Keep reading!” Veronica shouted at Julian.

“That’s it. There isn’t anything else. It looks like some pages were ripped out. Or maybe he started another journal.” He showed her the book.

“You are trying to trick us.” Veronica was angry and she struck him with her diamond sword.

“No, see for yourself. There aren’t any other pages.” Julian showed Veronica the book again.

Veronica was annoyed. “We have to get those missing pages. I am going to find William. I am going to get credit for discovering the world-famous explorer.”

“We want to find William because we want him to be free. We aren’t doing it so everyone in the Overworld will respect and look up to us. We are doing it for him.” Julian looked at Veronica.

“Semantics. We all want to find him. And I will be first.” She smiled and ran off to join Valentino.

Harriet watched them take off. “Do you think they’ll find the missing pages before we do?”

Julian replied, “I don’t know. But we’d better start looking.”

“Where should we start?” asked Harriet.

Julian said, “I think we should really spend our time searching for Oliver first. And then we need to make our way back to the Nether.”

Everyone agreed. They walked through the desert, hoping they would find Oliver. They called his name aloud, but there was no response.

“Do you think he is being kept prisoner?” asked Harriet.

“You’re right!” Julian’s face lit up. “He probably respawned in the stronghold underneath the desert temple and can’t escape.”

The gang ran toward the desert temple. Toby spotted the hole in the ground. “This is the entrance to the stronghold where Oliver was kept prisoner before.”

The group entered the stronghold. The first room was infested with silverfish. They took out their diamond swords and began to destroy the small insects. Although the pesky creatures weren’t as harmful as other mobs, the sheer number of silverfish that blanketed the floor of the main room in the stronghold was overpowering.

Jack called out, “We need to find the spawner and deactivate it!”

“Yes, I’ll try and find it,” called Harriet. “Keep fighting!” She sprinted deeper into the stronghold in search of the spawner. She found it in a small room off the main hallway and called for help.

Jack sprinted toward Harriet and helped her deactivate the spawner.

They raced back to their friends and helped destroy the remaining silverfish. The gang explored the rest of the stronghold, searching for the room where Oliver had been kept prisoner.

“Oliver!” Julian called out.

“Ouch!” Toby cried. “I’ve been struck by an arrow.”

Harriet looked ahead and yelled, “Skeletons!”

A small group of skeletons approached the group. Everyone took out their weapons, but they were all very low on energy and had to win this battle fast or they would be destroyed. It was a dangerous battle. Julian struck one of the bony beasts with his diamond sword, destroying it. The skeleton dropped a bone and Julian quickly picked it up and placed it in his inventory.

Jack battled two skeletons with his diamond sword and he skillfully obliterated both of them. They dropped bones, which he collected.

“We did it! We destroyed the skeletons!” Harriet was excited for their victory.

“I’m worried that our energy levels are getting too low,” Julian said as he handed potions of strength to the gang. “Drink these to regain your strength.”

The group drank the potions. As Harriet finished, she looked down on the ground. “What’s that?” she asked as she leaned over to pick up pages off the floor.

Julian stood next to Harriet. “I think those are the missing pages from the journal.”

Harriet asked, “How did they get here?” She leafed through the pages and confirmed, “These are definitely the missing pages.”

“However they got here, we have to read them,” said Toby.

“No, we need to find Oliver first. I don’t like being in this stronghold. It makes us vulnerable. Charles could trap us down here,” Julian argued, walking deeper into the stronghold before anyone could stop him.

Harriet hesitated. “I think I hear something.”

“Me too,” said Ezra. “It sounds like it’s coming from behind that wall.”

A muffled voice called out, “Is someone there? Help me!”

“It sounds like Oliver!” Julian sprinted toward the sound of the voice.

As the voice grew louder, the group became more hopeful. They wanted to find their friend Oliver and free him from the stronghold.

“It sounds like he is trapped over here.” Julian ran to a wall and took out his pickaxe. He banged against the wall.

“I see a hole!” Oliver called out. “Is that you, Julian?”

“It’s me!” he shouted back. “We’ll save you—don’t worry! It will only take a few minutes.”

A loud laugh boomed through the stronghold. “You think I’m going to let him escape me twice?” It was Charles. He stood behind the group, and pointed his diamond sword at them.

“You can’t trap Oliver. We are going to free him and find William. Your reign of terror is over,” Julian shouted at the villain.

“What a nice plan. If only you could actually follow through with it. You are all now my prisoners.” He called to a group of soldiers dressed in black, “Get them!”

The soldiers sprinted toward the gang and began to strike them with their diamond swords.

“Stop!” Charles ordered the soldiers. “Take them to their new home.” He let out another loud sinister laugh.

The group was defeated. Julian asked, “Can’t we stay with Oliver?”

“No, he will stay alone in his prison. You will be kept separate from him. Enjoy your life in a prison cell.” Charles’s laugh grew deeper.

The gang was led into a small room lined with beds. The soldiers closed the door behind them. Almost immediately, a silverfish spawned in the center of the room. Julian hit the insect with his diamond sword.

“What are we going to do?” asked Toby.

The group could hear Oliver crying for help and they felt powerless. They were all upset that they were being kept prisoner and were losing hope quickly. Harriet took the missing journal pages from her inventory and said, “We’re going to read.”