Thankfully, Jancz and like left Tekton well alone while the hybrid ‘zoon navigated away from Intel. Hybrids required much more command attention than unfettered biozoons—they were less inclined to think for themselves and had to be watched for neuroses. Or so he’d heard.

This one, he guessed, would be in deep in neuroses; any creature as unhealthy and abused would be.

So Tekton used the time getting the DSD to propagate outcomes from the Post-Species threat. The device, he knew, could be utilised to change things—to alter history before it became so. But how to identify at what point change should be introduced to the system? With so many potential transformations, Tekton felt lost in a sea of possibilities.

Even logic-mind floundered.

In desperation, Tekton focused on Lasper Farr, tracking the Commander’s movements and wishing he could somehow glean an idea of what to do from mere observation. He spent hours and hours on this pursuit, stopping only to steal the short distance to the galley, procure something edible and hasten back to his locked cabin.

Of all the thousands of scenes that he viewed, one image cache particularly caught his attention—Farr and Bethany Ionil on the bridge of his ship, arguing.

Tekton still couldn’t fathom how the device captured such extensive visual feed, or how it reliably relayed the information. One of Sole’s secrets, no doubt.

If only cousin Ra was here to ask. Not that the obstinate fellow ever gave Tekton a straight answer about anything.

The mystery of the device left logic-mind with grave doubts. How could Tekton even know if what he watched was authentic? The events could be randomly generated imaginings, not real occurrences.

And yet free-mind wanted to trust it. After all, Sole was behind its creation, and Tekton had glimpsed briefly—terrifyingly—the depth and breadth of the Entity’s intelligence.

He shuddered, remembering the assault on his senses, the deluge of knowledge and the overwhelming enigma of the universe. It had left him floundering to recover, saturated in the shock of his own limitations.

‘Focus on Lasper Farr,’ he told the device. ‘Closer.’

The star-verse of glittering motes brightened, and he fell forward again, using facial movements to direct and slow his focus. Bethany was there with Lasper, in the place he fell to, and so was a bulky round-faced ‘esque who towered over the pair. The three stood in a large cabin aboard a ship. Lasper’s ship, Tekton thought, recognising the stark lack of decoration in the Commander’s cabin.

Tekton stepped closer to Bethany, assessing her mood and state of mind, all the while wondering how it could feel so completely and utterly real. Did they... Could they know he was there? Was this the present, or had this already played out? A thousand questions tugged at logic-mind, while free-mind let go and immersed itself in the surroundings.

‘Where is it, Beth?’ asked Farr quietly.

Tekton had never seen the Commander look so pale or tense. His displeasure would’ve given Tekton great satisfaction, if the man’s wrath hadn’t been directed at Bethany. She was smart and sweet, and direct in a way that Tekton had found refreshing. She’d also resisted his advances, which made her even more desirable than she’d originally been.

Stop it! Tekton clamped down on free-mind’s akula rush and listened.

‘I don’t have it, Lasper. You’d do better to question your enemies, not your sister.’

‘I’m comforted to hear you say that.’ Her brother gave her a small and humourless smile. ‘Unfortunately, I don’t believe you.’

Bring them in, Farr sub-vocalised so discreetly that only Tekton, in his privileged position of surveillance, could hear.

The cabin door flew open with such force that Tekton stepped back instinctively. Soldiers marched Samuelle into the room.

‘Get her out of that thing,’ Farr ordered.

At gunpoint, they forced the old ‘esque to shed her combat suit.

To Tekton’s acute mortification, the woman was naked underneath. Though her wiry physique had been kept well conditioned by the suit’s muscle stimulators, she was old, and her skin looked several sizes too big for her skeleton. It hung from her neck and belly and arms like a loose shift.

‘Lasper!’ cried Bethany. ‘This is unnecessary. Why are you doing this?’

Samuelle was the one who answered. ‘Cos he’s scared, Beth. Someone’s stolen his little god machine, and he’s shittin’ himself.’ She put her hands on her hips, refusing to be shamed.

Tekton found himself overcome by a gross fascination. He wanted to touch her old body, feel its age. But his attention shifted back to Bethany, who rounded on her brother with a quick, intense fury.

‘You’re insane, brother. Orion is being destroyed around us and you’re worrying about some ridiculous prescience device. Geni-carriers are being reported in thousands of star systems. Thousands of worlds aren’t replying to ‘cast signals, meaning that they’ve either disbanded their shift spheres or been annihilated.’

‘And why do you think that’s happening, Beth?’ said Lasper quietly.

She stared at him.

Samuelle cleared her throat and took a step forward, so that she formed a close triangle with them. Again, Tekton felt an overwhelming desire to touch her.

‘He thinks he can run things with it. One of those god-fuckers gave it to him, and he thinks he can make things go his way. Save us or fuck us over, dependin’ on what he feels like.’

Farr transferred the focus of his gaze to Samuelle. ‘You know nothing, you mouthy old bag of meat.’ He flicked one of the guards a look, and the ‘esque punched Sammy in the back, below the ribs.

The old woman went down without a sound.

‘Lasper!’ screamed Bethany. She leapt to Sammy’s side.

Tekton found himself clutching his own back in sympathy.

