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Abbott, Andrew, 17

Abduh, Muhammad, 269

Abernethy, David B., 142

abolition, 99–100, 189

Abu-Hafs al-Masri Brigades, 273

academic antiscience, 236–60

de Man and, 241–43

fascist roots of academic left, 244–47

Feyerabend and, 241, 252–56

Heidegger and, 238, 241–44

Hessen and, 239–41

Kuhn and, 249–52

Popper and, 247–49

Sokal and, 256–57

acid rain, 283

Adams, Henry, 129, 145

Adams, John

Constitution and, 96

Franklin and, 119

Jefferson and, 95, 106, 108

Paine and, 74, 85

slavery and, 99

Adams, Samuel, 85

Afghanistan, 267, 273, 275

Against Method (Feyerabend), 255

Age of Reason (Paine), 74, 79–80, 85–86, 87–88

agriculture, 208–12, 226–27

air resistance, 41, 55

al-Banna, Hasan, 272

alchemy, 4

al-Ghannouchi, Rachid, 277

al-Jabarti, Abd Al-Rahman, 268

al-Jundi, Sami, 270

Allen, Ethan, 166

Al-Qaeda, 270, 271

alternating current (AC), 137–38

al-Turabi, Hassan, 273

Ambonese Curiosity Cabinet (Rumphius and Beekman), 66

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 95

American Bill of Rights, 13

American Civil War, 102

American Crisis, The (Paine), 75–76

American Independence, 89–108

Declaration of Independence and, 92–94

Jefferson and, 89–95, 105–8

new nation as an “experiment,” 101–5

slavery and, 98–101

American Philosophical Society, 91

American Revolution, 6, 75–76, 109–10

Ames, Fisher, 13

Ampère, André, 112

Anaximander of Miletus, 3

Anderson, Carl, 251

antiauthoritarian ethos, 4, 44–45, 231


academic. See academic antiscience

totalitarian. See totalitarian antiscience

Appert, Nicholas, 160

applied science vs. pure science, 97–98

Arab Socialist Baath Party, 270

Arcelor Mittal, 32

arc lamps, 135–37

Arendt, Hannah, 194

Aristarchus of Samos, 3

Aristotle, 4, 35, 42, 47, 72, 95

Armstrong, Neil, 255–56

Aronowitz, Stanley, 255

Arrhenius, Svante, 284

Aryan Nordic race, 195

Ashley, Lord, 62–63

aspirin, 193

astronomy, 6, 54–55, 180

Astronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles (Ferguson), 79

atheism, 279

atomic bombs, 224–25

axioms, 92, 92n

Azzam, Abdullah, 273


Baath Party, 270

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 13, 202

Bacon, Francis, 5, 45–51, 114, 172, 258

Bagehot, Walter, 168

Bahrain, 269, 276, 277

Bailly, Jean-Sylvain, 124

Balcerowicz, Leszek, 183

banking, 40

Banks, Joseph, 152

Banneker, Benjamin, 99

Barber, Bernard, 237

Barberini, Francesco, 44

Baring, Evelyn, 142–43

barometers, 54

Barrow, Isaac, 92

“barometer,” use of term, 90

Barrow, John, 144–45

Bastille, 84, 111

Battas, the, 145

Battle of Anghiari (da Vinci), 38

Bayle, Pierre, 64

Beagle, 264

Bell, Alexander Graham, 129

“bell jar,” 165

Bellow, Saul, 259

Beria, Lavrenti, 224, 233–34

Berkeley, George, 145

Bernard, John, 100

Berwald, Ludwig, 198

Bessemer, Henry, 130

Best Buy, 32

Bethe, Hans, 197

Bevis, John, 80

bin Laden, Osama, 271, 273

Birdzell, L. E. Jr., 158–59

Bismarck, Otto von, 192–93

black hole theory, 213–14

black magic, 51

Blake, William, 66, 74–75, 88, 123, 259

“blank slate” theory of the human mind, 74

blast furnace, 130

Bloom, Allan, 259

Blumenthal, Otto, 198

Boghossian, Paul A., 257

Bohr, Niels, 198–99

Bonneville, Benjamin, 78

Bonneville, Margaret Brazier, 78

Born, Max, 197

Boswell, James, 174

Bothe, Walther, 202–3

Boyle, Robert, 53–54, 62

Boyle’s law, 54

Brahe, Tycho, 55, 133

Braudel, Fernand, 165

Bredikhin, Fyodor, 8

Brenner, Sydney, 290

Bricmont, Jean, 243

British Eugenics Society, 265

Bronowski, Jacob, 9, 195

Bronshtein, Matvei, 208

Browne, Thomas, 28

Bryson, Lyman, 287

Buffon, George, 114

Bukharin, Nikolai, 209

Burgi, Jost, 133

Burke, Edmund, 116–17

Burr, Aaron, 91

Burroughs, John, 136

Bush, George W., 185, 257, 277–78, 290

Butler, Samuel, 70

Byzantine Empire, 35–36, 267


calculus, 55, 94, 181

Calhoun, John C., 131

Callendar, Guy Stewart, 284–85

Calverley, Mary, 70

Cambridge University, 59–62

canals, 97

cap-and-trade, 23, 288

Capital (Marx), 204–7

carbon dioxide (CO2), 281–82, 284–86

Carlyle, Thomas, 28, 169

Carnegie, Andrew, 130

Carnot, Sadi, 138

Carrel, Alexis, 270

Casanova, Giacomo, 36–37

Cassini, Jean-Dominique de, 125

Castiglione, Baldassare, 37

Catholic Church, 43–45

Cecil, William, 164

Cellini, Benvenuto, 39

certitude, 13, 114–15, 114n, 287

Challis, James, 250

Chang, Alfred Zee, 225

change, and liberalism, 25–27

Charles I of England, 58, 59

Charles II of England, 63

Chateaubriand, François René, 127

Chauder, Juliusz Pawel, 198

Chicago Century of Progress (1933), 160

Chicago school of economics, 182–86

child rearing, Locke on, 74

Childs, John, 245

Chinese communism, 8, 23–24, 25, 225–33

Chinese Cultural Revolution, 124–25, 227–28, 254–55

Chinese economy, 158

Christianity, 12, 88, 265, 269, 279–80

Christie, Thomas, 84

Christina of Sweden, 52

church and state, separation of, 280

Churchill, Winston, 14, 146, 200, 201–2

Cicero, 175

“civic humanism,” 37

civil disobedience, 73–74

“civil rights,” use of term, 101

Civil Wars. See American Civil War; English Civil War

Classical Field Theory (Landau), 208, 228

“classical” liberalism, 20, 22–23

Clauberg, Carl, 196

climate change (global warming), 23, 281–89

climatic feedback loops, 284, 286

Clinton, Bill, 19, 185

clocks, 41, 133–34

Cloots, Anacharsis, 86

Closing of the American Mind (Bloom), 259

Clymer, George, 106

coal mining, 129–30

Cobbett, William, 87

Cockroft, John, 200–201

coercion, as inherent problem with liberalism, 18–19

cogito ergo sum, 56

Cohen, I. Bernard, 56

Collier, Paul, 186–87

colonialism, 142–48

Common Sense (Paine), 75, 78, 109

communism, 8, 204–35

China and, 23–24, 25, 225–33

Islamism and, 271–72

Soviet Union and, 207–25

Communist Manifesto, 204

compass, 41–42

Comte, Auguste, 188

Condorcet, marquis de, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, 46, 85, 99, 124, 150

