
[1] Granby Drummer. (2018, March 1). TIOSN presents: Soil, plant and human health effects of glyphosate . Retrieved from https://granbydrummer.com/2018/03/tiosn-presents-soil-plant-and-human-health-effects-of-glyphosate/

[2] Horton, R. (2015). Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?. The Lancet , 385(9976), p1380 

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

Chapter 1: Force of nature

[6] Google. (2018, December 16). Henry George Surgeon, Surgeon Extraordinaire to H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&biw=664&bih=643&tbm=bks&ei=pFkWXK6XOqWJ0gLuwpHIBA&q=Henry+George+Surgeon%2C+Surgeon+Extraordinary+to+H.+R.+H.+the+Duke+of+Gloucester&oq=Henry+George+Surgeon%2C+Surgeon+Extraordinary+to+H.+R.+H.+the+Duke+of+Gloucester&gs_l=psy-ab.3...90762.94495.0.94914.

[7] Henry, George. (1833). A Compendious History of Small-pox (pp. 103-104). London: Idotson and Palmer, Churchill.

[8] Ibid. (p. 107).

[9] Ibid. (p. 112).

[10] “The thirteen departments of apotropaic medicine”, which was written sometime after 1456 AD. This is not the oldest source of variolation. The first account of variolation mentioned, is rumored to be in Ishino, which is a collection of Chinese medical sources from 982 AD.

[11] Needham, J., Gwei-Djen, L. and Sivin, N. (2004). Science and Civilisation in China, Vol 6-6 Biology and Biological Technology Medicine (p. 160) . United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press,

[12] Ibid. (pp. 141-142). 

[13] According to Joseph Needham In Science and Civilsation in China , Vol 6-6 Biology and Biological Technology Medicine Yu was also “called the ‘strange man’ “who brought the inoculation procedure to Ning-kuo prefecture an alchemical adept.” See footnote p. 154.

[14] Needham, J., Gwei-Djen, L. and Sivin, N. (2004). Science and Civilisation in China, Vol 6-6 Biology and Biological Technology Medicine (p. 134). United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2004, 134. 

[15]   Timonius, E. and Woodward, J. (1753). An Account, or History, of the Procuring the Small Pox by Incision, or Inoculation; As it Has for Some Time Been Practised at Constantinople, Philosophical Transactions (Vol. 29., No. 339., p. 73). England: Royal Society of London

[16] Ibid.

[17] Prisoners on death row. They received an offer from the queen that whoever took part in the experiment would be pardoned. All six prisoners in the experiment willingly agreed to take part in it. They all survived and as promised, were released after experiment was over. 

[18] Johnson, Ben. (n.d.). Newgate Prison Wall . Retrieved from  https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/Newgate-Prison-Wall/

[19] Behbehani, A.M. (1983). The Smallpox Story: Life and Death of an Old Disease. Microbiological Reiews , 47(4), 462.

[20] Creighton, C. (1894). A History of Epidemics in Britain. Vol II From the Extinction of Plague to the present time (p. 519). London: C.J. Clay, M.A and Sons, Cambridge University Press Warehouse.

Chapter 2: From magic to medicine

[21]  Ledingham, J.C.G. (1935). The Comparative Study of Clinically Allied Viruses: Some unsolved Problems of Edward Jenner. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine , 29(2), 73-74.

[22] Ibid.

[23] Ibid.

[24] Ibid.

[25] Griffiths, J. (1984). Doctor Thomas Dimsdale, and Smallpox in Russia. Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal ,  January. Retrieved from https://europepmc.org/backend/ptpmcrender.fcgi?accid=PMC5077001&blobtype=pdf

[26] Fenner, F., Henderson, D.A., Arita., Jezek, Z., and Ladnyi, I.D. (1988). Smallpox and its Eradication (Table 6.1, p. 247). Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.

[27] Winthrop, A., Winthrop, J.,Winthrop F. and Winthrop W. (1628). Winthrop Papers (p. 167). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society.

[28] Harvard University. (n.d.). Increase Mather . Retrieved from https://www.harvard.edu/about-harvard/harvard-glance/history-presidency/increase-mather

[29] Mather, I. (1864). Early History of New England (pp. 110-111).   Boston: Samuel G. Drake; and Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell.

