Seven Commitments for Collaboration

by David Emerald

1.Adopt a Creator Orientation—We commit to focus our attention on creating outcomes. Passion motivates the actions we take in expressing and manifesting our shared vision. We address problems in service to the accomplishment of our outcomes and increase our capacity to create by learning from each step as we get closer to—and clearer about—our desired outcomes.

2.Act as Co-Creators—We are all Creators and commit to work together as partners in creating outcomes. We use hierarchy sparingly and consciously. We harness our individual and collective power to create and support our co-creating as Challengers and Coaches. Our politics are authentic and respectful of the diversity of viewpoints. When things do not go smoothly, we assume innocent intent of others.

3.Speak to Outcomes—We commit to be conscious of how we speak and to focus our form of interaction on the purpose and outcomes at hand as we work through issues and opportunities. We balance advocacy for action with inquiry to understand all viewpoints. We are open to being influenced in our deliberations. We use dialogue when we need to deepen our understanding before advocating action.

4.Challenge Assumptions—We commit to identify and challenge assumptions—first our own individually and then those of others and the team. We agree to reaffirm and/or revise those assumptions which serve our mission and purpose and to let go of those that inhibit or no longer serve our creating. We periodically review our assumptions.

5.Listen for Possibility—We commit to listen to one another openly and generously, seeking always to understand others’ viewpoints. We suspend our own assessments and assumptions while listening for the possibilities in others’ perspectives.

6.Harness Dynamic Tension—We have a bias for action and engage dynamic tension in manifesting outcomes. We clarify our vision and/or outcomes. We identify and leverage supporting and helpful aspects of current reality and solve problems and eliminate inhibitors to our success. We progress by taking “baby steps” that move us closer to our outcomes—and we welcome the breakthroughs and leaps that accelerate our advancement.

7.Hold One Another Accountable—We commit to support and hold one another accountable as we adopt these new ways of being and working together. We know growth requires change. We compassionately confront old, outmoded, and unconscious behaviors when they occur, while affirming one another and celebrating when we experience actions that reflect our aspirations.