1. The author uses motivations to put the story into motion. What are the motivations at the beginning of the novel for each character? How do they change as the story progresses?
2. Although the author uses multiple points of view to tell the story, who would you consider to be the main character or characters?
3. How do life choices affect the trajectory of the novel?
4. Does the revelation of Renaldo Luna’s father alter the way the reader sees the first novel, Too Late to Say Goodbye?
5. The Tulsa Underworld series starts with a trilogy focusing on the Siriano Crime Organization. What other threads do the three novels focus on and examine?
6. The title of the novel is linked to the final emotional point. Does using this impact the story in any way? Does the revelation change how the reader interprets the events?
7. What are the major themes of this novel?
8. Do these themes differ from the themes of the previous two in the series? How are they similar, and how do they differ?
9. How do all the major threads come to an end in A New Day Starts Here? What threads were left open? Does that bother the reader?
10. The author promises to entertain the reader. Were you entertained?
11. The author uses dialogue to move the story and reveal information. How does this affect the act of reading? Does it reveal character insights better or worse than an interior monologue?
12. Frankfort Corbin is a unique character. Who in popular media could Frank be based upon? Who would you cast as Frank in a screen adaptation?
13. Would the Tulsa Underworld Trilogy work for the screen (movie/TV)? What would be lost if adapted for the screen? What would be enhanced?
14. The author uses present tense to tell the story. How does this affect the reading experience? Did you like this? Did you dislike this? Why?
15. The author focuses on complex, dynamic relationships. What were some of the relationships in this novel?