The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
Abrams, Elliot M.
Adams, Robert M.
Adorno, Theodore
Agorsa, E. Kofi
Albert, Reka
Alexandri, Alexandra
Allen, Harry
Allen, Jim
Allen, Melinda S.
Althusser, Louis
Amaral, Luis A. Nunes
Ames, Kenneth M.
Ammerman, Albert
Anderson, David
Anderson, Philip W.
Andrén, Anders
Andrews, T. D.
Aperlo, P.
Archer, Margaret S.
Arnold, Dean
Arnold, Jeanne
Asch, Michael
Asch, Solomon E.
Ashby, Thomas
Ashby, W. R.
Atkinson, Quentin
Aubrey, John
Axelrod, Robert
Axtell, Robert L.
Baffier, Dominique
Baines, John
Bak, Per
Baldwin, Thomas R.
Ball, John A.
Ball, Philip
Bancroft, Robin
Bapty, Ian
Barabási, Albert-László
Barfield, Lawrence
Barker, Alex W.
Barreau, G.
Barrett, John
Barrett, Louise
Barth, Fredrik
Barthes, Roland
Bar-Yosef, Ofer
Bascom, William R.
Beardsley, Richard K.
Bech, J.-H.
Bednarik, Robert G.
Bell, Gertrude
Bell, James
Bender, Barbara
Benjamin, Walter
Bennett, John W.
Bentley, R. Alexander
Bettinger, Robert L.
Bickerton, Derek
Biers, William
Biesle, Megan
Binford, Lewis R.
Bintliff, John L.
Bird David, Nurit
Blake, Michael
Bland, Roger
Blanot, John de
Blanton, Richard
Bloch, Maurice
Blust, Robert
Boas, Franz
Bodley, John H.
Boehm, Christopher W.
Boivin, Nicole
Bonabeau, Eric
Boone, James L.
Bordes, François
Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique
Borrero, Luis A.
Bouchard, Jean-Philippe
Bourdieu, Pierre
Bowles, Samuel
Boyd, Harriet
Boyd, Robert
Boyer, Pascal
Bradley, Richard
Brady, Liam
Braidwood, Robert
Brandom, Robert
Braudel, Fernand
Braun, David
Brew, J. Otis
Brodbeck, M.
Brooks, Alison S.
Brown, Alison K.
Brown, Clifford T.
Brown, James A.
Brues, Alice
Brumbach, Hetty Jo
Brumfiel, Elizabeth
Buchanan, Briggs
Buchli, Victor
Buhler, Roald
Buldyrev, Sergey V.
Burch, Ernest, Jr.
Burke, Heather
Burnham, Bonnie
Butler, Judith
Byrd, Brian
Cannon, Aubrey
Cannon, Michael D.
Carman, John
Carneiro, Robert L.
Carr, Star
Carstairs-McCarthy, A.
Carter, Howard
Carver, T.
Cassirer, Ernst
Castillo, Luis Jaime
Cauvin, Jacques
Cavalli-Sforza, L. L.
Cervantes, Miguel
Chagnon, Napoleon
Chakravarty, Shubha
Chalmers, D.
Chang, K. C.
Charnov, Eric L.
Chartier, Roger
Childe, V. Gordon
Chippindale, Christopher
Clark, Grahame
Clark, John
Clark, Manning
Clarke, David
Cochrane, Ethan E.
Cohen, Michael D.
Cohen, Ronald
Collard, Mark
Colledge, Sue
Colley, Sarah
Collingwood, R.
Colloredo-Mansfeld, Rudi
Colton, Harold S.
Compte, Auguste
Conkey, Margaret
Conolly, James
Conrad, Geoffrey W.
Conrad, Joseph
Cook, A. B.
Coon, Carleton
Cooper, John M.
Coquery-Vidrovich, Catherine
Cosmides, Leda
Coupland, Gary
Cowgill, George
Crawford, O. G. S.
Creveling, Marian C.
Crouch, Joe
Crumley, Carole L.
D’Altroy, Terrence
Daly, Richard
Daniel, Glyn
Darwent, John
David, Bruno
Davidson, Iain
Davies, Stuart
Davis, Emma Lou
Dawkins, Richard
Deacon, Terrence W.
Dean, Jeffery S.
Dee, John
Deloria, Vine, Jr.
Demarest, Arthur A.
Demarrais, Elizabeth
Dennett, Daniel
Denton, D.
d’Errico, Francesco
Derrida, Jacques
Descartes, René
Devalle, Susana B. C.
DeVore, Irven
Diakonov, Igor
Diamond, Jared
Dietler, Michael
Dixon, R. M. W.
Dommasnes, Liv Helga
Donald, Merlin
Dongoske, Kurt E.
Doran, James
Dornan, Jennifer L.
Dowson, Thomas A.