Conquest, Robert, 252

Conrad, Joseph, 146

conservatism, 17, 19–24, 290

Constantinople, 268

Constitution, U.S., 95, 96, 98, 101, 102, 104–5

Constitutional Convention, U.S., 103

Cooper, Gary, 134

Copernican Revolution, The (Kuhn), 249

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 2, 40, 46

Corday, Charlotte, 124

Cordemoy, Géraud de, 112

corporate concentrations of power, 184

Corwallis, Charles, 143

Cosimo II de’ Medici, 43

cosmic expansion, 252–53

cosmology, 42–44, 228

Counts, George, 245

Cowley, Abraham, 51

Cowper, William, 189

creativity, 25–27, 252

Crews, Frederick, 259

Cromwell, Oliver, 18, 49, 151

crowds, wisdom of, 29–34

Crowther-Heyck, Hunter, 56

cryptology, 196

Cuban Missile Crisis, 212

Cuvier, Georges, 112


Daimler, Gottlieb, 193

d’Alembert, Jean, 58, 112

D’Andrea, Francesco, 36

Dante Alighieri, 36

Danton, Georges-Jacques, 86, 121

Darby, Abraham, 96–97

“dark energy,” 253

Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb (Rhodes), 222–23

Darwin, Charles, 30, 33, 45, 181, 205–6, 211, 262–66

Darwin, Erasmus, 30

Darwin, John, 147–48

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (Dennett), 263

David (Michelangelo), 37

David, Jacques-Louis, 125

Davies, Norman, 143

da Vinci, Leonardo, 37–38, 39

Davis, Chandler, 45

Davy, Humphry, 134–35

“dead capital,” 166

Declaration of Independence, 6, 89–90, 92–94, 101–2, 152

deconstructionism, 241–43

deduction, 45–46, 52–53

“degenerates,” 30

Dekker, Thomas, 49

Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph, 124

DeLong, J. Bradford, 171

de Man, Paul, 241–43

democracy, 27–29

Fang on, 228–30

Federalist Papers on, 102–3

Jefferson on, 106, 107

Muslims and, 266, 269, 273

Napoleon and, 126

Paine on, 80

Sagan on, 103–4

Spinoza on, 64

Dennett, Daniel, 263

Derrida, Jacques, 238, 241–42, 243

Descartes, René, 45–46, 52–55, 64, 67n, 92, 112, 114, 114n, 172, 175

“Deserted Village, The” (Goldsmith), 173

de Soto, Hernando, 164–67

de Vries, Simon, 66

Dewey, John, 5

d’Hondt, Victor, 94

dialectics, 206–7, 227

Dickens, Charles, 163

Diderot, Denis, 112–13, 116

Dietrich, Marlene, 193

differential calculus, 94, 181

Dillon, Wentworth, 28

Dirac, Paul, 251

direct current (DC), 137–38

“discount rate,” 289

Discourse on Method (Descartes), 53

dishwashers, 129

disputation, 46

Disraeli, Benjamin, 166

distribution of wealth, 10

dogmas (dogmatists), 261–66

double-entry bookkeeping, 40

doubt, role in science, 13, 105, 229

Dryden, John, 62–63

Duchess of Richmond, 200

Duncan, William, 93

Dutch East India Company, 144

Dutch Golden Age, 63–68

Dylan, Bob, 29

dynamos, 134–35, 138–40


“economic freedom,” 156

Economic Freedom of the World Index, 156

economic inequalities, 156–59

economics, 168–90

competing alliances of economic theory, 182–86

as dismal science, 168–69

Mill and, 181–84

morality and, 188–89

Smith’s Wealth of Nations and, 173–80

Edelman, Gerald, 266

Edis, Taner, 275

Edison, Thomas, 135–38, 160

education, 10–11, 12, 29, 154–55, 112, 120

Education Department, U.S., 25

egalitarianism, 101, 120–21, 229–30

Egypt, 271

Einstein, Albert, 4, 8, 43, 139–41, 160, 193

“Einsteinian constant,” 256

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 219, 220–21

electric lighting, 136–37

electromagnetic fields, 139–40, 251

electromagnetism, 135, 139–40

Eli Lilly, 32

Elizabeth I of England, 58, 164

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 131–32

Emiliani, Cesare, 285–86

empiricism, 29, 72–73, 72n, 74, 175

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 134

Encyclopédie, 6, 112–13

Engels, Frederick, 204–7, 228

English Bill of Rights, 17, 61

English Civil War, 62, 67–68

English East India Company, 143, 144–45

English Revolution, 2, 5–6

Enigma, 196

Enlightenment, 2, 6, 56–88, 149–50

Dutch Golden Age, 63–68

England and, 58–63

Locke and, 61–63, 67–74

Paine and, 74–88

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 23

epidemiology, 62

Epstein, Paul, 198

equal protection, 19

equal rights, and liberalism, 17–18, 26, 262

Eratosthenes of Cyrene, 3

Escher, M. C., 141

Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke), 61, 68–74

Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus), 169–70

Estates-General, 110–11

ethics, 9–10, 289–91

Euclid, 92, 256

Eudoxus of Cnidus, 42

eugenics, 30–31, 33–34, 196, 264–65

evolution, 45, 181, 205–6, 211, 262–66

experimentation (experimental testing), 3–4, 35, 40–41, 44–45, 55, 234

Explorer (satellite), 221–22

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Mackay), 28


Fang Lizhi, 228–30

Faraday, Michael, 134–35, 160

Faraj, Abd al-Salam, 275

Farmer, Moses G., 136

fascism, 119, 126

Fashionable Nonsense (Sokal and Bricmont), 243

Faust myth, 13

Fauth, Philipp, 194

federalism, 19

Federalist Papers, 102–3

Federal Polytechnic Institute, 139

feedback loops, 235

climatic, 284, 286

Feldbaum, Carl, 257

Ferguson, James, 79

Fermi, Enrico, 203n

Festival of the Supreme Being, 122–23

Feuille de Paris, 121

Feyerabend, Paul, 241, 252–56

Feynman, Richard, 71, 72–73, 104–5, 182

fiber optics, 129

Firestone, Harvey, 136

Fischer, Eugen, 196

“five Ws” (who, when, what, where, and why) of journalism, 5–7

“Flying Dutchman, The” (Robinson), 142

Foner, Eric, 76

food preservation, 160

food production, 169–70

Ford, Henry, 136

Foucault, Michel, 243

Fourier, Joseph, 283–84

Francis Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics, 33

Franck, James, 197

Franklin, Benjamin, 151–53

Constitution and, 103

electricity and, 134

in France, 109, 119

Jefferson and Declaration of Independence and, 92, 95

Paine and, 77, 84

rationalists and, 114n slavery and, 98–99

Smith and, 174

Franz Ferdinand of Austria, Archduke, 193

Fraunhofer, Joseph von, 8

Frederick III, 69

freedom of the press, 105–7

free enterprise, 24, 129

free markets (free-market capitalism), 10, 25, 161, 173, 176–80, 182–88

free trade, 143–44, 157

free will, 73–74

Freiburg University, 243–44

French Academy of Sciences, 112, 125

French and Indian War, 109

French National Assembly, 21–22, 111

French Resistance, 246

French Revolution, 84–85, 111–13, 120–22. See also Reign of Terror role of philosophy, 113–15

Fresnel lenses, 112

Freud, Sigmund, 168–69

Friedman, Benjamin M., 188

Friedman, Milton, 182–84

Frum, David, 274

Fuchs, Klaus, 223–24

Fulton, Robert, 86

futures markets, 32


Gagarin, Yuri, 222

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 157

Galen, 3

Galilei, Galileo, 40–45, 55, 259

Galilei, Vincenzio, 40–41

Galton, Francis, 29–33

Gassendi, Pierre, 70, 112

gay marriage, 18, 101

GDP (gross domestic product), 4, 10, 12, 19, 44–45, 154, 155–58, 170, 171, 185, 232–33

