully, Jean Baptiste

Lyell, Catherine

Mackau, Madame de

Magnin, Charles, Abbé

Mailhe, Jean Baptiste

Maillé, Vicomte de

Mailly, Louise Julie, Comtesse de

Malden, Saint-Jean de

Malesherbes, Chrétien de,

Manchester, George Montagu, 4th Duke, and Duchess of

Mandat, Marquis de

Mannlich, Johann Christian von

Manuel, Pierre

Marat, Jean Paul

Marchand (of Temple kitchen)

Marchand, Sieur

Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples (MA’s sister; “Charlotte”): marriage prospects; place in family; character; relations with MA; at brother Joseph’s wedding; marriage to Ferdinand of Naples; mother’s advice to on marriage; distressed on leaving Austria; marriage relations; pregnancies and children; official status; and Joseph’s love for MA; stands godmother to Louis Charles; and MA’s remaining with husband; on proposal to confine MA in convent; on MA’s separation from son; fears for MA’s life; reaction to MA’s death; on MA’s love of pleasure

Maria Josepha of Saxony, Dauphine of France (Louis XVI’s mother)

Maria Lesczinska, Queen of Louis XV

Maria Louisa (of Asturias), Princess

Maria Louisa (of Parma), Princess (later Queen of Spain)

Maria Teresa, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire (MA’s mother): and birth of MA; children and motherhood; speaks French; marriage; succeeds father; accused of writing to Mme. de Pompadour; appearance; and ceremonial; and husband’s infidelities; improves Schönbrunn; entertains Mozart; insists on female obedience; dominance and strength of mind; favours Marie Christine; MA’s relations with; and husband’s death; preoccupation with children’s marriages; near-death from smallpox; on MA’s character; and MA’s educational deficiencies; cultivates Durfort for dynastic marriage with France; requests Louis XV’s indulgence for MA; takes communion with MA on separation; anxiety over MA’s religious state; instructions to MA on marriage; addresses Louis XV; instructs daughters in sex matters; gives up wearing rouge; dispute and Comtesse de Brionne; interest in MA’s menstrual cycles; Mercy d’Argenteau’s attachment to; correspondence with MA at Versailles; and MA’s marriage relations; and MA’s official visit to Paris; wrongly believed dying; reprimands MA for reference to husband; on MA’s “dissipation,”; and libelles against MA; and MA’s following fashions; and Joseph’s militarism over Bavaria; and MA’s pregnancy; and MA’s injury during childbirth; disapproves of MA’s breastfeeding; and Bavarian settlement; anxiety over MA’s producing a son; decline and death; banishes courtiers from presence at childbirth

Marianna, Archduchess of Austria (Marie Teresa’s sister)

Marianne, Archduchess of Austria (MA’s sister): stands as proxy godmother to MA; disablement; birth; and mother’s favouring Marie Christine; remains unmarried; on mother’s decline

Mariazell, northern Styria

Marie Adélaïde of Savoy (Louis XV’s mother)