Drennan, Dick
Dunbar, Robin
Dungworth, D. B.
Dunnell, Robert C.
Durham, William H.
Durkheim, Emile
Earle, Timothy
Eder, James F.
Eerkens, Jelmer
Eggan, Fred
Ehrenberg, Margaret
Einstein, Albert
Eisenstadt, S. N.
Elias, Norbert
Elliott, Anthony
Ellis, Bob
Elston, Robert G.
Embree, Lester
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Engels, Friedrich
Ensor, Bradley
Epstein, Joshua M.
Estévez, Jordi
Evison, Martin P.
Ewers, John C.
Faron, Louis C.
Feathers, James K.
Feil, Daryl
Feinman, Gary
Feldman, Michael W.
Fiorelli, Giuseppe
Flannery, Kent V.
Fleming, Andrew M.
Fletcher, Roland
Flinders Petrie, William
Ford, James A.
Forde, C. Darryl
Forster, Johann Reinhold
Foucault, Michel
Fowler, Chris
Fowler, Don D.
Fox, Cyril
Frankenstein, Susan
Franklin, Maria
Freud, Sigmund
Fried, Morton H.
Friedman, Jonathan
Fritz, John
Gailey, Christine W.
Galison, Peter
Gardner, Andrew
Garfinkel, Harold
Garrod, Dorothy
Gates, Bill
Geertz, Clifford
Gell, Alfred
Gellner, Ernest
Gero, Joan
Gibbs, Liv
Gibson, J. J.
Giddens, Anthony
Gilbert, John
Gillespie, Susan
Gilman, Antonio
Gil-White, Francisco J.
Gimbutas, Marija
Gintis, Herbert
Gladwell, Malcolm
Gladwin, S.
Gladwin, W.
Gleick, James
Glover, Daniel S.
Godelier, Maurice
Goldenfeld, Nigel
Goldman, Irving
Golson, Jack
Goody, Jack
Gosden, Chris
Gould, Stephen J.
Gray, Russell
Grayson, Donald K.
Green, Roger
Greenberg, Joseph
Greene, Kevin
Greenwell, William
Grier, Colin
Groube, Les
Gumerman, George J.
Habermas, Jürgen
Habu, Junko
Hacker, Peter M. S.
Haeckel, Ernst
Hahn, Matthew W.
Hale, Horatio
Hall, Robert L.
Halstead, Paul
Hamilton, William
Hammel, Eugene
Hammond, Ross
Hampton, O. W.
Hancarville, Pierre d’
Handler, Richard
Harburger, Jason N.
Hardesty, Donald L.
Harris, Marvin
Harrison, R. J.
Harrison, Rodney
Hartman, Heidi
Harvey, David
Hasegawa, Masami
Hassan, Fekri
Hastorf, Christine A.
Havlin, Shlomo
Hawkes, Christopher
Hawkes, Jacquetta
Hawkes, Kristen
Hayden, Brian
Headland, Thomas N.
Heath, S. C.
Hedeager, Lotte
Hegel, G. W. F.
Hegmon, Michelle
Heidegger, Martin
Helmreich, Stefan
Helms, Mary
Hemming, Steve
Hempel, Carl G.
Henrich, Joseph
Henshilwood, Christopher
Herskovits, Melville J.
Herzog, Harold A.
Higgs, Eric S.
Higham, Charles
Hildebrand, Hans
Hill, James
Hill, Kim
Hillman, Gordon
Hines, John
Hitchcock, Robert K.
Hobbes, Thomas
Hobson, J. Allan
Hocart, A. M.
Hodder, Ian
Hodges, Henry
Holden, Clare J.
Holl, Augustin F. C.
Holmes, William H.
Holtorf, Cornelius
Hope Simpson, Richard
Horton, Robin
Hosler, Dorothy
Huffman, Thomas N.
Hume, David
Hunt, T. L.
Huntington, Ellsworth
Hurcombe, Linda
Hurst, Laurence
Isaac., Barbara
Isbell, William H.
Jackson-Nash, Barbara
Jankuhn, Herbert
Jarman, G.
Jarvenpa, Robert
Jaynes, Julian
Jennings, Jesse D.
Jochim, Michael
Johnson, G. A.
Johnson, Gregory A.
Johnson, Matthew
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, Andy
Jones, George T.
Jones, Lynn D.
Jones, Rhys
Jones, William
Jordan, Fiona
Jordan, Peter
Joyce, Arthur A.
Joyce, Rosemary A.
Julien, Michele
Junker, Laura
Kaiser, Hannah Jopling
Kant, Immanuel
Kaplan, Hillard
Kauffman, Stuart
Keegan, William
Kelertas, K.
Kelly, Robert L.
Kemp, Barry
Kennedy, Mary C.
Kent, Susan
Keyser, James D.
Kidder, Alfred V.
