I wish to thank Carol Crawford Rowe, my sister, friend, companion, housemate, and editor, for her loyalty and collaboration on this novel.
I wish to thank Dr. David Foote, along with all my fellow Bohemians and Civil War Reenactor Friends, for their encouragement and support of the project.
I wish to also thank Laura Pearce, educator extraordinaire, for her assistance with the Student/Teacher Guide.
In addition, a special appreciation to the following for contributing letters of correspondence in their “first person” personas:
Mister Allan Stone as General Robert E. Lee
Miss Hannah Opdenaker as Miss Tillie Pierce
Mister Nick Korolev as Brigadier General William Averell and Captain Henry Bingham
Missus Sue Sodomin as Miss Clara Barton
Dr. David Foote as Mister David Foote