Marie Antoinette, Archduchess of Austria, Queen of France: and “Let them eat cake” story; birth; baptism, ; ancestry and genealogy; marriage prospects; childhood and upbringing; meets Pitt and Wilberforce; appreciation of gardens; musical interests; appearance and character; bearing and carriage; dancing; called Antoine in youth; place in family; relations with mother; at brother Joseph’s wedding; and father’s death; and death of sister Josepha; educational deficiencies; learns and speaks French; hairstyle; portraits and drawings of; betrothal; religious piety and observance; bridal progress to Paris; commemorative medals for; dowry; trousseau; marriage contract; good relations with servants; love of children; enters puberty; nicknamed l’Autrichienne; mother’s instructions to on marriage; ceremonies and entertainments on departure to Paris; renounces hereditary rights to Austria and Lorraine; addresses Louis XV; proxy marriage to Ferdinand; departure from Austria; handed over at Strasbourg; first meeting with husband; Louis XV meets; relations with French “royal aunts,”; arrives at Versailles; wedding ceremony; presented with jewels; marriage relations; life at Versailles; correspondence with mother; compassion and humanitarianism; riding; coolness towards Mme. Du Barry; relations with Princesse de Lamballe; irregular menstrual cycle; early childlessness; relations with Josephine, Comtesse de Provence; and diplomatic problems over Poland; reading and libraries; pet dogs; growing political awareness and activism; first official visit to Paris; visits to opera and theatre; husband consummates marriage with; homesickness for Vienna; meets Fersen; supports Gluck; becomes queen; and husband’s rule; role and status as queen; Versailles apartments linked to husband’s by staircase; lacks interest in political intrigue; household; accused of lesbian practices; attitude to sex; popularity; and husband’s coronation; adopts village boy (Jacques); and birth of Artois’ son; gambling; attitude to admirers; mocking manner; attacked and slandered in libelles (pamphlets) and plays; watches dawn break; dress and fashions; extravagance and love of pleasure; gardening at Petit Trianon and Choisy; and brother Joseph’s visit; first pregnancy; and Bavarian crisis (1777–9); hair problems; and birth of daughter (Marie Thérèse); attempts breastfeeding; charitable acts; contracts measles; improved relations with husband after birth of daughter; stays at Petit Trianon; and daughter’s upbringing; introduces new manners at Versailles; amateur theatricals; social set (Société Particulier de la Reine); political indifference; birth of son (Louis Joseph); and mother’s death; entertains Grand Duke Paul; Joseph requests influence with husband in foreign affairs; and Princesse de Guéméné’s resignation; grants royal favours; pregnancy and miscarriage (1783); developing relations with Fersen; builds model village at Petit Trianon; accused of collecting pornography; on Duke of Dorset; acquires Saint Cloud; Fersen gives dog to; further pregnancy and birth of third child (Louis Charles); enthusiasm for interior decoration and furniture; limited travelling; taste in painting; and Diamond Necklace Affair; growing unpopularity; puts on weight; thirtieth birthday; 1785 pregnancy and birth of Sophie; rumoured affair with Cardinal Rohan; effect of Rohan verdict on; health problems; scruple over influencing appointment of French ministers; and international affairs; accused of drunkenness and orgies; welcomes Brienne’s appointment; blamed for financial crisis; and death of daughter Sophie; and Necker’s return as Finance Controller; melancholy and pessimism; and Third Estate; on weakening Franco-Austrian alliance; at meeting of Estates General; and son Louis Joseph’s death; plea to King to stand firm; supports Lambesc; dislikes tricolour; proposed immurement in convent; remains at Versailles (1789); devotion to children in Revolution; maintains court routine; threatened by mob at Versailles; taken from Versailles to Paris; life in Tuileries; believes in compromise; insists on staying with husband; rejects Augeard’s plan to escape to Vienna; escape plans; resumes political role; and Mercy’s departure; praised by Burke; and flight of Mesdames Tantes; on attempted flight; denied Regency; hopes for help from Austria; takes Easter Communion; arrested at Varennes and returned to Paris; demonized on return to Paris; interrogated about flight; physical deterioration and ageing; and Louis XVI’s acceptance of new Constitution; view of new Constitution; pleads for armed congress against Revolutionary France; later escape plans; on French war with Austria; hostility to as “enemy alien”; threatened by mob in Tuileries; at commemoration of fall of Bastille; hopes of foreign rescue; leaves Tuileries for Assembly; detention in the Temple; learns of Allied military successes; horror at death of Princesse de Lamballe; jewellery; teaches daughter in Temple; separated from husband; in Louis XVI’s last will and testament; and husband’s execution; mourning; hopes for release in prisoner exchange; prospective fate considered; Robespierre demands trial of; ill-health in prison; Louis Charles separated from; transferred to and detained in Conciergerie; possessions sold; interrogated before Revolutionary Tribunal; fate decided by Committee of Public Safety; accused of sexual abuse of Louis Charles; rumoured final Communion; sentenced to death; executed; burial; effects distributed; exhumed and reburied (1815); memorial sculptures and paintings ghost seen; posthumous reputation; life assessed; supposed lovers; blamed for French Revolution; as scapegoat

Marie Antonia, Electress of Bavaria

Marie Christine, Archduchess (MA’s sister; “Mimi”): paintings; place in family; favoured by mother; qualities marriage to Albert; Canova monument to; suspected of tale-bearing on MA; and Bavarian crisis; and mother’s final illness; visits Versailles; in Belgium; exile in Bonn; and MA’s escape plan; believes MA better not to have married1; flees from French