[30] The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. (n.d.). The History of Vaccines . Retrieved from https://www.historyofvaccines.org/content/indian-plague

[31] Boylston, Z. (1726). An Historical Account of the Small-pox Inoculated in New England (p. 53). London: Printed for S. CHANDLER, at the Cross-Keys in the Poultry . Edwards & Broughton.

[32] Crookshank, E. (1889). History and Pathology of Vaccination, Vol I (p. 39). London: H.K Lewis.

[33] Ibid. (p. 39-40).

[34] Gross, C.P. and Sepkowitz, K.A. (1998). The Myth of the Medical Breakthrough: Smallpox, Vaccination, and Jenner Reconsidered. International Journal of Infectious Diseases , 57.

[35]   Beall, O., Shryock, R. (1968). Cotton Mather: First Significant Figure in American Medicine (p. 171). Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press.

[36] Ibid. (p. 172).

[37] Ibid. (p. 200).

[38] Ibid. (pp. 114-115).

[39] Hostetter, M.K. (2012). What We Don’t See. N Engl J Med , 366, 1328-1334.

Chapter 3: The medicine man

[40] The Jenner Institute. (n.d.). About Edward Jenner . Retrieved from http://www.jenner.ac.uk/edward-jenner

[41] Farnaud, S. (2009). The Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research: 39 years of Replacement Science. ATLA , 37(2), 39.

[42] Hadwen W. (1896). The Case Against Vaccination . [An address at Goddard’s assembly rooms, Gloucester, Jan 25). Retrieved from http://soilandhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/02/0201hyglibcat/020119hadwin/020119hadwenrallytalk.html

[43] His “Cuckoo research” can be read in more detail in Dr. Charles Creighton’s book: Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History .

[44]   Hadwen W. (1896). The Case Against Vaccination . [An address at Goddard’s assembly rooms, Gloucester, Jan 25]. Retrieved from http://soilandhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/02/0201hyglibcat/020119hadwin/020119hadwenrallytalk.html

[45]  Ibid.

[46] James Phipps is said to have died from consumption (Tuberculosis) at age 20. Jenner also vaccinated his son on more than one occasion, who also died of consumption at age 21. There have been arguments that link consumption to be an effect of the smallpox vaccine.

[47] Variolae Vaccinae means Smallpox of the cow. It is a misleading phrase used only in the heading. Not once does it appear in the pamphlet. Considering the fact that many scientists and physicians would only read the heading and the abstract, it erroneously, became widely assumed that cowpox was the same as smallpox of the cow.

[48] Jenner, E. (1798). An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae . [Pamphlet]. London: Sampson Low.

[49] Grease is an infection on the hooves of a horse.

[50] Jenner, E. (1798). An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae . [Pamphlet, p. 36]. London: Sampson Low.

[51] Jenner, E. (1802). An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae . [Pamphlet, p. 59]. Springfield: Ashley & Brewer.

[52] British Medical Association., Kirtland, G., McVail, John., John, C., Hime, T.W., and Royal College of Surgeons of England. (1896). Records of an old Medical Society: Some Unpublished Manuscripts of Edward Jenner. The British Medical Journal , 1298.

[53] Baron, J. (1838). Life of Edward Jenner, M.D. London: Henry Colburn,

[54] Wikipedia. (2018, June 6). Edgar Crookshank . Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Crookshank

[55] Crookshank, E.M. (1889). History and Pathology of Vaccination (Vol. 1, p. 424). Philadelphia: P. Blackiston.

[56] Ibid (p. 464).

[57] Ibid (p. 465-466).

Chapter 4: Beginning of vaccine era

[58]   Franco-Paredes, C., Lammoglia, L. and Santos-Preciado, J. (2005). The Spanish Royal Philanthropic Expedition to Bring Smallpox Vaccination to the New World and Asia in the 19th Century. Clinical Infectious Diseases , 41(9), 1285-1289. https://doi.org/10.1086/496930

[59] Ibid.

[60] Ibid.

[61] Ibid.

[62] The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. (n.d.). The History of Vaccines . Retrieved from https://www.historyofvaccines.org/no-view/philadelphia-lazaretto-built

[63] Waterhouse, B. (1802). A Prospect of exterminating the Small Pox Part II (p. 22). Cambridge: The University Press.