genes, 209, 262–63

genetics, 33, 195, 209–11

gentry, 28, 58

geodesics, 131

George III of England, 81–82, 105

Gilbert, William, 44–45, 46

Gini ratio, 158

“glacial cosmogony” theory, 194

glacier melts, 286

globalization, 157, 187, 258

global warming, 23, 281–89

Glorious Revolution, 58–59

Goddard, Robert H., 216, 222

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 138, 216, 259–60

gold, 70–71

Gold, Harry, 224

Goldberg, Jonah, 193

Golden Rule, 289

Goldsmith, Oliver, 173

Graff, Jacob, 92

Graham, Loren R., 213, 239, 240–41

Grand Trunk Railway, 135

graphite, 202–3

gravity, 41, 54–55, 56, 58, 68, 135, 262

Great Depression, 246

“Great Leap Forward,” 226

Greek Fire, 267–68

Greeks, ancient, 35–36, 47–48

Greeley, Horace, 133

Greenglass, David, 223, 224

greenhouse gases, 281–88

Gross, Paul R., 258–59

group predictions, 29–34

Groves, Leslie, 203

“gunboat diplomacy,” 146

gunpowder, 215


Hahn, Otto, 196, 198–99

Hallervorden, Julius, 196

Hamas, 270

Hamilton, Alexander, 102–3

Hand, Billings Learned, 18

Han Minzhu, 229n happiness, 155–56

Harrington, James, 96

Harris, John, 92

Harvey, William, 46, 96

Hausdorff, Felix, 198

Hayek, Friedrich, 26, 149, 159, 184, 185–86

Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 146

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 206–7

Heidegger, Martin, 238, 241–44

Heilbroner, Robert L., 173

Heisenberg, Werner, 198, 202

Helsinki Accords, 214

Hemings, Sally, 106

Herbert, Ulrich, 197

hereditary rule, 82–83

heredity, 30, 33

heroin, 193

Herschel, William, 79, 249–50, 283

Hertz, Heinrich, 129

Hessen, Boris, 238–41

Higher Superstition (Levitt and Gross), 259

High Noon (movie), 134

Hilbert, David, 197

Hiroshima, 191–92, 224

Historical and Critical Dictionary (Bayle), 64

History of England (Macaulay), 59–60

History of Java (Barrow), 145

Hitler, Adolf, 125–26, 194–95, 197–98, 243–44, 258

Hizb ut-Tahrir, 273

Hobbes, Thomas, 20

Högbom, Arvid, 284

Holland’s Golden Age, 63–68

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 166, 265

Holton, Gerald, 34, 251

Homestead Act of 1862, 166 homo economicus, 189–90

homosexual marriage. See gay marriage

Hooke, Robert, 54

Hörbiger, Hanns, 194

Hortus Cliffortianus (Linnaeus), 66

Hortus Malabaricus (van Rheede), 138

House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 45

Howell, Wilbur Samuel, 93

How the West Grew Rich (Rosenberg and Birdzell), 158–59

Hubble, Edwin, 262

human fallibility, 103, 231

human ignorance, 72–73

human rights, 12, 101, 187–88, 204

Humboldt, Alexander von, 7–8

Hume, David, 58, 115, 116, 174, 180, 248

hunger, 169–70

Hunt, Leigh, 152

hunter-gatherers, 118–19

Huntington, Samuel, 267

Huntsman, Benjamin, 97

Husain, Ed, 272–73

Hussein, Saddam, 270

Husserl, Edmund, 243–44

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 72

Huygens, Christiaan, 41, 68, 133

hydrogen bombs, 224–25

hydrometers, 54

hypotheses, 55–56, 114–15


ibn Saud, Muhammad, 269

ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles), 212, 218–19

ice ages, 285–86

illiteracy, 154–55

imperialism, 142–48

income inequalities, 156–59

India, 11, 143, 147, 158

India Act of 1784, 143

induction, 45–49, 247–48

Industrial Revolution, 129–30, 154, 159

InnoCentive, 32

Inquisition, 44, 45

intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 212, 218–19

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 287

International Geophysical Year, 219, 32

invariance, 26, 289–90

“invisible hand,” 177, 180

Iowa Electronic Markets, 31–32

Iran, 11–12, 12, 45, 276, 277, 290

Iraq, 147, 269, 270

Islam, 10–12, 266–79

communism and, 271–72

Islamism vs., 267, 277–78

Islamist, The (Husain), 272–73

“isochronism,” 41

Israel, Johathan I., 66–67

Italian Renaissance, 35–45 


James I of England, 58–59

James II of England, 58, 59–61

Jaspers, Karl, 244

Jay, John, 102–3, 111

Jefferson, Martha, 91

Jefferson, Thomas, 89–95, 96, 107–8

Bacon, Locke, and Newton portrait, 6

Bayle’s Historical and Critical Dictionary and, 64

church and state separation and, 280

Declaration of Independence and, 89–90, 92–94, 102

freedom of the press and, 105–7

French Revolution and, 111

Paine and, 76, 78, 80–81, 86

patents and, 188

rationalists and, 114n slavery and, 99–100

“Jefferson Bible,” 94

Jeffreys, George, 60

Jesus of Nazareth, 74–75, 85, 290 jihad, 273–75