Marie de’ Medici, Regent of France

Marie Louise, Empress of Napoleon I

Marie Thérèse Charlotte (MA’s daughter; later Duchesse d’Angoulême and Dauphine): birth and baptism; childhood and upbringing; marriage prospects; appearance and character; coldness towards mother; bastardy charge against; in group portrait; and death of sister Sophie; illness; sees Tippoo Sultan’s envoys; and death of elder brother; Madame de Tourzel acts as governess to; praises MA’s courage in mob attack on Versailles; first communion; not subject to personal threats; escape attempt; on arrest at Varennes; threatened by mob in Tuileries; life in Tuileries; makes no mention of departure from Tuileries; in Assembly; kept in the Temple; and mother’s reaction to death of Princesse de Lamballe; MA teaches in Temple; separated from father; sees father before execution; and mother’s reaction to father’s execution; reaches puberty; death threats against; and mother’s transfer from Tower; denies Louis Charles’s claims of sexual abuse; in MA’s final letter to Madame Elisabeth; freed (1795); ignorance of MA’s death; marriage to Angoulàme and childlessness; on mother’s affection for Maria Carolina; exile and death; visits parents’ graves

Marie Thérèse, Queen of Louis XIV


Marmontel, Jean François; Histoire des Incas

Marsan, Marie Louise, Comtesse de

Mary II, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland

Mary Queen of Scots

Matignon, Caroline, Comtesse de

Maubourg (deputy)

Mauconseil resolution (1792)

Maurepas, Jean Frédéric, Comte de: as Louis XVI’s chief minister; and Louis XVI’s coronation; MA interviews on Bavarian crisis; and Necker’s resignation; death

Maximilian, Archduke of Austria (MA’s brother; “Max”): childhood; birth; place in family; portrait miniature sent to MA; corpulence; visits Versailles; as Elector of Cologne

Maximilian Joseph, Elector of Bavaria

Maza, Sarah: “The Diamond Necklace Affair Revisited” Mémoire des Princes

Menchikov, Princess “Ketty” Mercier, Abbé

Mercy d’Argenteau, Florimond Claude, Comte de: chooses MA’s trousseau; reports to Maria Teresa on MA’s menstrual condition; arranges transfer of MA’s dog to France; and Versailles etiquette; background and career; as MA’s advisor; reports on MA to Maria Teresa; deplores influence of royal aunts on MA; and MA’s plea for Duchesse de Gramont; warns MA of proposed marriage of Princesse de Lamballe; and MA’s attitude to Du Barry; and Franco-Austrian alliance; letters from Maria Teresa; and MA’s consummation of marriage; on Louis Auguste’s subservience; disparages Comtesse d’Artois; on MA’s early childlessness; on Louis XVI’s rule; and linking of MA’s apartments to husband’s; designs role for MA as queen; on Comtesse de Polignac; mishandles Max’s visit to Versailles; on MA’s financial position; approves MA acquiring Petit Trianon; and MA’s jewellery; and Joseph’s visit to France; on MA’s feelings for brother Joseph; suffers from haemorrhoids; attempts to influence Louis XVI through MA; sends message to Vienna on birth of MA’s daughter; and MA’s stay at Petit Trianon; and MA’s reforms at Versailles; on MA’s amateur theatricals; counsels MA against Polignac connection; and Maria Teresa’s death; relations with Joseph II; on birth of MA’s son; on MA’s political innocence; influence on MA on Joseph II’s behalf; on appointment of Yolande de Polignac as royal governess; and MA’s preoccupation with daughter’s education; and Diamond Necklace Affair; and MA’s 1785 pregnancy; and trial of Rohan; on Marie Christine’s visit to MA; and appointment of successor to Vergennes; on Louis XVI’s low morale; and Necker’s recall; on popular blame for MA; on Louis XVI before revolution; on Yolande de Polignac’s rise to favour; house searched for arms; on outbreak of French Revolution; and MA’s position in Paris (1789); and MA’s removal to Paris; on MA’s poor relations with brother Leopold, advises MA to resume political role; departs Paris; MA writes to in Brussels4; offers no Austrian help to MA; and MA’s attempted flight; Fersen delivers message to in Brussels; on Provence’s hopes for Regency; MA proposes return to France; MA writes to on Austrian interference in French affairs; MA gives details of conduct of war to; MA tells of mob in Tuileries; flees from Belgium; on MA’s right to Regency on death of husband; hopes for exchange of MA as prisoner; opposes Fersen’s plan to liberate MA; and execution of MA

Mericourt, Théroigne de

Merklein (German cabinet-maker)

