
As the saying goes, writing is a lonely business.

It would be impossible to get books out into the world without a solid network of help and support. My circle is rich, and they deserve the small moments of attention here.

I could never get anywhere without the saintly team at Revell, welcoming the characters of Stoney Ridge with open arms. And deepest thanks to my editor Andrea Doering, for helping me find my best work, over and over again, and challenging me to be better than I think I can be.

Special thanks to my agent, Joyce Hart of The Hartline Literary Agency.

The Grange Hall soup kitchen is based on a true story. There is a woman in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mother Williams, who started a once-a-week soup kitchen while in her early eighties. She is nearly ninety now and still going strong. A remarkable and inspiring woman. It took five sisters in this story to match the energy and determination of one Mother Williams! Grateful to you, Becky Blakey, for filling in some details.

And last on the page, but not in my heart, thanks to my readers. The circle is not complete without you, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love hearing from you and listening to your stories.

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