[64] The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. (n.d.). The History of Vaccines (Timeline: 1802 Vaccination Endorsed). Retrieved from https://www.historyofvaccines.org/timeline#EVT_60

[65] Buffalo, Public Library., Gluck, J.F., and Elmendorf, T.W. (1899). Descriptive Catalogue of the Gluck Collection (p. 64). Buffalo, New York: The Matthews-Northrup Co.

Chapter 5: Live/attenuated vaccines

[66]   U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2018, May 9). Vaccines for Children - A Guide for Parents and Caregivers . Retrieved from https://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/ucm345587.htm

[67] Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Immunology and Vaccine-Preventable Diseases . Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/prinvac.pdf

[68] Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). General Recommendations on Immunization . Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/genrec.pdf

[69] The Embryo Project Encyclopedia. (2014, July 20).  Leonard Hayflick (1928-) . Retrieved from https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/leonard-hayflick-1928

[70] The Embryo Project Encyclopedia. (2014, November 12). The Hayflick Limit . Retrieved from https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/hayflick-limit

[71] World Association For Vaccine Education (WAVE). (n.d.). African Green Monkey Kidney Cells . Retrieved from  http://novaccine.com/vaccine-ingredients/african-green-monkey-kidney-cells/

[72] Wikipedia. (2018, December 15). Esperanto . Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto

[73] Oshinsky, D. (2006). Polio: An American Story (p. 154). United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

[74] Ibid.

[75] Ibid. (p. 155).

[76] Ibid.

[77] Ibid.

[78] Ibid. (p. 156).

[79] Harvard T.H. Chan. (n.d.). Faculty and Research Directory . Retrieved from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/marc-lipsitch/

[80] James, S. M. (2005, September 30). How Many People Could Bird Flu Kill? . Retrieved from https://abcnews.go.com/Health/Flu/story?id=1173856

[81] National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID). (n.d.). Stanley A. Plotkin, MD . [Award]. Retrieved from http://www.nfid.org/awards/plotkin.pdf

[82] Buckley, M. (2009, July 01). MTS30 - Stanley Plotkin - The Past, Present, and Future of Vaccines . Retrieved from   https://www.asm.org/index.php/podcasts/meet-the-microbiologist/item/3002-mts30-stanley-plotkin-the-past-present-and-future-of-vaccines

[83] Plotkin, S.A., Farquhar, J.D., Katz, M. and Buser, F. (1969). Attenuation of RA 27/3 Rubella Virus in WI-38 Human Diploid Cells. Amer J Dis Child , 118

[84] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007, October 22). Vaccine Safety . Retrieved from http://web.archive.org/web/20130522091608/http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/updates/archive/polio_and_cancer_factsheet.htm or http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/updates/archive/polio_and_cancer_factsheet.htm (This page has been removed).

Chapter 6: Altered germ

[85] World Health Organization. (n.d.) Module 2: Types of Vaccine and Adverse Reactions . Retrieved from https://vaccine-safety-training.org/subunit-vaccines.html

[86] Ibid.

[87] Ibid.

Chapter 7: Our own army of superheroes

[88]  Letzter, R. (2018, February 2). An Ancient Virus May Be Responsible for Human Consciousness . Retrieved from  https://www.livescience.com/61627-ancient-virus-brain.html

[89] https://www.genecards.org/cgi-bin/carddisp.pl?gene=ARC

[90] WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care Is Safer Care. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009. 4, Historical perspective on hand hygiene in health care. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK144018/

Chapter 8: The helper cell

[91]  Sykes, L., MacIntyre, D. A., Yap, X. J., Ponnampalam, S., Teoh, T. G., & Bennett, P. R. (2012). Changes in the Th1:Th2 cytokine bias in pregnancy and the effects of the anti-inflammatory cyclopentenone prostaglandin 15-deoxy-Δ(12,14)-prostaglandin J2. Mediators of inflammation , 2012, 416739.

[92] Lambers H., Piessens, S., Bloem, A., Pronk, H., and Finkel, P. (2006). Natural skin surface pH is on average below 5, which is beneficial for its resident flora.” International Journal of Cosmetic Science , 28(5), 359-370.

[93] Burnet F.M. (1968). Measles as an Index of Immunological Function. The Lancet , 292(7568), 610-613.