Mesmer, Franz Anton

Metastasio, Pietro Bonaventura (Trapassi) Metz

Meudon, château de

Michonis (prison administrator)

Michu, Louis

Milliot, Reine

Mique, Richard

Mirabeau, Honoré, Comte de

Mirepoix, Maréchale Anne-Marguerite de Beauvau-Craon de

Miromesnil, Armand de

Mitford, Nancy

Moberly, Charlotte Anne and Eleanor Jourdain: An Adventure

Moëlle, Claude Antoine

Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin: L’école des Femmes

Moll, Antoine-Assieu

Molleville, Bertrand de

Moniteur, Le (newspaper)

Montbazon, Duc de

Montespan, Françoise Athénaïs de Rochechouart-Mortemar, Marquise de

Montgolfier, Joseph


Montmorin, Armand Marc, Comte de

Montpensier, Antoine, Duc de


Moore, Dr. John

Morel, Bernard

Morning Post (newspaper)

Morris, Gouverneur

Mossiker, Frances: The Queen’s Necklace

Mouchy, Maréchal Philippe Noailles, Duc de

“Mountain, the” (Convention party)


Moustier, Melchior de

Mozart, Leopold

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Mytens, Martin


Nancy, Bishop of

Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of France: marriage to Marie Louise; demolishes the Temple

Narbonne, Comte de

National Assembly: formed from Third Estate; and mob rule; Louis XVI visits; and “Great Fear”; recruitment to; discusses King’s powers; promises to control riots; guards royal family; grants allowance to Louis XVI; members join Corpus Christi procession; Louis XVI addresses; debates departure of Mesdames Tantes; and flight of royals; emissaries reach Varennes to detain royals; deputies interrogate royals about attempted flight; replaced by Legislative Assembly; grants inviolability to Louis XVI

National Convention

National Guard: under La Fayette; recruitment to; guard Louis XVI and MA; at Fête de la Fédération; block Louis XVI’s escape; at Varennes; anti-royalist sentiments

Naundorf, Karl Wilhelm

Navarre, Madame

Necker, Jacques: appointed Finance Minister; secures dismissal of Sartine; claims surplus in royal finances; recalled as Controller of Finance; speaks at Estates General; loses popular support; and revolutionary actions; dismissed; recall demanded; advises King in Revolution; finally leaves government

Necker, Suzanne

Neerwinden, battle of (1793)

Netherlands: Joseph II plots over; France declares war on

Nettine, Madame de (bank director in Brussels)

Neuville, Madame de

Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia,

Noailles, Anne Claude Laurence, Comtesse de: as MA’s Mistress of the Household; formality; presented to MA; MA asks about Mme. Du Barry; serves food to MA; gives dances; on MA’s melancholy; and MA’s first visit to Paris; and MA’s accession as Queen

Noailles, Louis, Duc de

Noailles, Louis Marie, Vicomte de

Noailles, Marquis de (Duc’s son)

Noailles, Philippe, Comte de: meets MA on journey to Paris; suggests Louis give Trianon to MA\

Northumberland, Elizabeth, Duchess of (née Seymour)

Nouvelles de la Cour (satirical pamphlet)

Noverre, Jean-Georges

Noyon, Bishop of (1770)

Oberkirch, Henriette de Waldner, Baronne d’: witnesses MA’s handover at Strasbourg; on Parisian luxury; defends MA’s model village; Marie Thérèse’s rudeness to; on reception of Le Mariage de Figaro; on Cagliostro; on Madame de Staâl

Octavius, Prince of England

Oliva, Nicole d’

Orateur du Peuple, L’ (newspaper)

Orléans, Henriette Anne, Duchesse d’ (Madame)

Orléans, Louis Philippe, Duc d’ (d.1785)

Orléans, Louis Philippe, Duc d’ (b.1773) see Chartres, Louis Philippe, Duc de

Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d’ (earlier Duc de Chartres; “Philippe Égalité”): marriage to Mlle. de Penthièvre; MA meets,; character; form of address to Louis Auguste; escorts MA to races; returns from naval campaign; banished from court; coolness at birth of MA’s daughte; builds model village; succeeds to dukedom (1785); exiled after protest against Louis XVI’s edict; opposes MA over Diamond Necklace Affair; radicalism; supports the poor; dresses down in procession; public acclaim for; declines to escort heart of Louis Joseph; proposed as King or Regent; rumoured to march dressed as woman; provokes threats to MA; visits MA in Tuileries; at Fête de la Fédération; in line of succession; chooses name “Philippe Égalit” ; votes for execution of Louis XVI; arrested; MA’s supposed plan to kill; executed