Johnson, Barbara, 242

Johnson, Lyndon, 220

Johnson, Samuel, 79, 98, 173

Jones, John Paul, 119

Jones, Reginald Victor, 201–2

Joravsky, David, 210

Jordan, 276

Jordan, George Racey, 222–23

Judt, Tony, 246

Junto, 151


Kabila, Laurent-Désiré, 187

Kaczynski, Theodore, 196

Kang Sheng, 226

Kant, Immanuel, 72n, 289

Kapitsa, Pyotr, 208

Kay, John, 97

Keane, John, 81

Keats, John, 152

Keeling, Charles David, 285

Kelly, William, 130

Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson), 20, 132, 138

Kemble, Fanny, 131

Kennedy, John F., 94–95, 219–22

Kenya, 155

Kepler, Johannes, 54–55

Kermode, Frank, 242

Keynes, John Maynard, 182–86, 265

Khan, Sayyid Ahmad, 269

Khomeini, Ruhollah Musavi, 278

Khrushchev, Nikita, 8, 219–20

Killian, James, 220

Kim Jong-il, 230–31

King of Prussia, 78

Kirkpatrick, Evron, 245

Kissinger, Henry, 192

knowingness, 257

Kooman, Arnost, 240

Kopolev, Lev, 208

Koran. See Quran

Korea, 23–24

Korolyov, Sergey, 218–20

Kovalev, Sergei, 215

Kuhn, Thomas, 241, 247, 249–52

Ku Klux Klan, 19 !Kung Bushmen, 118

Kuwait, 276


Lafayette, George Washington, 126

Lafayette, marquis de, Gilbert du Motier, 74, 84, 109, 126

Lagrange, Joseph Louis, 112

Laird, Macgregor, 146

laissez-faire economics, 176–80, 182–83

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste, 112, 209

Landau, Lev, 228

land-reform policy, 166–67

Laplace, Pierre Simon de, 112

Latour, Bruno, 255–56

Laval, Pierre, 246

Lavoisier, Antoine, 54, 112, 124

Law of Suspects, 124

LeClerc, Jean, 62

Ledbetter, Huddie William (Leadbelly), 260

Lee, Tsung-Dao, 225

Leland, John, 280

Le Monde (Descartes), 52

Lend-Lease Act, 222, 223

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 228, 230, 231, 233, 240, 252, 275

Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 211

Leopold II of Belgium, 146, 147

Le Soir, 242–43

Letter Concerning Toleration (Locke), 17–18, 61, 63, 69–70

Le Vasseur, Thérèse, 116

Levine, Alan J., 195

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 243

Levitt, Norman, 257, 258–59

Lewis, Bernard, 268, 271–72

Lewis, Sinclair, 152–53

liberal, use of term, 17

liberal democracy, use of term, 20–21

liberalism, 16–34

accomplishments of, 17

change and creativity and, 22–23, 25–27

defined, 16–17, 20–21

democracy and, 27–29

Dutch Golden Age and, 66–67

equal rights and, 17–18

ideal of, 18

induction’s role in, 46

inherent problems with, 18–19

political spectrum, 20–25

role of government, 19

scientific basis of, 19–20

tolerance and, 17–18

totalitarianism vs., 244–46

wisdom of crowds, 29–34

liberty, use of term, 3

liberty and science, 1–15

five assertions, 4–5

Middle East and, 10–12

totalitarian regimes, 7–9

life expectancy, 153–54, 171

lightbulbs, 136–37

Lilienthal, Otto, 193–94

Lincoln, Abraham, 94, 102, 103

Linde, Andrei, 214

Link, Perry, 229–30

Linnaeus, Carl, 66

literacy, 10, 27, 154–55

“live capital,” 166

Locke, John, 6, 17–18, 20, 61–63, 67–74, 92, 115, 258, 262

Locke, Joseph, 131

logic, 48, 247

“logocentric,” 238

Lolo, Joseph, 155

London Zoological Society, 145

Loomis, Alfred, 200–201

Los Alamos, 203

Louisiana Purchase, 86

Louis XIV of France, 64

Louis XV of France, 109

Louis XVI of France, 84, 109, 110–11, 122

Lukacs, Georg, 208

Lukyanenko, I. E., 211

Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich, 208–12

Lysenko Affair, The (Joravsky), 210


Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 59–60

McCarthy, Mary, 242

McClosky, Herbert, 245

McElroy, Neil, 221

McEwan, Ian, 265–66

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 18, 37

Mackay, Charles, 28

Madison, James, 89–90, 96, 102–3, 111

magnetism, 44–45

Malebranche, Nicolas de, 112

Malthus, Daniel, 180

Malthus, Thomas, 169–70, 180–81, 186

Manchester, William, 171

Mandeville, Bernard, 175

Manhattan Project, 191, 199, 202–3

Manley, James R., 87

Manual for Gentlemen (Castiglione), 37

Mao Zedong, 8, 226–27, 228, 230

Marat, Jean-Paul, 115, 123–25

Marconi, Guglielmo, 128–29

Marie Antoinette, 110, 122

maritime trade, and the Dutch, 63–64

Marsden, William, 145

Marshall, Alfred, 182, 186, 188–89

Martin, Benjamin, 79

Marx, Karl, 204–6, 211

Marxism, 239–40

Mary II of England, 61, 69

matches, 54

materialism, 20, 143

Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Newton). See Principia mathematics, 52–53, 68, 94