[94] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, May 14). Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Aged 18 Years or Younger, United States, 2018 . Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/child-adolescent.html

[95] Center for Disease Control. (n.d.). Recommended Immunization Schedule for

Children and Adolescents Aged 18 Years or Younger, UNITED STATES, 2018 . Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/child/0-18yrs-child-combined-schedule.pdf

Chapter 9: Aluminum, it’s getting on my cells

[96] Kawahara, M. and Kato-Negishi, M. (2011). Link between Aluminum and the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease: The Integration of the Aluminum and Amyloid Cascade Hypotheses. Int J Alzheimers Dis , 2011, 276393

[97] Keele University. (n.d.). Professor Chris Exley . Retrieved from https://www.keele.ac.uk/aluminium/groupmembers/chrisexley/

[98] Keele University. (n.d.). Professor Chris Exley . Retrieved from https://www.keele.ac.uk/aluminium/groupmembers/chrisexley/

[99] Keele University. (n.d.). Professor Chris Exley Publications . Retrieved from https://www.keele.ac.uk/aluminium/groupmembers/chrisexley/publications/

[100] The Hippocratic Post. (n.d.). About Us . Retrieved from https://www.hippocraticpost.com/about-us/

[101] Exley, C. (2007, November 30). Aluminium and autism . Retrieved from  https://www.hippocraticpost.com/infection-disease/aluminium-and-autism/

[102] Mold, M., Umar, D., King, A., and Exley, C. (2018). Aluminium in brain tissue in autism. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology , 46, 76-82 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2017.11.012

[103] Exley, C. (2007, November 30). Aluminium and autism . Retrieved from  https://www.hippocraticpost.com/infection-disease/aluminium-and-autism/

[104] HogenEsch, H. (2012). Mechanism of Immunopotentiation and Safety of Aluminum Adjuvants. Front Immunol , 3, 406

[105] National Kidney Foundation. (n.d.). Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) . Retrieved from https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/gfr

[106] Shaw C.A., Seneff, S., Kette, S.D., Tomljenovic, L., Oller Jr., J.W., and Davidson, R.M. (2014). Aluminum-Induced Entropy in Biological Systems: Implications for Neurological Disease. Journal of Toxicology , 2014, 491316.

[107] Ibid.

[108] Ibid.

[109] Tomljenovic, L. and Shaw C. (2011).Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe? Curr Med Chem , 18(17), 2630-2637.

[110] Shaw C., and Tomljenovic L. (2013). Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity. Immunologic Research , 56(2-3), 304-316.

[111] Ibid.

[112] Shoenfeld, Y., and Agmon-Levin, N. (2011). Autoimmuni/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. J Autoimmun , 36(1), 4-8.

[113] Watad, A., David, A., Brown, S., and Shoenfeld, Y. (2016). Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants and Thyroid Autoimmunity. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) , 7, 150.

[114] Couette M., Boisse, M.F., Maison, P., Brugieres, P., Cesaro, P., Chevalier, X., ... Authier, F.J. (2009). Long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide is associated with chronic cognitive dysfunction. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry , 103(11), 1571-1578.

[115] The World Health Organization. (n.d.). Macrophagic myofasciitis and aluminium-containing vaccines . Retrieved from http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/committee/reports/october_1999/en/

Chapter 10: Aluminum controversy

[116] Wikipedia. (2018, October 15). Paul Offit . Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Offit

[117] American Academy of Pediatrics. (2009, April). Sound Advice . [transcript of a telephone interview]. Retrieved from https://www.healthychildren.org/English/sa fety-prevention/immunizations/Documents/Offit-Transcript.pdf

[118] American Academy of Pediatrics. (2018). Healthy Children . Retrieved from https://www.healthychildren.org/English/Pages/default.aspx

[119] Ibid.

[120] Ibid.

[121] Ibid.

[122] Exley, C. (2013) Human exposure to aluminum. Environ. Scie.: Processes Impacts , 15: 1807-1816

[123] Tomljenovic, L. (2013). Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease:After a Century of Controversy,Is there a Plausible Link?. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease , 23(4), 567-598.