Orléans, Louise Marie Adélaïde, Duchesse (née Mlle. de Penthièvre, earlier Duchesse de Chartres)and Orléans, Philippe II, Duc d’ (Regent of France; b.1674)

Ossun, Comtesse d

Oudry, Jean Baptiste

Ouessant, battle of (1778)

Paar, Prince of (grand postmaster)

Pacassi, Nicholas

Paine, Thomas; The Rights of Man

Palloi, Pierre François

Panthémont, Abbess of

Paris: MA’s first official visit to (1773)riots in; MA and family taken to (1789); disorder and tumult in; prisons attacked; food riots in

Paris, Archbishop of; see also Beaumont, Christophe de

Paris, Peace of (1763)

Parlement de Paris: tries and acquits Rohan; opposes administrative and fiscal reforms; exiled

Parlements (French)

Patriote Français, Le (newspaper)

Paul, Grand Duchess of Russia

Paul, Grand Duke of Russia

Penthièvre, Louis Jean Marie, Duc de

Penthièvre, Louise Marie Adélaïde, Mlle. de see Orléans, Duchesse de

Père Duchesne, Le (newspaper)

Pétion, Jér"me

Petit Trianon, Le: gardens; MA stays at; Hesse Princesses visit; theatre at; model village; books at; artistry of; souvenir album; contents sold; costs

Philippe Égalité see Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d’

Piccinni, Niccola; Adèle et Ponthieu (opera)

Picquigny, Duchesse de

Piedmont, Charles Emmanuel, Prince de (later King Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia): marries Clothilde

Pillnitz (Saxony), declaration of (1791)

Pion, Mademoiselle (dressmaker)

Piper, Sophie

Pitt, William, the younger

Pius VI, Pope

“Plain” party (Convention)

Pointel, Jacques

Poiret, Pierre Louis

“Poitrine, Madame” (wet nurse)

Poix, Philippe Louis Marc Antoine, Prince de (later Duc de Noailles)

Poland: partition

Polignac family: leave France (1789)

Polignac set

Polignac, Armand, Comte de

Polignac, Diane, Comtesse de

Polignac, Jules, Duc (earlier Comte) de

Polignac, Yolande, Duchesse (earlier Comtesse Jules) de: relations with MA; at MA’s childbirth; on American war; son’s paternity questioned; Louis XVI’s friendship with; appointed royal governess; slandered; and birth of MA’s third child; in England; loses favour with MA; and visit of Tippoo Sultan’s envoys; and MA’s plea to King to stand firm; popular hatred of; flees France; and Artois’ militancy; Fersen meets in Vienna; MA questioned on during interrogation; death; MA complains of French calumnies

Pompadour, Jeanne, Marquise de

Pragmatic Sanction

Préfontaine, Monsieur de

Pressburg (Hungary)

Préville, Pierre Louis Du Bus

Provence, Josephine (of Savoy), Comtesse de: in undressing ritual; character and appearance, and Versailles etiquette; marriage; childlessness,; relations with MA; attends Gluck opera; and death of Louis XV; household; and fashion; extravagance; with MA at Petit Trianon; claims to be pregnant; model village at Montreuil; helps Jeanne Lamotte; satirized; on atmosphere at court before revolution; taken to Paris; escape plan; reaches safety in Belgium; death

Provence, Louis Xavier, Comte de (Louis XVI’s brother; later King Louis XVIII); appearance and overweight; on court etiquette; marriage; sexual impediment; disagreements with Louis XVI; attends Gluck opera; and “Let them eat cake” story; debts; and satirical attacks on MA; in line of succession to Louis XVI; at Marie Thérèse’s baptism; as proxy for Joseph at MA’s child’s christening; non-signing of Mémoire des Princes; uses MA as lead to King; favours hard line against revolutionaries; remains in France (1789); advises Louis XVI to remain in Versailles; granted powers as Lieutenant General of France; taken to Paris; as prospective Regent; escape plan; hears of Louis XVI’s arrest; reaches safety in Belgium; proclaims self Regent; MA proposes renunciation on behalf of; becomes Louis XVIII; death and succession

Prussia: Austrian-French pact against; war with Austria; alliance with Austria (1792); and French declaration of war on Austria (1792); advance on Paris (1792); French drive back