Maududi, Abul Ala, 273

Maurice of Nassau, 52

Maxwell, James Clerk, 129, 138–39, 140

Mayhew, Henry, 50

Mead, Margaret, 264

Medaris, John Bruce, 221

Medvedev, Zhores, 213

Meitner, Lise, 198–99

memento mori, 64

Mendel, Gregor, 226

Mendeleyev, Dmitry, 8

Mengele, Josef, 196

mercantilism, 178

Merchant, Carolyn, 255

Mercier, Louis-Sébastien, 86

Merian, Maria Sibylla, 66

Merton, Robert K., 236–37

methane, 81, 281, 284, 286

“method of d’Hondt,” 94

Micaud, Charles A., 246–47

Michelangelo, 37, 39

microscopes, 64, 70

Middle East, 10–12, 266–79. See also Islam

Milky Way, 262

Mill, James, 181

Mill, John Stuart, 16–17, 19, 28, 52–53, 181–84, 186

Miller, H. Lyman, 231

Milton, John, 45

Mises, Ludwig von, 18, 20

mobs, 28–29

Molotov, Vyacheslav, 224

Molyneux, William, 62

Mona Lisa (da Vinci), 38

monarchy, 13, 61, 81–83, 84–85, 192–93

money, 40

Monroe, James, 74

Montesquieu, baron de, Charles-Louis de Secondat, 112, 115, 188

morality, 279–80, 289–91

Morgan, Thomas, 226

Morris, William, 163

Morrison, Philip, 191–92

Morse, Samuel F. B., 132

Muhammad, 267

Müller, Max, 244

“multitude, the,” 28–29

Murngin Aborigines, 118

Murrow, Edward R., 220

Muslim Brotherhood, 270–71, 272

Mussolini, Benito, 203

mutual aid, as ideal of liberalism, 18

mutual assured destruction (MAD), 212–13

Mystery of Capital, The (de Soto), 165


Nabhani, Taqiuddin al-, 273

Nagasaki, 191–92, 224

Napoleon Bonaparte, 88, 126–27, 160, 268

Nasiri, Omar, 273–74

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 271

National Telegraphic Union, 132

natural laws, 6, 73

natural Man, 117–19

natural rights, doctrine of, 6, 61, 73–74

natural selection, 181, 262

Nazi Germany, 7–8, 20–21, 192–203, 243–44, 258

eugenics and, 30–31, 196

Needham, Joseph, 159–60, 195, 203, 236

“Negro’s Complaint, The” (Cowper), 189

neoconservativism, 23

neoliberalism, 23

Neptune, 250

neural Darwinism, 266

New Amsterdam, 64

New Atlantis (Bacon), 50–51

Newcomen, Thomas, 130

“new man,” 149

Newton, Isaac, 6, 40, 44, 54–56, 60, 262. See also Principia

New York Sun, 136

New York Times, 154, 214–15, 286

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 21

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 270 9/11

attacks (2001), 266–67, 271, 277–78

Nixon, Richard, 160, 182

nonpartisan, liberalism as, 17

North Korea, 23–24, 230–31

Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 90, 99

Nozick, Robert, 26

nuclear fission, 198–99

nuclear weapons, 191–92, 195, 202–3, 212–13, 215, 218–19, 222–25


Obama, Barack Hussein, 290

Oberth, Hermann, 216, 222

observations, 3, 45, 48–49

Oceana (Harrington), 96

oil painting, and the Dutch, 65–66

oil reserves, 269

Old Holland Oil Color Factory, 65

Oliver Twist (Dickens), 163

On the Origin of Inequality (Rousseau), 117–18

Open Society and Its Enemies (Popper), 207

Opium War, 146

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 191, 203

optics, 55, 56, 65, 79

Optics (Newton), 56

Origin of Species (Darwin), 30, 33

Orlov, Yuri, 214

Orwell, George, 278

“ostentation of dispute,” 48

Ottoman Empire, 267–69

Oxford University, 59–60, 62–63

oxygen, 54


Pacioli, Luca, 40

Paine, Thomas, 74–88, 94, 109, 111, 113, 122, 126

paradigm shifts, 249–51

Paris Exposition (1900), 137

Parker, Theodore, 75

Parsons, Talcott, 237

Pascal, Blaise, 52, 112, 133

Pasha, Sadik Rifat, 268

Passmore, John, 150

Pasteur, Louis, 160

Patent Office, U.S., 161, 188

patents, 161, 188

PCs (personal computers), 160–61

Peacock, Thomas Love, 142

Pearson, Karl, 33

Peenemünde, 217

pendulums, 41

Peng Dehuai, 226–27

Pennsylvania Journal, 100

Pennsylvania Magazine, 77–78

Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 99

Penydarren, 130

Pepys, Samuel, 6

perfect democracy (perfection), 14

Perfectibility of Man, The (Passmore), 150

Perle, Richard, 274

Peru, 164–67

Petty, William, 175

phenomenology, 243–44

Philip II of Spain, 64

Phillips, H. B., 27, 129

philosophy, 47–48, 52, 113–15

physics, 68–69, 214

“pigsty,” 163

Pitt, William, 174

Planck, Max, 8, 193, 198

Plass, Gilbert, 285

Plato, 28, 47, 95, 150

Pluche, Noël-Antoine, 114

Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 269

Poisson, Siméon Denis, 112

Poland, 183

Polanyi, Michael, 192, 206

Political Arithmetic (Petty), 175

Poor Laws, 163

Poor Richard’s Almanack, 151

Popper, Karl, 207, 241, 247–49, 251–52

population growth, 169–70

positron, 251

postmodernism. See academic antiscience

Postmodern Pooh (Crews), 259

poststructuralism, 243

poverty, 186–89

power of science, 5, 128–48

clocks, 133–34

colonialism and imperialism, 142–48

dynamos, 134–35, 138–40

Edison and, 135–38

Einstein and, 139–41

Faraday and, 134–35

rail travel, 130–34, 152–53

steam engines, 129–30

telegraphs, 132–33

Pownall, Thomas, 96

predictions markets, 31–32

prejudice, 84, 150

Priestley, Joseph, 45, 50, 54, 92, 122, 137, 147, 152

Prince, The (Machiavelli), 37

Principia (Newton), 54–56

axioms in, 92n

Hessen and, 238–39

Locke and, 61–62, 68, 69, 70

as principal Enlightenment catalyst, 6, 58

Principles of Political Economy (Mill), 181–82

printing presses, 40, 106

productivity, 20, 172, 181, 188, 226, 232, 288

progress, 149–67

de Soto and, 164–67

economic inequality and, 156–59

education and literacy, 154–55

Franklin and, 151–53

GDP and, 154, 155–58

urbanization and, 161–64

progressivism, 17, 21–24, 290

“proliferation,” 254

property rights, 61, 73, 111, 118, 164–67, 187–88

Ptolemy, Claudius, 42, 55, 249

public, the, 28–29

public schools, 12

pure science vs. applied science, 97–98


Qatar, 269, 276, 277

Quakerism, 78

qualitative thinking, 288

quality of life, 155–56

quantitative ethics, 289

quantum physics, 193, 197–98

Quesnay, François, 177–78

Quilliam Foundation, 278

Quran, 267, 269–72, 275, 278, 289

Qutb, Sayyid, 270–71


race, and science, 98–99

radar, 199–201

Raffles, Thomas Stamford, 144

railroads (rail travel), 130–34, 152–53

Randall, John Herman, 38, 115, 125–26

R&D. See research and development rationalism, 18, 114, 115, 125

Reagan, Ronald, 19, 168, 185

Reign of Terror, 86, 113–14, 115, 122–25

relativity, 139–41, 160, 193, 239–40

religion. See also Christianity; Islam ethical systems and, 289–91

Franklin on, 151, 153

Jefferson on, 94

liberalism and, 18

Paine on, 85, 87–88

religious dogmatism, 265–66, 279–80

Islamism, 267, 271–72, 277–78

Remak, Robert, 198

Rembrandt van Rijn, 65, 66, 67n

Renaissance, 1–2, 35–54

research and development (R&D), 12, 156, 232, 275

Revolutions. See American Revolution; Chinese Cultural Revolution; French


Rhodes, Richard, 222–23

Ricardo, David, 181

Ridgway, Robert, 162

Rights of Man (Paine), 84

Riley, James C., 154

Ringen, Stein, 14

rise of science, 35–56

Bacon and, 45–51

Boyle and, 53–54

Descartes and, 45–46, 52–53

Galileo and, 40–45

Isaac Newton’s Principia and, 54–56

Italian Renaissance and, 35–40

Ritter, Robert, 196

Robespierre, Maximilien, 86, 115, 120–23

Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 142

rocketry, 212–13, 215–25

Rohatyn, Felix, 187

Romans, ancient, 35–36, 47–48

Romanticism, 115–16, 117

Rømer, Olaus, 62

Röntgen, Wilhelm Konrad, 193

Roosevelt, Theodore, 88

Rosenberg, Ethel, 224

Rosenberg, Julius, 224

Rosenberg, Nathan, 158–59

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 28, 115–20, 123, 125–26, 264