[124] U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2018, April 1). CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 . Retrieved from https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=610.15

Chapter 11: Definitely maybe science

[125] Kawahara, M. and Kato-Negishi, M. (2011). Link between Aluminum and the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease: The Integration of the Aluminum and Amyloid Cascade Hypotheses. Int J Alzheimers Dis , 2011, 276393

[126] Cochrane Nordic. (2018). Tom Jefferson . Retrieved from http://nordic.cochrane.org/tom-jefferson

[127] Fraser, L. (2002, October 27). Vaccines expert warns studies are useless . Retrieved from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1411417/Vaccines-expert-warns-studies-are-useless.html

[128] Ibid.

[129] Cochrane. (n.d.). About us . Retrieved from http://www.cochrane.org/about-us

[130] Jefferson, T., Rudin, M., and Pietrantonj, C.D. (2004). Adverse events after immunisation with aluminium-containing DTP vaccines: systematic review of the evidence. The Lancet , 4(2), 84-90

[131] Hart, E. (2014, July 8). [Letter to Professor Gotzche]. Retrieved from http://users.on.net/~peter.hart/Challenge_to_Cochrane_re_vax-safety_and_aluminium.pdf

[132] Hart, E. (2014, July 17). [Letter to Professor Gotzche]. Retrieved from http://users.on.net/~peter.hart/Vaccine_safety_and_aluminium_follow-up_to_Cochrane.pdf

[133] Hart, E. (n.d.). About Elizabeth Hart . [Web log post]. Retrieved from https://over-vaccination.net/about-2/  

[134] Hart, E. (2014, July 8). Vaccine safety and aluminium – a challenge to The Cochrane Collaboration . Retrieved from https://over-vaccination.net/tag/bexsero/

[135] Ibid.

[136] Ibid.

[137] University of York. (n.d.). About the University . Retrieved from https://www.york.ac.uk/about/

[138] Jefferson, T., Rudin, M., and Di, P.C., (n.d.). Adverse events after immunisation with aluminium-containing DTP vaccines: systematic review of the evidence . Retrieved from http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/crdweb/ShowRecord.asp?LinkFrom=OAI&ID=12004000414

[139] Cochrane Community. (2015, November 18). Closure of the Vaccines Field . Retrieved from http://community.cochrane.org/news/closure-vaccines-field

[140] Humphries, S. (2015, February 24). Dr Suzanne Humphries. Aluminum is toxic to all life forms: The case against aluminum in vaccines (Location in video: 31:18). [Video link]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZe99K12740

[141] Hewitson, L., Lopresti, B.J., Stott, C., Mason, N.S., and Tomko, J. (2010). Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study. Acta Neurobiol Exp , 70(2), 147-164

[142] Panksepp, B. and Bishop, P. (1981). An autoradiographic map of (3H) diprenorphine binding in rat brain: Effects of social interaction. Brain Research Bulletin , 7(4), 405-410.

[143] Leung K. [6-O-methyl-11C]Diprenorphine. (2006 May 24). [Updated 2007 May 12]. In: Molecular Imaging and Contrast Agent Database (MICAD) [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2004-2013. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK23399/

[144] Ibid.

[145] Ibid.

[146] Schumann, C.M., Bauman, M.D., and Amaral, D.G. (2010). Abnormal structure or function of the amygdala is a common component of neurodevelopmental disorders. Neuropsychologia , 49(4), 745-759.

[147] Avino, T. A., Barger, N., Vargas, M. V., Carlson, E. L., Amaral, D. G., Bauman, M. D., & Schumann, C. M. (2018). Neuron numbers increase in the human amygdala from birth to adulthood, but not in autism . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 115(14), 3710-3715.

[148] Ibid.

[149] Stanford University. (2013, November 20). Size, connectivity of brain region linked to anxiety level in young children, study shows . Retrieved from  https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2013/11/size-connectivity-of-brain-region-linked-to-anxiety-level-in-young-children-study-shows.html

[150] Schuman, C.M, Hamstra, J., Goodlin-Jones, B.L., Lotspeich, L.J., Kwon, H., Buonocore, M.H., ... Amaral, D.G. (2004). The Amygdala Is Enlarged in Children But Not Adolescents with Autism; the Hippocampus Is Enlarged at All Ages. Journal of Neuroscience , 24(28), 6392-6401.