Psyche (ballet)

Queen’s Private Society see Société Particulier de la Reine

Racine, Jean: Athalie

Raigecourt, Comte Charles de



Rameau, Jean Philippe

Redouté, Pierre Joseph

Rémy (coachman)

Renée, Louise

Rétaux de Villette (Jeanne de Lamotte’s lover)

Réveillon riots (1789)

Revolutionary Tribunal


Rheims, Archbishop of

Ribbes (banker)

Richard family (prison concierges)

Richelieu, Louis François, Duc de

Riesener, Jean Henri

Rigby, John

Robert, Hubert

Robespierre, Maximilien: with Louis XVI on 1789 visit to Paris; and death of Mirabeau; rise to power; counsels against wa; indifference to killings; demands death of Louis XVI; demands trial of MA; on status of women; given MA’s final letter to Madame Elisabeth

Rochambeau, Général Jean Baptiste Donatien, Comte de

Roche-Aymon, Cardinal Charles Antoine de la

Rocher (jailer)

Rocheterie, Maxime de

Roederer, Pierre Louis

Rohan family

Rohan, Cardinal Louis Constantin de, Bishop of Strasbourg

Rohan, Prince (later Cardinal) Louis de: MA first meets; profligacy; slanders MA; MA ostracizes; baptizes Louis Joseph; gatecrashes masked ball; family connections; Breteuil dislikes; in Diamond Necklace Affair; tried and acquitted; MA’s rumoured sexual intrigues with

Rohan-Guéméné see Guéméné

Rohan-Rochefort, Charlotte, Princesse de

Rohan-Rochefort, Josephine, Princesse deRohrig, Lieutenant

Roland (interior designer)

Roland, Manon

Romano, Giulio

Romeuf (of National Assembly)

Rosenberg, Count

Rougeville, Alexandre de

Rousseau brothers (interior designers)

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: congratulates Gluck; and Madame Sophie’s “Let them eat cake” story; advocates breastfeeding; MA visits tomb; on women and family values; Louis XVI blames; Le Devin du Village; La Nouvelle Héloïse

Rousseau, Madame Julie (Mme. Campan’s sister)

Royal German Regiment

Ruffin, Sieu

Russia: and Bavarian succession; in alliance with Austria against Turkish attack Saint Brice, MadameSaint CloudSaint James, Duchesse deSaint Just, Antoine Louis de

Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de: Paul et Virginie

Saint-Priest, François Emmanuel, Comte de; Mémoires

Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de

Sainville (French actor)

Salieri, Antonio

Salmour, Count

Sanson, Charles Henri

Saratoga, battle of (1777)

Sartine, Antoine

Sauce, Jean Baptiste

Savoy, House of

Saxe-Coburg, Prince of

Saxony: dynastic marriages

Scheldt, river

Schönbrunn (palace)

Ségur, Louis Philippe, Comte de

Ségur, Philippe Henri, Marquis de

Sénac de Meilhan, Gabriel

Seven Years’ War (1756–63)


Simolin, Jean

Simon, Antoine and Marie Jeanne


Smith, Hélène

Société Particulier de la Reine (Queen’s Private Society)

Söderjholm, Alma

Sophia, Princess of England

Sophie Hélène Béatrice (MA/Louis XVI’s daughter): birth; death and funeral

Sophie, Madame (Louis XV’s daughter): appearance; and “Let them eat cake” story

Souberbielle, Dr.

Soubise, Charles de Rohan, Prince de

Spain: alliance with France; France declares war on; invades southern France

Spencer, Georgiana, Countess (née Poyntz)

Staël, Germaine de (née Necker): Fersen considers marriage to; on Brienne; and father’s return as Controller of Finance; marriage and child; on “shipwreck of state”; on Louis XVI’s flight; foresees disaster; flees France; on MA as “tender mother” ; Réflexions sur le Procès de la Reine

Stanislaus I (Lesczinski), King of Poland

Stanislaus II (Poniatowski), King of Poland

Starhemberg, Prince

Stedingk, Count Curt

Stephan, Joseph


Strathavon, George Gordon, Lord of (later 9th Marquess of Huntly)

Sullivan, Eléanore

Sutherland, Elizabeth, Duchess of

Swieten, Gerhard Van

Swinburne, Henry

Swiss Guards (Cent-Suisses du Roi)

Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de

Tarante, Princesse de

Taube, Baron Evert

Tavannes, Comtesse de

Temple, the (Marais district; “the Tower”): royals and party detained in

Tennis Court Oath (1789)

Teresa, Archduchess of Austria (Joseph II’s daughter)

Terrasson, Pierre Joseph

Teschen, Peace of (1779)

Thérèse Augustine, Sister (Madame Louise; Louis XV’s daughter)

Therville, Madame de

Thibault, Madame

Thierry, Madame

Thionville, Merlin de

Third Estate; see also National Assembly

Thrale, Hester Lynch (later Piozzi)

Tilly, Alexandre, Comte de

Times, The (newspaper)

Tippoo Sultan: envoys at Versailles; gifts to royal collection

Tison family

Tison, Madame

Tisset, François

Toulan, François Adrian

Toulouse, Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de

Tourzel, Louise Elisabeth, Marquise (later Duchesse) de (“Madame Severe”): as governess to royal children; accompanies royals on attempted flight; resumes duties; on Madame Jarjayes; on return of Princesse de Lamballe; on Louis XVI’s declaring war on Austria; at commemoration of fall of Bastille; leaves Tuileries with MA; removed to the Temple; interrogated by Commune; in La Force prison

Tourzel, Pauline de see Béarn, Pauline, Comtesse de

Trautmannsdorf, Countess

tricolour (flag)

Trompette, La (Bordeaux château)

Trotsky, Leon

Tuileries: MA and Louis housed in; MA and Louis flee from; spies in; invaded by mob; royals’ life at deteriorates; massacre and pillage at; Empress Josephine occupies

Turgot, Anne Robert, Baron de l’Aulne

Turgy, Louis François

Turkey: conflict with Russia; Austrian conflict with

Tussaud, Marie, Madame (formerly Grosholz)

United States of America: alliance with France; see also American Revolution


Valentinois, Duchesse de


Valory, François, Comte de

Van Swieten see Swieten


Vaudreuil, Joseph Hyacinthe François, Comte de

Vauguyon, Antoine, Duc de



Vergennes, Charles, Comte de: position and influence; and Diamond Necklace Affair; death

Vergniaud, Pierre

Véri, Joseph Alphonse, Abbé de

Vermond (accoucheur; Abbé’s brother)

Vermond, Jacques-Mathieu de, Abbé: on MA’s face; as MA’s tutor; and MA’s religious instruction; and Mme. Du Barry; rejoins MA as Reader; disapproves of MA’s women friends; on MA’s spoken French; and influence of Polignacs on MA; informs MA of mother’s death; as MA’s adviso; shocked by Marie Thérèse’s callousness to mother; and Diamond Necklace Affair; serves under Brienne; flees from France

Vernet, Claude Joseph

Versailles: etiquette and ceremonies; MA arrives at; public activities at; popular access to; cosmetics and hairstyles; pet animals in; abandoned for quarantine after Louis XV’s death; MA’s apartments linked to husband’s by secret staircase; loses trees in 1999 gale; MA introduces new manners at; routines maintained in early days of Revolution; deputation of market women march to (1789); mob attack on; ghosts at; commemorative exhibition (1955); see also Petit Trianon, Le

Versailles, Treaty of (1756)

Vestris, Gaëtan

Victoire, Madame (Louis XV’s daughter)

Victor Amadeus III, Duke of Wertmüller

Victoria, Crown Princess of Germany

Vigée Le Brun, Louise Elisabeth: on Charlotte and MA; on market-women at Versailles; on MA’s beauty; on Prince de Ligne; portrays MA; on Marie Thérèse’s childhood companions; group portrait of royal family; imitates Raphael; and Duchesse de Polignac’s reaction to royals’ deaths

Villequier, Duc de

Virieu (Parma’s envoy)

Viry, Comte de

Visconti, Monsignor

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de

Wagenseil, Georg Christoph

Walpole, Horace

Washington, George

Weber, Constance

Weber, Joseph

Weisweiler, Adam

Wertmüller, Adolf Ulrik von

Weston, Stephen

“Wigmakers’ Conspiracy”

Wilberforce, William

William III (of Orange), King of England, Scotland and Ireland

Williams, Eunice

“Williams, Indian”

Wollstonecraft, Mary: An Historical and Moral View of . . . the French Revolution

women: royal; status of

Xavier, Prince of Saxony

York, Edward Augustus, Duke of

Yorktown, battle of (1781)

Young, Arthur

Zweibrücken, Duc de