There are many people to thank when it comes to the preparation of a book. I cannot begin to name all those who have had a hand in helping me with this endeavor. So let me just say thank you, in the loudest possible voice, to the individuals who have been so generous with their time and thoughts. I would like to deliver particular words of thanks to the following folks:
The students of University Laboratory High School, without whom there would be no book. Thank you for your insights, your generous responses to my questions, your insatiable curiosity, and your never-ending ability to make me laugh. I have learned more from you than I can say.
The teachers at Uni High, for their collaboration and for allowing me to play with their classes. Special thanks to ultra–good sports Billy Vaughn, Steve Rayburn, Janet Morford, and Suzanne Linder.
The staff at my library—Runelle Shriver and graduate assistants Corinne Hatcher, Jenny Snow, Natalie Sapkarov, and Julia Burns—for supporting our students, teachers, and me as I slogged through the second edition of this book.
My personal learning network for all the tweeting, blogging, networking, and continuous support that I cannot imagine doing without. You know who you are!
My sons, Daniel and Simon, now well into adulthood, for sharing their hindsight (and present sight), putting up with my stories, and giving me their moral support.
My husband, Mitch, my dance partner for life.