Straighten up, fool, free-mind told him.

You’re just an observer, logic-mind reminded him.

But Tekton couldn’t separate himself from what was happening. He knew Sammy, after a fashion. He’d shared a cabin with her for a short time, watched her sleep and dream, and worry. She was a good woman despite her flaccid old age.

Good woman! Both minds choked out an exclamation as Sammy regained her feet with Bethany’s help.

‘He’s rattled, Beth. Lost his grip. He’s blind without that device, vulnerable as you or me. More so, cos we can live without it. He don’t know what to do now. Can’t make a decision without it. And everyone’s waiting for him to do something grand.’

Bethany let go of Sammy and advanced on her brother. ‘I don’t have your device, Lasper. And neither does—’

But a pounding at the door stopped her.

Lasper blinked at one of the guards, who opened it.

Jelly Hob ran, out of breath, into the room. His mouth sagged open at the sight of Samuelle’s nakedness. ‘Aww, Sammy.’ He automatically began to remove his filthy tunic.

‘Hob? What is it?’ Lasper gripped Bethany’s arm and shifted her back out of the way. Her face contorted as he held her in a painful grip.

‘It’s yer device, Commander. I come to tell ya. Weren’t Sammy who took it! Or her.’ He pointed at Beth.

‘How do you know?’ said Lasper.

Tekton shifted his invisible presence to stand alongside Hob. Don’t tell him, Jelly. Don’t say anything, he shouted.

Hob draped his tunic around Sammy. ‘Commander, let her get dressed.’

‘Jeremiah!’ rasped out Sammy. ‘Think before you speak.’

He smiled at her, a wrinkled, heartfelt movement of his battered face. ‘Not lettin’ you take me blame, Sammy,’ he replied softly, and looked across at Lasper. ‘Was me, Commander. Least, not me that took it, but me that was there, and let it be took.’

Farr let go of Bethany. ‘Speak plainly, Jelly. Or I’ll skin that dry parchment that keeps your organs in place.’

‘You’ll be doin’ that anyways, I’d be thinking, Commander. Was the Godhead, Tekton, that took it! I found ‘im in here when youse was stationside. He was wearin’ Sammy’s other suit, and fetchin’ to get off the ship.’

‘Tekton of Lostol. On my ship? You’re sure it was him?’

No one spoke.


Tekton recognised the dangerous edge to Lasper’s tone.

Bethany did too, but she stood resolute against it. ‘I haven’t seen Tekton since Edo. I thought he’d returned home.’

She didn’t waver or flinch in her reply, and Farr turned back to Hob. ‘Are you saying that Tekton of

Lostol... Tekton... took my device? How...? Did you bring him on board?’

Hob shrugged and nodded. Sammy moved closer to him, her scrawny shoulder touching his.

‘I picked him up fallin’ free in the well on Edo. Not far from yer worshipping place. He wuz in a taxi, bein’ savaged by detrivores. Got him out jus’ in time. Whole thing disintegrated.’ He made an appropriate noise. ‘Can’t think what he wuz doin’ there.’

Farr’s eyebrows lifted almost imperceptibly. Surprise. And irritation.

Tekton danced a few restless steps around them all. Yes, you psychopath! he shouted. I’m not dead! And I’ve got your precious device.

‘And you brought him aboard?’

‘Didn’t know what else ta do wiv him, sir. He wuz kinda lost. I wuz thinkin’ ta drop him off at Intel. Let him be on his way.’

‘With my device?’ Farr’s tone had lost its quiet control, a note of wildness creeping in.

‘Din’t know he’d nicked it. Found him here all right. Figured he wuz just bein’ nosy, you know, seein’ how a fancy Commander lives and stuff. I took him down to the cargo bay and let him out. He musta taken yer thing when me back was turned.’

Hob’s explanation was so simple and ingenuous that Farr seemed confounded by it. Fists clenched, he stalked to a corner of the room and stood there, processing the situation.

Tekton watched Samuelle take Jelly Hob’s hand and squeeze it. She gave him a grateful smile for protecting her part in it.

As Hob grinned at her, Tekton was filled with conflicting emotions yet again. Delight led the field; he’d annoyed and trumped Lasper Farr in no uncertain terms. But worry undermined his pleasure—what had Lasper thought to use the device for? How had he planned to prevent the Extros from taking Orion? What would the repercussions be?

Then another kind of concern began gnawing. What would the insane Commander do to Jelly Hob now?

Of all the ‘esques Tekton had ever met, Hob was the only one to have stirred any real sense of gratitude in him. Tekton didn’t even hold it against him that he’d told Farr who’d stolen the device. He was right to protect Samuelle. Consilience—their independent political organisation—might be the only group capable of stopping the Extros. And for Consilience to operate, Samuelle and Bethany needed to survive.

As Lasper stepped out of his corner and paced one quick circuit of the cabin, Tekton placed his imagined hand on Hobb’s shoulder, willing the old fellow to do something clever to save himself.

Then Tekton saw the Commander become very still, as though shocked into immobility. After a long, uncertain moment, he cleared his throat.

‘Kill the pair of them,’ Lasper told his men. Then he pointed to Bethany. ‘And lock her in her cabin—for now.’