Royal Geographical Society, 144

Royal Institution, 135

Royal Society, 51, 58, 70

Rubenstein, Colin, 276

Rüdin, Ernst, 196

Rumpf, George, 66

Rush, Benjamin, 75–76, 95

Rushdie, Salman, 278

Russell, William, 63

Russia, 25, 203–4. See also Soviet Union

Rust, Bernhard, 197

Rutherford, Ernest, 262


Sachs, Jeffrey D., 186

Sagan, Carl, 103–4

Sagredo, Giovanni, 43

Sahl, Mort, 217

Saint-Just, Louis Antoine de, 121

Sakharov, Andrei, 214–15, 234

Saks, Stanislaw, 198

Saleh, Fouad Ali, 275

Santayana, George, 115

Sardar, Ziauddin, 275

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 243

Sarwar, Ghulam, 272

Saudi Arabia, 155–56, 269, 271, 272, 276

Saussure, Horace, 283–84

Savonarola, Girolamo, 37

Schoenheimer, Rudolf, 196

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 206–7

Schrödinger, Erwin, 197


of Enlightenment. See Enlightenment

liberalism and. See liberalism

liberty and, 1–15

origins and use of term, 3

power of. See power of science

progress and. See progress

rise of. See rise of science

of wealth. See economics

Science, 251

Science and Civilization in China (Needham), 159–60

Science of Logic (Hegel), 206

scientia, use of term, 3

scientific ethics, 290–91

“scientism,” 227

secular democracy, 12

secularism, 279

self-correcting liberal democracies as, 4, 231

science as, 4, 13

“self-evident,” use in Declaration of Independence, 92

Seneca, 175

sewing machines, 129

Sforza, Ludovico, 38

sharia, 273

Shaw, George Bernard, 265

Sherman, Roger, 95

Shubin, Semyon, 208

Shubnikov, Lev, 208

Sidereus Nuncius (Galileo), 42

Sidney, Algernon, 63

Siemens, Werner von, 139

Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph (Abbé), 110–11

Sigerist, Henry E., 236

Singer sewing machines, 129

Skinner, B. F., 150

slavery, 98–101

slums, 162–64

Small, William, 93

smelting, 96, 128, 130

Smith, Adam, 116, 173–80, 185, 186

Smolin, Lee, 104

social activity, science as a, 5

“social contracts,” 61

socialism, 19, 24, 46, 187

Social Security, 184

Social Text, 256–57

Sokal, Alan, 243, 256–57

solar eclipse, 90

solar time, 133–34

Soroush, Abdul Karim, 276–77

South Korea, 23–24

Soviet Academy of Sciences, 8, 45, 213

Soviet Union, 8, 192, 207–25

space exploration, 217–22

space-time continuum, 140–41

Spinoza, Benedict de, 64–65, 72n

Sputnik, 192, 219–20

squatters, 164–66

Stalin, Joseph, 8, 207–8, 209, 212, 224, 226

Standard Social Science Model, 264

stature, 153

Staudinger, Hermann, 244

steam engines, 129–30

Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle), 28

Stephenson, George, 130, 131

Stephenson, Robert, 131

Stern, Nicholas, 282–83

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 137

Stradivari, Antonio, 38–39

Strassmann, Fritz, 198–99

Strato of Lampsacus, 3

string theory, 53

Stromberg, Roland, 28

structuralism, 243

Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn), 249, 251

Strutt, William, 129

Struve, Vasily, 8

Stuart, John, 91

Summa de Arithmetica (Pacioli), 40

superconductivity, 160

superstition, 6, 51

supply and demand, 182

Surowiecki, James, 31

Sweden, 24

Swiss Polytechnic Institute, 139–40

Sydenham, Thomas, 62

syllogisms, 48, 93

System of Logic (Mill), 181

Szilárd, Leó, 197


Taiwan, 23–24

Talbi, Mohammed, 276

Taliban, 275

Tallien, Jean-Lambert, 122–23

tax policy, 24, 183, 185

Taylor, John, 102

technological innovations, 96–97, 128–29, 159–60, 169

Telegrapher, The, 132

telegraphs, 132–33

telephones, 129

telescopes, 42, 70

Ten Commandments, 289

Tennyson, Alfred, 28

Terrible, 78

Terror, the. See Reign of Terror