[151] Tomljenovic, L. (2011). Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease: After a Century of Controversy, Is there a Plausible Link?. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease , 23(4): 567-598.

Chapter 12: Formaldehyde – The demolition crew

[152]  Balabanian, L., Chaudhary, A.R., and Hendricks, A.G. (2018). Traffic control inside the cell: microtubule-based regulation of cargo transport. Biochemical Society , 40(2), 14-17.

[153] Franker, M.A.M. and Hoogenraad, C.C. (2013).  Microtubule-based transport – basic mechanisms, traffic rules and role in neurological pathogenesis. Journal of Cell Science , 126, 1-11.

[154] Niehl, A., Pena, E.J., Amari, K., and Heinlein, M. (2013). Microtubules in viral replication and transport. The Plant Journal , 75, 290-308.

[155] Sultan, A., Nesslany, F., Violet, M., Bégard, S., Loyens, A., Talahari, S., Mansuroglu, Z., Marzin, D., Sergeant, N., Humez, S., Colin, M., Bonnefoy, E., Buée, L., … Galas, M. C. (2010). Nuclear tau, a key player in neuronal DNA protection. The Journal of biological chemistry , 286(6), 4566-4575.

[156] Guo, T., Noble, W. and Hanger, D.P. (2017). Roles of Tau Protein in Health and Disease.  Acta Neuropathologica , 133(5): 665–704. 

[157] The Protein Experts. (2013, May). Life Inside a Microtubule . Retrieved from http://www.cytoskeleton.com/pdf-storage/news/life-inside-a-microtubule.pdf

[158] Ibid.

Chapter 13: The right amount

[159]  Mitkus, R.J., Hess, M.A., and Schwartz S.L. (2013). Pharmacokinetic modeling as an approach to assessing the safety of residual formaldehyde in infant vaccines. Vaccine , 31(25), 2738-2743

[160] East Carolina University. (n.d.). Formalin . Retrieved from http://www.ecu.edu/cs-admin/oehs/envmgmnt/Formalin.cfm

[161] Ibid.

[162] Ibid.

[163] Nie, C. L., Wang, X. S., Liu, Y., Perrett, S., & He, R. Q. (2007). Amyloid-like aggregates of neuronal tau induced by formaldehyde promote apoptosis of neuronal cells. BMC neuroscience , 8, 9. doi:10.1186/1471-2202-8-9

[164] Chen, K., Maley, J., and Yu, P.H.  (2006). Potential implications of endogenous aldehydes in beta-amyloid misfolding, oligomerization and fibrillogenesis. J Neurochem , 99(5), 1413–1424.

[165] Hempen, B. (1996). Reduction of acetylated alpha-tubulin immunoreactivity in neurofibrillary tangle-bearing neurons in Alzheimer's disease. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol , 55(9), 964-972.

[166] American Cancer Society. (2014, May 23). Formaldehyde . Retrieved from https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/formaldehyde.html

[167] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, July 12). Ingredients of Vaccines - Fact Sheet . Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/additives.htm

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[169] Dr. Sherri. (2013, January 29). Formaldehyde in Vaccines . Retrieved from http://tenpennyimc.com/2013/01/29/formaldehyde-in-vaccines/

[170] Sullivan, J.B. Jr. and Krieger, G.R. (2001) Clinical Environmental Health and Toxic Exposures (p. 1008). Philadelphia: Lippinscott Williams & Wilkins.

[171] The units in the research paper are in mmol, and not mg. To convert mmol to mg, we need to know the molecular weight of FA, which is 30.031 g/mol. So, 0.1 mmol/L therefore equals 3.0 mg/L. https://www.convertunits.com/from/moles+Formaldehyde/to/grams

[172] Miao, J., Lu, J., Zhang, Z., Tong, Z., and He, R. (2013). The Effect of Formaldehyde on Cell Cycle Is in a Concentration-dependent Manner. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics , 40(7), 641-651.

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Chapter 14: Polysorbate 80, the ambusher

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Chapter 15: Toxins – Accumulative harmful effects

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Chapter 16: Mercury, the swift traveler

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Chapter 17: Mercury, the ungodly element

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Chapter 18: Mercury, it’s everywhere

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Chapter 19: Monosodium glutamate – Fire away!

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