King, Cecil
Kirch, Patrick
Kirchoff, Paul
Kirsten, Ernst
Kishino, Hirohisa
Knapp, Bernard
Knappett, Carl
Koh, Wonyoung
Kohler, Timothy A.
Kossinna, Gustaf
Kowalewski, S. A.
Koyré, Alexander
Krantz, Grover
Kristiansen, Kristian
Kroeber, Alfred L.
Kuhn, Steven L.
Kuhn, Thomas
Kunstadter, Peter
Kuper, Adam
Kus, Susan M.
Lake, Mark W.
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste
Lane, Paul
Langford, Ros F.
Lansing, Stephen
Last, Jonathan
Latour, Bruno
Lawson, E. Thomas
Layard, Austen Henry
Layton, Robert
Lazenby, John
Leach, Edmund
Leacock, Eleanor
Leakey, Richard
Lee, Jong-Wook
Lee, Richard B.
Lehmann, Ernst
Leonard, Robert D.
Leone, Mark P.
Leschhorn, Heiko
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Levy, Janet
Lewis-Williams, J. David
Lewontin, Richard
Lightfoot, Kent G.
Lipe, William D.
Lipo, Carl P.
Locke, John
Logan, George C.
Longacre, William
Lorenzo, José L.
Loubser, Johannes H. N.
Lovell-Jones, Christine
Lowenthal, D.
Lubbock, John
Lucas, Gavin
Lull, Vicente
Lumsden, Charles J.
Lundberg, George
Lycett, John
Lyman, R. Lee
Maass, Philipp
Maclachlan, M.
MacLuer, Jean
MacNeish, Richard S.
Madsen, M. E.
Malafouris, Lambros
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Mallory, James
Manas, John
Manas, Louise
Mandt, Gro
Mann, Michael
Mapunda, Bertram
Marcus, Joyce
Marean, Curtis W.
Marx, Karl
Maschner, Herbert D. G.
Mason, O. T.
Mauss, Marcel
Mayr, Ernst
McBrearty, Sally
McBryde, Isabel
McCauley, Robert N.
McGimsey, Charles R.
McGuire, Randall H.
McKern, W.C.
McLellan, David
McLuhan, Marshall
McNiven, Ian J.
McNiven, Timothy
Mead, George Herbert
Meadow, Richard
Meggers, Betty J.
Mellaart, James
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Meskell, Lynn
Mézard, Marc
Michalove, P. A.
Micó, Rafael
Midgley, Mary
Milgram, Stanley
Milisauskas, Sarunas
Miller, Daniel
Millon, René
Mills, W.
Mirza, M. N.
Mitchell, Timothy
Mithen, Steven
Mobius, Karl
Moerman, M.
Monahan, Christofer M.
Montelius, Oscar
Montón, S.
Moore, John H.
Morell, Virginia
Morgan, Lewis H.
Morris, Ian
Moss, M.
Muller, Jon
Mullins, Paul R.
Mulvaney, D. John
Murdock, George P.
Murray, Tim
Myers, L. Daniel
Nabokov, Peter
Neel, James
Neff, Hector
Neiman, Fraser D.
Neitzel, Jill
Neliman, Guy
Nelson, Nels C.
Newton, Isaac
Nicholas, George P.
Nichols, Deborah
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Oberg, Kalervo
O’Brien, Michael J.
Oilman, Bertell
Orme, Bryony
Ormerod, Paul
Ortner, Sherry
Orton, Clive
O’Shea, John M.
Oswalt, Wendell
Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto
Panofsky, Erwin
Panter-Brick, Catherine
Pardoe, Colin
Parker, Jon
Parker, Miles
Parker, Patricia L.
Parsons, Jeffrey R.
Parsons, Talcott
Patrik, Linda
Patterson, Thomas
Pauketat, Timothy R.
Pawley, Andrew
Pearson, Michael Parker
Pearson, Richard
Peck, J. R.
Peebles, Christopher S.
Peers, Laura
Peirce, Charles S.
Pelegrin, Jacques
Peregrine, Peter N.
Perry, W.
Philippson, Alfred
Phillips, Philip
Picazo, Y. M.
Piggott, Stuart
Pinker, Steven
Pinkoski, Marc
Pitt-Rivers, Augustus Lane-Fox
Plekhanov, Georgi V.
Pliny the Elder
Plog, Fred
Plotkin, Henry C.
Pluciennik, M.
Polanyi, Karl
Pomeroy, Sarah
Potter, James
Potter, Parker B.
Pratt, Mary-Louise
Preucel, Robert
Price, Barbara J.
Price, T. Douglas
Prigogine, Ilya
Pynchon, Thomas
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.
Ramenofsky, Ann F.
Ramer, Manaster
Ramsauer, Georg
Ratzel, Friedrich
Reid, Lawrence A.