Tesla, Nikola, 138

Thatcher, Margaret, 19

theology, 47–48

thermodynamics, 128, 132, 138, 248

Thomas, Elizabeth M., 118

Thomas, Lewis, 12–13

Thomson, Thomas, 58

Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin), 20, 132, 138

Thoreau, Henry David, 28, 152

Thornton, Edward, 132

“thought centers,” 129

Thucydides, 141

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, 229, 229n

Tizard, Henry Thomas, 200

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 97–98, 125

tolerance, 17–18

totalitarian antiscience (totalitarianism), 7–9, 191–235

China, 225–33

liberalism vs., 244–46

Marx and Engels, 204–7

Nazi Germany, 192–203

Soviet Union, 207–25

trade barriers, 172, 177

transoceanic cables, 132

Traube, Wilhelm, 198

Tredgold, Thomas, 131

Trevelyan, G. M., 59

Trevithick, Richard, 130

Trosanquet, Pierre, 97

Trotsky, Leon, 235

Truman, Harry, 19, 168, 224–25

Trumbull, John, 111

Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 216, 218, 222

Tsui, Daniel C., 225

Tull, Jethro, 96

Turkey, 203–4

“twins paradox,” 140–41

Two Treatises of Government (Locke), 61, 63, 70

Tyler, Patrick E., 154

Tyndall, John, 129, 284


Udet, Ernst, 200

Uganda, 155

United Arab Emirates, 276, 277

United Nations Human Development Index, 155

universality of science, 230

universal peace, as ideal of liberalism, 18

University of Chicago, 182–83

University of Glasgow, 130, 173, 174

University of Padua, 42–43

University of Pisa, 40–41

Uranus, 79, 249–50

urbanization, 161–64


Van Allen, James, 221

Van Allen belts, 221

van Gogh, Theo, 278

Vanguard, 219–22

van Leeuwenhoek, Antony, 65

van Rheede, Hendrik Adriaan, 66

van Ruisdael, Jacob, 65

Vavilov, Nikolai, 211–12

velcro, 160

Venetian Republic, 36–37, 38, 41–43

Venus, 282

Vermeer, Johannes, 65

Verne, Jules, 216

Verschuer, Otmar Freiherr von, 196

Vinta, Belisario, 43

Vitt, Alexander, 208

Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), 28, 51, 58, 69, 115, 116

von Braun, Wernher, 216–18, 219, 221

V-1 rockets, 192, 217

von Neumann, John, 197

von Pohl, Gustav Freiherr, 194

voting rights, 101

V-2 rockets, 192, 217


Wahhab, Abdul, 269

Wahhabism, 269

Walden; or, Life in the Woods (Thoreau), 152

Wallace, William, 136

Wallis, John, 62

Ward, Seth, 62

Warren, Earl, 31

Washington, George, 95, 105

Napoleon and, 126–27

Paine and, 75–76, 81

slavery and, 100–101

squatters and, 166

Washington, John Augustine, 75

Watson, Jon, 264

Watson-Watt, Robert, 200

Watt, James, 27, 130

Watts, Gregory, 134

wealthrole of, 10

science of. See economics

Wealth of Nations (Smith), 173–80

Weart, Spencer R., 284, 285

Weber, Heinrich Friedrich, 139–40

Weimar Republic, 193

Wells, H. G., 264–65

Wentzler, Ernst, 196

Westinghouse, George, 137–38

West of England Fat Stock and Poultry Exhibition, 29, 31, 33

“wet-on-wet” painting techniques, 66

What Is the Third Estate? (Sieyès), 110–11

Whigs, 58, 61, 81

Whitehead, Alfred North, 3, 13

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (TV show), 31

Wilders, Geert, 278

Wilkins, John, 62

William III of Orange, 61, 68

Williams, Bernard, 53

Wilson, Woodrow, 265

Winthrop, John, 95

wisdom of crowds, 29–34

Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki), 31

Wordsworth, William, 36, 131

World War I, 193

World War II, 7, 246

Wuer Kaixi, 229n


x-rays, 193


Yang, Chen-Ning Franklin, 225

Yeltsin, Boris, 234

Yorke, Redman, 78

Young Egypt Society, 271


Zabotin, Nicolai, 224

Zarlino, Gioseffo, 40

Zeppelin, Ferdinand von, 194

Zhao Ziyang, 231

Zhu De, 227

Zulus, 146

Zyklon B., 196