Renfrew, Colin
Richerson, Peter J.
Rickert, Heinrich
Rindos, David
Risch, Roberto
Robb, John
Roberts, Catherine
Robertson, Martin
Robin, Cynthia
Rosaldo, Renato
Rouse, Irving
Rouse, Joseph
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Rowlands, Michael
Rowley-Conwy, Peter
Roychowdhury, Vwani P.
Rozwadowski, A.
Ruscavage-Barz, Samantha
Russell, Lynette
Ryser, R. C.
Saab, Elias
Saab, Youssef
Sabloff, Jeremy
Sahlins, Marshall
Said, Edward
Saitta, Dean
Salinger, Michael A.
Salmon, Merrilee H.
Samuel, R.
Samuels, Stephan R.
Sanahuja, María Encarna
Sanders, William T.
Sanoja, Mario
Santley, Robert S.
Sapir, Edward
Sapolsky, Robert M.
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Sauer, Carl O.
Saussure, Ferdinand de
Savage, J. Saila
Sayer, Derek
Schiffer, Michael
Schliemann, Heinrich
Schrijvers, Joke
Schweitzer, Peter P.
Scott, James C.
Scott, Joan W.
Seaford, Richard
Semenov, S. A.
Semple, E. C.
Service, Elman
Shakespeare, William
Shanks, Michael
Sheehan, Michael
Shennan, Stephen
Shepherd, Nick
Silberman, N. A.
Silverblatt, Irene
Simkin, Mikhail V.
Simon, Herbert
Smith, Bruce
Smith, Claire
Smith, Eric A.
Smith, Grafton Elliott
Smith, Laurajane
Snow, C. P.
Sober, E.
Sørensen, Marie Louise Stig
Southall, Aidan
Spaulding, Albert C.
Spector, Janet
Spencer, Charles S.
Spencer, Herbert
Sperber, Dan
Spielman, Katherine A.
Spier, Leslie
Spriggs, Matthew
Stahl, Ann
Stanley, H. Eugene
Stanley, Michael H. R.
Startin, B.
Steinmetz, George
Stephan, Frederick
Stephens, John Lloyd
Steponaitis, Vincas P.
Stevenson, Matilda Coxe
Steward, Julian H.
Stiner, Mary C.
Stocking, George
Stone, Peter G.
Strogatz, S. H.
Surowiecki, James
Suzman, James
Swedlund, Alan C.
Swidler, Nina
Tainter, Joseph A.
Tang, Chao
Tansley, Arthur G.
Tauber, Henrik
Taylor, Donna
Taylor, Timothy
Taylor, Walter W.
Teglund, Maud
Tehrani, Jamshid J.
Telford, Denise
Terrell, John T.
Thomas, David H.
Thomas, Julian
Thomsen, C. J.
Tilley, Christopher
Tooby, John
Toulmin, Stephen
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph
Trendall, A. Dale
Trigger, Bruce
Trigger, David S.
Turkon, Paula
Turner, Victor
Tylor, Edward B.
Ucko, Peter
Underhill, Anne
Upham, Steadman
Uzzell, David
Van Buskirk, Stephanie
Van Pelt, M.
Van West, Carla
Vargas, Iraida
Vavilov, Nikolai
Veit, U.
Vetsigian, Kalin
Vico, Giambattista
Vidal de la Blache, Paul
Vila, Assumpció
von Neumann, John
Vygotsky, Lev S.
Wadley, Lyn
Walker, William H.
Wallerstein, Immanuel
Walsh, Kevin
Warner, Mark S.
Watkins, Joe E.
Watson, Patty Jo
Watts, Duncan J.
Weber, Max
Webster, Gary
Wedel, Waldo
Welch, Paul D.
Wells, Peter
West-Eberhard, Mary Jane
Westoff, Charles
Wheeler, Mortimer
Wheeler, Tessa
White, Leslie
White, Richard
Whitehouse, Harvey
Whitley, David S.
Wiesenfeld, Kurt
Wilhelmsen, Kris R.
Wilkinson, J. Richard
Willey, Gordon R.
Williams, Carlos
Williams, Raymond
Williamson, Christine
Wilson, Daniel
Wilson, D. S.
Wilson, Edward O.
Wilson, Samuel
Winckelmann, Johann
Winkelman, Michael
Winterhalder, Bruce
Witschey, Walter R. T.
Wittfogel, Karl A.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wobst, Martin
Woese, Carl
Wolf, Eric
Woodburn, James
Wright, Gary A.
Wright, Henry T.
Wylie, Alison
Yap, L.
Yates, Tim
Yellen, John
Yesner, David R.
Yoffee, Norman
Zahavi, Amotz
Zahavi, Avishag
Zarmati, Louise
Zihlman, Adrienne
Zilhão, João
Zimmerman, Larry J.